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Berlin riot: 123 police injured in anti-gentrification protest

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posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:37 PM

( in Berlin say 123 officers were injured in clashes with leftist protesters over the redevelopment of a district in the east of the city........................

Tensions have risen since moves began in June to evict squatters in the area. Friedrichshain has undergone rapid gentrification in recent years.About 1,800 police were deployed at the protest, which began peacefully but escalated into violence. Eighty-six people were arrested, police said.

Seems to be the order of the day throughout the world.

Strange days....

edit on 10-7-2016 by Black_Fox because: add...

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox

It almost feels like, we are many, they are few. Not quite, but almost.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:43 PM
I never heard of a protest of squatters that didn't end in riots.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox

would anyone care to guess which religion or race these squatters are?

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: Black_Fox

would anyone care to guess which religion or race these squatters are?

Relevant how?

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Do we need to guess?

Does it matter?

I'm going with it being universal.

It's what happens when people get fed up and try to fight back.

Doesn't matter if its in America or Berlin or even OZ.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox

It absolutely does matter.

If your house has snakes in it does it make a difference if it's garter snakes or cobras?


posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
a reply to: Black_Fox

It absolutely does matter.

If your house has snakes in it does it make a difference if it's garter snakes or cobras?


You're missing one key element.

Humans aren't snakes. Bit more complex than a simple metaphor.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: In4ormant
Very relevant for a true understanding on what is going on. Germany like Obama doesn't want to name their enemy.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: In4ormant
Very relevant for a true understanding on what is going on. Germany like Obama doesn't want to name their enemy.

Topic has absolutely nothing to do with *OBAMA* and "enemies."
edit on Sun Jul 10 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:41 PM
To be honest, I am glad I live in a "gentrified" area. Squatters can be a real pain. Living a life of "me, me, me".

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:43 PM
I guess no one here looking to identify the rioters by race and religion has heard of the 1st of May festivities/riots.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: RomeByFirewe were talking about Germany and it's leadership just like in the US and its inability to name the enemy of their nation.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: RomeByFirewe were talking about Germany and it's leadership just like in the US and its inability to name the enemy of their nation.

Which (imo) isn't relevant to the topic. Neither are my comments now, either.

The current leaderships are the greatest enemy to their respective nations in my opinion. We the people don't finance terrorist organizations going back decades, whilst continuing an ongoing perpetual war with the "enemies." Governments, however...

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: RomeByFirewe were talking about Germany and it's leadership just like in the US and its inability to name the enemy of their nation.

geez....he has named them, I've heard it, and I've seen him say it, he just doesn't say it all the time....what's wrong with you people?.....are you that childish?...why is this even a thing with people, this keeps coming up over, and over, and over, as if it's a republican/FOX news broken record.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: RomeByFire

So do you think it is helpful to understand a situation if information indicates a social demographic is mostly (or not) responsible.
I think such information is useful to devise ways to make things better for everyone.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: grainofsandhere here I fully agree

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: RomeByFire

Yes, but these days a "simple metaphor" DOES sum up the harsh realities of oil and water NOT mixing. Or is this too an oversimplified metaphor? We ALL know it, so what's the problem with that? No one wants to get bitten by a cobra, nor drowned in oil and water that's constantly being sloshed around to meet someone's agenda. IF there even is an agenda, especially one with an expiration date drawing ever nearer, because all of this is getting OLD.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: Black_Fox

would anyone care to guess which religion or race these squatters are?

I can answer that. I used to live across the river near Friedrichshain.

Regarding Religions - the Communist and Socialist types of Antifa in the radical left-wing-scene & occupied houses are traditionally mostly Atheists or Agnostics, while the Anarchist/Minarchist parts are also partly Christian and other Religions.

Nationalities vary alot. Mostly Germans and people from all over Europe (Brits, French, Spaniards, Italians) and the whole world really.

Race is 99.9% Human (Homo sapiens)
*we've been cutting back on the whole "Race" thing since 1945 you know. You best ask your "great generation" why that is.
edit on 10-7-2016 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: RomeByFire

originally posted by: abe froman
a reply to: Black_Fox

It absolutely does matter.

If your house has snakes in it does it make a difference if it's garter snakes or cobras?


You're missing one key element.

Humans aren't snakes. Bit more complex than a simple metaphor.

You're right, usually their worse.

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