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108 billion people ever lived (estimate)

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posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:02 PM
gods got his work cut out to keep track of that many people if you ask me and that number is going to get way higher year on year as the population rises.

108 billion souls? probably the reason when your lights go out they go out for good and your going to no pearly gates to be welcomed in if you ask me. still got to love peoples optimism tho.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:08 PM
Could be way less than that many souls with each soul coming back numerous times.
edit on KAmerica/Chicago4300000002016-04-19T19:09:29-05:00k16Aprpm by Kentuckymama because: Spelling error

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:10 PM
A whole 108B, huh?

Not even as many as there are stars in our one galaxy. Not even as many as the number of galaxies visible in the universe.

Pretty small, like some people's minds who would open a thread in the Religion, Faith and Theology forum, and poo-poo people's beliefs.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Kentuckymama why would a soul just come back numerous times? if it could do that then surely it would be able to do it any time it liked.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: Snarl you say i poo poo peoples believes but your doing exact same cause i believe different.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:50 PM
108 billion for Earth and that only includes humans. Include every other planet with life and all species and the number is even more staggering, try trillions upon trillions upon trillions etc.

Why would we, as humans, be so important to God's plan? Seems a bit egotistical to think we actually matter in the grand scheme of things.

Well I take that back, we do matter, just not in the conventional sense. We are here for experience and the universe is just one big experience unfolding over billions of years. We are integral to that experience in the same way that each part of a motor is integral to a car running. One part goes out and the entire car becomes useless.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: sparky31

But dear sir, this is the "Religion, Faith and Theology forum" and NOT the "Lack of Religion, Faith and Theology forum". This emits a stench of You wanting to argue and fight. Akin to going to a "Bald Guy's Convention" and yelling "Bald Guys Suck".

But to give You some "action"...

Your second paragraph doesn't make sense and if You're going to try and belittle folks You might go back and correct Your grammar, specifically the part that reads "...for good and your going to no pearly gates..." Now come on that doesn't make sense and I'd detest watching You get attacked for Your grammar and not the content of Your thought(s).

How are You categorizing Buddhism as a religion or philosophy? because they address the theory of incarnation/re-incarnation/ repeat if necessary so I'll wait and see if You respond to that and We can go from there (or not..)


posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: sparky31
gods got his work cut out to keep track of that many people if you ask me and that number is going to get way higher year on year as the population rises.

108 billion souls? probably the reason when your lights go out they go out for good and your going to no pearly gates to be welcomed in if you ask me. still got to love peoples optimism tho.

Your conclusion makes no sense at all. There's no connection. You seem to be easily overwhelmed with numbers.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:50 PM
I feel the number is much higher and we are not taking into account that we may have come from other planets. Afterall, our DNA arrived on this planet somehow. It's way too detailed to create the higher beings we are. We are probably quadrilllions of years old.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:55 PM
there is also an estimated 1 billion on the other side of the flood.
edit on 19-4-2016 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
108 billion for Earth and that only includes humans. Include every other planet with life and all species and the number is even more staggering, try trillions upon trillions upon trillions etc.

Why would we, as humans, be so important to God's plan? Seems a bit egotistical to think we actually matter in the grand scheme of things.

Well I take that back, we do matter, just not in the conventional sense. We are here for experience and the universe is just one big experience unfolding over billions of years. We are integral to that experience in the same way that each part of a motor is integral to a car running. One part goes out and the entire car becomes useless.

Uh, those numbers are only "staggering" to us. They're insignificant when it comes to Nature. For example, there are trillions of human cells in the human body alone. And there are even more foreign microbe cells in our bodies than there are human cells. And there are an estimated 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive at any time (obviously a rough estimate, found here).

I agree that we matter in the grand scale of things on Earth. However, I don't think we're "superior" to other lifeforms. We have some pros and cons compared to them, just as they do with us. We have the potential to have an incredible impact on our solar system and perhaps even our galaxy one day. However, I also think Nature will gobble up and erase nearly all of our "achievements" over time, so they probably won't matter in the long run.

Oh, in my religion, we're not important to God's plans. He doesn't need us at all. We're only here to determine the true nature of our souls. And on the Day of Judgment, we'll either be punished or promoted based on the outcome of our time here.
edit on 20-4-2016 by enlightenedservant because: clarified my first paragraph. thanks rubio and romney...

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

There are trillions of atoms in a tiny grain of sand alone, not to mention everything else in the world made of atoms.

I agree with your post.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1


So in a weird way, we're both significant and insignificant. We have the power to destroy most life on Earth (temporarily) and travel throughout the solar system. But Nature also has the ability to erase all proof of our existence and kill us off w/a few "simple" viruses. It's a weird balance.

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