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Christians, Jesus will accept your ignorance, but why not do better

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posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 05:00 AM

Everything was changed to be directed generally at Christians, no names


I was an atheist commie because I was born and lived portion of my life in a communist country (Eastern Europe). As it happened I've developed or inherited intelligent mind, no doubt communist education helped because commies prefer quite comprehensive science oriented school program which develops critical thinking.

As I searched for truth in all things, it became obvious that universe, laws of physics and life itself was intelligently designed to function on its own with "some" input, like a well made mechanical pocket watch.

It became obvious that God exists and that Bible is a history/prophecy book that contains literal and non-literal truth.

To my fellow Christians

How is it that you are not aware that the universe is populated with life ?

How does all this life and all this vastness fit into your understanding of God and life on planet Earth ?

How is it that you are not aware of predetermination in all things, even in this very thread I am typing, I would think prophecies make that obvious.

Are you aware that Qur'an contains some truth and so do Buddhist texts.

How are you thus not aware of complete lack of free will ?

Even bad people like ISIS or even worse people like US government and allies who funded them, ULTIMATELY serve a role that is predestined and designed by God.

Do you now understand why Jesus taught that hate and hating someone ultimately makes no sense because of the way this universe and life is designed.

What does that entail for the system of reward and punishment in the afterlife, is it more complicated than you think ?

Did you study Out of Body experiences and Near Death experiences.

How are you not aware that some people do indeed reincarnate. What you do think second coming of Jesus is. That right there is going to be reincarnation. Though that particular spirit might create its own body rather than rely on man and woman to have sex and wait 9 months. Jesus will probably manifest his body (I know I would)

How are you not aware that just like many governments around the world, Israeli Zionist government and their supporters are playing an evil role on earthly plane.

Do you really believe Jesus will applaud those Jews and tell them "you know guys I really am impressed with how you bulldozed and killed your way into greater Israel ever since the 40s"

"I really am impressed with your walls that criss cross the holy land and how you've managed to screw Palestinians at every turn, even acting during peace talks"

"Your Mossad and the false flags really rock, you Zionist Jews really kick azz"

"What can I say your jewish owned international banks like Federal Reserve are a thing of beauty"

To all of you Christians


Do you really believe the second coming of Jesus is going to be second coming of a

NEOCON ZIONIST in charge of US military industrial complex.

Actually God will use Putin to destroy this whole system so that it can be rebuilt properly. After that Putin will be dispatched as well which is kinda shame cause I rather like him. I guess he is going to go too far in destroying decadent west and God will have to put him down.

I am so very disappointed in most of you scripture parrots. The way you are so invested in this limited temporary life as a human on this one planet Earth.

And to make matters even worse, I am not really allowed to be extremely disappointed because I understand these are the roles selected for you in this life.

Aliens (good and bad) from other planets and even other galaxies are literally flying above our heads, sometimes not even bothering to cloak.

And all you people want is preoccupation with this ball of dirt.

You don't even look and research other ancient cultures like Chinese or Hindu.

If you could live one day with ability of my 140 IQ mind

You would not want to go back to being so limited.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

Accepting jeebus in our hearts is the easy way out.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

How is it that you are not aware that the universe is populated with life ?

Proof ? Even Drake's equation has been modified and improved . Actually , there is very little chance of intelligent life in space.Including our own planet.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: ChloeTTR

If you could live one day with ability of my 140 IQ mind

Ill take my chances

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

You do know that atheism is a the christian creed of Athanasian, they just left out the father figure ( God ) and placed state instead.
Communism, well thats a ideology based on Christian ideals, problem is like always, humans.

Since you self proclaim yourself to an IQ of 140, you couldnt have missed out on that..

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: ChloeTTR

Everything was changed to be directed generally at Christians, no names


I was an atheist commie because I was born and lived portion of my life in a communist country (Eastern Europe). As it happened I've developed or inherited intelligent mind, no doubt communist education helped because commies prefer quite comprehensive science oriented school program which develops critical thinking.

As I searched for truth in all things, it became obvious that universe, laws of physics and life itself was intelligently designed to function on its own with "some" input, like a well made mechanical pocket watch.

It became obvious that God exists and that Bible is a history/prophecy book that contains literal and non-literal truth.

To my fellow Christians

How is it that you are not aware that the universe is populated with life ?

I'm not particularly certain that there is other life in the Universe. I've asked God to clarify, and He seems to lean in the direction of there not being anything else. Kind of like looking at a painting, the rest of this reality outside of the 'planet' Earth is basically just a very big example of God's artistic ability. I think the universe outside of Earth is basically empty. But that's my opinion.

How does all this life and all this vastness fit into your understanding of God and life on planet Earth ?

My understanding of God is not (in most ways) affected by the universe itself, nor by the Earth itself. But by His holy word. You are, of course assuming that the universe is, indeed, vast, and not simply another lie spewed from the controllers of this World to make it look like something it is not.

How is it that you are not aware of predetermination in all things, even in this very thread I am typing, I would think prophecies make that obvious.

You are treating predetermination as some kind of catch-all to excuse certain behaviors/beliefs. It doesn't work that way. Just because God is all knowing, does not mean that people don't have a choice.

Are you aware that Qur'an contains some truth and so do Buddhist texts.

That's because Satan has known the plan of God (in general) since the beginning. Which is how he was able to seed the World with all these false doctrines and false religions, he knew the story from the beginning, and used it to cast doubt in the minds of those who would come later. Brilliant really, but in the end, rather useless. Lies are always exposed in the end, just as the Bible says. Satan basically wraps lies in a blanket of truth, or it would be better described as the chocolate morsels (truth) in a cookie of made of lies. A spoon full of sugar makes the pill easier to swallow.

How are you thus not aware of complete lack of free will?

Free will is defined in the Bible as the choice to serve God, or to serve as an example. Either way, you still serve God, and still have a choice. You are free to live your life any way you wish, but God is also free to make an example out of you for doing so. He has free will too.

Even bad people like ISIS or even worse people like US government and allies who funded them, ULTIMATELY serve a role that is predestined and designed by God.

See above.

Do you now understand why Jesus taught that hate and hating someone ultimately makes no sense because of the way this universe and life is designed.

And you know what about the design of life? Were you there when the foundations of the Earth were laid? No. You only know what you observe, and what you observe may be false. Just ask any illusionist about that. Jesus told us not to hate each other because it makes us into little more than the animals that walk the Earth. Slaves to our own emotions, lust, greed, covetousness, etc. He told us not to hate for YOUR benefit, other people's is secondary. Because YOU carry the weight of that hate throughout your entire existence, and it limits you in all you do. The best thing you can do is let it go, and start fresh with the object of your negativity. It's not as if God Himself doesn't hate, for "Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated." Only difference is, God has way more self-control that you do, and He can handle it.

What does that entail for the system of reward and punishment in the afterlife, is it more complicated than you think ?

Not really. There are a great many mysteries of the afterlife that will be revealed only when we are transfigured as Christ was, and see as He sees. However, the basis of rewards in Heaven are simple, you do for God and your fellow man here on Earth, and are rewarded for such in Heaven. There is a decorum involved of course, you cannot simply do such things for the vanity of it, for the attention (or approval) of other men, but you must do them out of the heart, out of love. For those people that do such things in public have their reward (the adulation of their fellow man), but those that do charity in secret, are only seen by the Father (and perhaps a few others by incident), and are rewarded in Heaven.


posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

Did you study Out of Body experiences and Near Death experiences.

Yes. Not sure what the point of this question is, though.

How are you not aware that some people do indeed reincarnate. What you do think second coming of Jesus is. That right there is going to be reincarnation. Though that particular spirit might create its own body rather than rely on man and woman to have sex and wait 9 months. Jesus will probably manifest his body (I know I would)

There is no such thing as reincarnation. That is a lie. Jesus will return in the exact same form He left in, in a resurrected spirit body. There will be no Earthly flesh involved.

How are you not aware that just like many governments around the world, Israeli Zionist government and their supporters are playing an evil role on earthly plane.

Kind of torn in Israel. God says that He will bless those that bless you, meaning Israel. However, the Word also states that there will be those who claim to be Jews but are nothing more than the synagogue of Satan. Still not sure which we are dealing with in the current age. I am leaning towards the 'nation' of Israel as those Jews who still believe in Torah, and love God. Many modern 'Jews' follow the oral traditions, or the same things the Jesus preached AGAINST in the New Testament. That would make them false Jews, and thus not true recipients of the blessings of Abraham. Time will tell.

Do you really believe Jesus will applaud those Jews and tell them "you know guys I really am impressed with how you bulldozed and killed your way into greater Israel ever since the 40s"

"I really am impressed with your walls that criss cross the holy land and how you've managed to screw Palestinians at every turn, even acting during peace talks"

"Your Mossad and the false flags really rock, you Zionist Jews really kick azz"

"What can I say your jewish owned international banks like Federal Reserve are a thing of beauty"

Irrelevant, really. See above.

To all of you Christians


Do you really believe the second coming of Jesus is going to be second coming of a

NEOCON ZIONIST in charge of US military industrial complex.

Nope. He is going to be coming as a cleansing wind, and will not need an Earthly king or ruler to help Him.

Actually God will use Putin to destroy this whole system so that it can be rebuilt properly. After that Putin will be dispatched as well which is kinda shame cause I rather like him. I guess he is going to go too far in destroying decadent west and God will have to put him down.

Your opinion. Obviously biased.

I am so very disappointed in most of you scripture parrots. The way you are so invested in this limited temporary life as a human on this one planet Earth.

I'm not sure where you get this. You claim to be a Christian, but then dismiss scripture? Then you are a Christian in name only, as so many others are. Good luck with that.

And to make matters even worse, I am not really allowed to be extremely disappointed because I understand these are the roles selected for you in this life.

You are allowed to be disappointed, It happens all the time. The fact that you would even say that, is disappointing to me... Again you assume that predestination disallows free will, and that is false.

Aliens (good and bad) from other planets and even other galaxies are literally flying above our heads, sometimes not even bothering to cloak.

There is no such thing. The 'aliens' are a deception, and part of the end times 'great deception' spoken of in the Bible. Educate yourself. Most so-called 'alien' technology has been discredited by the secularists themselves, and if they don't think it will work, why do you? Look deeper.

And all you people want is preoccupation with this ball of dirt.

Actually, the true Christian is not all that interested at all in this place, as it is transitory. This is not our home, and is only a place we sojourn before going on to our real home. More study (on your part) is needed.

You don't even look and research other ancient cultures like Chinese or Hindu.

A racist blanket assumption, presuming that those cultures are somehow 'better' and thus worthy of research in the first place. For you to assume that people don't study those things is ignorant on your part.

If you could live one day with ability of my 140 IQ mind

You would not want to go back to being so limited.

Arrogance in the highest, and you call yourself a Christian. Again, educate yourself as to what it really means to be a Christian, and you would never write most of this. Christians are meant to be humble, and enlightened, you are neither. God bless you. Find Jesus, before He finds you wanting.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

What you do think second coming of Jesus is. That right there is going to be reincarnation.

No. Jesus is coming back in His true form.So , it is not a reincarnation. In fact, I do not think there is any reincarnation in either Christian or Muslim terms.
Remember , they were 1/2 brothers to begin with...

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: ChloeTTR

If you could live one day with ability of my 140 IQ mind

I would feel a little out of sorts because that would be somewhat of a drop for me.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

Did they also teach you the art of condescension in those superior schools with your alleged superior intelligence? lol. Sorry, couldn't get past it enough to enjoy the merit of the thread. One of my little quirks.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: reldra
I would feel a little out of sorts because that would be somewhat of a drop for me.

I would wager money the other person in the equation is closer to the IQ of a pickle than 140.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: reldra
I would feel a little out of sorts because that would be somewhat of a drop for me.

I would wager money the other person in the equation is closer to the IQ of a pickle than 140.

And this is what happens to pickles

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: reldra

I was thinking more along the lines of:

"Me love Jesus, use 140 IQ to challenge ATS regulars. Grrrrrrr!"

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: reldra
I would feel a little out of sorts because that would be somewhat of a drop for me.

I would wager money the other person in the equation is closer to the IQ of a pickle than 140.

I was an atheist commie because I was born and lived portion of my life in a communist country (Eastern Europe). As it happened I've developed or inherited intelligent mind, no doubt communist education helped because commies prefer quite comprehensive science oriented school program which develops critical thinking.

Eastern Europe? Unlikely. "Atheist Commie"? That would come closer to being an Americanism.

I'd be curious to know how many accounts you're up to now. I lost count.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

If you could live one day with ability of my 140 IQ mind

You would not want to go back to being so limited.

Wow. You really thought this little screed was appropriate? Just wow. But okay. I'll play. But you seem to have that backwards. Let me fix it for you:

If one day we had to live with the ability of your 140 IQ mind, we would not want to be so limited...

Or --

If one day you could live with the ability of our 140+ IQs, you would not want to go back to being so limited...

Both work.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

To my fellow Christians

How is it that you are not aware that the universe is populated with life ?

Heresy, you will be tortured and slowly burn for such a suggestion. The earth is flat, was made in six days, is the center of the Universe, Jesus is God, and if you will just believe, we'll all spend eternity together in Heaven, sitting around on puffy white clouds eating ice cream from golden plates.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: ChloeTTR

Even bad people like ISIS or even worse people like US government and allies who funded them, ULTIMATELY serve a role that is predestined and designed by God.

I made it to here.


posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 09:42 AM
Interesting, for someone who thinks he/she is so smart, you make an awful lot of assumptions about someone like myself.

I do have some inkling of what it's like to have a high IQ. Mine tops out at somewhere between 135 and 140. My husband's is actually higher than you claim yours is.

Now that I'm done swinging e-peen like a teenager.

Do you not think it is possible for intelligent people to reach many of the same conclusions you have, but also to differ slightly on different points? I am not going to go point by point into your litany. It's not worth it and you'd likely miss the subtleties anyhow since you seem to be in the stage of speaking all in absolutes.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: ChloeTTR

To my fellow Christians

How is it that you are not aware that the universe is populated with life ?

Heresy, you will be tortured and slowly burn for such a suggestion. The earth is flat, was made in six days, is the center of the Universe, Jesus is God, and if you will just believe, we'll all spend eternity together in Heaven, sitting around on puffy white clouds eating ice cream from golden plates.

You know? I was done with that simplistic version of things about the time I was six or seven. Most of us either do the thinking necessary to reconcile faith with what we know or we become bitter, angry atheists who are upset that there really isn't a big, bearded sky man like mommy said and hate everyone else who seems to still believe for the rest of our days.

Sometimes, you meet that rare atheist who has put enough thought into his or her disbelief that they have reached the same conclusion for disbelief that people of faith reach for belief. Generally, you can have nice conversations with them that are intelligent and well thought out without descending to this OP, whatever this is.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: reldra
I would feel a little out of sorts because that would be somewhat of a drop for me.

I would wager money the other person in the equation is closer to the IQ of a pickle than 140.

The OP is proof that IQ is rather like college degrees. It's not what you have it's what you do with it that counts.

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