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DO yuo want proof of alien?

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:07 AM
This is just too simple. Write/email your congressman to have full disclosure for alien/governemt contact. But please do not contact them once. Contact them many and many of times because with only one contact you will only get their standard response or none at all. It is going to take the masses ( Boston Tea Party) to get our true rights to this question. We are this country not the government. Lets make a point that we want the truth and they work for us and not us for them.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:23 AM
Even with a mass letter campaign the govt would reply with a no aliens exist letter. So it really would be a waste of time. They have secrets they aren't gonna give up.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:26 AM
I dont think there is anything that we could do to get them to give up... Letters certainly wouldnt do the trick, i dont care how many MILLIONS sent them. It just wouldnt work. If only it were that easy...

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:31 AM
My point is that if they do not want the people to know then we need a new government who does the wishes of their people not their wishes on people.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:40 AM
A new government in this country would be the gift of a lifetime for me. I dream of such things. heh. But i dont think there is ANYTHING we can do to...get rid of them, or overthrow them in any way. The people who are in this country that are willing to fight against the government are few, Most people dont mind living in their little brainwashed world.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by antigovFZ777
A new government in this country would be the gift of a lifetime for me. I dream of such things. heh. But i dont think there is ANYTHING we can do to...get rid of them, or overthrow them in any way. The people who are in this country that are willing to fight against the government are few, Most people dont mind living in their little brainwashed world.

I would hazard a guess you have never travelled outside our borders. I'm sure a couple 1st-generation Americans who ahve moved here from the likes of East Africa or Bangladesh can tell you just how horrible we have it here...

Don't get me wrong... I'm not a Republican -- far from it. Hell, I'm not real thrilled with this administration either. But guess what. They won the election. Hell, it wasn't even close. What was it -- 3,000,000 votes?

That is how a democracy functions. You don't have to like it, but for the next four years, deal.

Of course, given your comment regarding your perceived ineffectiveness of any of the methods of access we have to our elected officials -- the ones who actually legislate law -- I'd say your not too familiar with the democratic process to begin with, are you?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Truthforall
This is just too simple. Write/email your congressman to have full disclosure for alien/governemt contact. But please do not contact them once. Contact them many and many of times because with only one contact you will only get their standard response or none at all. It is going to take the masses ( Boston Tea Party) to get our true rights to this question. We are this country not the government. Lets make a point that we want the truth and they work for us and not us for them.

These congressmen would have absolutely no idea about alien presence, unless they've been briefed by Dr. Steve Greer when he briefed congress. They do not have access to this knowledge in the military complex, they do not know any more than you and I, sadly. The people must rise, like you said, the manipulating shaddow power must be overthrown.



posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:50 AM
i was just curious how many people do you think we can gather up?.sh*t im down for it.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 09:14 AM
sdrumrunner, have you ever heard the saying "i'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees"?

In a sense, some might say we Americans are "living on our knees", at the mercy of the government and the government's media. In some other countries, people may not have it as good but at least they have their dignity. I just dont feel that way as an American lately, possibly because of how badly we're represented by the Bush adminstration with it's lies and deceit. Also i dont believe in this secrecy B.S. In a democracy the government should work for the people, not keep secrets from them and say it's because of "national security".


posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:03 AM
Truthforall, until the Gov comes to terms with this (it will have to in time) we will need to be aware of the deceit... Knowing that, who are really the fools? We continue to pay for those lies... Open up your Wallet, and close your eyes... Its working for them so far!

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:17 AM
Here's the answer you're likely to get.

"Although we share your concern, under Project Bluebook, the United States Air Force has thoroughly investigated the UFO phenomenon for decades. The conclusion that was reached was that we were not being visited by extra-terrestrials, and that the UFO phenomenon posed no threat to national security. This was also the conclusion reached by the independent Condon Committee, and the Robertson Panel, both civilian inquiries into the problem. We have made several documents available to the public on this subject, and you can see them by visiting the FOIA website, or requesting specific documentation, via the FOIA. Thank you."

Just a guess, but I'm supposing it'd look something like that... I know that if I was the one keeping the secret, that's how I'd reply to you...

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:21 AM
With all the ex-military and others involved with aliens speaking out now, Disclosure will be very soon...

I am convinced in the next 2-5 years there will be disclosure, either that, or the Aliens will show them self...

Don't expect the Greys to show them self, Expect the other races...

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:22 AM
Yeah, that sounds about right Gazrok. I'd imagine as long as no one has any real proof that they're covering something up they can just keep on denying it. So that's it then, until we go to them with hard proof we cant crack them.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:44 AM
I belive 2012 will be more like it however,

should we assume itll be a volentary thing?

should we assume USA will be the first?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:50 AM
I cannot see the US government writting back and saying;

"Ok, my bad, aliens do exists and we are currently exchanging technology and watching classic aliens films."

can you?

they'll just ignore mass letters

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Meteor_of_War
sdrumrunner, have you ever heard the saying "i'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees"?

In a sense, some might say we Americans are "living on our knees", at the mercy of the government and the government's media. In some other countries, people may not have it as good but at least they have their dignity. I just dont feel that way as an American lately, possibly because of how badly we're represented by the Bush adminstration with it's lies and deceit. Also i dont believe in this secrecy B.S. In a democracy the government should work for the people, not keep secrets from them and say it's because of "national security".


MoW -- speak for yourself when stating you "live on your knees." I sure as hell don't.

Listen people -- there will always be problems to fix -- and there is no reason we as citizens of this country should not explore every menas availble to improve our great nation. After all, the improvement cycle, at least in theory, should never end.

However, this inclination to "tear it down so we can put it back up" is about as dysfunctional as my wife's occassional urge to empty our her entire freakin' closet just so she can cram all her s%!t back in. Sure, maybe a couple shoes look a bit purty now on their own special little shelf. But is it worth wasting the whole freakin' day? Hardly...

Again, am I correct in my assumption you have never travelled (at least extensively) outside our own borders? I am not in any way trying to insult you here. However, I, for one, have experienced life outside our borders... and I beg to differ with the assertion that we can simply say, "at least they have their dignity."

When a man sells his young daughter for money to a pimp who caters to foreign tourists, or the wealithy elite in his own country, I have a hard time finding the dignity in that situation...

In China, dissidents are picked up and taken to re-education camps. Are they are still rumored to do in Vietnam. Where's the dignity in that?

In India corruption is so rampant (far worse than here) that I would be supised if they did not offer courses in corruption at the college level. For every $1 that is allocated to a public works project, by the time every pocket is stuffed, maybe $.10 makes it to its intended purpose.

Off yesterday's NY Times wire: "The Saudi govt. this morning... sentanced 15 demonstrators to public flogging and prison terms for demonstrating against the government.

This having been said, you're preaching to the choir when you state that our government should work for the people.

This having been said, I also believe it is necessary for a government to keep certain secrets from its people when it is a matter of national security. That, my peeps, is how you keep the nation secure.

Now -- when will our government come clean about UFOs?

Personally, I believe when it is known (in the public eye) beyond a shadow of a doubt that another nation possesses new technologies that our govt. belive to be reverse-engineered from extraterrestial craft. Right now, one might presume that we hold the monopoly on working, ET-based technology. However, all it takes is one UFO from the PRC, and our govt. would have to stay ahead of the curve, and in all likelihood, demonstrate to its constituents that we, too, have such craft...

How ironic would it be that the disclosure of the subject itself be justified in the name of national security, after using the very same reason all these years to keep it from the public!

For now, the Disclosure Project is in full swing, and there is nothing keeping each and every one of us from signing the petition, from writing letters to our congressman (yes, this works), etc.

However, we need also be realistic as to why it is still kept secret -- if our govt. we're to come forward and say, "look, we have this technology, et al," there would be enormous pressure from the international community to share these technologies for the betterment of humanity. Of course, if we were to do that, then we risk rogue nations / undesirables getting their hands on such technologies, which would allow them carte blanch access to the very nation we are looking to protect and defend. That, my peeps, is one hell of a barrier to overcome... and one that I'm still not 100% sure we -- as a society, as a culture -- are quite ready for.

Nonetheless, I did in fact buy Greer's book (got a pre-publication rush editition!), as the wealth of testimonials is immense. I have, in turn, used this information to help family & friends come to terms with the subject. After all, there is one other possible avenue for full disclosure that has nothing to do with our govt. whatsoever, and IMHO "they" aren't going to disclose themselves until we are good and ready.

[edit on 13-1-2005 by sdrumrunner]

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:02 PM
Hmm...i wasnt saying that you live on your knees, just that's it's a figure of speech and a good metaphor for whether or not you're at the mercy of your government. Which although you may not agree, i do believe is the case in the U.S. I strongly believe they control the people in this country, and not the other way around...this is not the same democracy our fore fathers created. Anyways you totally went off topic here, i was speaking mainly on the subject of government disclosure of UFO knowledge. Many other countries come clean about reported UFO activity in their region. Mexico is a good example.

Also, i believe there's only so much the citizens of this country can do to fix problems and change government. At some point the buck will stop at a higher up who will make the final decision to shut our asses down. FFS we dont even directly elect our president, the electoral college does. Look at what happened during the 2000 presidential election in Florida for example depicted in Fahrenheit 9/11. When the Black community's representatives stood up to protest the rigged election they were ignored.

This having been said, I also believe it is necessary for a government to keep certain secrets from its people when it is a matter of national security. That, my peeps, is how you keep the nation secure.

But how far should that go, and at what cost? How many lives have been ruined or lost to keep these secrets? Look at the toxic waste problems employees of Area 51 suffered in the 90's. There is a point when clandestine secret black projects become illegal, although there's nothing we can do about it since they are clearly above the law. Personally i think some of the people who keep these kinds of secrets are out of control.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:26 PM
Well guys everyone has a good point on this subject and it appears that it may not be as simple as I would like for it to be. However I do think that we need to voice our disapproval to the government in their non-disclouser of aliens. Hell who knows maybe it would take just one congressman interested enough to get the ball rolling.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Truthforall

However I do think that we need to voice our disapproval to the government in their non-disclouser of aliens.

We have the right to protest, just watch out for the tear gas and rubber bullets.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 01:35 PM

I would hazard a guess you have never travelled outside our borders. I'm sure a couple 1st-generation Americans who ahve moved here from the likes of East Africa or Bangladesh can tell you just how horrible we have it here...

Thats funny, i know more than you think about countries outside of the United States, a matter of fact i have lived outside of the states for a few years, in Belize.

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