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Bush Breaks Laws to Support the NWO

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posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 07:45 PM

BACKGROUND: When Bush became president in 2001, new research showed that numerous infectious microbes and other contaminants were not being filtered out of the nation's water - diseases and chemicals were being spread into the wild through wastewater and back to Americans through drinking water, creating a vicious cycle of contamination, transmission and recontamination. The EPA and Clean Water Act needed to be strengthened: the use of new nano-filters and decontaminations procedures needed to be mandated; the list of regulated micobes and contaminants needed to be expanded to include new mutations and chemicals. Instead, Bush neutralized the already inadequate existing protections.

1. Bush first attempted to dismantle the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA); when Congress stopped him, he thwarted the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ability to enforce the Act and neutralized the protections it provided to Americans.
2. Bush underfunded the EPA and the CWA's enforcement budget, muddied distinctions between State and Federal jurisdictions and effectively stripped the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of its ability to oversee the CWA.
3. In the absence of a functioning Fedreal oversight body, states, organizations and citizens are forced to use the courts. A successful suit was brought against the EPA in 2002:

"The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC), West Virginia Rivers Coalition (WVRC), and twenty-three other environmental organizations and citizens filed a lawsuit on January 23, 2002 against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)"

"On May 8 (2002), a federal district court in West Virginia ruled against the Bush Administration's Clean Water Act violation in a civil suit challenge. The court stated that the Clean Water Act does not allow filling U.S. waterways solely for waste disposal and only the U.S. Congress can rewrite the Act."
""Big polluters, legislators and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection colluded on this plan. They led the state in the wrong direction. They didn’t even bother to come up with a policy that complies with federal law. Their plan offered no balance between the public good and private gain. They forced us to sue – it was our only recourse," Muller said."

The judge’s ruling can be seen here.
A copy of the complaint in Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition v. Whitman is available here.

Other charges are pending.


Bush Administration Efforts to Dismantle the Clean Water Act

US EPA Director of Office of Enforcement resigns post over Bush administration sabotage of environmental enforcement program. Read Eric Schaeffer’s explanation of why he resigned his post:

Rolling Back Enforcement Through Budget Cuts
"The Bush administration’s budget proposal for the 2003 fiscal year reflects a deliberate strategy of cutting the EPA’s budget for inspections and workforce reducing environmental enforcement actions against polluters." For more, read: The Withering Away of Environmental Enforcement: Shell Game. (PDF file)

"According to a report by the EPA's Inspector General, the system used by the EPA to track water pollution is "...obsolete, full of faulty data and does not take into account thousands of significant pollution sources." (quote from New York Times story on the report.) Read the Inspector General's report. (May 2003)"
FILE removed from EPA site:

"These Bush administration rollbacks are in direct disregard of directions from Congress to maintain or improve enforcement at the Agency. These rollbacks put public health and the environment at risk. The administration’s attempts to substitute existing enforceable programs with unenforceable voluntary programs and to shift responsibility to the states eliminates the federal backstop of environmental protection that has ensured that all states meet minimum requirements for the environment and public health." For more, read: The Bush Administration's Assault on Environmental Enforcement. (PDF file)

U.S. PIRG Reports. In Gross Violation: How Polluters Are Flooding America's Waterways With Toxic Chemicals.

March 30, 2004: Polluters Continue to Violate Clean Water Act: 60 Percent Exceeded Pollution Permits in Recent 18-Month Period

"...communities, large and small, may have a false sense of security about the quality of their water (but) ...utilities can avoid spending money to correct the problem. …In some cases, state regulators have helped the utilities avoid costly fixes. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which is supposed to ensure that states are monitoring utilities, has also let communities ignore requirements... Jim Elder, who headed the EPA's drinking water program from 1991 to 1995, said he fears that utilities are engaging in "widespread fraud and manipulation."
"The problems we know about are just the tip of the iceberg," said Erik D. Olson of the nonprofit Natural Resources Defense Council, "because utilities are gaming the system, states have often been willing to ignore long-standing violations and the EPA sits on the sidelines and refuses to crack down." "

Background, Toxins:
Groundwater Depletion and Contamination:
New disease mutations, medical and scientific references at the end of this post:
Also see:

5.1 Population control: Americans are being poisoned systematically with infectious microbes, chemicals and other contaminants - and millions are chronically ill or disabled as a result. Most chronically ill or disabled Americans are distracted by personal concerns, easily manipulated, politically apathetic, and oblivious to the fact that their democracy is being dismantled.
5.2 Multinational corporate profits are protected; the NWO agenda is supported; the NWO's sovereignty is established.

Numerous domestic lawsuits have been filed against the EPA and international lawsuits against President Bush for breaches affecting the environment and human health. Some people charge that such legal action is frivolous, but it remains the only real recourse.

1. Follow up: Check covert propaganda activities of EPA officials.
2. Americans' bodies have become reservoirs for infectious diseases - leading to greater and greater public health problems, and new genetic mutations. Develop.
3. The Bush administration consistently sacrifices ordinary peoples' health and welfare for multinational corporate profits - and then tries to lay the blame on terrorists. Current propaganda is preparing the public to blame terrorists for already existing epidemics caused by already contaminated water and food. Monitor.


posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Please get help while you can, 63,000,000 voters will no longer listen to such HATE. Be careful of the coming backlash. Your HATE may be self fulfilling when they riot in the streets and drag all of you off into prison.

You talk about hate, sounds like YOU hate Bush-bashers more than they hate Bush.
But it's got nothing to do with hate, it's about realizing what we now value AS American is being taken away. And we are letting it happen. In fact we our selfs are doing it. That's why force is not necessary. This has to be the easiest country to manipulate in all of history....LOL

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 04:04 AM

You have voted soficrow for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Good post, I'm glad that I am not the only one here that understands the inherent evils of the federal reserve system and the capitalist seizure of american soverignty. Capitalism is a great system, if you have capital, otherwise, get back to work!
As to those of you on this thread who seem to mitigate this thread as Bush Bashing, well, if you don't like it, stay off the thread. Why in the world would you even bother to read and reply to a thread if all you are going to say is "Bush Bashing". This has nothing to do with Bush, it has to do with a system that is run, owned and operated by coporate interests. Yes the Bush family is a prime example of the perpetuation of this system, but the spirit and point of this thread is far beyond your simplification and reprisal. The Industrial Revolution was a revolution indeed, and our government was seized. There is no longer a reliable electoral system, and checks and balances have given way to lobbyists and payoffs. Bush Bashing? Give me a break, the Bush regime is merely a facet of a much larger picture that your auto-bush defense mechanism has kept you from reading about here.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 05:42 AM
It is so amazing that this thread "rip's" Bush then cries foul when the bashing is pointed out. There is little factual data in this thread, just liberal bable.

Here is an example:

"Date sent: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 03:19:15 EST
Send reply to: Environmental Studies Discussion List

Subject: EPA cuts

EPA Funding Bill Has Significant Cuts in Operating Programs,
Deputy Chief Says. Daily Environment Report, October 29, 1998,

The FY 1999 budget for EPA's media programs - air, water,
toxic substances and wastes - will be "squeezed mercilessly,"
according to acting EPA deputy administrator Peter Robertson. The
programs will suffer a "general reduction" of about $160 million
due to the details of the funding bill that was signed by the
President last week."

Please note the DATE. This was done under the worlds greatest president in all reorded history "Willian Jefferson CLINTON". The EPA and the environmentally challenged nuts that worship it always complain of underfunding. Its the "mother earth" syndrome.

FACT: yes microbes and bacterium are increasing in the water supply.
FACT: chlorination and fluoridation eliminate these "bugs"
FACT: chlorination and fluoridation have been REDUCED significantly nationwide due to moronic lawsuit's filed by the same groups that are crying "oh my water is contaminated".

The NWO does march forward. Bush isn't the anti-christ. Nor is he anti-environment. The insanity of the enviro "movement" must be counterbalanced with logic and scientific FACT.

I haven't the time nor the patience to debunk every "charge" in this thread. Stop worshiping the "M Moores" of the world.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:08 AM

The NWO does march forward. Bush isn't the anti-christ. Nor is he anti-environment. The insanity of the enviro "movement" must be counterbalanced with logic and scientific FACT.

now it sounds like you are bashing hippies and tree cant make someone change their beliefs.that makes you no better than the nwo or govt.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Drew Da General

The NWO does march forward. Bush isn't the anti-christ. Nor is he anti-environment. The insanity of the enviro "movement" must be counterbalanced with logic and scientific FACT.

now it sounds like you are bashing hippies and tree cant make someone change their beliefs.that makes you no better than the nwo or govt.

I am a dedicated environmental scientist (fact). Education not "conjecture" is needed.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:08 PM
Bush cannot be the anti-christ, the world hates him. The anti-christ will be welcomed by everyone and then his moment of chaos will began.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Please note the DATE. This was done under the worlds greatest president in all reorded history "Willian Jefferson CLINTON".

Newsflash. Bush is President. Clinton's gone. Get over it. We're here, now. How bout we deal with current events?

Bush tried to dismantle the Clean Water Act - Congress stopped him - and now he's thwarting the Act to benefit international corporate profits.

FACT: yes microbes and bacterium are increasing in the water supply.
FACT: chlorination and fluoridation eliminate these "bugs"
FACT: chlorination and fluoridation have been REDUCED significantly nationwide due to moronic lawsuit's filed by the same groups that are crying "oh my water is contaminated".

Chlorination and flouridation don't work on everything - they kill standard bugs like old E.coli etc - but not the new mutations or prions - plus, chloride and flouride are chemicals - they can combine with other chemical contaminants to create all new and nasty mixes. (Big ooops.) Nano-filters and other decontamination procedures are far superior in terms of both effectiveness and safety.

Also, the list of regulated micobes and contaminants needs to be expanded to include new mutations and chemicals. Instead, Bush neutralized the already inadequate existing protections. (According to your reference, Clinton just cut the EPA's media budget, Ie., not the enforcement budget like Bush did.)

... must be counterbalanced with logic and scientific FACT.

No kidding.


posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:43 PM
Chlorine kills everything. Period. Even Ebola.

The Envior-terrorist in the EPA and those whom worship them NEVER have enough money in their minds. That was the point to my prior post. In fact the EPA is a bloated beurocracy that does little to help the environment.

Your "post" is simple anti-bush hate, nothing more.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Chlorine kills everything. Period. Even Ebola.

No. It doesn't. Ie., prions are notoriously hard to kill. Chlorine does NOT touch them. More important - chlorine can combine with other chemical contaminants to create nasty dangerous new chemicals that hurt people. There are better options.

Your "post" is simple anti-bush hate, nothing more.

This is a research post, here for people to file and compile documentation showing when and how the current President oversteps the bounds of legality.

...Such watchdogging is also a democratic tradition - in non-fascist regimes, called "responsible citizenship."



posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 01:05 PM
So your solution to this issue is to put all water through RO filtration?

And sorry but Chlorine does kill prions, UV doesn't. No nucleic acids. Prion can survive traditional "autoclave" sterization because of the heat is too low to kill the beggars. Bio-waste sterilization combines higher heat and pressure with biocides such as good old "listerine".

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid

And sorry but Chlorine does kill prions, UV doesn't.

Wasn't recommending UV.

Chlorine can reduce prion activity, but there are 'unexplainable' failures. ...Concentration level required is hazardous, plus still have problem of chemicals combining to form new compounds.
...there are new enzymes available and better filters - many new options that are being suppressed, stuck in Patent Office, etc.

It has been established that most disinfectants are inadequate for eliminating prion infectivity. There are four chemicals that have been demonstrated to reduce prion titers by >4-logs: chlorine, a phenolic, guanidine thiocyanate, and sodium hydroxide (Table 3). 47-55 Of these four chemical compounds the disinfectant that is available and provides the most consistent prion inactivation results is chlorine but even chlorine has had unexplainable reduced activity.

Chlorine may be effective for sterilization after casual contact - ie, without ingestion or exchange of body fluids:

Normal sterilization procedures such as cooking, washing, and boiling do not destroy prions. Caregivers, health care workers, and undertakers should take the following precautions when they are working with a person with CJD:

* Wash hands and exposed skin before eating, drinking, or smoking.
* Cover cuts and abrasions with waterproof dressings.
* Wear surgical gloves when handling a patient's tissues and fluids or dressing the patient's wounds.
* Avoid cutting or sticking themselves with instruments contaminated by the patient's blood or other tissues.
* Use disposable bedclothes and other cloth for contact with the patient. If disposable materials are not available, regular cloth should be soaked in undiluted chlorine bleach for an hour or more, then washed in a normal fashion after each use.
* Use face protection if there is a risk of splashing contaminated material such as blood or cerebrospinal fluid.
* Soak instruments that have come in contact with the patient in undiluted chlorine bleach for an hour or more, then use an autoclave (pressure cooker) to sterilize them in distilled water for at least one hour at 132 - 134 degrees Centigrade.

But chlorine is a poison - alone and when it combines with other elements or chemicals to form new compounds...

CHLORINE is a greenish-yellow gas which combines with nearly all elements. It is a respiratory irritant to the mucous membranes and lungs. Chlorinated liquids burn the skin and many fabrics. As little as 3.5 ppm can be detected as an odour. 1000 ppm is likely to be fatal after a few breaths which is why it was used by the Nazis as war gas in 1915.

Dioxin and the precaution principle

Two years ago, in 1997, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) formally concluded that dioxin causes cancer in humans.[1] IARC is a division of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its recommendations carry considerable weight in the world of public health policy.

Dioxin is the name of a family of 219 toxic chemicals, many of them created as unwanted byproducts of numerous industrial processes: incineration of municipal solid waste, hazardous waste and medical waste; the smelting of metals; the manufacture of chlorine-bleached paper; and the production of many pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Basically, any time you have high temperatures and the presence of chlorine-containing chemicals, you have conditions that can spawn dioxins.

...So chlorine is not reliable for killing prions and it's an extremely dangerous poison.

....??? But you have stock in IG Farben? Is that it?


posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:56 PM
"My interpretation is that the president is manipulating words and fears to justify his actions. If you read the thread then you would know that it isn't so much as Bush Usurping or doing anything more than providing a smokescreen for the capitalization of our nation, i.e. Bush holds no real power - the corporations or the ones that matter hold the influence. As such, this makes it a lot more difficult to scrutinize the actions of our leaders because they do not operate in the open. If you think about it, we are really only scrutinizing the public relations department of those in charge(the major media is owned by how many controlling interests?) "
Good point.. he's just distracto-boy while lord knows what the UN is doing? Ohmigosh.. remebering High School english class
BAD NWO, and worst no good goverment books for "normal" kids like "The Prince" or "The Art of War" in eigth grade. That's a good way to educate students how a coupt'd works w/o knowing how these creeps thinks.(sarcasam)
I get ticked by the fact that in 7th grade the AP ENGLISH OR Englishmathscience kids read those books, but normal kids were put on ritatlin like myself.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by BSB2005
lord knows what the UN is doing? Ohmigosh.. remebering High School english class

Not sure what your points are BS - but kudos for creative writing!

...anyway, are you saying the UN is out to take over the world and corporate big business care? Like deeply, compassionately, and would never do anything that might hurt us or harm our health?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:24 PM
DrHoracid, you talk so much about "bush hate" and "bush bashing" i think just about every post on this thread has mentioned something like that... and you support a president who invades a country through military force and kills people, is that not a form of hate? you are a supporter of a leader that is willing to kill people just for some cracked out reason that they "Might" have WMD's, which i might also add, that we didn't even find...You talk about how "we" don't bring any facts to the table, well most of what i've said is factual, with the exception of a few of my opinions. get over yourself and your hateful president and wake up

deny ignorance.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 12:56 PM
My apologies to all - this is supposed to be a research thread, part of a larger project. I think I may have skewed up posting it here. Will check with advisor and get back to you - we may move it.



posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

My apologies to all - this is supposed to be a research thread, part of a larger project. I think I may have skewed up posting it here. Will check with advisor and get back to you - we may move it.



Is this to protect the anti-Bush posts from dissents from Bush supporters?

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Originally posted by soficrow
My apologies to all - this is supposed to be a research thread, part of a larger project. I think I may have skewed up posting it here. Will check with advisor and get back to you - we may move it.

Is this to protect the anti-Bush posts from dissents from Bush supporters?


No. My dad died Christmas day - I haven't been thinking clearly and I seem to have mucked up my project. Just trying to figure out how to get it on track.

...I'm not "anti-Bush" per se - I just see him as the current puppet being manipulated by the corporate NWO. ...My concerns are more with identifying the larger strategy and specific steps, and blocking the takeover.


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Originally posted by soficrow
My apologies to all - this is supposed to be a research thread, part of a larger project. I think I may have skewed up posting it here. Will check with advisor and get back to you - we may move it.

Is this to protect the anti-Bush posts from dissents from Bush supporters?


No. My dad died Christmas day - I haven't been thinking clearly and I seem to have mucked up my project. Just trying to figure out how to get it on track.

...I'm not "anti-Bush" per se - I just see him as the current puppet being manipulated by the corporate NWO. ...My concerns are more with identifying the larger strategy and specific steps, and blocking the takeover.


I'm sorry to hear that...I thought you meant it just got cluttered up with too many posts.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 10:11 PM
I actually think that the puppet is just that. And the new world ws supposed to come into play with him as the front man.
He's just a willing participant and doing a great job still.

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