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GOP/RNC Is On The Verge Of Spontaneous Combustion

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posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

You've got to be kidding. The grid locked Congress is the only thing saving us. When Congress isn't grid locked, we get Obamacare. The sum total of ignorance and corruption in Congress is nothing less than staggering. They're entirely controlled by K Street Lobbyists.

The really sad thing about this is that a country as wealthy, talented, etc. can't produce anything better than this list of candidates. Makes a person realize that qualified candidates don't want to be President. The office attracts criminals and megalomaniacs.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: TrueBrit

You've got to be kidding. The grid locked Congress is the only thing saving us.

The really sad thing about this is that a country as wealthy, talented, etc. can't produce anything better than this list of candidates.

Ponder how statement 1 effects statement 2 and you might answer your own question.

Cheering polarization, divisiveness, obstruction, shouting and a refusal to compromise while wondering why more quality candidates aren't running for office?...Priceless.
edit on 13-4-2016 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 02:56 PM
I understand the guy in the video being pissed about the other day and rightly so. But Trump is his choice when he votes, while Trump is seeking election as a Republican, and all that entails as of now. Does that guy know something we don't?
What happens if there is a mass resignation of Republicans who are voting for Trump...and Trump wins?

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:00 PM
This is going just as I described in my thread that talks about Right Wing propaganda blowing-up in the GOP's face.

Reap what you sow.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: TonyS

But it is not saving you at all. The gridlock you speak of is part of the reason for infrastructure decay being as bad as it is. Flints water crisis, not to mention the obscenely poor state of your nations roads and bridges, utility supply lines, and so on, are all related to the gridlock. A smoothly functioning public works department should be operating to solve these problems in order of priority, but if congress cannot pass a budget that allows for anything other than sticking plaster responses to nation wide problems, what the hell can you really expect?

I fully expect to see bridges collapse onto freeways, freeways collapse into sinkholes in the road, gas main leaks leading to massive explosions, and more counties and cities experiencing failures in their water supply.

Would you like to tell me how gridlock is solving these life and death problems?

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Hopefully the Republican party will disappear.

They no longer represent their base.

Not any more than the Democrats really do either, but their base hasn't figured that out yet.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: TonyS

But it is not saving you at all. The gridlock you speak of is part of the reason for infrastructure decay being as bad as it is. Flints water crisis, not to mention the obscenely poor state of your nations roads and bridges, utility supply lines, and so on, are all related to the gridlock. A smoothly functioning public works department should be operating to solve these problems in order of priority, but if congress cannot pass a budget that allows for anything other than sticking plaster responses to nation wide problems, what the hell can you really expect?

I fully expect to see bridges collapse onto freeways, freeways collapse into sinkholes in the road, gas main leaks leading to massive explosions, and more counties and cities experiencing failures in their water supply.

Would you like to tell me how gridlock is solving these life and death problems?

You've got that wrong. Local public works are a local government concern not a national one. Gridlock at the federal level have very little to do with whether or not Flint had lead in its pipes or the decay of their water works.

Flint in fact had pretty much one party rule for past three to four decades, so you can't blame gridlock in its political system.
edit on 13-4-2016 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33

originally posted by: tothetenthpower
Every member of the GOP in Colorado could stay home or vote Democratic in the election and it would hardly have an effect on the results.

They don't have much of a leg to stand on.


That might be true, but in large purple/swing states angry GOP voters might make the difference for their lack of support this round.

From the latest polls , app 60% of Republican voters are either not going to vote , or vote 3rd party.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:52 PM
I imagine the rules for gifting delegates has more holes than a wheel of swiss cheese. The rules have been crafted over many years by our political leaders.

I'm pretty sure I know which side they favor.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

From the latest polls , app 60% of Republican voters are either not going to vote , or vote 3rd party.

That doesn't surprise me.

I think lots of them are tired of this Right Wing Christian nonsense.

Many left the Rep because of the direction they took.

I think many want to get back to being financially conservative and not moral police.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: TonyS

But it is not saving you at all. The gridlock you speak of is part of the reason for infrastructure decay being as bad as it is. Flints water crisis, not to mention the obscenely poor state of your nations roads and bridges, utility supply lines, and so on, are all related to the gridlock. A smoothly functioning public works department should be operating to solve these problems in order of priority, but if congress cannot pass a budget that allows for anything other than sticking plaster responses to nation wide problems, what the hell can you really expect?

I fully expect to see bridges collapse onto freeways, freeways collapse into sinkholes in the road, gas main leaks leading to massive explosions, and more counties and cities experiencing failures in their water supply.

Would you like to tell me how gridlock is solving these life and death problems?

You've got that wrong. Local public works are a local government concern not a national one.

Precisely wrong...What do you think an INTERSTATE highway is? Roads and Bridges are precisely a federal concern...ditto energy grids and water supplies etc. And the declawed and defunded EPA was a huge part of the Flint Michigan water crisis...and the GOP dictatorship fail now is being bailed out with FEDERAL yes, local failure becomes a federal concern.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

And yet the Congressional Budget Office provides hundreds of billions of dollars in grants, to state, and local level governments. Deciding how much grant money is offered, and therefore how much a given region has to spare for such projects, is not entirely, or even mostly, a state, or locally decided matter, is it?

The CBO is not a state organisation, nor local to the projects it funds. It is an office of congress. Unless I miss my mark, that would suggest that an unlocked congress WOULD be able to affect change on the ground, if they did not have both thumbs so firmly wedged up against their collective bowels. So I must ask again, how does a grid locked congress provide solutions to very real, life threatening problems which are developing as we speak and have been for some time?

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Gothmog

From the latest polls , app 60% of Republican voters are either not going to vote , or vote 3rd party.

That doesn't surprise me.

I think lots of them are tired of this Right Wing Christian nonsense.
Many left the Rep because of the direction they took.

I think many want to get back to being financially conservative and not moral police.

Why is it ALWAYS about Christian values ?
Of course , you are so wrong this time
The reason given : If Trump doesnt win the nomination due to the RNC, hell ,, they may all vote Democrat

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Yep! I've been noticing this (actually, watching it slo-mo) since I suspected it would happen - which was after the midterms in 2014.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Yep! I've been noticing this (actually, watching it slo-mo) since I suspected it would happen - which was after the midterms in 2014.

I was a 40 year Goldwater Republican, then the Neo-Cons came, then the Tea Party came, then the Trumpsters came.

Yep! Us RINOs, who actually cared about finance, etc got left in the wake of Republican Progress

Now happily unafilliated from all of parties.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:12 AM
Not a big Trump fan but +1 for Coloradans showing these people we elect who is boss.
The people that gave their votes to Hillary have also been facing contempt while out in public as well, Ive read.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: TonyS

But it is not saving you at all. The gridlock you speak of is part of the reason for infrastructure decay being as bad as it is. Flints water crisis, not to mention the obscenely poor state of your nations roads and bridges, utility supply lines, and so on, are all related to the gridlock. A smoothly functioning public works department should be operating to solve these problems in order of priority, but if congress cannot pass a budget that allows for anything other than sticking plaster responses to nation wide problems, what the hell can you really expect?

I fully expect to see bridges collapse onto freeways, freeways collapse into sinkholes in the road, gas main leaks leading to massive explosions, and more counties and cities experiencing failures in their water supply.

Would you like to tell me how gridlock is solving these life and death problems?

That's the least of the whole problem.

Obama blew a trillion with his shovel ready jobs already.

Where did it all go?

Govt is way out of control. DOJ, ICE, EPA, IRS, VA, etc.

What people need to do, is make sure Trump gets the nomination.

If that happens, it would send the repubs a clear message. No more BS!

Payback's a bitch.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

This is all totally delicious for us Liberals to watch

It's pretty remarkable, the average IQ of the Republican voter has dropped so low they don't even understand what they're doing to their own party, or how this is going to change the game for decades.

You want to know what's going to happen?

The Republican party is going to divide. In fact, it's already dividing. You're already seeing Conservative politicians moving away from the right-wing near-fascism of the traditional party and almost becoming Democrats in their thinking. The whole party is in the process of picking a side - moderate Conservative or far-right Bible basher.

The youth are entirely gone, you've lost a whole generation of voters because the GOP refused to evolve and start representing the ideals of the public.

In November, Hillary or Bernie will win, and the Republicans will experience a defeat never seen before in their history. They'll try to spin it of course, try to claim all kinds of things, because they've been in total and complete denial about their loss of support for years.

The Republican party is all but dead already. When it splits, it will form two parties, likely one with the branding of the GOP to become more fiscally conservative, focusing exclusively on practical ambitions people can actually get behind, such as government spending, military, healthcare etc. Then you'll have the far-right party, the Tea Baggers, the minority party of extremes who campaign for "Christian" ideals against women's health and same-sex marriage etc.

What the low IQ Republicans don't seem to understand is that this division will give you far less impact in government and society, you'd be basically handing over control of the country to the Democrats for years until the newly reformed GOP can gain a proper foothold again.

The cause of all of this comes down to one thing - the denial of the GOP. For years the Republican party has watched America evolve all around it and stuffed whatever it could find into its old hairy ears pretending it could still stick to the policies of the 50's and 60's.

The Republican party has become a joke of outdated and ignorant thinking. People are fed up with the Christian bs. People are fed up with the sexism. People are fed up with the racism. People are fed up with the homophobia. People are just generally fed up with a party that doesn't represent their ideals.

Some Republicans know where this is all heading, and they are desperately trying to steer the party back, but it's already too late. Trump is a great example of that extremism and the ignorance the party is now pretty much known for, and he's of their own making. They created this monster, and now they're wondering how they can shove it back into its box.

So, the only thing they can do now is split the party. Shove the tea party extremists out on their own, become more aware of what the public actually wants from their party and deliver that. Whether they do this now or next year or the year after, it's going to take years for them to claw their way back, and they will only achieve that if they get rid of the nutty radicals trying to drag the country in the wrong direction.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 10:10 AM
Just about every comment here is about the GOP. I admit they have problems but what about the Dems?
The Dems have a guy who is winning state after state and losing because of the Dem party!!! Super delegates,only in the dem party, are all going for HC no matter how much Sanders wins.This is way more corrupt then the Repubs.
BTW if the Republican Party system is rigged against Trump how come he is leading?
He actually said that the delegates that Cruz won are stolen and Cruz is a liar BUT the delegates he won are alright and legit!! If Trump's organization does not know the rules does that make what any other candidate does stealing?
Every candidate was given a book with all of the different methods that the states choose delegates last August. Cruz and his people read it Trumps did not. It is really that simple Trump's people don't know what they are doing and Cruz's people do. Is that stealing the election or smart politics? I vote smart politics!!!

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Gridlock isn't helping to solve these issues. All gridlock does is to save us from disastrous legislation. But gridlock is a symptom of a much bigger problem; the absence of properly informed and energetic leadership at both the executive, (Presidential) and Congressional level. That lack of competent leadership has both caused and aggravated gridlock. get back to competent and informed leadership then you begin to undue gridlock and important issues can be addressed through a process of Congressional give and take that produces solutions to life and death issues. Without that type leadership, we get ideologically oriented "solutions" that are poorly crafted and which reward K-Street lobbyists. Obamacare is a prime example; the legislation was itself written by the big Health Insurance Companies and was designed by them to increase and perpetuate their profits. A far simpler solution, one that wouldn't have beggared the US middle class would have been to extend Medicare up the income stream....but that does nothing for the Health Insurance industry. (And an argument can be made that Obamacare is turning out to be a big problem for the Health Insurance companies as they can't raise rates fast enough to keep up with the outlay).

As I see it, the real problem lies with crappy, crooked and overly ambitious politicians who intentionally push highly contentious agendas on purely ideological grounds designed to propel their careers up the political food chain. So, for example, we have legislators at one extreme end of the political spectrum working to strip citizens of 2nd Amendment rights when issues such as infrastructure spending go begging. Why? They're playing to their constituency to further their careers rather than focusing on critically important issues that the nation faces. On the other extreme end of the political spectrum, we have a set of legislators that want to build a wall to stop illegal immigration and who want to police Muslim neighborhoods, all the while bridges are failing. In the absence of competent and energetic leadership gridlock saves us from the extremists.

As I was thinking about this yesterday, it occurred to me that what we're presently witnessing is a most peculiar absence of competent leadership. For at least the last 8 years, the US has been rudderless, a ship adrift. Nature of course abhors a vacuum and the result is this awful election cycle.

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