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Eight-dimensional space and the possibility of multi dimensions

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posted on May, 7 2016 @ 03:03 PM
As we know the vector space within the eight dimensional diagram is what constitues the equation of eight dimensional space and the n real numbers of the equated, because such a theory exists to bridge the quantum realm of what be the ever lofty goals of multi dimensions would be seem to be vectoring in to some equation adding numbers to the vector space aka quantum of 8 that exists in the n = 8 equation, but i feel that would not really add to the equation of what constitues a multi paradigm.

Let me elaborate, if we were to try and lets say add a multitude of two to eight-dimensional space and fathom the concept of 16 dimensional space i feel this would do nothing to enhance my theory of multi dimensions, it would just clutter known satistics in this realm, if we are truly going to look into the equation of multi dimensions in this formula then breaking down each eight dimensions in the realm of splitting each vector of the known 8 would seem to be the way to go, if we were to disect the known 8 of dimensions in the realm of two or three or the wanted goal of infinite, then each sectioned off and split core might produce the theory of multi dimensions, sure my early basis on this might be of string but i feel there is something to this.
edit on 7-5-2016 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 03:05 PM
We are living in a matrix of dimensions. When we die we just enter a different 1. When we sleep/dream we are/go to multiple dimensions. Everything excists and nothing does

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Annunak1
We are living in a matrix of dimensions. When we die we just enter a different 1. When we sleep/dream we are/go to multiple dimensions. Everything excists and nothing does

You are correct in this statement, however nothing of known science would back up the truth you offered, even though you are correct, i am trying to fathom a way to maybe split the 8 vector to open up ports of dimensions that might be accessible in awaken states or the very least prove that other dimensions exist in a known vector that at some point might be accessible.
edit on 7-5-2016 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: King Seesar

It could be our point of view. Our consciousness exits out our body and go in other bodies. This would explain why we would have de Ja vu. In the dream we see ourselves but not recognize. In reality we have that strong feeling of having been there

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 04:08 PM
i want to do a dimensional drift

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 04:28 PM
Old News... Buckaroo Banzai showed us the 8th dimension:

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 05:45 PM
I thought all concerned might find this interesting.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 06:57 PM
About dimensions. A point, line and plane don't really exist except in math, on paper. This dimension we are in is the same one every other dimension is in, just we can't detect it with our senses and instruments, from this perspective.

Like trying to explain to 2D flatlanders the concept of up. The 3D world is all around Flatlandia, they just aren't aware of it, unless a 3D denizen pulls them out of their world into it. I think that would be fatal to the 2D flatlander.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: intrptr


posted on May, 7 2016 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: Kashai
a reply to: intrptr


You mean why fatal? Because they can't exist in 3D, they are 'perfectly flat,

Except for glimpses given us, we have to pass from here to the next as well. Actually we are already there, the real us anyway. We're just trapped in the familiar, out of touch, within this husk.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: intrptr

From our perspective they seem perfectly flat.

That does not mean they are "perfectly flat".

They could be curved beyond our comprehension.

edit on 7-5-2016 by Kashai because: Added content

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: Kashai
a reply to: intrptr

From our perspective they seem perfectly flat.

That does not mean they are "perfectly flat".

They could be curved beyond our comprehension.


Actually a plane doesn't exist, its only theoretical. So if we presume they exist in Flatland, they are only real in that sense. From our perspective they are locked into linear thinking, only knowing one dimension, a plane.

The same in the 'next' what we call dimension, like your hypercube suggests, looking 'down' on us, or in or fixed in time and space. Form there we are as 'locked' as we see 2D people to be.

Over there, its everywhere and every when at once, as opposed to here, where we can only be one place at a time, right now.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: King Seesar

8 cans of beer will lead to 10th dimensions.
edit on 7-5-2016 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:18 PM
Dimensionally, at what point in relation to differentiation does time present as a physical process?

We are made of flesh, cells, molecules, atoms, particles, quarks and leptons as so on...

Our contention, then, is that these observations of bulk flow can be construed as evidence for the birth of the universe from the landscape multiverse imprinted on the superhorizon sized nonlocal quantum entanglement between our horizon patch and others that began from the landscape. When we calculate the size of the induced dipole in our theory and convert it into a bulk velocity dispersion, we will see that for the constrained values of our parameters we arrive at a velocity dispersion of order 670 km/sec, remarkably close to the observed value of 700 km/sec.

One might think that the refutation of their prediction by the Planck data would be a problem. Instead though, the Sunday Times reported a few days ago that Scientists believe they have found the first evidence that other universes exist. The story got picked up by other news outlets, and appeared in the Daily Mail as “The first ‘hard evidence’ that other universes exist has been found by scientists”. The source for the story was Mersini-Houghton:

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:33 PM


An Experiment with Time by J. W. Dunne (1927) describes[5] an ontology with an infinite hierarchy of conscious minds, each with its own dimension of time and able to view events in lower time dimensions from outside.[clarification needed] His theory was often criticised as exhibiting an unnecessary infinite regress.

The conceptual possibility of multiple time dimensions has also been raised in modern analytic philosophy.[6]

John G. Bennett, an English philosopher, theosophist, anthroposophist, and follower of the mystic George Gurdjieff, posited a six-dimensional Universe with the usual three spatial dimensions and three time-like dimensions that he called time, eternity and hyparxis. Time is the sequential chronological time that we are familiar with. The hypertime dimensions called eternity and hyparxis are said to have distinctive properties of their own. Eternity could be considered cosmological time or timeless time. Hyparxis is supposed (by Bennett) to be characterised as an ableness-to-be and may be more noticeable in the realm of quantum processes. According to Bennett, the conjunction of the two dimensions of time and eternity could form a hypothetical basis for a Multiverse cosmology with parallel universes existing across a plane of vast possibilities, while the third time-like dimension hyparxis could allow the theoretical existence of sci-fi possibilities such as time travel, sliding between parallel worlds and faster-than-light travel.

No well-known physicist or cosmologist has endorsed these ideas. While Bennett has put forward some curious speculation, the question of measurement (how one would measure these hypothetical extra time-like dimensions) is left unaddressed, as is how one might falsify his suggestions (which is generally regarded [7] as the distinguishing feature of science since the work of Karl Popper).

To elaborate the c2 component in E=mc2 mathematically relates to the conclusion that Time is squared.
edit on 7-5-2016 by Kashai because: Added content

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:14 AM
Dimensions of time and energy may have been made in the past, multiple nodes are still available in both directions for the next one though. When they were not made by any means other than those of the world to see what they do. Vectors are the most important thing for this purpose, two different ways to get a good idea of what we can get is just the beginning

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 01:50 AM

5. Conclusion

In this entry, we have presented a minimal interpretation of mass-energy equivalence widely held by both physicists and philosophers. We have also canvassed a variety of philosophical interpretations of mass-energy equivalence some of which go beyond the minimal interpretation with which we began. Along the way, we have presented the merits and demerits of each interpretation. We have also presented a brief history of derivations of mass-energy equivalence to emphasize that the equivalence of mass and energy is a direct result to changes to the structure of space-time imposed by special relativity. Finally, we have briefly and rather selectively discussed the empirical confirmation of mass-energy equivalence

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: Annunak1
We are living in a matrix of dimensions. When we die we just enter a different 1. When we sleep/dream we are/go to multiple dimensions. Everything excists and nothing does

A dimension in science and mathematics has no thickness. It is not alternate reality. In our current physical reality, we can directly measure in, at least, four distinct dimensions.

In a single dimension, nothing could live. There also cannot be any chemical reactions in a single dimension (the smallest particles of the standard model, being multidimensional).

A dimension is merely a direction in which we may measure. It is a mathematical concept misunderstood and hijacked by "spiritist" woo-woo practitioners.

When we die, we may possibly enter an alternate reality but each 'reality' must rationally consist of many dimensions.

edit on 8/5/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: King Seesar

Currently, M-Theory has been calculated to require ten dimensions (and upward) to model physical forces properly.

Definitely it doesn't seem to stop at eight.

edit on 8/5/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

In mathematics and science Dimensions define the physical parameters of our existence.

We have thickness and a good reason for that are dimensions.

Can you elaborate on that comment?

Specifically I am referring to this comment...

"A dimension in science and mathematics has no thickness."
edit on 8-5-2016 by Kashai because: Added content

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