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Thousands in Georgia finding out they are no longer eligible for food stamps

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posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 03:33 AM

Need some confirmation on this news, it's also being reported on RT New (which, is why I'm requesting confirmation); I knew about 3 months ago this was coming and about 2 months ago, I thought it was already in place since I had to renew my app for EBT, which is odd, since I remember doing it just 3 months before. If this is true and the states/Gov are implementing the rule, can do your own 'math'.

I'm really hoping that this isn't so but......

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: Komodo

Interesting. Here in Kentucky it was announced a few days ago that about 9,000 to 12,000 adults without dependents and without medical problems will be removed from the food assistance program immediately. It was added that they had ample warning and failed to begin 20 hours a week of volunteer work/job training/part-time work. Is this happening in other states as well?

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 03:45 AM
Where I live in Wyoming there are 6 pages of help wanted..... but only 4 expensive places to rent, so people commute. Lotsa jobs, no housing.

+18 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: Komodo

Need some confirmation on this news, it's also being reported on RT New (which, is why I'm requesting confirmation); I knew about 3 months ago this was coming and about 2 months ago, I thought it was already in place since I had to renew my app for EBT, which is odd, since I remember doing it just 3 months before. If this is true and the states/Gov are implementing the rule, can do your own 'math'.

I'm really hoping that this isn't so but......

Not all, but most could get a job.

I lived and worked around these types for a long time.

I will always support cutting the hand outs. I work two jobs to make ends meet, and I have a broken spine from a car accident, it causes pain every day, you don't see me crying and asking for a handout.

+16 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 05:30 AM
And I bet this isn't about balancing the budget or anything either, if true. Gotta make room in the budget for the 'undocumented immigrants' you know.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:01 AM
I know that many here will think that a majority of people in assistance programs could be working but are milking the system instead. Somehow or another they got on the dole and then just became too lazy to go earn some money.

With all the government backroom deals and bailouts for big businesses, plus the tax burden and cost of living on the common citizen, then I say take whatever crumbs the government is tossing your way. These people aren't dumb and lazy, they're smart, hard working and resourceful. Consider all the red tape, paper work and networking skills needed to live well on government and non-profit handouts. Not to mention the creative ways these program abusing deadbeats earn some spending money on the side. I remember going through some neighborhoods in Detroit and having folks flag you down in the street to buy BBQ ribs and some home cooking prepared from food purchased on their food cards. If they are living well on the dole, then they sure don't sound fat, dumb and lazy to me, more like industrious and resourceful.

+17 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
I know that many here will think that a majority of people in assistance programs could be working but are milking the system instead. Somehow or another they got on the dole and then just became too lazy to go earn some money.

With all the government backroom deals and bailouts for big businesses, plus the tax burden and cost of living on the common citizen, then I say take whatever crumbs the government is tossing your way. These people aren't dumb and lazy, they're smart, hard working and resourceful. Consider all the red tape, paper work and networking skills needed to live well on government and non-profit handouts. Not to mention the creative ways these program abusing deadbeats earn some spending money on the side. I remember going through some neighborhoods in Detroit and having folks flag you down in the street to buy BBQ ribs and some home cooking prepared from food purchased on their food cards. If they are living well on the dole, then they sure don't sound fat, dumb and lazy to me, more like industrious and resourceful.

That has to be one of the most rediculous things I've ever read. Do you understand how welfare works? The government isn't tossing these people "crumbs" US TAXPAYERS ARE TOSSING THEM FREE HOUSING AND FREE FOOD while they drive round in the newest model BMW, selling their perscriptions on the side for a little extra pocket money.

I live around it, I see it every day.

You really gonna take the stance that able bodied people should be able to take advantage of a system for people in serious need, because they went through the trouble to do it? Or because of some misinformed idea that's it's getting back at the man?

The hell...?

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Komodo

Prepare for blanket statements and generalizations to justify a classist bigotry.

Most of the people in this thread can't or wont accept that situations are different for each individual, that's all far too complicated for them, they would rather just go with the blanket statement that everyone claiming any assistance is "lazy".

People fall through the cracks when things like this are implemented, kids are hurt by moves like this, veterans are hurt by moves like this, measures rushed through without any form of consultation by people who can't possibly consider all the ramifications of their actions - but they're arrogant enough to think they know better, or just don't really care about the 10 in every 100 who genuinely need what's now unavailable to them.

I am all for those who can physically work being encouraged to do so, but this is not the way to do it. Measures like this do not last, they do not work, they have been tried before in the 70's, the 80's and the 90's, it didn't work then and it won't work now.

Time, effort and money needs to be spent on curing the cause of this problem rather than punishing those who find themselves living in this problem when it's politically convenient to confront it once again.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:46 AM
Very interesting take on the whole welfare scene. Why should she (them) work ? The girl is smart and well spoken and even makes sense.

edit on 727thk16 by 727Sky because: ...

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

It shouldn't, but listening to that damn near makes my chest hurt.

I think we should all quit working and live off the... wait...

She's right on one thing. It is our fault. We depend on people being too proud to just be ok with living out their entire lives on welfare simply because they can. It's obvious here that was a bad plan of action and some folks have no pride whatsoever.

+4 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:27 AM
Maybe we need to point our finger at the Welfare recipients in Wash DC, that collect 3-4 trillion a year in taxes and fees, before we start pointing fingers at these people. Then we can point at the Welfare recipients in every state capitol. Then we point at local governments. It's the welfare recipients in suits and nice clothes that are raping you, not the poor and ambition-less. The latter will straighten itself out, if you address the former.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

I am glad you took the time to listen.... It was not what you expected, no? The girl made sense.
Since LBJ we have several generations who have lived off government hand outs. There is no welfare in this part of the world where I presently live. You either work, beg/starve or the family helps you. Stated unemployment is below 2% and most families will not put up with anyone who is to lazy to work for very long.. Poor is really poor here for this is so called 3rd world but in some ways IMO they got it right..

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Klassified

The latter won't get straightened out ever, because they've been domesticated like dogs. They believe that they deserve because they exist. They have no ambition,no direction and therefore believe that the govt is here to take care of them. To feed them warm milk and rub their backs while the other half of the country work 50 hours a week to pay for their cowardess and laziness. These are the demographic that the left targets. They offer a quid-pro-quo/ votes for things to these people every election cycle.the worst part about it is that this behavior is now multigenerational in some cultures.
edit on 25-4-2016 by avgguy because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:40 AM
Bmw? In my day they said Cadillacs. Lol nobody on welfare is driving a bmw, they barely get enough to eat.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:43 AM
To all those 'nit pickers' desperately trying to show how everybody is cheating the system: I can pick just as many cases that have stories behind them that would make you cry.
I am all for welfare despite some people who are obviously lazy and milking the system.
And here is why:

1. All money spent, even by welfare recipients is going back into the GDP of the country. Meaning that their money isn't mystically disappearing and they are just a burden. Every packet of ciggies they buy put their money back into the overall pot, which is then used in some way or another to pay your wages.

2. There are not enough jobs that pay what any decent national who strives for a 'normal' life needs. The reason a lot of people can't take on a job and are better off on welfare is that rents/mortgages are far too high, cars and taxes and health costs and insurances and maintanance of properties and children and education all cost money.
If all you want is a family, a place to live and a car to drive in order to live, you need a basic minimum income unless you'd like to share a room with 10 others and your wife and your children, then you'd be able to just take 'any old job'.
A lot of 'normal, 'decent' folk can't just work at Mc.D like a 20 year old, especially those who have been made redundant from a good job and may be too old.

3. Older people who have been out of work for too long, can basically pack their bags and so can people who fall suddenly ill. Even if they have worked for 35 years, once on welfare they are called 'scroungers'. Not true? Well unfortunately, cuts in welfare always affect the most honest or weak people first. Your actual scrounger has plenty of tricks up their sleeves but someone who has always played by the book will be the first [only one] to suffer. I don't want that.

4. Stopping welfare altogether [as some would love to]. Will lead to 3rd world country conditions. In Victorian times, the poor used to live in squalor, die early, spread their untreated illnesses and had to turn to crime even if they didn't want to. Because there sometimes is no other way. It's crime or die [you and your children]. No welfare also breeds shanty towns, which attract more crime and even less jobs. A civilised society can just not afford to discard its people.

5. The amount of scroungers is ridiculously low in the great scheme of things. They do exist, they are highly annoying as they are greedy (&%*^*$'s that ruin it for the majority of people who NEED and deserve help, their percentage is low enough to 'stay alert' but not to force anyone to abolish welfare completely [even if it is done slowly].
Everywhere in life you have to account for a 'minority' of cases that will inevitably happen. Shoplifting losses are taken into account by accountants. They happen, they are a pain in the ass but nobody wants to shut down stores because of a few thieves.

6.Last but not least. You may need welfare one day. Have a university degree? Work in a professional job? Everything is brilliant and nothing could ever go wrong?
Make sure you don't fall ill with a degenerative illness. Make sure your insurance is paying out and not declining your share because of [insert excuse by insurer]. Make sure your spouse can look after her/himself if you snuff it.
In a perfect world you would have accounted for everything but life isn't that simple. If you lost your job tomorrow, with no chance of ever working again, would you manage to survive? And if not, do you prefer welfare and a roof over your head or the gutter?

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: Komodo

This is waging war on poor people.. and judging by the comments here there will be consequences which may be what whoever decided to do this wants. People are already turning on them. Divide and conquer by getting people fighting over crumbs. When they take hand outs or move millions to offshore banks no-one judges them on how they look walking down the street.

Oh wait they do.. they are praised for it.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Komodo

Okay, this is in no way meant to be offensive to you personally, but this is a good thing overall. Yes, there are some that this will affect who are, as the lady toward the end of the video says, struggling to find work while putting forth a consistent effort to do so.

But, I would argue, many, if not most, who will be affected by this change are apathetic people who would prefer to receive their check on the first of the month and not have to work, even if that means living in relative poverty. Hell, many of those who receive said check (or EBT deposit) DO have under-the-table jobs where they don't report their income, and they still get benefits as well...or they have jobs to which the local cops would be more than happy to be privy.

My point being that there are some necessary and appropriate cuts to welfare systems that need to be made. No, they're not all going to be perfect, but those who fall through the cracks during things like this will hopefully make it known and that problem will get fixed. But, whenever it comes to a hard line cut-off of any program, there will always be those who fall through the cracks, and there will always be those unhappy with the changes, and therein lies the problem with liberal (not in the political sense) social welfare programs--once you start them, it's very hard and often painful to whittle away at them.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: avgguy
a reply to: Klassified

The latter won't get straightened out ever, because they've been domesticated like dogs. They believe that they deserve because they exist. They have no ambition,no direction and therefore believe that the govt is here to take care of them. To feed them warm milk and rub their backs while the other half of the country work 50 hours a week to pay for their cowardess and laziness. These are the demographic that the left targets. They offer a quid-pro-quo/ votes for things to these people every election cycle.the worst part about it is that this behavior is now multigenerational in some cultures.

You are likely right, because we will keep ignoring the elephant in the room. The American people have been "domesticated like dogs", and are afraid to bite the hand of their masters. It's much easier to snap at the symptom, than to actually take a bite out of the real problem.
edit on 4/25/2016 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: riley
a reply to: Komodo

This is waging war on poor people.

No, it's not. That's what people who can't see the bigger picture claim in order to do exactly what you said: Divide and conquer by getting people fighting over crumbs.

In reality, the vast majority of those affected CAN find work, they're just unwilling to do the work that they can find.

There's nothing worse than making it too easy for people to embrace apathy and get a government handout.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: damwel.

Hungry Americans is no matter. It is part of the overall republican plan to compete with third world countries. Their hatred of the American people will be satisfied when more die.

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