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Modern Man´s Decline - Increase of Divorces, Depression, Single Households and Materialism...

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posted on May, 31 2016 @ 02:28 PM
It´s quite interesting to see how modern man gets more and more material stuff and less and less peace of mind or food for the soul. This video shows some of the aspects of our society´s decline in terms of social life and family life as well as our health, which is under attack from inferior air quality, GMO food, big pharma and the side effects of urbanization. Who could imagine that retired people have better health than youngsters thee days? Does it tell us something about the importance of bringing up a child in a good way - or else the odds are that you will make his life terrible according to stats. Cultural marxism is ruling our world.

Please have a look:

edit on 31-5-2016 by Gaussq because: Headline fixed

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 02:50 PM
You could say the same about the Agricultural Revolution. Prior to Sapiens turn to farming he was a hunter/gatherer, a nomad without many possessions at all. He found a wide variety of food to eat a balanced diet and roamed thousands of square miles as his "home." But when sapiens started farming, all that changed. He was tied to the fields for hours of back-breaking work. He lived in a hut of several square feet and had to defend it and his fields from all comers. Disease was spread much more easily and he was always on the defensive, from animals, weather, and other tribes. It has been estimated that hunter/gatherers "worked" less than 40 hours a week. If you were lucky to be in plentiful circumstances like the South Sea Islands, you "worked more like 20 hours a week. But once you became a farmer, you worked 90-100 hour weeks.

And it's been downhill ever since.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:44 PM
I believe most of mans problems come from technology. Our brains are a mass of electrical impulses, I truly believe all of the wi-fi are disrupting the snynaps of our bodies., and our brains are malfunctioning.

My 2 cents

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:52 PM
Yet... in spite of all the unnatural living our life expectancy has increased exponentially due to advancements in technology and healthcare.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:54 PM
This is why I like Jocko Willinks podcast.

The death of the alpha male because women don't identify with them and since we are all exactly the same and women can't 've alpha males obviously they don't and shouldn't exist.

The inversion of reality and the attack on the traditional family continues as the cult of the new world order continue to push their agenda onto us.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
This is why I like Jocko Willinks podcast.

The death of the alpha male because women don't identify with them and since we are all exactly the same and women can't 've alpha males obviously they don't and shouldn't exist.

The inversion of reality and the attack on the traditional family continues as the cult of the new world order continue to push their agenda onto us.

One track mind.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

Nice, you will get to be a slave ten extra years. So much fun.

And it is not about the quantity, but quality. What most people are doing these days is not called living, but barely surviving and numbing their brains with basically countless tv shows and the free internet. I mean, there's always going to be another character they can kill in the game of thrones, right?

And if you ask me, I think people will be living longer, but what's the bloody point when its going to be 80 years of depression

edit on 31-5-2016 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:59 PM
People need to learn to meditate. It will improve your life and free you from these negative emotions presented in this video. It will help you navigate the concussions of the modern world, by helping you focus in the moment. Not the past not the future but the present. The only time your ever really alive
edit on 31-5-2016 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: onequestion

Nothing ever stays the same. Stars die and go supernova, seasons come and go.

Why should human society be any different?

Things only become more painful when progress is artificially stifled.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:01 PM
I think there's far too many of us to worry much. No matter how many go berserk, and die out early there's too much variation to think the cream of the crop won't properly adapt.

If you're really concerned about holding onto traditions you're going to have a difficult time in the future, because technology and knowledge are making a fool of most traditions.

Let people come to terms with the new world as they will. I mostly don't bother with socializing so am not affected by depression from feeling disconnected. I can see how people having a need to feel more connected IRL could be having difficulties, but this is more because they have beliefs of how they should act, likely not their own.

People would do better to not take on social agendas that betray their instincts. Disconnect from the circus and find your own joy within, and without a care what other people think.
edit on 31-5-2016 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: Gaussq

I have peace in my life.

As for the rest of mankind? That is their problem.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

What is the upside of living longer, if the chances are that those extra years will be spent in loneliness and bad care? I would rather live a shorter fuller life, than spend the last of my years in a home, inside all day and wearing diapers because the nurses have no time to bring me to the toilet let alone take me for a walk.
This is already the case in some homes where I live, I don't even want to imagine what it will be like when I reach that age myself.

I agree with the message in that video (not so much the acting).
But what can we do about it?

I'm not convinced that getting your act together and getting the family in order will suffice.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:48 PM
Being in America for the time being I wont be marrying myself and will stay single, acquire currency, and then fark off to the warmest least diseased/polluted locale to spend my days doing as little as possible.

Sounds like a good deal to me and something of a revolution in gender roles and equality. It beats getting used and abused by the system and it's paid thug minions.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
Yet... in spite of all the unnatural living our life expectancy has increased exponentially due to advancements in technology and healthcare.

You are vastly overstating the case. Average lifespan of hunter/gatherers was 28 years. Average lifespan today is pushing 80. If it were exponential, as you claim, the average lifespan would be 300. The real question is what is the average HEALTHY lifespan, the span we live before deterioration becomes obvious and it becomes a burden for you and your family. I'm going to claim the average healthy lifespan is somewhat over sixty.

The reason our retirement age is 65 is because that was the average lifespan in the late 1800s, when the Kaiser of Germany was facing worker revolts. He established a small pension for anyone who beat the odds, to help with incidentals, as families were expected to take care of their elders. You were supposed to die at age 65, not collect a pension.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 05:13 PM
Yeah, we have certainly lost the sense of fulfilment, and because of that, we are becoming incapable of being happy. Society doesn't provide for it, unless your obsession to your ambition numbs you to the pain of its crumbling. What would be the point of being wealthy if there is no society?

We are in decline, and it set in our hearts long ago. Before society crumbles and falls, we will be decimated in our hearts and minds, and we will lose trust of one another, and become insular and indifferent to each other's struggles. We will perceive the misfortune of others like an infectious disease, and offer no aid lest we catch the same sickness of impoverishment as they. As people struggle they will get desperate and act in ways that will be called criminal, and be punished (as examples to frighten others) accordingly.

We cannot stop it, only slow it. We can change it, but it will take violent reactions and actions. It cannot be done peacefully, no matter how Ghandian you think. We failed to initiate the change long ago, because we abrogated our responsibility to the futures of our children. We haven't taught them right, we haven't taught them to be free critical thinkers and to question everything.

Our children are not prepared to deal with what is being unfurled and built by the elites, they are simply dumb-downed habituates to it all. They do not know right and wrong in society. We all will no longer talk morals or act ethically, only expediently to sate our immediate needs and desires.

Europe will amalgamate into a superstate, but the real trouble will come in America, when the elite finally decide to nail their intentions openly to the door, and to stamp their authority down hard. Fact is America, you are so divided by group ideology that you no longer cherish the thought of America as a country worth saving, oyu now only want to save your individual selves, by walking away from the idea of country and nation.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: elysiumfire

Fact is America, you are so divided by group ideology that you no longer cherish the thought of America as a country worth saving, oyu now only want to save your individual selves, by walking away from the idea of country and nation.

Oh, you mean like Scotland wanting to be independent, and half of Britain wanting BREXIT? I guess those are examples of a country worth saving.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 05:34 PM

Oh, you mean like Scotland wanting to be independent, and half of Britain wanting BREXIT? I guess those are examples of a country worth saving.

Perhaps, you think you are making a point, a retort of some minor value? You are not. Britain will be fully engulfed by the EU, and become part of the EU superstate. For a while, they will remain named as they are, but national identity will over generations dissolve and everyone will simply identify as EU (not European).

The EU superstate will achieve its completion, and as it does so, the elites in America will set to work establishing the superstate of the Americas, whether Americans want it or not. I stated the points I made about America, because the demise of Britain will be the same demise of America.

There are no countries worth saving now, because both country and nation are abstract ideas we no longer cherish, which is why we won't fight to save them.
edit on 31/5/16 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: elysiumfire

Oh, you mean like Scotland wanting to be independent, and half of Britain wanting BREXIT? I guess those are examples of a country worth saving.

Perhaps, you think you are making a point, a retort of some minor value? You are not. Britain will be fully engulfed by the EU, and become part of the EU superstate.

I would suggest to you that if you poke your head out the door and look at your fellow countrymen, you will find that a vast number of them are of the opinion I expressed. Scotland just barely stayed in, and they'll try again. Last I read it was 46-41 against Brexit, and whether you win or not, that's a pretty substantial number. Given the rhetoric of the Brexit people these last few weeks, and the citizens of Scotland, I'm not sure you in the UK are any better off than America in terms of your attitude toward country.

Your starry-eyed embracing of the US of E is duly noted. If that happens Germany will have finally won, and London will be as important as Athens in the heyday of Rome, a backwater not really worth visiting.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: onequestion
This is why I like Jocko Willinks podcast.

The death of the alpha male because women don't identify with them and since we are all exactly the same and women can't 've alpha males obviously they don't and shouldn't exist.

The inversion of reality and the attack on the traditional family continues as the cult of the new world order continue to push their agenda onto us.

One track mind.

That may be what it takes to pull the world out of the descent into the sewer

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 06:24 PM

...and whether you win or not...

What the hell are talking about...whether I win or not!!! What can I possibly win? My country is disappearing down the EU toilet right before my eyes, and I have so-called fellow countrymen shoving it down with a plunger...gleefully I might add.

The four nations of Britain are irrelevant now. The people's of those countries don't have a say, they just have a ritual to play to maintain an illusion. Do you really think the elites would allow any nation a say on the completion of their agenda? The United Kingdom's full assimilation into the EU is one of the elite's most important objectives in their agenda, without the UK the EU would stall. I'm not talking about the economies, I am talking about the ideology behind the EU...I'm talking about the drive of the agenda.

The UK remaining in the EU is inevitable, and already decided. It was decided many years ago, while they signed over as much sovereignty of self-governance over to the EU (without the people's consent) as they could. Now they want and need the whole lot to be signed over, so the ritual of democratic action has to be seen to be played out.

We will all go to the polling stations and vote in the way we think is best, and no matter how many vote to leave (which I'll be doing), the result will be a yes to remain. The more fear they can drive into the people to accept the EU, the less manipulative of the vote they need to do, and the less chance of it ever coming into the public's consciousness.
edit on 31/5/16 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

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