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Putin Says U.S. Has Destroyed International Security - NWO Has Failed!

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+23 more 
posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 12:44 PM
There is breaking news out of the Marshall Report today, that Putin has called out the United States for encouraging world chaos, and for the decline of the rule of international law and order.

It is hard to argue against what Putin stated very much, considering daily here in the U.S. we are failing to apply even our own laws consistently, the checks and balances keeping our government reined in have been eroded and corrupted, and the federal and other courts have been stacked with lackeys. We have 'crony capitalism'. The cronies at the top are not held to the same laws as the serfs. It is getting ridiculous, and now even Putin is calling us out, for doing the same thing on the international stage?

Here is the article link:

Putin: U.S. Has Destroyed International Security via Chaos

Putin basically stated that "the new world order has failed" ... "now it will be new rules, or a world without rules".

Although he does not actually say that Russia WILL DEFINITELY go to war ... in my humble opinion, I seems several times he infers it in a circumspect manner.

He gave a rousing speech, and saliently made a list of points, including:

1. Russia will no longer play games and engage in back-room negotiations over trifles. But Russia is prepared for serious conversations and agreements, if these are conducive to collective security, are based on fairness and take into account the interests of each side.

He is calling out our totally corrupt U.S. system, and actually, I believe the majority of what he is saying is correct, speaking truth to power.

I am worried about war. Really worried, and especially if Hillary wins in November.

What say you, ATS?
edit on 5-7-2016 by Fowlerstoad because: removed sensationalism

+9 more 
posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

I just have to say that I seriously doubt a politician like Putin would openly say he's willing to go to war with the US. But, you never know, maybe he's sick and tired of all the games the world establishment is playing.

Imagine both Vlad and Trump taking on the establishment together? Wet dream of mine...

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 12:57 PM
Hillary has already proven that she lacks the good judgement that is necessary in sensitive matters so, yes, the world will be a much more dangerous place with her finger on the nuke button.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

If this article is not bias then I'm surfing in the Sahara. Putin contradicts himself many times.

edit on 5-7-2016 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2016 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2016 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Nikola014

Wet dream of mine also, my friend

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: Fowlerstoad
There is breaking news out of the Marshall Report today, that Putin has called out the United States for encouraging world chaos, and for the decline of the rule of international law and order.

It is hard to argue against what Putin stated very much, considering daily here in the U.S. we are failing to apply even our own laws consistently, the checks and balances keeping our government reined in have been eroded and corrupted, and the federal and other courts have been stacked with lackeys. We have 'crony capitalism'. The cronies at the top are not held to the same laws as the serfs. It is getting ridiculous, and now even Putin is calling us out, for doing the same thing on the international stage?

Here is the article link:

Putin: U.S. Has Destroyed International Security via Chaos

Putin basically stated that "the new world order has failed" ... "now it will be new rules, or a world without rules".

He also threatened that if Hillary Clinton is elected, to continue the policies of Obama, it will mean war with Russia.

He gave a rousing speech, and saliently made a list of points, including:

1. Russia will no longer play games and engage in back-room negotiations over trifles. But Russia is prepared for serious conversations and agreements, if these are conducive to collective security, are based on fairness and take into account the interests of each side.

He is calling out our totally corrupt U.S. system, and actually, I believe the majority of what he is saying is correct, speaking truth to power.

I am worried about war. Really worried, and especially if Hillary wins in November.

What say you, ATS?

I'm glad the world still has a Leader like Putin, calling out the Establishment, i'm sure he sits there often watching and shaking his head at just how Childish and Reckless certain world leaders have become.

I for one agree with him.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Tardacus
Hillary has already proven that she lacks the good judgement that is necessary in sensitive matters so, yes, the world will be a much more dangerous place with her finger on the nuke button.

That, and from accounts from various sources including her own watchmen, she's Emotional and a dread to be around. I could imagine her starting wwiii all due to a temper tantrum.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Some of the contradictions may be due to problems in translation.

I cannot understand Russian; so, I am useless in that regard.

I would like to hear from a Russian speaker, if possible.

But yes, the article is not perfect, and I cannot imagine it will be covered much in the MSM.

It is hard for me to think it is fake information though. It seems to follow the usual course Putin has been setting for Russia in the world.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Not sure on the veracity of source but it's a fair enough statement to make and if you've paid attention to global politics then one could hardly disagree with it.

The most powerful nations on this planet should be working together honestly, with the combined intention of making this world better, instead of destroying it piece it by piece

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:11 PM
I'm waiting for the day when Putin (or some other world leader) finally has enough and releases all their dirt on Hillary and co... I just have that odd feeling that Russia is watching us with an 'Ace up their sleeve' they're just waiting to use..

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:14 PM
What is he sayin'????? HE IS PART OF THE NWO!!!!! What a joke. I just watched a 1.5hour video X 2, "Agenda", Communism is the NWO and here to stay, Putin's part of it, UN part of it, USA part of it. The NWO isn't 'coming', it's here. The steps have been followed and all has gone according to plan. With 49% of the population in the USA on the public dole, another 3% and it'll be locked and loaded. Russia has been there for some time as has China and several other countries.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

When you compare the first Cold war and this one now, i feel like the roles are reversed...who would have thought?

Just this time it's, establishment and the west, versus eastern block
edit on 217k2016Tuesdaypm014 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: Tardacus
Hillary has already proven that she lacks the good judgement that is necessary in sensitive matters so, yes, the world will be a much more dangerous place with her finger on the nuke button.

And let's not forget that, thanks to Hillary's "extremely careless" handling of state secrets, Putin probably knows all about what the U.S.'s real game/intent is - globally, and with respect to Russia, and he is coming out and saying he will not play nice if there is a Clinton Presidency...since she is likely one of the authors of these policies, and he has read it all in her own words.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Sabre rattling. Nothing more.

Russia can't afford a war with the west. Earth is to globalized and interconnected. Russia's dominance has faded since the end of the Cold War and she wants to appear powerful.

Putin is simply puffing up his chest. He's trying to maintain Russia's relevancy to a world that seems to be doing just fine without her.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:22 PM
And if Putin hates Hillary?

All the more reason to vote for her I guess.

Think about this: Putin wants a president he can bully and get his way with. What's good for Putin isn't good for the USA. Remember, Putin is not a "friend" of the USA. Russia isn't our "friend" despite the Cold War ending and diplomatic ties being warmed.

We should not be electing the president that Putin wants us to have. Why would we give into to what Russia wants? If anything we want what Russia doesn't want, as that probably more aligns with our own self interest.
edit on 5-7-2016 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: jhn7537

i think you are right but unfortunately they won`t play their ace in public they will use it to blackmail her and the country if she is president.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

"1. Russia will no longer play games and engage in back-room negotiations over trifles. But Russia is prepared for serious conversations and agreements, if these are conducive to collective security, are based on fairness and take into account the interests of each side.

2. All systems of global collective security now lie in ruins. There are no longer any international security guarantees at all. And the entity that destroyed them has a name: The United States of America.

3. The builders of the New World Order have failed, having built a sand castle. Whether or not a new world order of any sort is to be built is not just Russia’s decision, but it is a decision that will not be made without Russia.

4. Russia favors a conservative approach to introducing innovations into the social order, but is not opposed to investigating and discussing such innovations, to see if introducing any of them might be justified.

5. Russia has no intention of going fishing in the murky waters created by America’s ever-expanding “empire of chaos,” and has no interest in building a new empire of her own (this is unnecessary; Russia’s challenges lie in developing her already vast territory). Neither is Russia willing to act as a savior of the world, as she had in the past.

6. Russia will not attempt to reformat the world in her own image, but neither will she allow anyone to reformat her in their image. Russia will not close herself off from the world, but anyone who tries to close her off from the world will be sure to reap a whirlwind.

7. Russia does not wish for the chaos to spread, does not want war, and has no intention of starting one. However, today Russia sees the outbreak of global war as almost inevitable, is prepared for it, and is continuing to prepare for it. Russia does not war—nor does she fear it.

8. Russia does not intend to take an active role in thwarting those who are still attempting to construct their New World Order—until their efforts start to impinge on Russia’s key interests. Russia would prefer to stand by and watch them give themselves as many lumps as their poor heads can take. But those who manage to drag Russia into this process, through disregard for her interests, will be taught the true meaning of pain.

9. In her external, and, even more so, internal politics, Russia’s power will rely not on the elites and their back-room dealing, but on the will of the people.


Vladimir Putin has called out the western elite and stomped on the toes of Obama and his entire administration calling the US the empire of chaos. Including all his hench persons…including Hillary and Kerry as he already has in the recent past. I am sure he is also including all the yes persons in congress sitting on the floor and all those in the senate who encourage it! The building up of ISIS forces is no longer a secret, nor are the drone wars and all the deceit and inhumane destruction encouraging Islamic refugee invasion throughout the western world, the TTP trade acts and all the bad deals like nukes to Iran. Their game is over

Dianne Marshall"

Curious to know where it says he will go to war if Hillary is elected and continues on the current course? If it's in the video please note the time.


posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

That's all under the assumption that the communist Russia is out to get you. Which is long in the past.

Hillary would bring you more of what happened to Libya, Syria, etc. The list is long, and weather you realize it or not, if continued this policy, I guarantee the US will be making more and more enemies, while Russia, China or basically any other country opposing the US, will have major support of the people of the world.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Nikola014

No. I'm talking about Putin' Russia, not the "Red Menace".

Russia looks out for Russia. Russia has lot a lot of relevancy in the last 20 years and is looking to make any gains it can.

If Putin had his way, he would supersede the USA as the global super power.

What Putin wants is not in alignment with the best interests of the American public. I don't want to live in a proxy state of Russia.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Nikola014

exactly, what`s good for Hillary might not be what`s best for the U.S. and it`s people.
nobody gets to a position of authority without putting themselves and their interests first.

edit on 5-7-2016 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

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