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Trump says he'll pay his own way in. Does this bother anyone?

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posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 10:31 PM
link used to be a bad thing when you got someone running whose own party is threatening to withdraw or not give support. And we have this candidate who doesnt care. He says he'll pay his own way in(-he hopes). Anyone else find this a problem?

It used to be a very bad sign when you don't get a majority of your own party support. And an even worse sign when that candidate says he don't give a crap. I dont know if its suspicious, malicious, smart or evil...but here we got someone who implies he doesnt care about the party support, he'll go after it and them anyway and use his own money (which is fine by me).

But what does this say for a potential leader that overides the opinions of those in his own party? Isnt that a very, very bad sign? What will he do down the line towards international relations and possible WW3? He insults almost everyone of us in some way or another. And its those he insults whose support he'll need in a crisis if he gets in.

I think the missles are goin online in more than a few foreign nations right now in case...I cant remember anyone promising if he lacks support...he'll overide opinions and pull out his American Express...

This to me feels really really bad...
edit on 20-6-2016 by mysterioustranger because: splckr

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger used to be a bad thing when you got someone running whose own party is threatening to withdraw or not give support. And we have this candidate who doesnt care. He says he'll pay his own way in(-he hopes). Anyone else find this a problem?

It used to be a very bad sign when you don't get a majority of your own party support. And an even worse sign when that candidate says he don't give a crap. I dont know if its suspicious, malicious, smart or evil...but here we got someone who implies he doesnt care about the party support, he'll go after it and them anyway and use his own money (which is fine by me).

But what does this say for a potential leader that overides the opinions of those in his own party? Isnt that a very, very bad sign? What will he do down the line towards international relations and possible WW3? He insults almost everyone of us in some way or another. And its those he insults whose support he'll need in a crisis if he gets in.

I think the missles are goin online in more than a few foreign nations right now in case...I cant remember anyone promising if he lacks support...he'll overide opinions and pull out his American Express...

This to me feels really really bad...

Why would it be bad? He believes in what he says and so do a lot of others.

Do you give up when others don't support you? I would say it speaks more to his character to put up his own money to support his stance than anything. Typically when everyone is against you, you struck a chord and are makes them scared.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 10:44 PM
Trump is unique, in that he is truly a Third Party Candidate, who managed to run away with one of the two-party torches.

The only interest I have in the guy is that he can truly be an instrument of change ...

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 10:54 PM
both parties at this point are the exact same game. If one candidate has his party fighting against him, then maybe, just maybe, he's worth a shot. Can't do any worse at this point than an establishment yes man/woman.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
The only interest I have in the guy is that he can truly be an instrument of change ...

he sure can. im praying he wins.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 11:13 PM
I don`t see it as a bad thing, the president is suppose to represent the people,so if the people support him but the party doesn`t then he is doing what a president is suppose to do, represent the people and not represent a small handful of the people,A.K.A party ass kissers.
edit on 20-6-2016 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Oh, I'm quite sure this will bother someone and be accompanied by mental gymnastics resulting in Trump somehow being a racist discriminator because he's paying his own way.

I can't think how it will go down but these folks have a unique set of skills where they can link two completely separate issues as somehow being directly related.

As long as he continues to piss people off and cause these same people to embarrass themselves with their various meltdowns, veiled threats, violence and sure-thing political predictions - he will continue to entertain me, I get a real laugh at the extent some folks will go (both here and elsewhere on the net) to explain their hatred towards and loathing of him.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 11:22 PM
Ya got that right!

Imagine if he was taking money from the Saudis, the left would lose their minds.

Its a shame the gop is not behind him.

Sackless pos's.

a reply to: Tardacus

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

It can only be a positive if the Republican Establishment doesn't like him. The Republican party no longer has anything to offer the people of this country and until they do anyone they deem 'unfit' is likely the best hope we have for change.

edit on 2016/6/20 by Metallicus because: sp

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: Snarl
He was pretty smart about that too, a 3rd party candidate who eliminated one of his opponents so it`s one against one instead of 2 against one.normally a 3rd party candidate has to go against a republican and a democrat. if he really is a 3rd party candidate then he`s pretty darn smart he eliminated his republican opponent right from the start so now he just has to deal with one opponent come election day instead of 2 opponents.
don`t underestimate this guy he might be playing a fool just to disarm his opponents.

edit on 20-6-2016 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 11:37 PM
Why would it bother me?

He has money.. He has words..
Putting them together doesnt mean anything bad.

Whats bad is what has alread transpired over and over and over and.. Well, over.

Gimme someone else who will change things and ill vote for them.


posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 11:40 PM
Quite frankly Trump doesn't even come close to being "rich". He's a billionaire but there are others with MUCH more. Which is scandalous when you think about it.

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

He goes against everything the establishment believes in, so we pions don't give a flying flip what anyone else thinks.

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: liveandlearn

...and that may be why the Republican party abandoning him and running as a independent may work for him.

If the GOP has the balls to blatantly ignore the will of the voters it will be to their own peril.

A president's loyalty should be to the people not the party.

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 01:51 AM

originally posted by: intrepid
Quite frankly Trump doesn't even come close to being "rich". He's a billionaire but there are others with MUCH more. Which is scandalous when you think about it.

Wow, I'd love to be rich then... you really think being a billionaire isn't being rich ?

Go Trump I say.. self fund your way. The reason people like you is because Hillary is backed by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup and you give the finger to that nonsense.. It's also why the media attacks you over everything!

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Is the party the American people who cast their votes for him to represent their voices?

Or the establishment hacks who are scared of losing their power and are attempting to subvert the will of the people?

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Everybody knows that the candidate with the most money gained during the election wins. It's a given. Trump knows it too, but by going on his own, he's bringing that truth up to the surface so no one can deny it anymore. When you do something like that, you chap a lot of hides.

People think he'll make more enemies than friends as POTUS and that WW3 will break out simply because the more tender among us think he's rude. He'll get things done. You may not like the direction his river runs, but he's not the stagnant pool of water that we've had since before this poster was born, and I'm 150 years old. For that reason alone, I'm voting Trump.

Anyone who has the will to walk over politics and the money to pave that road, has my vote. Don't take it personally's a business move.

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 10:47 AM
If you say so.

What are we supposed to base all of these promises and fancy metaphors on?

I've heard people talk, talk, and talk of how Trump is going to do everything from eliminating the debt, destroying IS, and magically make the trees more green - yet I'm hearing virtually no specifics.

I suppose I'll just have to take your and the cult following of Trump's word on it?

How's that worked out in the past?
(Relying on presidential speeches/promises before being elected?)

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger

It used to be a very bad sign when you don't get a majority of your own party support. And an even worse sign when that candidate says he don't give a crap.

Isn't there a law that limits how much money a Candidate can accept from a single source?

I mean, I thought they had introduced a law to prevent corporations and single rich individuals from influencing the Candidate disproportionately by giving outsized contributions to his campaign. This was supposed to make the system more democratic, requiring all Candidates to receive support from a wide base, so that "democracy" prevails, and to counter the tendency for "oligarchy" and "tyranny" to rule the land.

How come Donald Trump is allowed to contribute so much more than the campaign limit to the Trump candidacy?

Can you actually "buy the presidency" with "your own money?"

Is that "Democratic?"

Is that even "Republican?"

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 11:00 AM
I'm agreeing with a lot of you. We need a strong leader.

Knowing that a sitting president has advisors and councils and foreign committees that he has to deal with...just as say the daily security briefing and foreign protocol he has to learn and adhere to. Is he going to? Will he listen? Do we know the consequences of one who doesn't?

At the daily briefings...will he tell the military, secretary of state, v. p., generals etc..."your'e fired!"...and go against the governmental and security protocols we have in place for their own specific reasons, protocols and world peace?

We do have tons of presidential advisors who are in place for a reason...and if he pulls the chairs out from under them.....?

edit on 21-6-2016 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

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