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Any Lesser Known Conspiracies or Unsolved Mysteries out there?

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posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 10:37 PM
The US election cycle notwithstanding.... I still like (choose) to believe that ATS is better than an anonymous version of Facebook (with Trump/Hillary threads essentially being memes). On that note, I'm asking for some help.

Depending on our age, we all grew up with the following mysteries/conspiracy theories (to name a few):
1) Bigfoot/Yeti
2) Area 51 and/or Roswell
3) Loch Ness Monster
4) Kennedy and the grassy knoll

I guess I'd call that the first level of mysteries/conspiracies. Of course many of us grew up and learned that there is not Bigfoot, nor was there an alien crash in the US desert.

Although many/most/almost ALL of the conspiracy theories or unsolved mysteries I hear about I take with a healthy number of grains of salt... I still find them entertaining to read about and think about. That is the purpose of this thread and what I'm looking for. Or to put it another way, I've ran out of mysteries/conspiracies to read about (as far fetched as some of them may be). I'll call these second level (or in some cases "lesser known" mysteries/conspiracies).

Some examples and some of my favorite lesser known mysteries/theories:

1) Dyatlov Pass incident (awesome and perhaps belonging in the first level)

2) The Filiberto Caponi incident. (I know - or truly believe - this was a hoax but reading about Caponi's alleged encounter was one of my FAVORITE reads and I actually got chills when I let my imagination get away from me). You can check it out HERE but there are also other photos floating around).

3) Varo-Jessup: The Case for the U.F.O. (otherwise known as the Varo-Jessup Edition). This was a book that was written by (basically) nobody special... until a copy of the book made its way to the authorities with "mysterious" annotations written in different color pens that "appeared" to have been written by those with knowledge of extraterrestrial beings... or by ET's themselves. As with the Caponi case, I'm sure it's a hoax but I still find it interesting and an enjoyable read. A PDF of the book is HERE

4) As a HUGE Jackie Gleason fan I'm embarrassed to admit that only recently I heard about the (ridiculous) fantastical tale about Nixon taking Jackie Gleason to Area 51 and showing him some dead aliens. Of course this "revelation" came from Gleason's widow (or was it his ex-wife) after Gleason's death... so there's that. As absurd as the story is, I find it wildly entertaining to think about.

Other things that I love to read about and wonder about are things like the Suicide Forest in Japan (which is real but seems to have a mysterious element that MIGHT be a cultural thing) and... how could I not mention.... Planet Nibiru.

In conclusion.... I've read about SO many mysteries and conspiracy theories and alleged alien encounters and all of that to a point where I fear I've almost run out of finding new things to read about. So, if anyone reading this has the desire and the time, by all means please give me some new, lesser known but big mysteries to read about, think about, debunk... whatever.

Thanks in advance.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: eluryh22

Go back through the archives of ATS. It's a veritable treasure trove.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
a reply to: eluryh22

Go back through the archives of ATS. It's a veritable treasure trove.

Perfectly good advice.

That's actually how I learned about the Jackie Gleason - Nixon thing.
(Still can't believe I never knew about that until recently).

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: eluryh22

originally posted by: Snarl
a reply to: eluryh22

Go back through the archives of ATS. It's a veritable treasure trove.

Perfectly good advice.

That's actually how I learned about the Jackie Gleason - Nixon thing.
(Still can't believe I never knew about that until recently).

LOL ... it's gettin' late. Don't drag me back over near the rabbit hole. Okay?

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: eluryh22

originally posted by: Snarl
a reply to: eluryh22

Go back through the archives of ATS. It's a veritable treasure trove.

Perfectly good advice.

That's actually how I learned about the Jackie Gleason - Nixon thing.
(Still can't believe I never knew about that until recently).

LOL ... it's gettin' late. Don't drag me back over near the rabbit hole. Okay?

You're off the hook.... temporarily.

Be well.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 11:07 PM
I've always thought that Abdulqaadir Menepta A.K.A Melvin Lattimore hasn't gotten nearly the attention he deserves from the CT community. Here's a guy that can be linked to the bombing of the twin towers in 93, the OKC bombing, and 9/11 and there just isn't much text out there on the guy.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: eluryh22

I am with you. Maybe being old has something to do with it all. Read it all. Looking for something to get your teeth into and seems everything has been shut down. Mostly just the govt false flags left. Maybe they all always were.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: eluryh22

Good opening. Im stuck as well, but wanted to thank you for offering the Jessup case in the thread. I never heard of this one. Just downloaded it.

Seems we all are feeling cases are getting repetitive. 👍

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: eluryh22

1) Is there a "Miranda" web, that is harder to access than the deep web?
2) Who started cicada 3301? What happens to the winner?
3) Why are the Russian and Chinese lying about selling weapons to other nations?
4) Who was D. B. Cooper? (most people don't know or remember this guy)
5) What's with Heaven's Gate website still responding to emails?
6) Who actually founded/created Bitcoin?
7) What's with all the strange google street view photos?
8) What is the Dark Knight satellite? Is it man made, and if so who launched it?
9) Does NASA over doctor its released photographs? Does NASA have a secret archive?
10) Where was George H. W. Bush on the day JFK jr's plane crashed?
11) Where is N. Korea's Room 39? What happens there?
12) Why does the US Congress not publicly release its reports, despite many Senators wanting to release?
13) How much gold does the US have in its reserves? Why is it going to take so long to count it?

That's all I got for now, I know I can think of more...

Cheers and have fun in the wonderful world of speculative ideologies/conspiracy theory.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 11:25 PM
Hollow Earth

Artificial Moon

Secret Nazi base in the Antarctic

Mankind created by Aliens

'Super' race of people preceding mankind

Maybe not 'lesser known' but fun all the same.

edit on 22-7-2016 by berenike because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 11:43 PM
We are the "Ancient Aliens" and the moon was the ecosphere that brought us here
Mine , all mine as far as the Conspiracy.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: eluryh22

Thank you for telling me about some things I missed. Very cool. S&F for you sir!

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: hubrisinxs

I really like your list.
I do believe an Australian named Craig Wright has came out as the creator of Bitcoin with proof by moving coins known to belong only to the creator. He did this awhile after the dumbass press ambushed some poor guy in California with the actual name of Satoshi Nakamoto. Of course that is only a psuedonym. I could be wrong though. Guy is a hero genius whomever they are.

I have no idea who DB Cooper really was but i definitely believe he survived his skydive and escaped. He even buried a wad of the cash taken confirmed by serial numbers on a beach so i have seen in a documentary. Kind of like a "F you, i made it" to authorities.

The Bush family definitely had something to do with the Kennedy assasination(s) imo.

The cicada 3301 puzzle is definitely very intriguing. I personally believe it as a way for either a company or a government or organization to recruit extremely smart and talented individuals.

I also believe the US has next to nothing left in its gold reserves. I believe i have seen or read that analyzing the photos taken during the only visit to Fort Knox shows that a bunch of the bars in the photos are fake and even better if not fake the math says the amount of gold they claim is there could not possibly fit in the dimensions and layout of the place.

I have not heard anything about a few others you have listed. Like room 39. Off to dig now lol.

Im really interested in the Nazis escaping to the Antarctic conspiracy. At the least, i do not buy for a second it was the real Adolf Hitler whom the Russians came across in that bunker down there. No way. DNA says otherwise and common sense. The whole Antarctic thing in general with Admiral Byrd - hollow Earth.

I also dont know about Ancient Aliens per say but i definitely believe some form of creation is behind Human DNA and we were dropped off here on Earth so to speak.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 12:45 AM
Is ATS a CIA asset?

What role does Christopher Green play here and what is his username?

Why does this website have so many technical issues on a regular basis?

By the way, what makes you so sure that bigfoot doesn't exist or that aliens didn't crash at Roswell?
edit on 7 23 2016 by Tuomptonite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 02:38 AM
Honestly, when I feel like I've exhausted all currently available knowledge, I go back and read Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs. There's always something I find that I haven't totally beaten to death. Honestly, i'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I bought Our Occulted History and Population Control as soon as they came out but I still haven't fully exhausted all of RbS so I haven't even so much as opened either

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: eluryh22

One of the strangest conspiracies I ever heard was the fact that the Titanic did not in fact sink. It was fascinating, and the lecture I watched was an intellectual giving a lecture at a University in England (not sure where, I can't remember, it's been a while, but it wasn't fringe, it was academic). Anyway, it's an absolutely fascinating discourse that I actually do believe.

Oh, just a quick note...he's not saying no ship sank, but that the Titanic's sister ship (The Olympic) was replaced at the last second to scuttle that damaged boat for insurance reasons. No one was supposed to die but the staged rescue ship screwed up. Check it out...

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: lightedhype

I am glad you liked the list. There are a lot more secret buildings than just Room 39. There is also, the NSA's data collection center, and MI6's SIS building, you can't even take a picture of that place. There are other buildings in North Korea too, like the super hotel and the new science building.

Recently I just came across a new mysterious youtube video, of which there are 1000000. This one is really old, maybe 12 plus years, but it still not well explained...

WARNING, some people might find this video upsetting. This is the "Blank Soup Room".avi on youtube. Kinda neat and the girl in the blog does some good research.

I think Hitler was on a U-boat that came up and surrendered to Argentia a few weeks after Berlin had fallen. There is a pic of an old man some woman set to J. Edgar Hover that looks like an 80-year-old Hitler.

Not sure if I would put much faith in the hollow earth theory, sounds as crazy as a flat earth.

Keep digging. and

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: Arizonaguy

To be completely candid, I've only heard about this person in passing (but I appreciate the reminder).

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

I hear ya... although... I'm not even THAT old. Just curious. Very, very curious.

I think part of the problem is there is SO MUCH noise out there it is becoming increasingly harder to find a sober voice.

Now that I think about it, you are on to something with the false flags (since there are SO many).

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: Bigburgh

I never heard of this one.

THAT is what I'm looking for in this thread. I'm very much interested in finding new "things" to look into.

Even if some of these things are clearly hoaxes or nonsense.... if they provide a good story and something to wonder about... I'm all in.

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