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Media in full spin mode: "British regret voting BREXIT".

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posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

I cant thank the brits enough for what they did. Shows real resolve. Great day to be alive on planet earth. The seed of hope has been planted.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Poppycock, bunkum and fumfuddle.

No doubt there are some people out there who regret voting for an exit, but not a newsworthy number. I would guess that there are a greater number of people who voted remain out of fear, who wished they had the bottle to have gone with their principles instead.

This is not a news item. This is simply propaganda and nonsense.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: gladtobehere

Paint anyone that promotes freedom in a negative light.
Easy-peasy for the leftists here and abroad.

It's not freedom though, is it. Stop being such a cockswallop and spreading lies so the easily-impressed and the poorly-educated get hardons about your 'key word triggers'.

It's a sad day for all people, because of the negative, global flow-on effects.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:12 AM
The propaganda is so strong, I don't think there's an ounce of support in the media whatsoever. They are quickly peddling doom and gloom because that sells and rankles and causes discord, that is the perfect breeding ground for further unrest and news. I can guarantee, had the referendum gone the other way they'd have had weeks of the same (but opposite).

Part of me doesn't accept that there will even be a brexit because there is so much puppeteering going on, both from the establishment and the media. Everyone was shocked at the results, but I still think that theres a dark smile behind the grimaces of the 'losers'.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: aorAki

Now calling others with a different view on the future of their country uneducated...
Elitist much?.
I suggest having a cup of tea to calm down.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

I do not think it is realistic to call the UK out with terminology like that. First of all, there is something deeply stupid about calling out one of the nations that fought Nazi supremacists during the Second World War, as being members of the KKK.

Second, there are many, just like myself, whose reasons for voting out have nothing to do with immigration. I actually LIKE having ethnic diversity in my country. I think it makes us stronger, not weaker. I think it adds perspective to our national consciousness, if allowed to do so by politicians and media spin doctors, who prefer to use divisive politics to drive national populations against one another.

Your accusations and foamed mouthed, spittle covered vitriol mean nothing in the face of our stalwart commitment to democratic function, and the determination of our people to be their own masters. There is absolutely nothing wrong, or white supremacist, or racist, or evil about that. This is what billions of people all over the world want, but rarely get. This is FREEDOM, and I will not be lambasted simply for having my due measure of it.

Good day sir.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:21 AM
I think the UK has made the right decision. I thought they would vote remain.

This is quite a complex issue with a lot of angles and vested interests. It might be a bit of short term pain for long term gain.

The EU isn't really that great anyway. Most countries would never dream of giving up powers to a foreign body or another layer of government bureaucracy made up of self serving aloof idiots in Brussels.

Europe generally has let this whole EU government structure get out of control and it has become a self serving bureaucracy which only seeks it's own power and control and lacks accountability. The EU wants to create the united states of Europe with of course themselves in power. Countries have given up sovereignty and power to out of touch bureaucrats in Brussels, in what originally was supposed to be a trade agreement.

Then we have the leftists who generally demonize anyone who questions their view, mainly by calling them nazis. The left has chosen the EU remain position for whatever reason, so anyone who disagrees is branded a far right nazi basically, and many of them don't even know why. They just blindly follow what their political leaders say with little thought.

No it won't be WW3 or a depression or global economic disaster. An adjustment period and transition which could be managed well or not so well, and then business as usual.
Of course this is all my opinion.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: JimTSpock

The EU isn't really that great anyway. Most countries would never dream of giving up powers to a foreign body or another layer of government bureaucracy made up of self serving aloof idiots in Brussels.

This seems to be one of the biggest problems. There has been so much misinformation about what it means to be in the EU in the first place that now people are finding out some of the truths. they are really regretting it. For the most part the EU just sets directives that we choose to follow or not follow. What we should have done was got got rid of Cameron and find someone else who would choose which directives were better for our country.

When we have left the EU we will no longer be able to manufacture something and just sell it to anywhere in Europe. This is going to push production costs up. Many businesses wont be able to afford to make different versions of things for different countries.

The UK has always been a sovereign state, we didnt give that up to be in the EU.

The UK law is now going to be massively overhauled in a very short space of time. Parliament wont be doing this like you would expect, the government will. So you can be sure they will be changing everything in their favor and not ours. Almost like it was planned...

edit on 25-6-2016 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:56 AM
Sorry. Thought better of my post.
edit on 25-6-2016 by berenike because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: PhoenixOD

We would have been giving up a damn sight more as time went on, as was always the plan during the birth of the EU in the minds of those who came up with it.

Further to that fact, here is another. Our membership of the EU was illegal, because we were only ever offered a choice in the matter AFTER we joined, not before. This is in direct contravention of four of the documents which lay out the rights of a British person, including the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights and others. We were not offered a choice before entering, and therefore every treaty signed by our political establishement, respecting the EU or accepting its laws, is null and void in any case.

In addition to that, do you think that a private company offering a product globally requires permission from a state legislature to sell it to a private citizen or corporation from within a foreign state? I tell you that if you do, you are simply mistaken.

If I want to sell a box of nails to an American, or a Russian, or a South Korean, all I have to do is be able to ship the item, and provide for the receipt of funds in exchange for the goods sent. There will be duties to pay, but that is the same no matter where you sell in the world. The only two exceptions to that, are China and North Korea. China have very prohibitive laws regarding how trade coming into China can profit from it, and North Korea are basically out of the running, what with so many trade sanctions against them. There are other such examples of course, but if I want to do business anywhere in the world, all I need is a customer base and a way to reach them.

I don't need to sign up to anything, and my nation of origin means nothing.

That is how it actually is.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: PhoenixOD

The UK could still export to europe, it really depends how the transition is handled. Oh and the EU isn't threatneing eastern european countires and trying to bully countries into submission at all is it. They are called the fourth reich by some. I think it has both good and bad aspects.

Edit;There's no real reason the UK couldn't ahve a trade deal with the Eu similar to how it is now, it just depends how they play this and if they want to punish the Uk, but that works both ways. In the end business will win, but the adjustment and transisiton will take time.

Many countries have trade deals with the EU but have little do to with the Brussels leadership, the UK will probalby end up doing something similar. This really isn't that big a deal IMO.
edit on 25-6-2016 by JimTSpock because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: JimTSpock

I just wish i had seen this video before the vote.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:21 AM
I was listening to NPR and they put a very negative spin on the vote outcome. I couldn't help but laugh. The vote outcome really surprised me. I am so used to a world where nothing ever changes. GB leaving the EU is a big change and I applaud GBers for taking the plunge and making a change from something that is not working for them.


a reply to: gladtobehere

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:23 AM
Bullsh# at it's finest. People make a conscious decision to leave the EU and then the media steps in and tells everyone they regret their vote. Sounds like the controllers are having a bad day.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: korath

Perhaps we should get up a petition with 100,000 signatures asking Parliament to have a special referendum to enable those who regret voting Out to retract their vote.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:41 AM

Perhaps we should get up a petition with 100,000 signatures asking Parliament to have a special referendum to enable those who regret voting Out to retract their vote.

Your poor attempt at comedic sarcasm is noted. Perhaps, we should set up a petition to ensure the result of the referendum stands?

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: korath

And they have many more to come yet.

There is much work to be done. The next project I have in mind to look at, is to root out villainy and treason in parliament, to ensure our politicians are serving us, not private corporate interests. Oh, the controllers have not even begun to hear the knives being drawn. There's more meat to carve yet. More fat to trim, and this time, it will not be the workers, the suffering, the sick and needy who get the trim. Now that our people have spoken, now that change is coming as a direct and visible result of a vote, the people will rise up and demand representatives who behave like what they are supposed to be. Mere slaves to our will and needs, not leaders or gods, but underlings before the mighty will of our people.

It will not happen fast, but we WILL take this nation for the people, ALL the people. From those new to the isles, to those whose families have been here since before the Romans, we will have our nation back, and provide for our people together. It will be hard, it may become bleak, but we will have our nation back, and govern it by consent of the people, by our own collective will, not the agendas of some rarefied bunch of lackwits.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: aorAki

I don't see globalization as freedom.

Britain is a sovereign country, they chose not to be just another state in the United states of Europe.

I'd call that freedom.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

That's a nice vision there.

If we can stop the remainers wallowing in self pity and hatred of their brothers and sisters who voted for freedom then we have a really good opportunity to change the political landscape forever.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: elysiumfire

Perhaps we should get up a petition with 100,000 signatures asking Parliament to have a special referendum to enable those who regret voting Out to retract their vote.

Your poor attempt at comedic sarcasm is noted. Perhaps, we should set up a petition to ensure the result of the referendum stands?

Well, it must have been a poor attempt... I was lampooning the Remain petition to hold a second referendum which, I thought, deserved to be sent up.

But, sure. Let's have a petition to ensure the result stands. We could go on ad infinitum.

Unless...was that your attempt at comedic sarcasm?

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