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The Mandela Effect Can No Longer Be Denied: Berenstein Was The Tip of The Iceberg

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posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 12:18 PM
The British mentalist and illusionist Derren Brown would be wetting himself laughing at some of the posts in this thread or would be giving himself a massive face palm. Our memories are faulty and it is so easy for false memories to be planted.

It is very easy for us to misconstrue ‘Sex and the City’ with ‘Sex in the City’. Why? Because “and” in the English language can be shortened to “n”, especially in speaking. Guns N’ Roses for example. You say ‘Sex N the city’ to yourself, sounds a lot like ‘Sex in the City’. Some announcer on TV says and next up "Sex N the city"..... could be an indication of you flicking your remote. But I bet die hard fans of that show know perfectly well it's "Sex and the city".

The International version of the bible changed “bottles” to “wineskins” from the King James version because “wineskins” was more accurate. Those who were given Gideon bibles would be more familiar with “wineskins” phrase because not only is Mathew at the beginning of the new testament, but it used the same translations in the new International edition of the bible. However, those strictly brought up on the King James version and nothing else would remember bottles.

Snow white is not only in film but also book form and there are books that use “Mirror, Mirror”. Why would people easily misconstrue the brand “Depend” with “depends”? Could it just be the easiest assumption that all other rivals’ brands are ALL plural like Pampers, Hughies and Luvs?

Some people even remember McDonalds as MacDonalds, could it be that their famous burger is the Big Mac?

People believe that the reverend Billy Graham died years ago. When they are just confusing the guy with rock concert promoter Bill Graham who did died 26 years ago. All it needs is one little headline strip on the news of “Bill Graham has died” and that false memory of the reverend Billy Graham has died is implanted in thousands of peoples brains who don't know Bill Graham but Billy Graham.

Why would people believe it’s “interview with A Vampire” and not “Interview with THE Vampire”? Could it be that Tom Cruise himself mistakenly referred to the film as “Interview with a Vampire” wrongly around that time? An interview seen by millions and that is where the false memory comes from? Well he did. He called it “Interview With A Vampire”.

These things can EASILY be explained as false memories. People can see things that they believe. It’s normally with the brain not paying 100% attention and also sorry to say, our memories decaying over time. Like the pronunciation of the wafer chocolate "Blue Riband", easily misconstrued as spelled a "Blue Ribbon" because it's pronounced that way.

So let me point to Nelson Mandela himself. Some people think he died decades ago in prison.

1.) He's black
2.) He's South African
3.) He was anti apartheid activist
4.) political writer
5.) He was arrested and put in prison

their false memories of him "The Mandela Effect"
6.) He died in prison decades ago
7.) His funeral was attended by THOUSANDS of people.
8.) His funeral was shown on American TV and attended by American diplomats and Ambassadors

How the hell can people have a false memory like this? Well, all of the 8 points above accurately describes one man and his name is Stephen Biko. Could these people who think Mandela died in the late 70s or early 80s just be confusing this guy with Nelson Mandela and that is where the false memory comes from?

It is very important to be open minded and so I will remain so but highly skeptical. However this goes both ways. Instead of running down the rabbit hole, how about finding other information out there and finding out the reasons why these memories could be faulty to begin with.

"Luc, I am your father"??? I'd be more impressed if people had memories of Darth Vader dressed in white. And yes, there are diehard fans out there who know it's "NO, I am your father".

edit on 12 6 2016 by Debunkology because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 09:42 PM
Last night I asked the same people at a party, where their hearts were, and they all said the correct place, to the left etc, and none of them remeber me asking at the other party when they all thought their hearts were big in the middle and lower, which is why I think the people not seeing the changes are the ones who are being psy-opped, or manipulated some how to believe all the changes were always so, I think there is something supernatural going on now...

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: hidingthistime
Last night I asked the same people at a party, where their hearts were, and they all said the correct place, to the left etc, and none of them remeber me asking at the other party when they all thought their hearts were big in the middle and lower, which is why I think the people not seeing the changes are the ones who are being psy-opped, or manipulated some how to believe all the changes were always so, I think there is something supernatural going on now...

True, there could be a psyop going on. However, this could actually go both ways.

ONE INDIVIDUAL asks several people about a memory. However these people do not share this memory.

Think about it for a moment. One persons memory of an event versus several people. If anyone is being "psyopped". Then the odds are most certainly that one individual.

I could go one step further and just say that maybe that one individual simply has a false memory. They should take comfort in the fact that most people have false memories too, but in other ways.

Having said that, people shouldn't stop contributing of their memories that correspond to the 'Mandela Effect', maybe it should be renamed 'The Stephen Biko effect'. If anything this is evidence in itself that our brains can be manipulated. It is all the time by marketing. We think we might go to a store and impulsively buy something, but many times subconsciously we have been influenced to buy that product.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: Debunkology

No it was only about a month ago, I wrote about it right away after I asked them, in the anatomy thread that got shut down, all of my threads got shut down when there were really good points showing and when people most opposed in the thread also changed from thinking their hearts were low, to then again high once it changed, they changed their strong "knowing I was wrong" about the heart being upper left, to saying "NO it was always been left and up high etc, when the whole thread was me saying that and them all fighting me saying it was always the way that google images were showing at the time, then, they could no longer reply in that thread as it got shut down, and they had a massive spamming of BS to cover these points coming out in the Luke I am yo6r father thread, stopping anyone looking at the old anatomy thread once the hearts were back in the right spot again that I had said was its right spot all along.

It was the opposers who followed whatever google said, and didnt seem to remeber fighting the sky is pink one day, when I was saying it was blue, then when it turned back to blue, they all said it was always blue...

Hope that made some sense! Lol

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:28 AM
Oops double post
edit on 13-6-2016 by hidingthistime because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: hidingthistime
all of my threads got shut down when there were really good points

No, they just showed you had a poor memory and poor knowledge of anatomy!

people most opposed in the thread also changed from thinking their hearts were low, to then again high once it changed, they changed their strong "knowing I was wrong" about the heart being upper left, to saying "NO it was always been left and up high etc,

This shows how poor your memory, people actually said it was in the center, where it has always been....

and didnt seem to remeber fighting the sky is pink one day, when I was saying it was blue, then when it turned back to blue, they all said it was always blue...

??? What are you on?
edit on 13-6-2016 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: hidingthistime

Please write with more precision: what do you mean by "high" and "low?" The same spot on the torso can be described by either word, as they are relative terms. (This relativism can explain many examples of the "Mandela Effect:" New Zealand is "near" Australia, South America is "below" North America, etc.)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: hidingthistime
a reply to: Debunkology

No it was only about a month ago, I wrote about it right away after I asked them, in the anatomy thread that got shut down, all of my threads got shut down when there were really good points showing and when people most opposed in the thread also changed from thinking their hearts were low, to then again high once it changed, they changed their strong "knowing I was wrong" about the heart being upper left, to saying "NO it was always been left and up high etc, when the whole thread was me saying that and them all fighting me saying it was always the way

In your anatomy thread your said:

heart is low, huge, near the center of chest and way lower, no longer small and way left ...

I went with a friend to the beach today. Both of our hearts are in the upper left portion of our chests

I dont have that sternum, but there is muscle heart is way up left though, above the left nipple, so you can feel it beating, without getting fresh.

For me, it is the way we always drew human anatomy that makes me know it was on the left for me, and that is where i feel it beating.

And people replied:

the heart is in fact large and in the center of the chest, not off to the left like it is in Hasbro's game "Operation"... this is nothing new

The heart IS in the center...

... this is why you do CPR compressions in the middle of the chest...

After the xrays:

Picture 2 shows the heart really clearly, see that sort of balloon shape right in the middle? That's the heart, in its usual place and usual shape too

People have always said the heart is in the middle of the chest. I don't see where people changed their opinion?

originally posted by: hellobruce
??? What are you on?

I am also not able to understand the meaning of that last sentence....

edit on 13-6-2016 by Agartha because: Added stuff........

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: hidingthistime

Here's an even better question to ask people in my opinion:

How many people were in the car when John F. Kennedy was shot?

In my former reality, the answer was four people. Today I found out that in this reality, it was six people.

This is a question that almost any American would know with certainty. The heart is still toward the left side of the body now. So, if people say the heart is in the left part of the chest they're partly right. That's a little ambiguous. Even the positions of Sicily, South America, and Australia 'changing' could be a little ambiguous.

On the other hand, the number of people in the car when Kennedy was shot is definite. I would never forget it was four before. "JFK" is my favorite film of all time. I've spent countless hours researching the Kennedy assassination. As a matter of fact, I was studying video of JFK's assassination just two months ago. There were four people in the car back then. I know that with 100% certainty.

Based on that, just today I've come to a new conclusion. I must have traveled between at least three alternate realities. Here is how I know:

I became aware of the Berenstein/Berenstain 'change' a long time ago (over a year ago) but I wrote it off as an unimportant anomaly. I had to have gone from a reality where it was "Berenstein Bears" and Kennedy's car had four people (my original reality) to a reality where it was "Berenstain Bears" and Kennedy's car had four people to this current reality where it's "Berenstain Bears" and Kennedy's car had six people (along with many more changes from the first two realities).

That's the only conclusion I have to make all of this make sense to me.

I know my theory sounds totally insane. If I weren't living through it, I would think so too.

Incidentally, I came across another possible historical precedent for people shifting realities (see the video below). "The Taured Man" said he had never heard of the Principality of Andorra. I had never heard of it either before I became aware some of the distract 'changes' I've noticed fairly recently. In fact, if you go back to my first posts in this thread, you'll see I posted that I had never heard of the Principality of Andorra until I started researching the 'changes.'

The following is the first historical precedent I found that seems to point to people shifting realities.

The Children of Woolpit is an ancient account dating back to the 12 th century, which tells of two children that appeared on the edge of a field in the village of Woolpit in England. The young girl and boy had green-hued skin and spoke an unknown language. The children became sick and the boy died, but the girl recovered and over the years came to learn English. She later relayed the story of their origins, saying they came from a place called St Martin’s Land, which existed in an atmosphere of permanent twilight, and where the people lived underground. While some view the story as a folk tale that that describes an imaginary encounter with inhabitants of another world beneath our feet or even extraterrestrial, others accept it as a real, but somewhat altered account of a historical event that merits further investigation.
The Green Children of Woolpit: the 12th century legend of visitors from another world

edit on 13-6-2016 by Profusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Profusion

JFK premiered 1991.
You say you remember it with 100% certainty. Thats impossible. Memory doesnt work that way.
You CANNOT be 100% certain of your memory being correct. Unless of course youre superhuman.
Which reading all of your posts lead me to believe, that you actually do believe something along those lines.
Youre so sure of so much, when in fact you just cant be that sure of that much.
Thats not how we work.
Heck, I might remember something with "certainty" of yesterday, but the very nature of how or memory works - two neural pathways might have been connected in an erroneous way - causing a distortion in the memory.
I wouldn't know this happened - and I could SWEAR I remember it correctly. But I would be wrong.
This happens on a biological level, and your consciousness have no control.
You can however exercise this, and train your memory to become better over time. The brain needs exercise just like any muscle.
But it is IMPOSSIBLE to be 100% certain of ANY memory. Unless you are a savant - with that very talent. Are you? If thats the case, I dont believe you.

When are people going to stop using memory as evidence for ME?
That is never evidence.
Sure- in a court of law, eye-witness accounts go along way for the indictment.
But eye-witness accounts alone isnt enough.

So the bulk of the evidence suggesting ME is real - cannot come from memory.

edit on 13-6-2016 by alienDNA because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: hidingthistime

You are very confused. You know we can all go read that thread right? It's still there. It seems you already forgot how it went down. Please quote from that thread to support what you are saying.

I think your biggest problem is you seem to have had a very sheltered education.


Please note, I am NOT mocking you. May I ask if you were homeschooled? You don't have to answer if you don't want, I am trying to get perspective.

Edit: Also, how come you are still on about the anatomy when your XRays definitively proved that you have normal anatomy.
edit on 13-6-2016 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Profusion

You are simply confused. There were 4 people in the passenger section of the car. It was an open top limo. The front section had 2 other people. You obviously aren't as big a fan of JFK as you thought.

I know my theory sounds totally insane. If I weren't living through it, I would think so too.

If you are living through something that sounds insane, wouldn't a possibility be that you may need help?

Regarding the Principality of Andorra. Just drop "Principality of" as you've probably heard of Andorra.


If you haven't then it's just an education issue on your part, and most definitely the part of that YouTube video author. Again, we have to point out that this is yet another American

You ME people are making us American's look uneducated. Please stop.
edit on 13-6-2016 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Profusion
How many people were in the car when John F. Kennedy was shot?

In my former reality, the answer was four people.

Who was driving?

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: hellobruce


that picture.. the car doesnt even look right.. it looks like it was changed from a normal 4-seat into this weird 6-seater..
look at the gap between the doors. looks weird. definitely was altered. it was a 4-seater before.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: alienDNA

It's just a limo without a top bro. That middle section is the glass window you see in a limo. You just aren't used to seeing it.

Edit: Sources

Source 1
Source 2

And same car but with a top:

Source 3

Courtesty of

Anyone who doesn't know it wasn't a 6 seater limo is simply not a huge JFK Conspiracy fan and hasn't closely watched the Zapruder film.

The grainy quality of the video is why many people who watch it only a handful of times don't see the driver and front passenger. They are so focused on JFK waiting for the moment.
edit on 13-6-2016 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: raymundoko

I know, it was a failed attempt at sarcasm.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 01:25 PM
btw youtube videos of ME is getting scarier and scarier.
It seems the believers just become stronger and stronger in their belief and further and further into sanity.

My initial post in this thread and my continuation of posting in this thread was for the sole purpose of trying to STOP what is now happening.

I warned about it in my very first post. It is now happening.
All videos (most, anyway) are getting something like 10-20k views with at least 80% likes.

This is beyond scary. How will this end? What IS the end-game for these believers?
What are they trying to do?

What is going to happen to their sanity when this undoubtedly fizzles and dies out?

We are going to have to prepare for a wave of insanity, coming soon.

Like I said a month ago, I bet this will be covered in science journals and have its own chapter in the DSM.
A brand new psychiatric condition, called the Mandela Effect.

But, I guess the people truly falling down the rabbit hole on this, were fairly lost already.
So perhaps it wont be as big of an impact as I fear. I hope not.

There is so much wrong with the world that is quantifiable and REAL - that venturing headfirst into this crap is just irresponsible! And I say this to myself as well: Spend your freaking energy that you put into this pile of tird - To something that will actually BENEFIT someone..... instead of just spreading insanity to other weak minds. YES - its about weak minds.
Too weak to realize this AINT REAL !
edit on 13-6-2016 by alienDNA because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: alienDNA

Text comes off poorly sometimes

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: raymundoko

In any case the reply you gave was a good one.

time to own some face in Overwatch.
If any of you play on EU give me a holler!

edit on 13-6-2016 by alienDNA because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: Agartha

originally posted by: hidingthistime
a reply to: Debunkology

No it was only about a month ago, I wrote about it right away after I asked them, in the anatomy thread that got shut down, all of my threads got shut down when there were really good points showing and when people most opposed in the thread also changed from thinking their hearts were low, to then again high once it changed, they changed their strong "knowing I was wrong" about the heart being upper left, to saying "NO it was always been left and up high etc, when the whole thread was me saying that and them all fighting me saying it was always the way

In your anatomy thread your said:

heart is low, huge, near the center of chest and way lower, no longer small and way left ...

I went with a friend to the beach today. Both of our hearts are in the upper left portion of our chests

I dont have that sternum, but there is muscle heart is way up left though, above the left nipple, so you can feel it beating, without getting fresh.

For me, it is the way we always drew human anatomy that makes me know it was on the left for me, and that is where i feel it beating.

And people replied:

the heart is in fact large and in the center of the chest, not off to the left like it is in Hasbro's game "Operation"... this is nothing new

The heart IS in the center...

... this is why you do CPR compressions in the middle of the chest...

After the xrays:

Picture 2 shows the heart really clearly, see that sort of balloon shape right in the middle? That's the heart, in its usual place and usual shape too

People have always said the heart is in the middle of the chest. I don't see where people changed their opinion?

originally posted by: hellobruce
??? What are you on?

I am also not able to understand the meaning of that last sentence....

ummm, exactly, you just proved my point, as it has now moved back to where it should be, upper left, smaller, no loger the huge lump in the middle.... IBygB&biw=1024&bih=600#tbm=isch&q=human+anatomy+heart+location

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