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Do you believe Hillary Clinton as POTUS would assure WW3?

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posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:06 AM
Paul Craig Roberts has been warning the world for some time that a Clinton presidency would assure WW3. Do you agree?

Hillary as president would mean war with Russia. With neocon nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war would be nuclear.

If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until armageddon.

To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality.


I'm of the opinion that the last real president the United States had was John F. Kennedy. I don't think Clinton could unilaterally cause WW3. However, if Roberts is correct, she won't do anything to stop WW3 either as far I can see. So, the current presidential election may just decide the fate of the world. Can the stakes get any bigger?

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: Profusion

I absolutely do!

Her psychopathic tendencies are terrifying and well documented by the poor secret service bastards that had to be around her.

As well as her infamous joygasm from thinking about the murder of Gadaffi and the destruction of Libya.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: Profusion
Paul Craig Roberts has been warning the world for some time that a Clinton presidency would assure WW3. Do you agree?

Hillary as president would mean war with Russia. With neocon nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war would be nuclear.

If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until armageddon.

To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality.


I'm of the opinion that the last real president the United States had was John F. Kennedy. I don't think Clinton could unilaterally cause WW3. However, if Roberts is correct, she won't do anything to stop WW3 either as far I can see. So, the current presidential election may just decide the fate of the world. Can the stakes get any bigger?

Well done, i couldn't agree more with you.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:12 AM
i think she will have that much influence that she will create the 4th world war as well.

she is not a good egg in the slightest

a reply to: Profusion

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

Whenever I see that video of hers, I just get so bloody angry.

That arrogant criminal bitch deserves only to end up in jail, where she belongs!

If that witch somehow manages to win, I'll be going in woods to prepare for the upcoming apocalypse. Because, the last time a clinton was in the presidential office, they supported the Islamic terrorists in my former country, and bombed us for three straight months.

Who knows what this old hag will do, considering she's apparently not able to properly handle bloody emails, let alone to run a country.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: Nikola014

It is a scary thought to entertain, but prepping has never sounded like a better idea.

Personally I believe the globalists have it all lined up for her to over see the crashing of the dollar, the coming civil war, and naturally enough WW3.

Somehow people would still think her s*** doesnt think.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:29 AM
World War 3 is coming regardless of who is in office when it happens.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

But it has to be Clinton or all these prophetic posters will have nothing to cry about.

And your right if it happens it will happen no matter who is in office.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

You do understand that human beings start wars, and it's not something that's already been planned by a magical universe creatures?

So, if you elect a corrupted, arrogant, insane hillary to run your country, you're not exactly helping for things to calm down, but rather, to escalate.

All wars have been started because someone wanted so. And we already know what this crazy bitch is capable of.

Wars are preventable, but only if there's political will to stop them.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Profusion

Paul Craig Roberts has been warning the world for some time that a Clinton presidency would assure WW3. Do you agree?

Of course not. World War III started in 1947, unless you want to count 1914-1945 as World War I, in which case, World War II is still going on. Asking who will start the world war that has been raging for half a century is ridiculous; asking who can end it, and under the most favorable terms is the relevant question.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Nikola014

So, if you elect a corrupted, arrogant, insane hillary to run your country, you're not exactly helping for things to calm down, but rather, to escalate.

Do you think electing a corrupted, arrogant, insane Donald Trump will be any better? He has expressed his admiration for Saddam and Putin, both of whom are quintessentially anti-democratic. Is that the direction you want the leading superpower to go down?

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: DJW001

Do you think electing a corrupted, arrogant, insane Donald Trump will be any better? He has expressed his admiration for Saddam and Putin, both of whom are quintessentially anti-democratic. Is that the direction you want the leading superpower to go down?

As someone living not that far from Russia, yeah, that direction does sound preferable.I do not want to be in the crossfire of Hillary's wars.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: DJW001

I see you are still under the false impression that you live in a democratic country. Haven't you heard that your laws do not apply to politicians? How's that democracy?

Well, he's saying he will bring back home the US troops, which is smart. He said he won't be provoking Russia, and instead will be cooperating with them, as it should. He said he will stop the US's policy of creating destabilization in the world, which I very much like. He is against the European Union, which I even more like.

What exactly do you not like about his foreign policy? And what makes you think he will be worst than Killary and her famous campaign logo: we came, we saw, he died?!


posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:06 AM
Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran… We would be Able to Totally Obliterate Them

So yeah, another war will definitely spark in the Middle East if she gets to be the next POTUS. All the donations she got behind the curtains came from countries that want to see Iran obliterated.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: Profusion

Nah, it probably won't lead to WWIII.
But it will keep the gravy train of lies and deceit going

Choo Choo!

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: Nikola014

I see you are still under the false impression that you live in a democratic country. Haven't you heard that your laws do not apply to politicians? How's that democracy?

Then what difference does it make? It has all been decided, and whichever corrupt politician becomes the figurehead, the outcome is the same. Why even express an opinion?

Well, he's saying he will bring back home the US troops, which is smart.

Bring them back from where? NATO countries? He keeps hammering away at how tough he will be on terrorists; that can only mean escalating military action in Muslim areas. (He is clearly no fan of Muslims.)

He said he won't be provoking Russia, and instead will be cooperating with them, as it should.

Yep; he'll let Vladimir take back all those unimportant little countries like Ukraine and the Baltic states. No problemo.

He said he will stop the US's policy of creating destabilization in the world, which I very much like. He is against the European Union, which I even more like.

You don't see the contradiction in being anti-destabilization and wanting the EU to be destabilized?

What exactly do you not like about his foreign policy?

He has no foreign policy, at least no consistent one. He wants to slap tariffs on our chief trading partners, which will lead to economic warfare. (Meanwhile, he claims to want to bring jobs back to America, despite the fact that he runs sweatshops in China and Mexico!) He is willing to ignore treaties that other nations rely on for their defense. (Back out of NATO and Europe will be forced to militarize; meanwhile, our allies in Asia will see the writing on the wall and....) He has advocated nuclear proliferation. He wants the United States to become isolationist at the very moment that fascist states are trying to expand their hegemony in Europe and Asia. But then, these are all good things if you want the Soviet Union to come back, right?

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:20 AM
We are Planet War so regardless of who leads who.....there will be war. Now as far as Super C-nt is concerned ( Yea there's a damn U left out). It will be 4 or 8 years of complete and utter bullshat. It will be one scandal after the next with Mrs. Teflon slipping thru them all. She's all bought & paid for by Wall St. and TPTB in other countries.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: openyourmind1262
We are Planet War so regardless of who leads who.....there will be war. Now as far as Super C-nt is concerned ( Yea there's a damn U left out). It will be 4 or 8 years of complete and utter bullshat. It will be one scandal after the next with Mrs. Teflon slipping thru them all. She's all bought & paid for by Wall St. and TPTB in other countries.

And if it's Donald?

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:27 AM
No. Clinton follows traditional US foreign policy which the World knows and knows how to work with. I know, it is popular to think we live in some war like tines but, their is less conflict and less death from conflict now then pretty much anytime in since men started creating nations. The world is mostly disarmed. The actions of the US are predictable and that is what the world wants. A sudden change in that now, that could cause trouble. Even then it is pretty much impossible to have a world war without the global empires of old or at least the clash of ideology of the Cold War.

The places you should be worried about are Russia and China coming to blows in particular if something blows up between Pakistan and India. Or the Russians get tired of China's moves into the former Soviet Republic in Central Asia. Those are the conflicts that could get scary and the US could not do much to stop.

posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 07:27 AM
Or a withdrawal of the US off the world stage. That would throw the world into chaos and start a conventional and nuclear arms race that could lead to anything as the struggle for a new order would begin. However nobody is stupid enough to do that.
edit on 7-7-2016 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

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