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Prophecy 2008 & Beyond, Sylvia Browne

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posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:52 AM
I had to start a new topic, because there is alot to discuss and I don't want this thread to be a Sylvia bashing thread, I want to simply discuss the relevance and likelihood of her prophecies being fulfilled. If you want to bash Sylvia or talk about spiritual stuff, see this thread

Before I begin to highlight the prophecies, let me state, Sylvia says the world will not end in 2012 and we are not entering armeggedon.

Now in Sylvia's book Prophecy she states:

Rising rate of skin cancer in the next five years leading up to 2010 especially in children

Between 2012 & 2013 a coalition of 5 major intl' corps will invest resources to revitalize the rainforests leading to cleaner air and decrease in chronic breathing disorders.

2024 acid rain becomes a regular part of our weather ecology

late 2020's is a survivalist era for us, we will have to wear special protective clothing and headgear, water will be astronomically expensive to the purification processes that will be needed. Birth defects and animal mutations will soar.

Late 2020's will also see the birth of domed cities on all continents, but starting in the USA, Europe with India and Middle East last to follow.

2020 global warming and pole tilt will reach their peaks, glaciers will be near extinction, worldwide floods, tidal waves and erosion will change coastlines on all continents.

Most dramatic tidal waves will be in the orient and florida between 2025 and 2030, high causualities in the orient. Florida waves will be part of a swarm of hurricanes, but survival will be high due to the dome cities and advance seawall systems which get started in early 2020's.

Plagues and rivers of red, but not due to armeggedon but due to flooding and tidal waves creating breeding grounds for insects. Frogs become a major problem between 2022 and 2027 in central and south america.
Gulf of Mexico and western rivers will turn red, due to erosion and underground eruptions and fault line disturbances in western US.

Starting in 2029, frequent meteor showers.

re-emergence of Atlantis and Lemuria.

btw, I am quoting from her book, her website doesn't discuss all these prophecies in details. btw on her website

In October 2004 on the Montel Williams Show, Sylvia advised viewers to avoid travel to India due to safety concerns. On December 26th Sylvia's prediction was validated when a tsunami devastated India. Sylvia further warns that travel to the region will not be safe for another 6 months due to health issues (water purity, disease) created in the aftermath of the tsunami.

Now there is a lot more to go thru but let's start with this stuff so far, I'll touch upon the aliens and other things later.

[edit on 1-14-2005 by worldwatcher]

[edit on 1-14-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:59 AM
Wow, interesting stuff. Well at least we'll still be here after 2012! I wonder if anyone has ever asked her about Titor?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:11 AM
I don't know, it sounds believable until the end when she mentions the re-emergence of Atlantis.

Then her predictions carry a fairy tale feel to them.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:19 AM
this is just the beginning, after I pick up the kids, I'll address alien disclosure, space travel, education, economy, religion and more.

whether you buy into Sylvia or not, you have to admit, this stuff is interesting and her book makes for a good read.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:23 AM

this is just the beginning, after I pick up the kids, I'll address alien disclosure, space travel, education, economy, religion and more.

Cool! Looking forward to hearing more. I agree with Syntax, that up until the Atlantis thing it was believable.
I'm not real big on clairvoyants and the like, but she is fascinating, and has a pretty impressive record.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:29 AM
just keep in mind though, that Sylvia isn't the first to predict the re-emergence of Atlantis and Lemuria. I believe Edward Cayce made that famous and she studied Cayce alot, so perhaps she's just borrowing.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:29 AM
Don't some of these prophesies conflict with each other? First the air becomes cleaner, then acid rain is a big problem. All the glaciers melt and sea levels rise, yet Atlantis reemerges from underwater?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:35 AM
lol I see your point.

wonders if 9-11 years would be enough to reverse the effects of the cleaner air and lead to acid rain????

and after reading this thread
re-emergence of underwater landmasses suddenly seems quite possible...hmmmm

[edit on 1-14-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:08 AM

In October 2004 on the Montel Williams Show, Sylvia advised viewers to avoid travel to India due to safety concerns. On December 26th Sylvia's prediction was validated when a tsunami devastated India. Sylvia further warns that travel to the region will not be safe for another 6 months due to health issues (water purity, disease) created in the aftermath of the tsunami.

That is a vague prediction and further just shows she's guessing. She did not say India would be hit by a tsunami. Further, she said it in October, and that is 2 months late. And, India was not "devestated " by the tsunami, in fact the damage to India was negligible. All her predictions are vague, and they are vague, so that her followers can apply it someway to future events.

Now, had she said "don't go to Indonesia or Sri Lanka in December, because I see floods" it would have been more believable.

Further, regarding her predictions of the WTC falling. There was a television show of a group of terrorists that fly an aeroplane into the WTC. She could have got it from that.

[edit on 16-1-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by syntaxer
I don't know, it sounds believable until the end when she mentions the re-emergence of Atlantis.

Then her predictions carry a fairy tale feel to them.

Why!? Re-emergence can simply mean that the buried sites, once under water....will become visible due to land changes.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:21 AM
I believe that if earthquakes of the magnitude of Asia and more of the pole tilt happened is possible for land masses to emerge due to shifting.

I kind of believe that
Now if our forest are cleaner how can we have acid rain?

Simple acid rain is a city problem is I believe it happens in highly polluted cities.

Now acid rain clouds do travel.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:59 AM
Originally posted by worldwatcher

Now in Sylvia's book Prophecy she states:

Late 2020's will also see the birth of domed cities on all continents, but starting in the USA, Europe with India and Middle East last to follow.

i wonder if the domes are for sealing off the urban areas from polluted air ?
*or sheltering from destructive acid-rains ?
*or protection from solar radiation/CMEs/gamma ray bursts?

*or...would a defensive 'missile shield' be considered a protective 'dome'?

there's a lotta wiggle-room in all S.B.' foretellings,
i do appreciate the glimpse into her Prophecy book...

)o( ....poof!

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 09:53 PM
Maybe the future isn't written in stone. Constantly changing, loads of probabilites.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 10:06 PM
I have Sylvias book, "Prophecy" and its very interesting. I would ask her, however, why she would say on Coast to Coast that the year 2012 was like a wall, that she couldnt see past that year. Then she comes out with books foretelling the future a 100 years from now. She did call the twin towers falling, i heard her say this twice myself.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 10:07 PM
1) Rising cancer rates-we have been seeing them for a while now-nothing new-safe call

2) Acid Rain is accepted as normal life. We have that now. There is no reason to expect it will improve, safe easy call

3) Global warming and melting glaciers-happing now, safe call.

IMO-She is such a quack-PLEASE!

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 10:19 PM
I beleive in prophets but I won't easily agree with one so no comment on these.

Anyway.. As for the 2012 being a wall then foretelling farther ahead that has a easy explanation. Something changed, maybe our future had to many possibilities to be seen, and finally something fell into place putting us down one general path?

Also I don't beleive in destiny so I don't beleive that even a true prophet can be 100 percent correct. One decision by one person can fully alter the path of everyone.

For example just me typing this and someone reading it can possibly change the way someone looks at a topic, or the way they look at me. Since they were changed they may do something differently then if I had not typed this. That can affect another person and so on. Every time we do anything no matter how insignificant it will have reprecussions forever wheter they are noticed or not.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 05:06 PM
Back with more


The real search for aliens will begin around 2012.

Aliens are here and visiting us often, but over the next ten years or so by 2015, their transports will be more frequent and visible and less likely to be dismissed by skeptics. Areas they land: Death Valley, the Mojave Desert, the oceans and they use the Bermuda Triangle vortex to go and come undetected.

2018, aliens who are already on earth, and those visiting will begin stepping forward and identifying themselves to various intl orgs, particulary the UN, NATO, Scotland Yard, NASA.
These aliens are men and women highly visible and respected in their various fields. One of them is a Nobel Prize winner.

We will greet their disclosure with disbelief, confusion and finally outrage. Eventually, thousand of aliens willingly will be quarantined/isolated in western Europe, where they undergo a battery of testing.

Early 2020's, we'll begin to accept the aliens and start working with them.
By 2060, alien visits will be as common as airliners flying around the country.

No successful manned mission to Mars until 2012, we'll have one disastrous misstep leading up to that.

Chartered moon junkets will be available by 2030's, the aliens will help us build ships.

A moon base will be set by 2040's for tourist visits.

Around 2080, we'll have exploratory devices on all but one of the planets in our solar system.

[edit on 1-17-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 05:11 PM
Thanks to the internet we can have one wacko saying that he/she is a prophet and widely guess on the future events and then end up as a prophet.

Maybe she is different, we will just have to wait until 2020 to find out.


posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 07:37 PM
trying to cover it all, before I return the book to the library

Please keep in mind I am paraphrasing some of these predictions for condensed writing and reading.

Until 2020, the political structure in the US will remain the same with Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

A president elected sometime after 2008 will die in office of a heart attack.
The vice president in line to finish his term will have the unpopular and terribly mistaken intent to declare war on North Korea, which by then will have wmd's.

Between 2010 and 2016, FBI, CIA & Secret Service & Others will be working towards apprehending key members of three separate anti-govt extremist organization within the US. One group will be centered in Montana, one in the Deep South and one in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
They'll use God and 1st Amendment as excuses for a series of murders and computer virus that saturates hard drives and airwaves with supremacist propaganda. A few elected govt officials will be exposed as members.

About 2020, end of the one man presidency. executive branch will be phased out and absorbed into the legislative branch. The legislative branch will vaguely resemble the ancient roman senate. No Dems and Reps, etc, the legislature, aka the Senate will be divided into two groups Liberals and Conservatives.

The new Senate would have equal number of men and women and the must meet the following criteria besides the norm: clean weekly drug and alcohol screens, ten years independently audited tax returns, no past or present ties or salaried positions with any company that deals with the govt., no past or present membership to any club or org. with lobbyists, and a signed waiver permitting biannual audits of all expense reports and bank accounts.

is anyone still interested? shall I continue with politics and the economy and the rest?

[edit on 1-19-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 07:53 PM
I am intrigued.... Thanks!


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