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Muslim Privilege: Harvard attempts to censor name of Anti-Semitic Muslim Student

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posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:21 PM
Yes, the topic line is a play on the ridiculous term "White Privilege".

The jist of the story follows: (As always, I will put links at the end)

Harvard University was hosting a discussion Panel on Israeli-Palestinian relations and an experienced female Israeli Politician, Tzipi Livni, was taking questions. During the questioning, a Muslim student had the gall to ask this accomplished woman:

'how is that you are so smelly?'

and then ASKED AGAIN:

'It's regarding your odor - about the odor of Tzipi Livni, very smelly.'

This is disturbing in that "The Smelly Jew" has been a hallmark of Antisemitism since the 19th century (related if you've ever heard the term "Dirty Jew")

This is where what I am calling Muslim Privilege has come into play. Since the incident, Harvard has not officially named the student responsible, though independent journalism has since discovered his identity. His name is Husam El-Qoolaq.

Even though Harvard has not named the student, elements within Harvard have condemned what was said as it's "divisive, damaging, etc. (the usual PC way of condemning what someone has said) - but this is where the students privilege has come into play. In addition to the school not naming the student for as yet undisclosed "legal reasons", this Muslim student has others protecting him from "unnecessary further harm" - actually trying to portray this racist antisemite as a victim!

from the Free Beacon:

“I was told you were writing a piece, and I’m making an effort to reach out to reporters to ask them not to use the name,” Salinger wrote. “The reason is because we felt our piece was about condemning the language that used, not the person who used it. The student is a classmate of ours, and he has publicly apologized. We feel the use of his name will distract from the message of the story and do additional unnecessary harm to this individual.”

So, if I am reading this right, hate speech is allowed as long as it is apologized for, and the individual who said it should be protected because "it's not about the person, but the "language that was used"? Isn't that a bit of a double standard? I wonder if Donald Trump can just apologize for his wall comments and suggestion to temporarily halt Muslim immigration. I mean, if he would just condemn the language that was used, it would be all alright right?

The student also issued a half apology - half justifying what he said. In which he apologized, and then quickly goes on to disown his hate speech, feigning ignorance. This student who is on year 3 of an Ivy League college, who happens to be Pro-Palestinian/Anti-Israeli didn't know that "Dirty Jew" and variants thereof have racist history and connotations? I'm sure . . . . .

“I am writing to apologize, as sincerely as I can via this limited form of communication, to anyone who may have felt offended by the comments I made last week. To be very clear, as there seems to be some confusion, I would never, ever, ever call anyone, under any circumstances, a “smelly Jew”.

he continues (disowning his speech):

With regards to what I actually did say, I can see now, after speaking with the authors of this article and many other members of the Jewish community at HLS, how my words could have been interpreted as a reference to an anti-Semitic stereotype, one that I was entirely unaware of prior to the publication of this article.

Discuss: Do you think Muslims and Anti-Semites in the U.S. have privilege protecting them from owning up to their hate speech, directed at a group who's virtually entire history they have been oppressed in? There are countless cases here in the United States alone where Anti-Semitism has been given a pass from punishment. From the UCLA student council trying to disqualify a Female Jewish representative because she is active in the Jewish community (here's a video of that clown show), to the rampant Anti-Semitism at University of Michigan where Jewish students were called "kikes" and "dirty jews" - and school administrators dismissed the slurs as "activism" and did nothing to address the concerns of Jewish students, to San Francisco State University Palestinian Student president Mohammed G. Hammad, literally wishing for Jewish students to "trip down stairs and break their necks" - they have all gotten away mostly scott free. Meanwhile, anything celebrating Judaism is shut down, vandalized or targeted

Link to Original Article:

Discuss, as always, keep it civil: Do you think Muslims and Anti-Semites have Privilege here in America (particularly on American campuses) or not? Why?

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:27 PM
yey more muslim hate, why do i suspect that this will end up on the front page...what happened to stick and stones my good friends? im white if someone called me white trash and was black would i care? NO! because I DONT CARE... Let me repeat that I DONT CARE... maybe I should repeat that I DONT CARE. It should become a new mantra around here like OM for hindus I DONT CARE for atsers. And as usual why is it that all muslis are branded under one brush? first it was the jews then it was the communists the it was the muslims, times change... or do they? The new bogey man. Next you will be saying that 9/11 wa done by muslims Bwahahaha.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:31 PM
I would say that there is a definitely a complex dance of victim hierarchies at work within leftiest PC culture, and it seems obvious that while Jews are recognized as a victim group, they have less status than Muslims who seem to be perceived as more victimized so they can get away with bigger examples of what the rest of us would consider offenses.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: StephenHope

It's not about whether or no the person on the receiving end cared or felt hurt, it's about how the person making the remark was dealt with.

What that person got away with would get a white student swiftly censured and likely suspended in short order.

So the discussion is on whether or not there is a double, triple or otherwise standard in how people are treated when they do these things depending on whom they offend and whom they happen to be.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:35 PM
Really...911 was done by muslims Bwahahaha..who is Bwahahaha....I was lead to believe is was done by a few guys with box cutters...and access to nano explosive technology.
As to our friend at Harvard...rude is rude...let him have his say...apoligizes mean nothing.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:35 PM

These pinheads better be careful who they talk to and talk about.

Tzipi Livni was a high level Mossad operative before entering politics.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:37 PM
i find it hysterical that the number one country where 1 in 100 people are in prison and most of them being black is the country which gets to police the world... i wonder what country that could be. It isnt china and china has 1 billion people... think about that... yet this particular country thinks that muslims are the enemy even though there are more white supremicst attacks in that country than any in the whole world. The same country which was founded on slavery and oppression of people that are of not the same color, this country brought you the celebrity culture the same culture which oppresses women by their looks and lets this idols dictate the morale fiber of the country in order to dumb down its population and its this country which sells more arms to jihadists than any other country in the world. The same country which cant tell the difference between a table spoon and a tea spoon while half the world starves...of course im talking about planet zog, what you think I was talking about? Those evil zoggers. How dare they! Lets build a wall that keeps out people that are related to our indigenous population....

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: StephenHope
yey more muslim hate, why do i suspect that this will end up on the front page...what happened to stick and stones my good friends? im white if someone called me white trash and was black would i care? NO! because I DONT CARE... Let me repeat that I DONT CARE... maybe I should repeat that I DONT CARE. It should become a new mantra around here like OM for hindus I DONT CARE for atsers. And as usual why is it that all muslis are branded under one brush? first it was the jews then it was the communists the it was the muslims, times change... or do they? The new bogey man. Next you will be saying that 9/11 wa done by muslims Bwahahaha.

Muslim hate? What about Jewish hate? Did you click on a single link in any of that post? Anti-Semitism (along with Anti-White) is pretty much mainstream. Where is your bleeding heart for innocent American Jews who are victimized by Leftist, Apologist hordes here in the U.S. and abroad? From the tone of your voice I can tell you are likely a self-hating white man so I won't ask about innocent White people just trying to live their lives, but not Jews. Jews are the single most oppressed religious minority on the face of this Earth, and yet here you are, complaining that I'm critical of blatant favoritism, favoritism that has allowed people to be victimized based on how they worship their god. The way I see it, you are either just trolling, or you are just to ignorant and narrow minded for honest discussion, so I won't waste my time trying to convince you otherwise. You, and others like you, are the reason their is so much strife in the world today.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: StephenHope

It's not about whether or no the person on the receiving end cared or felt hurt, it's about how the person making the remark was dealt with.

What that person got away with would get a white student swiftly censured and likely suspended in short order.

So the discussion is on whether or not there is a double, triple or otherwise standard in how people are treated when they do these things depending on whom they offend and whom they happen to be.

Thank you ketsuko. I've been typing this post up for the better part of 2 hours, I need to take a step back from it for a second, haha.

You are absolutely right. I'm glad at least someone can understand the point I'm trying to make. A white student, or hell even a jewish student who might be critical of an Islamic entity would likely have been suspended on the spot with a comment like that. It wasn't even a question, it was 100% insult. If I asked a Saudi Politician why he prefers goats and little boys over women - his sexual preference, why is it so horrid, I would be out of an education and their would likely be riots.

+5 more 
posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: chuck258

There does appear to be a double standard.

If a White guy said that to a black = Suspended.
If a Black guy said that to a white = Suspended.
If a White guy said that to an Asian = Suspended.
If an Asian said that to a white/black = Suspended.

If a Muslim said it to a Jew we debate all the evils the US has ever done....

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: chuck258

Wow, that is reprehensible, but expected.

I am sure we will see plenty of people that some how spin this thread because there are so many ATS members that hate Jews. Hopefully we can agree that this is a disgusting question asked by a disgusting human being.

edit on 2016/4/24 by Metallicus because: sp

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: chuck258

Free speech is wonderful, isn't it?

Without it, we'd never know who the assholes were.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:01 PM
It goes along with this story in a way.

Some parents complained after their children were asked to complete a form titled, "How much privilege do you have?'

Students routinely fill out forms every year that ask their race and sex, but the form handed out at Monroe Middle School also asked about gender, sexual orientation and religion.

I would guess that if you can check off more boxes than I can, then we can forgive you being a horrid prick toward me because after all, I have more "privilege" and can thus be assumed to have "oppressed" you by the very act of existing, and I doubt it matters much exactly which boxes each of us checks, only how many each of us ends up with in our tally.

Clearly, the student asking the question is assumed to have more checks in his tally than the person he asked the question of, so he can be forgiven for being a prick. Simple.

Remember how this video made the rounds not too long ago and we all laughed at it except for the people who found it offensive? Yeah, well, now we know why those people found it offensive. It is their reality.
edit on 24-4-2016 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:02 PM
if there is a dicreprency between who is allowed to say what in westrn society it is done on purpose in order to create a stigma and to create lots of hate in western society. On purpose by the elite of western society so they can have total control over freedom of speach nd create the illusion that certain people are favored over other in order to create hate as with this article. As with anything regarding muslims its all controlled resistance, anyone that thinks differently should think again. Allah akbar is edited into every video in mainstream media regrding muslims to create sterotypes and to fuel hate because the muslims are the ones sitting on all the oil. This article was formulated by the so called elite as well.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:06 PM
What a non-apology, also he never went into detail as what he meant by smelly, what was your intention if it was not a jab?

Next Level Cakery.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: chuck258

originally posted by: StephenHope
yey more muslim hate, why do i suspect that this will end up on the front page...what happened to stick and stones my good friends? im white if someone called me white trash and was black would i care? NO! because I DONT CARE... Let me repeat that I DONT CARE... maybe I should repeat that I DONT CARE. It should become a new mantra around here like OM for hindus I DONT CARE for atsers. And as usual why is it that all muslis are branded under one brush? first it was the jews then it was the communists the it was the muslims, times change... or do they? The new bogey man. Next you will be saying that 9/11 wa done by muslims Bwahahaha.

Muslim hate? What about Jewish hate? Did you click on a single link in any of that post? Anti-Semitism (along with Anti-White) is pretty much mainstream. Where is your bleeding heart for innocent American Jews who are victimized by Leftist, Apologist hordes here in the U.S. and abroad? From the tone of your voice I can tell you are likely a self-hating white man so I won't ask about innocent White people just trying to live their lives, but not Jews. Jews are the single most oppressed religious minority on the face of this Earth, and yet here you are, complaining that I'm critical of blatant favoritism, favoritism that has allowed people to be victimized based on how they worship their god. The way I see it, you are either just trolling, or you are just to ignorant and narrow minded for honest discussion, so I won't waste my time trying to convince you otherwise. You, and others like you, are the reason their is so much strife in the world today.

white guilt is a term regularly used on stormfront, go by there often? You peeps are very 1984-esque with your hate towards the so called new found enemy, boggles the mind that you lap up everything the elite have to say and the controlled mainstream media. Ill be damned if im going to sit down and let you pass this off as news!

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:14 PM
I wonder if this student would be as forgiving if someone "apologized" for calling him a goat-copulator?

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: StephenHope

So Th e Washington Post is a source equivalent to Stormfront?

Parents outraged after students shown ‘white guilt’ cartoon for Black History Month

There are plenty of other mainstream press sources that reference the term. It is hardly unique to the white supremacist scene.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: StephenHope

So Th e Washington Post is a source equivalent to Stormfront?

Parents outraged after students shown ‘white guilt’ cartoon for Black History Month

There are plenty of other mainstream press sources that reference the term. It is hardly unique to the white supremacist scene.

there you go again you answered your own problem 'mainstream media'.
im done here, I know a lost cause when i see one.

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: StephenHope

I know a lost cause when i see one.

And we know a troll account when we see one.

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