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Ghostbusters (2016) Review. SPOILER WARNING! RAGE ALERT!

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posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: neo96

Marvel has gone completely off the deep end with the PC narrative. This is the breakdown of the new phase of comic book releases.

Thor is now a woman

Wolverine is now a woman

Spiderman is now a black/hispanic

Ironman is now a black woman

Hulk is now asian

Captain America is still white... but he is now a nazi. Figures.

What the # is going on?

edit on 10-7-2016 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: dukeofjive696969

Paramount just cast Denzel Washington as Don Vito Corleone in the upcoming Godfather remake.

Dude I know you joke sometimes, but don't break my heart.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
Dude I know you joke sometimes, but don't break my heart.

Sorry man. Did you get a little panicked before you looked online to find out it was bull?

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:25 AM
Are writers so bad now that they cant invent a new story line and plot.
why does it have to be a reboot, why cant the story be the next step,
i mean there are so many avenues to choose from.
it doesnt have to be anchored to the old story, oh man what a failure, this conan
the list goes on.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Konduit
a reply to: neo96

Marvel has gone completely off the deep end with the PC narrative. This is the breakdown of the new phase of comic book releases.

Thor is now a woman

Wolverine is now a woman

Spiderman is now a black/hispanic

Ironman is now a black woman

Hulk is now asian

Captain America is still white... but he is now a nazi. Figures.

What the # is going on?

I am done.

That is just too much.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: Konduit

Much of these sharp comments by the first video here precisely match my criticisms of "Independence Day (Resurrected) as I have renamed it. It seems that back-room plans about what they wanted to push were more important than a decent story, dialogue, and casting. Diversity, we got it! Overuse of green screen, we got it! A bungled movie they got it as they tried to meld PCness with a simple action story.

Thing is, one aspect about the new Ind-Day is that it isn't a is a continuation. This is a complete rewrite (though nothing new), eliminating the first movie from relevance..basically it erases the first movie and instead replaces it with a gimmick.
I could give it more credit if it was know..the daughters, cousins, etc of the original cast taking up the mantle and it being a continuation..but nope, its not that.
And from what I seen, they removed everything that was great about the first movie, the dry humor, the snarky sarcasm, and a element of horror..replaced it all with slapstick, gimmicks, and really poorly done cgi haunted mansion style crap. how did the original ghosts look better than this neon circus ghost look.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Exactly. Like one of the reviewers said in the videos, everyone remembers the original Ghostbusters released 30 years ago. This new reboot or whatever it is, will be forgotten in 6 months.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: DBCowboy

Update, they dumped him in favor of Chris Tucker.

Only if he plays Corleone exactly like Ruby Rod.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 12:26 PM
James Rolfe AKA "Angry Video Game Nerd" got so much heat for posting this video, it was ridiculous.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Konduit

Thor - Mjolnir has been wielded an alien named Beta-Ray Bill in the past as well as a robot as well as many others, where is the outrage for that? Just because the writers chose a woman (temporarily as ever) this time?

Wolverine - X-23 has been an accepted character in the Marvel Comics for years, why wouldn't she take on her fathers (cloned I know) mantle for a few rounds? Will you be as pissed when Damien Wayne becomes Batman for a while?

Spiderman - Miles Morales has been around since 2011 in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. With the story arc they chose they brought him up to the fore for the story. This is what happens with living stories, they are constantly evolving. DC did pretty much the same thing.

Ironman - What is wrong with Stark passing on the mantel to a new protege who has proven herself by building her own suit? Without going into current story lines "Civil War II" Stark is pretty tired of everything so he's taking a break. Bout time one of them had a breakdown honestly.

Hulk - Again another character that has been around since 2006. Were you as outraged when She-Hulk became a thing? They didn't kill off Banner they just want to tell a different story currently with a fresh face. Whether it will be good or not is the question. Not the characters race.

Captain America - Should never have become hydra but in the same vein as making Superman a communist in Red Son it was a side story "what if" line. I know the writer has said that's not the case with Cap but I think the backlash will force it to become a double-double-cross storyline.

Movies, books, comics, stories in general should be called good or bad based on the entertainment and joy they give the person viewing it. Did you enjoy the story/comic/movie? Yes? Good the story/movie/comic did it's job.

All stories are living and breathing and constantly are up to change.

As far as the current Ghostbusters movie, I haven't seen it yet. I've watched the trailers and had a chuckle. Will I go see it in the theaters, not likely. I'll watch it at home, get a few laughs out of a cheesy film based on a cheesy film and enjoy my entertainment for that hour or two without letting someone elses criticisms get in the way. I'll form my own opinions thank you.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Thalestris

Your right, it's just a coincidence they are taking their most iconic white male heroes and giving them a PC makeover. It's not like they could have been more creative and introduced some new superheroes for the new generation instead of turning the old ones inside-out. The pandering is pretty blatant.

edit on 10-7-2016 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 01:10 PM
Wow! That first guy sounded a bit like us after we saw Batman and Robin.

We said almost exactly the same thing "At least we didn't spend anything on it ..."

No, I couldn't get through the first trailer. I am not at all surprised by his assessment. I am disappointed that after they smear people who don't like it as sexist that the film itself seems to spend all that time bashing men by putting them in positions of being incompetent idiots or making them giant jerks.

And killing something by shooting it in the daddy bags?

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Konduit

Like everyone, I like the first two films.

Thought the film premise was terrible, until I watched the trailer, didn't look too bad. I'll watch the film and hopefully be entertained.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Konduit

Like everyone, I like the first two films.

Thought the film premise was terrible, until I watched the trailer, didn't look too bad. I'll watch the film and hopefully be entertained.

I was the opposite of you. I had no idea what the premise of the film was. I just knew the film was being remade and had the usual fears about that. I attempted to watch the trailer, not knowing anything and couldn't get through it. It's the first time I've been unable to watch a film trailer that I can recall.

And as a woman, I'm not sure how that plays into sexist theory.

I also agree with what the first reviewer said about reducing the black gal's role to a two-dimensional stereotype. That came through loud and clear in the trailers. I thought was insulting then and still do. It doesn't matter how good an actor she might be, with only that to work with ... she won't look very good.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
How many more classics can hollyweird destroy, I am just hoping they stay far away from Blade Runner, Alien and 2001 a space odyssey.

Oh and plz stay away from any Charlie Chaplin movies.

Too late for the Blade Runner movie.....

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:44 PM
The film looks crap and not even funny by watching the vid trailer.

Not because it's an all women cast,, but the way to much CGI overhaul and not so funny jokes.

Me thinks it will do bad in the cinema and many will not buy it on dvd,,, probably people will buy more online copies than cinema or dvd's.

I for one won't buy it, i'll wait till it's on sky/virgin to watch it or a couple years till it comes on normal tv.

They need to stay away from classics,,,Look what they did to RoboCop the new one was not as good as the original.
edit on 10-7-2016 by DarkvsLight29 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: Konduit
James Rolfe AKA "Angry Video Game Nerd" got so much heat for posting this video, it was ridiculous.

I've been a fan of AVGN since it first came out. James Rolfe (imo) is incredibly entertaining, and the whole "fiasco," that came from him posting that video was ridiculous to say the least.

I'm 22 so I was a bit before Ghostbusters (I remember watching them when I was younger), but this is a slap in the face to what came before. My girlfriend (who hasn't seen any Ghostbusters film) has no desire to see the film... it looks like a joke, and a bad one at that.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: Konduit
a reply to: Thalestris

Your right, it's just a coincidence they are taking their most iconic white male heroes and giving them a PC makeover. It's not like they could have been more creative and introduced some new superheroes for the new generation instead of turning the old ones inside-out. The pandering is pretty blatant.

Pandering to who, exactly?

The comic book crowd? I personally don't think comic book fanatics are too caught up with the "political correctness," madness.

Comic books are dynamic and always changing.

I think you're looking into it a bit far.

Remember when people lost their minds when there was a comic book when Spawn killed God and the Devil?

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:02 PM
"And from what I seen, they removed everything that was great about the first movie, the dry humor, the snarky sarcasm, and a element of horror..replaced it all with slapstick, gimmicks, and really poorly done cgi haunted mansion style crap. how did the original ghosts look better than this neon circus ghost look."

Not only that but the original cast were hilarious actors to begin with that were at the same time perfect fits for their characters, adding even more to that was the chemistry between them, even 30 years later that movie is still a good laugh.

Any remake of this was pretty much doomed to fail in comparison to Murry, Akroyd, Weaver, Ramis, Moranis, and Hudson. Imagine if 30 years ago they used Chevy Chase, John Candy, Kelly LeBrock, Steve Martin, Martin Short and Richard Prior instead....all funny as well but I don't see the chemistry being the same.

I'll watch it in 3 years once I don't have to pay for it on T.V, I just hope they don't try something similar with Top Gun....don't touch my Top Gun !!!

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: Falenor

I just hope they don't try something similar with Top Gun....don't touch my Top Gun !!!

Uh-oh, prepared to get pissed:

As of October 2014, the plot has changed… and it STINKS. Apparently it’s Maverick vs Drones, as the old boy tries to demonstrate to the world that you need human pilots to succeed…and not drones..

“The concept is, basically, are the pilots obsolete because of drones. Cruise is going to show them that they’re not obsolete. They’re here to stay,” explained the producer. Top Gun 2: I Feel the Need, the Need for Greed

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