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A couple issues that need mentioning.

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posted on May, 6 2016 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: introvert
It does not occur every time the function is used, but sometimes I notice that when you click on the icon to quote another member, it will include an extra (less-than symbol) just before the end quote script. That causes the text outside of that quote to not appear in the post. The (less-than symbol) must be removed for the entire post to appear as intended.

I use the quote button frequently but never saw that happening.

Could you point to it the next time it happens? Maybe someone can understand what's happening by looking at the non-edited quote.

The next time I see it, I will send the mods a PM and take some screenshots.


posted on May, 7 2016 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: ArMaP
I use the quote button frequently but never saw that happening.
I've probably used that quote button over 6,000 times and I never saw that happen either.

My issue is with the other quote feature for the quote tags from clicking the quote icon in the upper right of my screenshot, which is scripted differently from the ex tags you get from clicking on the cloud. Here's how the ex-tags fit nicely all on one line, and here's how the quote tags are sprawled out over 3 lines, and even if some one prefers the sprawled out space-wasting format of the quote tags for some reason, you still have to admit the ex-tag and quote tag formats are inconsistent:

I can just paste my text in over the "text" between the EX tags and that works fine, but with the quote tags I end up using backspace or delete a couple of times to make it like the ex tags, without two extra line returns.

a reply to: introvert
Your thread is about "edit abuse and quote bug issues", why isn't that your thread title, instead of a title that says absolutely NOTHING about the actual subject of your thread?

By the way if someone is abusing the edit feature, the quote function is a good way to deal with that abuse. You tend to find out who those abusers are and then you know that you need to use the quote function when replying to their posts so even if they change what they said, you've captured the original post. That works ok if their post is short but ATS frowns on doing that with long posts in which case you can just quote the important part(s).

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

That's true, I keep tidying the tags myself, I prefer aligned tags.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: introvert

It's necessary often when someone focuses on some minor detail instead of the main idea of the thread to stop it from derailing.

I have to do it all the time.

Or if the first 20 posts are only about the thread title and no one even read the OP.

Yes.. it is irritating as the intent is to derail. The other day I ended up removing an entire post as it was clear I was being trolled and that post allowed them to derail the thread. By the time I edited it out it was too late and they managed to kill the discussion.

Which was what they wanted.

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