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Today your paradigm will be shifted

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posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 10:16 AM
"Today your paradigm will be shifted", read the little piece of paper that came out of Bernadette's fortune-cookie. "I'm not even having a fooking paradigm!", she thought. Her anger was at level ten on her I-hate-Louie-barometer once again, like almost every other day. She hated her boss like everybody else, but with more passion. Sure he was paying good money. Sure he was never bossing her openly. Sure he said, once again, "I need you Bernadette. Please! Don't work for Pete. He's an adulterer. He cheats on his wife." Well, yes, everybody knows that, she was about to say but didn't. Instead she said, "I need a new car, Louie." And he said, "no problem."

On her way home she broke a fingernail and saw a dog pooping, while she was eating that crispy thing that promised her a new perspective. She threw away the rest of the cookie and got into her car. "Must be my lucky day today", she said to herself while her car did what it did for some weeks in a row. It did not start.

As she entered the kitchen, Maggie was cooking while her boyfriend was talking on the phone. "Dude! No! It wasn't me! You're a lunatic." Maggies boyfriend, Jack, used to be on the phone everytime Bernadette encountered him. "He's not a dealer, Mom!", Maggie told her last week. But Bernadette was not so sure. "I'll have two gramm of cocain, too", Bernadette said to Jack while looking him straight in the eyes, releasing her anger by showing him who the boss is. "Mrs. Meyer, I'm not a dealer!" "Yes, you are, Jack", she replied as she was sitting down infront of him. "And now leave my house! For ever!"
"Mom!" Maggie turned around and looked at her mother. "Are you crazy?!" Directing her stare at her daughter, Bernadette said, "no. I just don't let anybody lie in my kitichen. And now get that hippie-moron out of my sight, Maggie! You live in my house and as long as I pay for your education, I throw retards out of my kitchen as much as anybody else would."
Jack was looking at Maggie with an expression of fake helplessness. "You better go now, Jack. My Mom is in a bad mood", was Maggies answer to this. Jack nodded, grabbed his jacket and left the kitchen. Maggie was following him. "You stray right here, Maggie! He knows where the door is."

Half an hour later both, Bernadette and Maggie, sat silently at the kitchen-table, eating chinese foot with chop-sticks. " was your day today, Maggie?"

(to be continued...maybe...)
edit on 12-4-2016 by Willingly because: typo

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Willingly

rofl, the first phrase.. you naughtie boy!

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Willingly

I love it!!! Nice writing

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Mannegishi

rofl, the first phrase.. you naughtie boy!

I'm a gal.

I just recognized my characters have eaten chinese foot as food and it is too late to edit it.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Quantum12

I love it!!! Nice writing


I was a bit insecure if I should try to write a story because I'm not a native english speaker and therefore the flow of the story might be not smooth enough. And my typos also disturb the reading-pleasure. I was grocery-shopping, a whole story based on this characters unfolded in my minds eye. I may give it a try.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Willingly

All I can say Is your words came out of your head. That is most important.

If your were from the planet ZNAN It would not matter. Your english writing is perfect.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 01:55 PM
Today your paradigm will be shifted - Part II:

"Look out of the window, Bernadette." She went to the window and asked, "So?" "That's your new car over there", Louie pointed to a black Volvo. "That's your car", Bernadette said. "Not anymore. Now it's yours." Louie tried to hand her the car-keys and the papers, but Bernadette refused to take it. "No, Louie. What about you? You will come by bike from now on?" Louie pointed to a bike that was standing right infront of the Volvo. "Exactly. I need to loose weight. Nora said I'm too fat to be taken seriously as the chief-editor of a magazine like this." Bernadette still hesitated to grab the keys. "Louie, you can't give me your car. Just pay for the fixing of my car. Okay?"

"What kind of an idiot are you, Bernadette?! You want me to re-think it? You want me to die from a heart-attack because of over-weight?" She took the keys and the papers and kissed him on his forehead. In her boots she was almost a head taller than Louie. "I love you, boss."

An hour later Bernadette was honking the horn of her new car infront of her house. Maggie looked out of the window and came out of the front-door. "What's up? I thought it's Louie, Mom." "That's my new car. Louie gave it to me."
Maggie made a vage gesture to show her desinterest and went back into the house, followed by her mother, who carried a huge paper-bag.

"I still hate you for throwing out Jack, Mom. Don't pretend as if we're friends again. We're not. Okay?" Bernadette ignored her daughters comment and said, "I'm sorry. I had a realy bad day." "Tell that Jack. Here is the phone."
She handed her mother the phone. "No. I'm not doing that. He can come here again and can talk to me. I want to make an interview with him. He must tell me everything I want to know. That is how it works, my dear little child."

"I'm seventeen! I'm an adult!" Maggie already was on her way upstairs. "I think you need a boyfriend, Mom. Seriously. Have you even fooked once since dad died?"
Bernadette felt a rush of adrenaline in her lower back. "You have no idea what you are talking about, Maggie! You're a teenager! And no! I haven'd! I don't go for second best!"

(to be continued...maybe...)

edit on 12-4-2016 by Willingly because: typo

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Willingly

Nice job again...

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 03:06 PM
Today your paradigm will be shifted - Part III:

Maggie was laying on her bed in her private room, a huge pillow under her head, so she was almost sitting. She was on her phone.

"Jack? My mom want you to know that she is sorry for treating you like that. Would you like to come for dinner tomorrow evening?................No, she will not insult you again. She just want to do an interview with you...............I know! But she was just polite, as she like to call it, Jack. The first time she interviewed you was just an appetizer..............No, she's not working for the FBI, the CIA or something. She's a satire-magazine journalist..............My mom is NOT crazy, Jack!...............Well, you're right, maybe she is..............So, what about tomorrow evening?............No! you don't have to wear a suit. Better not. Wear your most creepy hippie-shirt.........I love you too..........See you tomorrow............Okay. But I can't guarantee for anything. She's a bit crazy, yah know?.....By!"

edit on 12-4-2016 by Willingly because: gammar

edit on 12-4-2016 by Willingly because: typo

edit on 12-4-2016 by Willingly because: spelling

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 03:38 PM
Today your paradigm will be shifted - Part IV:

Meanwhile Bernadette is watching a youtube-video in the living-room of her house. She's eating strawberrys she dips into banana-yogurt before putting them into her mouth, as the phone is ringing.

"Yes, Bernadette here?....Ohhh, Nora. How nice you called me, I was just thinking about was thinking about me too? That's pretty synchronistical, jung-wise.........sure, fook synchronisity, a term invented by some want to come over for dinner tomorrow?..............Because my daughter is a good cook, and you're broke now, because you gave away your car? Interesting.........................Why not, Nora. She cooks everyday anyway. Kosher, although she's not a jew............................I have no idea where she got that from, seriously........................No! You're not inviting yourself. I just, somehow, had the same idea anyway..............Yes. I'm also in need for having a reason for drinking huge amounts of wine.......................See you and Louie tomorrow, Nora. By."

( be continued....maybe....)

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Willingly

LOL. I love it! Nicely written!!

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Quantum12

Glad you appreciated it!

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Willingly

Yes I really do!!! I want more. I will have some friends read it!!!

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 06:41 PM
Today your paradigm will be shifted - Part V:

Jack put his helmet on and started his motorbike. The wind was his only thought, it was stormy weather, untill he drove down Daniel-Lane and stoped at Maggies house. He rang the door-bell and Maggie opend to let him in. "That's your most creepy hippie-shirt?", she asked. "Ähhh...yes", he said and kissed her. "My mom's boss and his wife are here for dinner too." Jack looked at her as if she told him that not just the FBI but also the CIA and the NSA is out to get him. "So...that's how trustworthy you are?", he said. "I did not know that they also would have dinner with us, Jack. I didn't say anything to anybody. It's coincidental. Just relax. It's just Louie and Nora. They are freaks."

" that the famous Jack, Maggie?" Nora had a glas in her hand and saluteted to Jack, as if he was some special guest. "Yes", Maggie replied, "that's my boyfriend my mother accused of being a drug-dealer."
"She's insane, Maggie", Nora siped from her glas and smiled in Bernadette's direction. Bernadette was dressed up like a buisness-woman and Jack still feared her like a rabbit fears a fox.

"That's Nora, my boss' wife. That's Louie, my ....äh....boss. And here we are. Having a nice dinner anytime soon, right, Maggie?" Maggie nodded to her mother and took Jack's jacket and went out of the room with it. Jack said, "Yes, I'm Jack. Excused of being a drug-dealer by this woman over there", pointing in Bernadette's direction. "I'm sorry, Jack. I had a bad day that day. But tonight we'll have a party. Just relax." Jack indeed relaxed a bit after she said that.

"'re a student, I heard?" Louie was pouring wine into Jack's glas. "Yes." "What do you study, companiero?" Jack was not sure what to say, because he studied a lot of things. "Philosophie and economics, Sir."
"Ohhh....noble", Louie replied, "who is paying for that?"

Maggie was still not around. Jack felt as if he was in an interrogation-room, although he was quite relaxed.He said, "my father does. He's a lawyer. A devorce-lawyer."

Nora and Louie both smiled at each other, as if Jack said something realy important. "And my mom is a teacher", Jack nervously added. " lovely", Nora said. She liked Jack from the moment she saw him. "He's not a drug-dealer", she thought. "No way."

( be continued...maybe...)

edit on 12-4-2016 by Willingly because: typo

edit on 12-4-2016 by Willingly because: typo

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: Willingly

Your on a roll!!! Good job.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 07:58 PM
Today your paradigm will be shifted - Part VI:

"Can I also ask you some questions, Mrs. Meyer? I think you asked me a lot of very private questions. And to answer your last one, no, I haven'd had sex with anybody who did not want to have sex with me. And no, I never killed an animal on purpose, as far as I can remember. I'm a vegetarian too, by the way."

Bernadette felt as if she needs to hug Jack, and after that begging him for forgiving her for being flat out nasty and mean. But she could hold it and just said, "Good to know, Jack. You want more dessert? You can stay here for the night. Or we can call a taxi for you. And I pay for it. Okay?"

"Can I ask now also, Mrs. Meyer? Yes or no?" Jack was persistent. Maggies mother was indeed a tough cookie. But he was used to be interogated by his own mother, so he knew how to deal with it.
"Sure. We're liberals. Just ask." Bernadette did not know what was about to penetrate her well-build defense system as she allowed Jack to ask some questions also.

"Are you, personally, are completly sure your husband realy is dead? He realy went out on a boat-trip and drowned and was never be found?" Bernadette could not believe he realy asked that. She started to cry.

"Bernadette, he did not mean to offend you", Louie said, "but actually, I also wanna know if Bill is still alive in your mind. I know you think he is. We see each other every day for some years in a row by now. And I know you treat Bill as if he is still alive."

Bernadette left the room, crying.

"I think it's time for you to go now", Maggie said to Nora and Louie. And both just nodded. Nora called a taxi and as she took on her coat she said to Jack, "don't force it, Jack. Just keep digging. She needs to see a professional anytime soon. I tried to tell her that but failed. I think you and Maggie, both of you together, can make it."

( be continued...maybe....)

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: Willingly

This story is getting better and better.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 08:01 AM
Today your paradigm will be shifted - Part VII:

A few days later Maggie and Bernadette were sitting on the sofa in the living-room, both having a photo-album on their labs.

"That's you and dad in Cuba, right?" Maggie was showing her mother the picture. "Yes. You see my belly? That's you."
"Maybe that's why I can dance that good, mom."
Bernadatte was grabbing her amulett she always wore as a necklett. She opened it and unfolded a piece of paper.
"Maggie, you're old and mature enough now. Here is something I would like to show you", she said while giving Maggie the piece of paper. Maggie read:

Bernadette, my Love,

please relax, because what you will read now will be pretty disturbing for you. As you know, I'm after that story almost my whole life and now I know what it is all about. They talked to me and admitted it. They want me to work for them and I said yes. I had to. I had no choise. They threatened to kill you, Maggie, my partents, my friends and my siblings. And they also showed my how they do it. Nobody would find out that they were murdered by us, they said. And yes, after I swáw what they had in store, I knew I had no choise but working for them.

Now, the only way to prevent that they kill all my loved ones is my death. That's why I will disappear by faking my death and you must help me making it look real. They are no stupids, Babe. They will observe you, Maggie and everybody I had contact with for the rest of your lives, in case I will show up one time, when they think I faked my death.

Don't worry. I know where to go. I have friends in India. I have a british pass-port already.

We will never see each other again, Bernadette. You knew what you were getting yourself into by becoming my wife, right?

Don't try to find me, EVER, please. It would kill all of us. Okay?

You know that I had no choise, do you? What is left for me to say is: I never met a woman even remotely like you. Not in this life-time nor in another.

See you there!

P.S.: Destroy this letter, Bernadette! Don't be sentimental! Destroy it NOW!

Maggie started to cry. Bernadette took her in her arms and wispered into her ear, "you promise not to tell anybody EVER?" Maggie looked her mother into the eyes and nodded. "Thanks, mom. You can trust me. I'm an adult."

edit on 14-4-2016 by Willingly because: typo

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 09:58 AM
Today your paradigm will be shifted - Part VIII:

Februar, 12, 2001:

"Yes, Ken here. I have a client. Needs a new, not perfect. A little spanish and a little frensh. That's it. Must be a british passport, it seem..............He's a us-american journalist. Born in New York city, 1961. ......yes, got it figured out and is now under their belt.....................thanks, Mo. I owe you something."

Bill had a sweaty upper-lip and was chain-smoking filterless camels. "You're sure they don't know where I am now, Ken? I'm not sure I escaped them." Ken was lightening a cigar and looked at Bil. "If you would not have escaped them today, I could not talk to you right now. You must have given them a nice show. I think they swallowed it that you now work for them. And who can say no to such a nice offer anyway. No financial worrys ever again. The only thing you have to do is, not writing about what you researched for almost ten years. Write about what ever you like. But not this."

The phone was ringing again. "Yes, Mo. Good idea. Should be a british couple, no children, who died in a car accident or something in the late or mid 1990's. Shouldn't be a too big problem to find those.............yes, birth-certificate, pass-port, drivers-licence, college degree........yes, good idea. Art-school, of course........................Two weeks? Okay. Till then. Thanks again, Mo."

Bill was sipping his coffee while Ken was writing something down. "You need a dead body too or do you have a better idea? A dead body with papers costs a lot, Bill. I don't think you have that many friends to pay for that. A natural death would be good. Body never found. You have a boat, right? So? I guess we got it. What about your wife? Is she cool?"

It was impossible for Bill to not let it out. He said, "yes" and started to cry. "Good work, Bill. I know that's not gonna help much. But now they know they can not get away with it. Some do find out what they deal in." That indeed did not help Bill. He said, "excuse me, Ken", and left the room.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Willingly

You should join the writing contest. Link is in my signature. Your really good!

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