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2016: The Year the Americans Found out Our Elections Are Rigged

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posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 04:18 AM
Take care of your friends and families. It feels like it is all unraveling.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 06:30 AM

This is what happened today in Georgia. Donald Trump won the primary. This handful of people decided otherwise.

Watch for yourself the tyranny of the minority.

The angry losers who know better than their fellow citizens.

Meet the deciders.

This is not going to end well.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: MsAphrodite

This is what happened today in Georgia. Donald Trump won the primary. This handful of people decided otherwise.

Watch for yourself the tyranny of the minority.

The angry losers who know better than their fellow citizens.

Meet the deciders.

This is not going to end well.

It's now fully out in the open. The nominee is selected by insiders. At least people understand this now as well as understanding that the whole year of primaries is just about raising cash for insiders and pretending the people have a say.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
It's now fully out in the open. The nominee is selected by insiders. At least people understand this now as well as understanding that the whole year of primaries is just about raising cash for insiders and pretending the people have a say.

This is just part of it. The winner of the whole enchilada is chosen by insiders. The next POTUS has already been chosen and everything we see is in furtherance of that larger effort.

Whoever the republican nominee is (I think it's going to be Cruz), it is not because Cruz has any shot whatsoever of winning the general election -- especially if/when Trump splits from the GOP and fractures the conservative vote.

The DNC and RNC are going to deliver a democrat victory.

There is one Establishment (not two) and Congress represents them (and themselves). We aren't getting a conservative. The Establishment is chomping at the bit for another big domestic spending plan.

As long as the War on Terror money-making scheme is still in motion, we will be getting a big domestic spending plan with a socialist bent.

When we need another warhawk POTUS, then and only then will the two parties deliver another conservative.

edit on 17-4-2016 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 12:07 AM
If you think the hanging chads thing in Florida was bad in 2000, then this year is going to be even more fun with the heaps of write-ins in all 50 states. Not that the electoral will follow that anyways. People should still do it to make their point heard though.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: UKTruth
Land of the Free? Harvard Study Ranks America Worst in the West for Fair Elections

As if further proof could possibly be needed of the sorry state of the American electoral process, a new study just ranked the United States dead last in electoral integrity among established Western democracies.

The Electoral Integrity Project (EIP)’s 2015 Year in Elections report is an independent research project by 2,000 elections experts from Harvard University and the University of Sydney in Australia assembled to examine the world’s elections.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 10:50 AM
Get rid of super delegates. No one's vote should hold greater merit over another, least of all an elected official...

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: Gh0stwalker
Get rid of super delegates. No one's vote should hold greater merit over another, least of all an elected official...

Or a supposedly democratic election where the people vote for the new leadership.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: UKTruth

No leader has ever made a nation great. No business man has dragged a nation up by its boot straps and tooled it for its future. No general has ever won a war, no parliamentarian or political process has ever safeguarded a nations soul.

These things are done in the streets, in the homes, workplaces, in the very living guts of nations. Those who know, those who see most clearly the rot that afflicts the powerless are those who suffer its effects most immediately. They have ever been thus. The most noble amongst a people is often the least able to affect change themselves, and yet knows better than all of the town car surfers, the palm greasers, the laundered and well heeled, what is wrong with his or her country, because they, not those who have security, but those whose only sustenance comes from the paltry liberty that they can muster, are the ones holding the whole thing above their shoulders.

Atlas may shrug, but when he does, the people beneath the tread of his sandals are the ones who carry the greatest burden as a result, not those who have built for themselves an unwisely tall tower from which to scoff at the apparently pathetic efforts of those below.

While it is true that handouts are no way to live, while it is true that communities suffer when their populations feature a high percentage of persons who rely on state aid for their food and energy needs, for everything, it is wise to remember that those on state aid are not, in the main, unemployed. There are those who are working like machines for money which does them no good since it is too little to live on. They are a significant number of those you claim are part of the problem, the drugged, as you call them.

I ask you, who is drugged among you? Is it the man whose reality has been a cycle of three hour rest periods between the four tiring, soul crushing, and poorly paid jobs he has had to get because his wife fell suddenly ill, one of the drugged? Is the family whose home was taken from them by a banking system so corrupt that it swindled itself out of billions upon billions of dollars, among the drugged? Is the eighteen year old girl with the genius IQ, who has no money and no way to get to a GOOD college, working a dead end job to help pay for her siblings food part of this drugged society?

These individuals are not drugged. They are living starkly real, absolutely cold hard facts, every day of their lives.

Those who have wanted for nothing their whole lives, those who have frittered away the GDP of small nation states on partying and foolhardiness, those who have spent more money on their image, than they have ensuring the quality of their compassion, the contents of their hearts and minds, those who have helped bring the weak to their knees, while remaining hidden behind walls of money and paperwork, these people though. These people are surely drugged, are they not? Are they not mid way through a binge, with no intention of purging themselves of anything but the chemicals they can afford to place within their well cared for mortal frames?

Are those who live lives that feed and thrive on the weakness of others, not addicted to their position, to their belief in their entitlement to the lifestyle they are living? Are they not riding a rush, incapable of stopping or even slowing down? Are they, in their blindness and mechanical lack of compassion, not blinkered by their addiction to their situation and station in life?

Is it not they who control the congress by way of payment? Is it not they who purchase favour with those who ought only to listen to the great mass of the people? Is it not they who purchase propaganda machines in order to galvanise the weak against one another, dividing them and further weakening their position? Who is the addict, really?

I will tell you this for nothing. It takes years to become truly addicted to the misery of near slavery. It takes moments to become addicted to power and money. If the defenceless, the moneyless, the powerless are truly addicted to their situation, then they got there because someone wanted them there, and the only people powerful enough to enslave a nation by using MISERY as a drug, are those with enough power to control the media, enough money to buy politicians, enough heartlessness to enact the process at all, and enough wickedness to sell terror, fear, pain, sorrow, and helplessness to otherwise sensible folk.

Wow, absolutely fantastic and most definitely spot on. Quoted the whole thing just in case anyone cares to reread it. I echo your thoughts, I just sadly don't have the ability to wield the words nearly as well as you do.

In some distant dystopian future, you would no doubt be the light that a crumbling and shattered society would gather round with your ability to put what many of us think into such eloquent words.

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