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Minions movie and Orlando shooting

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posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:24 AM
So I was watching the Minions movie tonight with my son for the first time, the minions from the Despicable Me franchise that is produced by Illumination Entertainment. Now, I know Illuminati and illumination and illuminated go hand in hand, so the word choice in the company really fits, and then to add entertainment along in their name is basically saying "we are informing you subliminally of our illuminated prophecy for entertainment." Bare with me, I haven't dissected every scene from the movie but there was quite a coincidence in the movie, that was released last July that points to evil being in Orlando.

The minions wan't to go to Orlando because there is an evil villain convention going on so they hitchhike and have an Orlando sign while hitchhiking and a family picks them up and end up going to the same convention the minions want to go to in order to find a leader. The family that picks them up robs a bank in the process and shoots at police and then ends up at a Bait Shop . The patriarch of the family crime business tells the baitshop through microphone that "We are hear for so much fun it is a crime" and then is dropped beneath the swampy grounds of Orlando into the Evil villain convention.

So, fun(dance club)-Orlando- crime-villains-shooting at police-guns-and armed robbery are proposed in a minute of film. I know that it is a stretch, as to why it is in this forum, but seeing it as just coincidence as to why the only reason Orlando is mentioned in the entire film is to promote that there is a villain convention going on and a bunch of criminals are conglomerating there as a get together much like comic con in order to recruit new criminals to join a major heist led by a person named Overkill seems to meld with the idea that something may have been orchastrated. I know there are threads about GS4 security and what not, and I wouldn;t pass it off if there was security done in Hollywood by GS4, all I am saying is that there are strange coincidences abound, just thought I would bring this tidbit to the forum.

Basically just an observation that struck me that I found as odd and put a few things together. Not to mention the fake moon landing was also brought up shortly in the movie as well.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: Sometimes

It's a bit of a stretch.

If it were a secret message for Illuminati members to steer clear of Orlando, how long are they expected to avoid the area?
Minions was released in 2015

Also "fun" meshes to Disney World not "gay bar" - (admittedly DW was a potential target)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:33 AM
No.. you got it all wrong..

They are desensitising us to the reality that the minions are our overlords..

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

I'm sure the message wasn't there for the Illuminati members, they use entertainment as a type of programming and intermix symbols and prophecy in them (maybe). It is no secret either, it wasn't intersprawlde through the production, it was laid out there front and center in the script and everything. I have the script on pdf and it is all mentioned in there. Usually Iluminati clubs just put the all seing eye, or 13 steps or something like that in the background where it is out of focus. This isn't something that is supposed to be picked up on first viewing, especially if it was about a future event. I mean, how could a normal person see this film and say "well, evil is coming to Orlando soon..." Like who would read a Nostradamus prophecy or bible verse and say that it will or has come true unless there are signs or symbols that the prophecy has predicted it in someway? I am sure when the movie came out, noone noticed Orlando as being a target for crime and villains, but now that Orlando is a hot topic, it goes hand in hand. Not too many movies or TV shows identify Orlando as a place of villainry and crime and Overkill in the same short span as Minions did. And minions are those that serve their overlord of evil through out the series.

I am just saying that this movie came out last July and talked about an evil gang having their destination of gathering in Orlando, and these are the type of people named Overkill and are willing to do whatever to have control over the world, as the main criminal becomes the queen of England at one point after the crown is stolen by minions. So it could be implied that minions (human ones) are at work to overthrow a political posistion or cause for their own malevolence.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: Misterlondon
No.. you got it all wrong..

They are desensitising us to the reality that the minions are our overlords..

We, the populace are the minions and do the bidding for the overlords that control us is actually the message.
edit on 15-6-2016 by Sometimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:59 AM

originally posted by: Kalixi
a reply to: Sometimes

It's a bit of a stretch.

If it were a secret message for Illuminati members to steer clear of Orlando, how long are they expected to avoid the area?
Minions was released in 2015

Also "fun" meshes to Disney World not "gay bar" - (admittedly DW was a potential target)

Remember that everything in animation is intentional, all colors, all names, all backgrounds are intentional. A Bait shop could have been a gas station or convenience store or anything else. But the Villain Convention was below a bait shop, as if we took the bait in some way, or the criminals took the bait in someway, as it was the criminals that went below the bait shop to a convention of criminals. Maybe, Orlando is the bait, and we the populace are the fish and if we take the bait we get hooked. It could go many ways, I am just pointing things out as I see it. And the fact that a highly profitable kids animation studio is named Illumination Entertainment, gave me a red flag in the first place.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 03:02 AM
You've got me thinking about Overkill. The gunman reportedly went back to the bathrooms and fired bullets into the victims to make sure they were really dead, an act of Overkill

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: Kalixi
You've got me thinking about Overkill. The gunman reportedly went back to the bathrooms and fired bullets into the victims to make sure they were really dead, an act of Overkill

Exactly, it may just be a coincedence, as Overkill for a villain is a snappy name but when other similarities get put together it kind of adds up. I mean it is obvious that a PG movie wouldn't have gay bars and mass shootings in it to begin with, but when Orlando, Guns, Villains, Overkill, Evil Gathering, are put within a very small time frame of a movie's plot directed solely at kids, and the company that produced it share the same name as Illuminati/Illuminated...It's a stretch for sure but it is a strange coincidence to find in a movie that came out less than a year ago.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: Sometimes

I wonder if the gunman watched the movie - he had a 3 year old so probably.

Just throwing this around this is very far fetched:

Maybe the movie had trigger words in it that subconsciously worked on the gunman. He was a religious nut so already brainwashed in way. Like in the Manchurian Candidate sort of. I'm not too familiar with brainwashing I'm sure someone else could elaborate better

who knows

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 03:54 AM

originally posted by: Kalixi
a reply to: Sometimes

I wonder if the gunman watched the movie - he had a 3 year old so probably.

Just throwing this around this is very far fetched:

Maybe the movie had trigger words in it that subconsciously worked on the gunman. He was a religious nut so already brainwashed in way. Like in the Manchurian Candidate sort of. I'm not too familiar with brainwashing I'm sure someone else could elaborate better

There are definitley trigger words used in a Manchurian Candidate/ MK Ultra type of brainwashing situation. It could be anything from a song or phrase that sets off a trained reaction. I don't think this is the case in this situation, but anything is possible. I think it was premeditated, but I have a suspicion as to why this type of location at this point in time, but until I have further evidence, it's just a gamble.

I think it is more likely that it was known in advance that somewhere in Orlando (for some political reason), some theme park or night club, or other popular destination was going to be attacked and someone basically working for the government would pull this act, even though the security firm is a private organization, they do however protect nuclear facilites and such for other governments. This guy worked for them. He may have been sought out as being susceptible for commiting this type of act, especially if he recieved cash from an unknown person to go into a store and buy them and not recieve any questions upon purchase, basically a guarentee his name would be cleared on all databases. He could have also have had intel telling him the time to strike... There is a lot I don;t know, just specualting as if a political crime drama novel. But, I haven't seen anything about when the first 911 call was made and such and there is a chance numbers could be fudged, so let's say someone was backing him and was able to cut communications for even 1 minute. Seems plausible, he takes people hostage and yet iis on a killing spree...Why? He's not getting out alive, there is no chance he escapes, why not kill everyone? Makes no sense if seen in that light, just my fantastical opinion that I made up on the spot, but has a credence.
who knows.
edit on 15-6-2016 by Sometimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 04:56 AM
Try Zootopia vs. these events.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 06:18 AM
Both shootings in Orlando (Christina Grimmie) are part of a sequence of time slipping back over to what it was once supposed to be.

November last year, someone used the 'focus' of the collective on a large event, to apply an alteration to the timeline.

They did this through the Melbourne cup. A whole country stopped to focus on one race.

This presented them with a point where they could apply a 'alternate timeline', or a adjustment to the timeline.

This was done by making the wrong horse win the Melbourne Cup. Think of all the changes this brought about! The 'ripples' which arose from things like people winning money who shouldn't have. Others not winning, that should have!

I literally watched them alter the timeline in front of my eyes.

I knew which horse was supposed to have won. Then just before the race, another horse was 'aligned' instead.

The first result of this tampering or 'splicing' of timelines became evident the following day of the Cup carnival when it was cancelled due to storms which centered themselves over the racecourse.

They LITERALLY had tornadoes. AT THE RACECOURSE! In a town which never has tornadoes!

These were ripple 'eddies' from the changes.

Over the next week I watched these move over to South Africa, where people started freaking out over 'Strange Clouds' in the sky. Large swirls. Eddies continuing to flow around the world until ....

Just over a week later, the Paris attacks.

Guess where these were 'injected' from?

So what does this have to do with the Orlando attacks?

A week or so ago, it was reported in the news that the jockey who rode the winning horse in the Melbourne Cup had suffered an accident and was in hospital.

It was then reported that after the accident, she had no memory of winning the Melbourne Cup. And had to be shown footage of the win, to remind her.

This is because she was never supposed to have won!

The timeline is beginning to 'slip' back to what it is supposed to be.

After I read this in the news I posted on my Facebook that a 'event' was just about to take place. Then Orlando happened.

The 'Flow-riding' out of Western Australia.

I also had visions of 12 foot tall 'wraith' women, dressed in black funeral clothes and veils, turning up to a building to kill everyone.

It is strange that this has taken place in Florida though, as this sits on the wrong side of the world to where the realigning incidents SHOULD be taking place.

Whatever happens should be closer to Europe, as it originated out of the East Coast of Australias pulse.

Unless this is a 'negative pressure' occurrence resulting from the slip.

Though I would not discount the possibility that the 'timelords' have injected this, as a preventative 'counter-measure' to try stave off actual events. Or try control the dissipation of the distortion.

Will have to wait and see.

The moral of the story is simple though. Don't play with the time-lines. It doesn't matter if you are some type of 'Queen' and you want a horse to win that has 'Prince' in its name. DON'T DO IT!

Because it is very likely about to all come crashing down, back on your head!

Best of luck!
edit on 15-6-2016 by EnkiEa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 06:25 AM
PS: The movie "Frozen" is LITERALLY about my life.

Everything! Even down to the names! And 'event's which take place.

But, even better ...

The little boy in the new movie 'The Good Dinosaur' has been modeled off a boy I know. His mother is 'Elsa' from the Frozen alignment.

He looks IDENTICAL! Same mannerisms and personality traits.

To the point where its not just 'similar to him', it has actually been modeled off him!

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 07:34 AM
Well... Sure, they steal the crown for Scarlet Overkill, but that's not how they were able to make her Queen. As you might recall, Bob pulls the sword from the stone and becomes King. Then when King Bob tries to give Scarlet the crown, they won't let him because that's just not how things are done. So then King Bob changes the law so he can give the crown to Scarlet Overkill.

It was a smashing good movie. I loved it. It was like being on a sugar high the entire time. If this is what the illuminati has in store for us, i say bring them on. Give them the world! We might have to change a few laws first, but as long as they give us more Minions movies who cares?

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: lightedhype
Try Zootopia vs. these events.

Ok, I have seen that movie and I am pretty sure Orlando isn't in there. There aren't any guns in that movie besides a tranq like one, but there is a gayish Cheetah, so nothing there.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: EnkiEa

You know a boy that runs around on all 4's and barks at people and is able to hunt with his bare hands and teeth?

Your life is literally about being queen and shutting out all people because you have magical powers?

That's pretty cool.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: 4003fireglo

All I was saying is that one small part of the movie can be tied to the Orlando shooting, not the entire thing, as it takes place in the 60's anyways.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: EnkiEa
PS: The movie "Frozen" is LITERALLY about my life.

Everything! Even down to the names! And 'event's which take place.

But, even better ...

The little boy in the new movie 'The Good Dinosaur' has been modeled off a boy I know. His mother is 'Elsa' from the Frozen alignment.

He looks IDENTICAL! Same mannerisms and personality traits.

To the point where its not just 'similar to him', it has actually been modeled off him!

I suggest speaking to a medical professional about this. Soon.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: EnkiEa
best reply ever!

thread closed!

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Sometimes
a reply to: 4003fireglo

All I was saying is that one small part of the movie can be tied to the Orlando shooting, not the entire thing, as it takes place in the 60's anyways.

It took place in 1968, which was inown as the summer of hate. How many assassinations happened that year?

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