posted on May, 20 2016 @ 11:50 AM
I just wrote this in the ARchons / Reincarnation thread, ill post it here too:
I was going to start my own thread but maybe its on topic here?
I have been reading books and gathering theories/ideas from the internet and this forum board actually and want to get some different view points.
Currently I am reading Edgar Cayce on Atlantis. If what he says is true then he's seen some pretty impressive things in his meditative state. Most of
it works with or complies with my own theory that I have in my head.
This is a lot to swallow...its crazy I know...
So the human race started on Atlantis some 10,500,000 years ago, before humans were perceived to even exist by science, Atlantis is still not proven,
but we were not in human form, we were in thought form so to say, bubbles of thought that jumped to and fro to earthsuits that started as primordial
soup and satisfied themselves and had fun and we could intermingle within these 2 forms. There were also odd human/animaloid creatues, giants, pygmies
so this plays into the theory that mermaids may have once existed (I was told that I was a mermaid in a past life).
Anyways, we (thinking in Edgar Cayce terms...this was us) got used to the material life and lost the ability to go back to our thought bubble. We
have in a sense made a hell on this earth and thus reincarnation and Karma was created.
Edgar Cayce was a Christian so I get sort of lost when he starts talking biblical but he also calls "God" the creative force and understands that his
"GOD" is not the one and only that is just what he prefers to call him.
After we lost our thought forms, there were 2 (how I can only imagine it is gangs): Sons of Belial and Sons of the Law of One. The SOBs misused their
creative powers that they gained from being projected into earth forms and the SotLoO realized what was going on and wanted to create a man to help
the souls to go back and realize their Creator (Creative entity).
Anyone know anything of this? your views? At first I was like, WTF-ever, now I cant stop thinking about it and it makes me think of the movie
Fantastic Planet