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Whatever they are, they are not normal cloud formations

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posted on Jun, 30 2016 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: Newt22
a reply to: tommyjo

Thanks for the info, I will be digging into that like Sunday Dinner. The Vector Map is so full of information. The rest I need time to go over. So your saying that the Princeton to MPLS is floating over my way, or I see it here.. I do not quite live in Princeton, I can not see the Planes but I do see the clouds from much higher. So if they are floating on over that makes sense.

If it hasn't been said already make sure you select 'World Hi' from top right so you only see the upper level flight paths

posted on Jun, 30 2016 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: tommyjo
a reply to: Newt22

In reference to the "steep climbs". Is this what you are seeing yourself with contrails seemingly rising from the horizon? Apologies if I have misinterpreted your description but this is also a common theme with chemtrail believers. They seem to think that they are filming chemtrail aircraft shooting up into the skies. They make the claim that they must be no passengers or drones to carry out these maneuvers.

The reality is that they are simply being fooled by perspective. The aircraft is flying parallel to the ground but the illusion is that the aircraft is shooting up into the sky.

For example this person in Chicago being fooled by perspective.

Similarly, a plane flying parallel to the ground, but toward the horizon and away from the observer, could appear to be headed straight down due to perspective.

For example, in this image that I took, the plane is NOT about to crash into the ground but rather is simply flying on a relatively level course over the horizon:

posted on Jun, 30 2016 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Soylent Green Is People

Missed that one, was going to bring it up earlier, but, I accidentally deleted that comment (I hate that) so I had to start over, thus missed it. I was going to say, no, they were not that.

Not long ago I had a job where I traveled a great deal. I would see those 'straight ups' as I had come to refer them. For awhile I entertained the idea it may be a Scram Jet Contrails because they appear fast, and always standing on end on the far horizons. Anyway, while west-bound I was able -driving- to see one be created, from tip to tail, right in front of me, and then I proceeded to drive towards it for... I don't know, about an hour um 45 mins. Sun was at angle so it was very prevalent and easy to watch. I saw it was a Jet far off, but flying toward me... About 60-80 miles away I figured as we went toward each other. No wind on ground to speak of and bright blue skies, except the plume.. As I raced towards it, it finally turned Vertical as perspective changed. That one solved.

I realize my maths a little off - I was in a traffic jam in Iowa/Nebraska border and really all I had to do was watch the thing get created

Wish it were a Scram Jet Contrail

edit on 30-6-2016 by Newt22 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2016 by Newt22 because: clarify

edit on 30-6-2016 by Newt22 because: clarify

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Newt22
a reply to: tommyjo

Thanks for the info, I will be digging into that like Sunday Dinner. The Vector Map is so full of information. The rest I need time to go over. So your saying that the Princeton to MPLS is floating over my way, or I see it here.. I do not quite live in Princeton, I can not see the Planes but I do see the clouds from much higher. So if they are floating on over that makes sense.

By the way the place I referred to TAC is not the place I thought I was a little off orientation. However, the place I think I am is a lot more interesting then 'don't fly here'. I will be trying to plot a flight plan to help learn and see what you see better which I think will be fun because I am a map junkie. Very interesting. Fascinating really.

You are very welcome. Yes man-made cirrus can and does drift obviously depending on the winds at high altitude.

Get out there with the apps and get a good grasp of your upper air space. Planefinder is also very good as it has a longer playback facility than other flight tracking software.

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