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Limited Constitutional Government is DEAD.

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posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: Joelombo
Get this - Glenn Beck has said Constitution over 32,000 times this month alone obviously he is the best man for the job, maybe he would even channel wisdom straight from planet Klobob.

Or maybe it's high time you religious freaks understand that society and BOTH political parties have moved past your delusions.

What does this have to do with religion? Especially considering the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment?

And let's say he did say that word 30,000 times the last month, it shows that it's important to him. That was my point, what is important to a man is what the speak about.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: Blueracer
a reply to: NOTurTypical

You watched and counted yourself?

No, but a friend did and I copied her data. I suppose one could go back and verify the totals if they want to.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: NOTurTypical
They hate Conservatives more than the Democrats.

We need a Conservative in the White House just as much as we need someone from the Far Left.

Then you will never return to a Republican form of limited government. Statism will rule and we will be no different than the fall of the Roman Empire.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: NOTurTypical
Then you will never return to a Republican form of limited government. Statism will rule and we will be no different than the fall of the Roman Empire.

Conservatives have clearly demonstrated that they are no more opposed to big government authoritarianism than leftists. They just have different pet planks of their platform to prosecute.

edit on 23-7-2016 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer but at least he is not a religious nutter

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

That's a common misunderstanding. When I was a Republican we called the people who campaigned as Conservative, and who were elected as Conservatives but who when they arrived at Washington legislated as big-government Statists, RINOs. As in, Republican in Name Only.

My father taught me a long time ago when we had a Republican majority in the House and I asked why they acted like Liberals, "Son, we have a Republican majority, we don't have a Conservative majority."

In red states, the moderate/Statists Republicans have to campaign as Conservatives to get elected by the party base, but oftentimes they don't legislate as they campaigned they would. It also seems like this is a Republican deficiency only. You rarely see Democrats campaign as Progressive Liberals and when they get to Washington then legislate as limited-government Conservatives. So not everyone who claims they are a Conservative actually legislates as one, the proof is in the pudding and not the claims from the campaign trail.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: NOTurTypical
Then why didn't you cite your friend in the OP. You should have at least verified for yourself.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Blueracer
a reply to: NOTurTypical
Then why didn't you cite your friend in the OP. You should have at least verified for yourself.

I could have, but I trust her very much.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: NOTurTypical
That's a common misunderstanding.

There is no misunderstanding whatsoever. Their own platform gets itself involved with other people's concerns:

    Life Begins at Conception and Ends at Natural Death
    Marriage is Between One Man and One Woman

    Sounds like big government statism couched in religious nuttery if you ask me. They need to mind their own business.

    posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 01:21 PM
    a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

    Yes, there is a misunderstanding. RINOs aren't Conservatives, they hate Conservatives. Neo-Cons aren't Conservatives, they likewise hate Conservatives, yet both Neo-Cons and RINOs all seem to love campaigning as limited government Constitutional Conservatives.

    When I was a Republican we were hated by the establishment of the GOP, which cares only about growing the Federal government and appeasing the K-Street lobbyists and the Chamber of Commerce. Actual Conservatives are rare, and hated by the GOP establishment.

    Think about Reagan and Bush, both said they were Conservatives, yet the Bush/Rockafeller wing of the GOP hated Reagan. He was a Conservative, Bush was a big government Statist who called himself a Conservative for political expediency.

    edit on 7 23 2016 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

    posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 01:32 PM
    a reply to: NOTurTypical

    I just provided and excerpt from the Conservative Party platform. They are very much interested in creating more laws to limit other people's rights. No difference between them and the left wing. They both want to tell you what to do, it just happens that the Conservative Party has a good deal of religious wackadoodles in there.

    posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 05:04 PM
    a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

    Okay, you're just trolling now.

    posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:57 AM

    originally posted by: NOTurTypical
    Okay, you're just trolling now.

    How about, instead of being lame, addressing the quotes from the Conservative Party platform which shows they want more laws, ergo bigger government, and trying to tell me how they are not big government statists.

    posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 10:01 AM

    originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

    originally posted by: NOTurTypical
    Okay, you're just trolling now.

    How about, instead of being lame, addressing the quotes from the Conservative Party platform which shows they want more laws, ergo bigger government, and trying to tell me how they are not big government statists.

    Why? That's an off topic distraction from the OP. You're at the point now where you aren't even engaging the topic and are trying to mock and ridicule Christians and he Constitution Party. You're trolling now and not even addressing the OP, which is pointing out how far the GOP has fallen away from the ideals of the party since 1964.

    Why should I engage your off topic trolling?

    posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 10:07 AM

    originally posted by: NOTurTypical
    Why? That's an off topic distraction from the OP.

    If it was so far off topic why did you reply? Their is no difference in the scope of government when trying to discern between a Conservative and a Liberal. They both want to govern through larger bureaucracy and additional, superfluous laws. They just have differing foundations for their statist, authoritarian agendas.

    You're at the point now where you aren't even engaging the topic and are trying to mock and ridicule Christians and he Constitution Party.

    Sorry Francis, that was not the 'Constitution Party' I was quoting, that was the Conservative Party, the form of government you expressly suggested, that I was quoting. Addresses their big government motives that you obviously think are ideal.

    And to be blunt, I do not need to ridicule far right Christians, they do a good enough job making assholes out of themselves.

    edit on 24-7-2016 by AugustusMasonicus because: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

    posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 10:13 AM
    a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

    A Conservative loves the 10th Amendment, loves Federalism. Believes that if something isn't an enumerated power of the Fed in the Constitution then it should be a matter left to each state. That's my views on things like abortion, gay marriage, et cetra. Leave those to the states, the Constitution doesn't say anything whatsoever about marriage.

    The Statists controlling the GOP want to control everything, not different than the Democrats. Both parties are Progressive now, meaning both want consolidated central power to control the people, there is not difference between the two major parties these days. I don't think the Constitution gives the central government to make laws or control anything that isn't an enumerated power (specifically listed).

    And to be blunt, I do not need to ridicule far right Christians, they do a good enough job making assholes out of themselves.

    And we are done, you're violating T&C and trolling.

    edit on 7 24 2016 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

    posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 10:24 AM

    originally posted by: NOTurTypical
    A Conservative loves the 10th Amendment, loves Federalism. Believes that if something isn't an enumerated power of the Fed in the Constitution then it should be a matter left to each state. That's my views on things like abortion, gay marriage, et cetra. Leave those to the states, the Constitution doesn't say anything whatsoever about marriage.

    The actual Conservative Party disagrees with you and has opinions on marriage and abortion and feels that we need more Constitutional amendments to address these issues. They are just as much for restricting the private citizen's rights as the left.

    The Statists controlling the GOP want to control everything, not different than the Democrats. Both parties are Progressive now, meaning both want consolidated central power to control the people, there is not difference between the two major parties these days.

    Most of the Republicans in Congress now would call themselves conservatives. They want more laws and less rights. They are just as authoritarian as the left.

    I don't think the Constitution gives the central government to make laws or control anything that isn't an enumerated power (specifically listed).

    You would be wrong, the Constitution grants Congress the ability to create legislation. This is how we are in the mess were currently find ourselves, your party's agenda is just as controlling and limited as the other side's, it is just focused on different aspects of limiting our rights.

    And we are done, you're violating T&C and trolling.

    Then report me. The far right religious nut bags are a key reasons why the Republican Party wants more laws, not less. If they were not so far up everyone's asses you might have one leg to stand on instead of zero. They even state that despite things being found un-Constitutional they should still look to create more laws. Cretins.

    If you think this is not true then why would that moron Trump have to make comical statements about him reading the Bible and declare that he is a Conservative? Everyone running for President as a Republican has to kiss those idiots collective asses to get nominated.

    edit on 24-7-2016 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer but at least he is not a religious nutter

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