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BPPV / dizzyness / vertigo

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posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:45 AM
I just had my first case of something that resembles BPPV, based on what I can read about it. Saw my ear specialist as soon as I could and the Epley maneuver helped for 5 days more or less remove it, then it came back last friday

I feel like Im walking around drunk. No nausea this time though.

But I want to hear if anyone else here has experienced this and if you managed to find a solution for it? So far Ive tried the log roll and Epley.

Also.... Any of you felt issues with your vision during the dizzy spell? Feels like my left eyes wants to cross over or that I cant really focus. At worst times Id prefer to close my eyes.

For the record, I do feel somewhat down on life although I working and so on, but I dont feel "anxious" as such... Just putting it out there since I see some GPs blame anxiety. And since the Epley helped for a while Im blaming physical issues.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: flice

Age, height, weight?
Blood sugar levels?
Blood panels?

Please. Go see a doctor.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

As I wrote.... Already have... Everything is normal.
So when doctors cant help I turn to people who have suffered it as well and overcome it.
edit on 11/4/16 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: flice

Have you done an ultrasound?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

No ultra or cat.... Doctors are a pain, they wanna see how it goes first

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: flice
a reply to: DBCowboy

No ultra or cat.... Doctors are a pain, they wanna see how it goes first

Just because your cholesterol might be good (dunno) it doesn't mean that you don't have any arterial blockage or narrowing that might account for the dizziness also.

I might suggest speaking to your doctor to eliminate any other causes before assigning any treatment.

Some treatments for BPPV can be contraindicated, based on the cause.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: flice
a reply to: DBCowboy

No ultra or cat.... Doctors are a pain, they wanna see how it goes first

Might be a good idea to get them to check your vitals, draw blood, take an MRI…

Besides that you're still standing, some of what you describe sounds like the beginning symptoms of a stroke. Only because I went through this with my mom last year.

Could also be heart related. An arrhythmia of one form or other. Get an EKG.

Edit:Self diagnosis is the worst kind of diagnosis. Suck it up and see the doctor. We'renot talking muscle pull or Ulcer here, dizziness and vertigo are brain related due to a plethora of possible reasons… mush more serious.

edit on 11-4-2016 by intrptr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:47 PM
Low blood volume can do that. When you get up from sitting, do you get a little light headed? Low sodium also gives a person those symptoms but it is a long term deficiency that causes it. low blood sugar can create a release of nitrogen compounds that can cause similar symptoms also. That usually makes you really dizzy quickly though with a little warning beforehand.

BPPV does occur though, for many people. There are many causes and half the time they got it wrong. Is your neck kind of sore where it joins the head, that can come from sleeping wrong and can lead to dizzyness too because lots of nerves go through that area. My brother went through the system of turning the head in a pattern to do something in the ears, but the same pattern might also relieve stress on nerves in the upper neck. It could be that the treatment works but the diagnosis is wrong sometimes. The other treatments he was given for BPPV did nothing, then he went to see a specialist who had him try that and it worked. So was his original diagnosis based on the wrong conclusion which the specialist fixed while saying it adjusts the bones in the ear? I do not know, but those ear bones are set in a soft cartilage sort of like thickened senovial fluid and just moving the head around a certain way doesn't seem like it could effect that.

But then I am not a doctor, I just know from experience that doctors are not right about the cause half the time but their treatments usually work around seventy percent of the time.

Did you know that an X-ray can actually have beneficial side effects and cure some problems. They have known that for a long time in the medical field. It is a beneficial side effect which solves the problem sometimes.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:26 PM
Had BPR for years...never seen BPPV...but would give it a go.
Dizzy? Only after 3 or so...

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: flice

Happened to me....MRI showed small stroke....affected blurred vision, balance and caused tinitus ringing.

Not qualified though to diagnose you...pursue all medical tests to determine.

Good luck to you...

Advanced Life Support

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 05:59 AM
I have the same problem;

Do you feel;

a fullness in your ear / like water is trapped in there after going swimming, but you can't get it out?
earache that comes and goes?
One minute you are fine and the next for no reason you are dizzy up to and including the point of blacking out and vomiting at times?

These are all symptoms of meniere's disease. It's difficult to diagnose - took three years of me asking 'is this meniere's?' to several specialists before they said 'Why yes. it seems you are right'

ETA I have managed through research, patience and persistence been able to reduce my symptoms to very minimal - I'll share more when you reply

edit on 12-4-2016 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: markosity1973

Of those you mention I can only attest to tinnitus... limited to the affected ear.

A little update... I've been to the ear specialist 3 times now. Basically I sense that the 2 I've seen don't really know what to do apart from the different rolls. MRI hasn't been up for suggestion by any of them. But I had my hearing tested and it came out completely normal, there are no fluids or other excess pressure in the middle ear.

So my status for now it that I've adapted somewhat to funtion with it when I'm standing / walking. I can't look down on my phone though for more than a few secs or I start to sway like I'm drunk. I'm not getting any nausea.
I did have a sudden surge of dizzyness this weekend, but it went away over night again (or... back to slightly dizzy).

So I guess I should just try a 3rd and a 4th specialist?

I have to be honest, I'm terrible at sleeping inclined since I mostly sleep on my side. And so far that's what they have both said following the "treatment" rolls they gave me. Also easy to forget to not bend over and so on when i have a needy 1-year old crawling around.

But I'd love to hear anyways some of that you are able to share.
edit on 2/5/16 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: flice

Things that have worked for me (Remember, I do have menieres so my condition may be different to yours)

- Eliminated caffeine from my diet
-Reduced salt intake to an absolute minimum
-I take a diuretic every morning
-Stemitil (Stemzine) can stop an attack in its tracks if taken immediately when feeling first signs of dizziness.
-Ginkgo Biloba three times a day. This is the thing that has had the most positive impact. My symptoms are now not present most days and when an attack occurs I can actually cope and keep working if I sit down. Before that I was totally incapacitated for the rest of the day.

The stemitil is like panadol for a headache ie a universal symptom treater , so if you are not yet taking it, ask your Doctor if it can help you.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973
a reply to: flice

Things that have worked for me (Remember, I do have menieres so my condition may be different to yours)

- Eliminated caffeine from my diet
-Reduced salt intake to an absolute minimum
-I take a diuretic every morning
-Stemitil (Stemzine) can stop an attack in its tracks if taken immediately when feeling first signs of dizziness.
-Ginkgo Biloba three times a day. This is the thing that has had the most positive impact. My symptoms are now not present most days and when an attack occurs I can actually cope and keep working if I sit down. Before that I was totally incapacitated for the rest of the day.

The stemitil is like panadol for a headache ie a universal symptom treater , so if you are not yet taking it, ask your Doctor if it can help you.

Hm... I do have a semi abuse of Monster drinks, the suger free kind. I drink one each morning to pep me up for work.
And sure salt, is a nasty part of my life as well.
These two should be something I can start dealing with to see if it has any effects or... if they stop having negative effects
The diuretic I'm not sure I want to venture into yet since I don't know wether I need it or not... I mean, I don't want to go into a salt / water deficit

Thanks for sharing your info, appreciate it.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: flice

The diuretic is to help prevent fluid build up in the inner ear. You said the doctors did not find anything, wrong there so you may not need it.

My condition was originally diagnosed as BPV as well though. It gradually got worse and the earaches / tinnitus became noticeable.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 01:50 AM
So.... what happened. I went several times to the doctor... did the rolls and all that.

In the end I decided to just leave it be and see how it goes.
Eventually my loss of balance went away. I didnt even notice to be honest.
Im not sure if its just because I've gotten used to it now, but Im functioning normally now.

So... weird spell, but oh well.

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