posted on May, 8 2016 @ 10:36 AM
I agree whole heartedly with the OP. I wish I didn't. But I got over it quickly. I skipped the lurker phase because I didn't know that was an option.
So, when I had multiple welcomes, I was stunned by all the weird pictures. Even last week, I received a belated welcome from a fellow with a horrible
looking dog Avatar, oh, bestinshow...his
really startled me, and having owned a vet clinic in the past, I thought I had seen it all.
I think, like it or not, the "picture says a thousand words" even though we try to supercede them with the sentiment on the thread. But,
sub-consciously, it's too late. That said, once here a while, we develop a sort of second skin and it becomes second nature to see even an ugly Avatar
and smile big time to see this mysterious friend make an appearance on the same thread.
Plus now I have evolved to where I click on the name and "check them out" before responding. I think I welcomed the same troll a dozen times,
unknowingly, but I have also experienced a second level of appreciation for the ones who welcomed me, once I learned what happens when you push this
button or that one.
I'm still sort of wincing over mine, both name and imagined picture. I chose it because I used to have a clownfish and I like how he approached and
interacted with his environment. But same issue. Some people, including myself at times, can not get past the clown or the fish issue and so I just
sigh a lot. But Esoterically speaking, I love my choice.
Anyway, I like yours. Always have.