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Bush Breaks Laws to Support the NWO

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posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:48 PM

Bush Breaks Laws to Support the NWO

Bush is implementing the international corporate agenda in the USA, dismantling American democracy, and finalizing the NWO takeover. Bush has given himself almost total power through the Emergency Measures Act and Bioterrorism legislation. He changes, bends, thwarts or breaks still-intact laws to serve the NWO.

This thread looks at how Bush is using and abusing the US Legal System for the NWO.

Many of his maneuvers support the legal definion of the US nation as a corporate "entity" and so, as legally 'equal' to multinational corporations - rather than as different and 'sovereign' by virtue of nationhood. Incorporation changes the nation's legal status, and gives mega-corporations sovereign power over the USA when they hold paper on the national debt. The "rights of citizenship" left to Americans are empty - barely equivalent to having a stockholder's vote.

In fact, the United States of America was incorporated when Bush Senior was President, as was the Social Security, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, for example. The Federal Reserve was the first to be incorporated, in 1914; since then, numerous government agencies and departments have been made into corporations, one at a time.
Post Number: 1006246

Bush Junior is here to tie up the loose ends and implement the final stage of the NWO takeover. The $8.2 trillion national debt incurred for the corporate Iraqi colonization pretty much finalized the takeover; the rest is just detail.

Bush's main job is to "sell" the corporatization and privatization of the nation to the American people as "right" and "good," so we will roll over and accept the situation quietly. His main tool is propaganda. Bush also uses the legal system to protect and maximize multinational corporate profits during the transition. Population control is part of the package, in several forms.

Everyone is invited to itemize specifics. I propose the following format:

1. What happened? Ie., What law was bent, broken or thwarted?
2. How?
3. Legal Status of Charges.
4. Source, with Links to Documentation or News Coverage.
5. Impact and Consequences to the American People.
6. Solutions; America's Responses, Reactions and Recourse.



1. Federal anti-propaganda law broken, which prohibits use of taxpayers' money for "covert propaganda"
2.1 Mock videos targetted to teenagers were produced, distributed and misrepresented by Bush government.
2.2 Medicare "news" segments targetting the elderly were produced, distributed and misrepresented by Bush government.
2.3 Editorials and newspaper articles were written by Bush administration officials, and produced, distributed and misrepresented by government without identifying government as the source.
3. In each case, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found the Bush administration guilty of violating Federal Anti-propaganda law.
4. SOURCE: Links provided at
Also see:
5. IMPACT: The American people are mis-informed, and manipulated into supporting the NWO, and its terms and strategy, against their best interests; anti-propaganda protections are eroded when the goal seems "righteous."
6. RECOURSE: Make complaints at ;
RESPONSE: New alternate and independent news media sites created on Internet, established independent sites supported more strongly.

1. Federal Antideficiency Act violated, which prohibits spending in excess of appropriations.
2. Misuse of federal money for "covert propaganda" as outlined above.
3. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found Bush administration guilty of violating Federal law and Antideficiency Act.
4. SOURCE: Links provided at
5. IMPACT: The American people are mis-informed, and manipulated into supporting the NWO, and its terms and strategy, against their best interests - and tricked into paying for their own abuse.
6. RECOURSE and RESPONSE: See above.

NOTE: The Bush administration recently announced plans to release dis- and mis-information publicly to "thwart terrorists." The potential for abuse regarding anti-propanganda protections is astounding. Needs follow up, monitoring.

Re: Incorporated nation, agencies, etc.: Verify claims at:
(Please look at the end of the first paragraph: "click here for status on the web." From there, at the end of the first paragraph "to receive a status inquiry on line, CLICK HERE." That takes you to 'General Information Name Search.' The search box in the top bar does NOT retrieve results.) .

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:01 PM
The President can not pass a law, that is the responsibility of Congress. If Congress passes a law and the President signs it into law, the law can be challenged in the Supreme Court to question its constitutionality. If the Supreme Court says it is unconstitutional, then it is striken down and can't be inforced -- but no law was broken in creating it. If the Supreme Court says it is constitutional the law stands and is constitutional, no matter what armchair constitutional lawyers as yourself contend. This thread is a joke rationally, but I'm sure you'll get a lot of fellow Bush-bashers to provide plenty of conspiracy theory inspired hate-speech against our president.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The President can not pass a law, that is the responsibility of Congress. ...This thread is a joke rationally, but I'm sure you'll get a lot of fellow Bush-bashers to provide plenty of conspiracy theory inspired hate-speech against our president.

This thread is not about passing laws - it's about Bush breaking laws, and otherwise abusing the legal system when he can't get the required legislative support to change the ones he wants to lose.

...Perhaps you could read the text before criticizing the content?


posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:14 PM

Bush has given himself almost total power through the Emergency Measures Act and Bioterrorism legislation.

It sounds to me like you're accusing the president of usurping powers by passing laws.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Bush has given himself almost total power through the Emergency Measures Act and Bioterrorism legislation.

It sounds to me like you're accusing the president of usurping powers by passing laws.

My interpretation is that the president is manipulating words and fears to justify his actions. If you read the thread then you would know that it isn't so much as Bush Usurping or doing anything more than providing a smokescreen for the capitalization of our nation, i.e. Bush holds no real power - the corporations or the ones that matter hold the influence. As such, this makes it a lot more difficult to scrutinize the actions of our leaders because they do not operate in the open. If you think about it, we are really only scrutinizing the public relations department of those in charge(the major media is owned by how many controlling interests?)

Good Job soficrow and djohnsto77 I would like to know why you feel the need to validate a presiddent who has time and again been undermined successfully in the media to the extent of making his current administration a parody of the Attention Deficit Disorder that has became our prolatariate population.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:36 PM
I just think the anti-Bush rhetoric seems to be a bit over the top. Any group affected by Bush's alleged law-breaking can sue the administration in Federal court and have any decision by the executive branch overturned if it is not deemed by the courts to be a valid interpretation of the law, and have any law overturned if it is deemed to be unconstitutional. There are checks and balances in our system that iron out any problems like these. As far the coming of the NWO, I'd be much more worried about Hillary being president with Bill as UN Secretary General if I were you.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:44 PM
Personally, I think its about time someone is trying to do something! What sucks is you can't have a rational conversation about what is happening to our country without someone claiming it is just a Bush Bashing session. There is alot wrong with what is happening out there and it should be discussed among the people of the United States as well as the rest of the world. It is not only our right to do so, it is our duty as American citizens. It just so happens that the man in charge at the moment is Bush. If telling the truth about what is happening to our freedoms and our constitution, our laws and our lives, not to mention the lives of our children, equates in the minds of some to Bush Bashing....then so be it. If a company is being run into the ground, who is held responsible? The man at the top. If he can't take a good, hard, honest look at what his policies are doing, he should never have taken the job in the first place. And if we as the people who give this government power, can't take the responsibility to stop what we have created or allowed to be created, then we deserve what we get. Bush is a big boy. He is in a position that begs to be "bashed" if that is what we are calling defending our rights and our freedoms today. So instead of whining about whether our President is being bashed, how about we take a look at the facts of the situation this country is in, or the world for that matter.

I wish we could all stop defending particular individuals and open our minds enough to at least accept the possibility that there is something wrong. There is something wrong with our elected officials passing laws they never read. There is something wrong with the truth being kept from the people. There is something wrong with the "most powerful country in the world" spending so much money on death and destruction, that it has to stop helping the poor and the elderly, or those affected by serious disaster. There is something wrong when tragedy is used as an excuse to rob people desperate for leadership and guidance at a time when their world has just been turned upside down, of their God-given rights of freedom under the guise of "protection". There are many other something wrongs happening in this country right now. Its time someone does something, even if it is just a sharing of knowledge, for knowledge is power. George Orwell said, "In times of universal deciet, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." I say...."Be a revolutionary! Tell the truth!" Pass it on.....

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I just think the anti-Bush rhetoric seems to be a bit over the top. Any group affected by Bush's alleged law-breaking can sue the administration in Federal court and have any decision by the executive branch overturned if it is not deemed by the courts to be a valid interpretation of the law, and have any law overturned if it is deemed to be unconstitutional. There are checks and balances in our system that iron out any problems like these. As far the coming of the NWO, I'd be much more worried about Hillary being president with Bill as UN Secretary General if I were you.

What about the individuals? Have you ever put to test these these so called checks? I have. Try to get an attorney to listen to anything that has to do with taking on the government! Just try! Try to get an organization who is so wrapped up in their personal agendas to listen to the individual. If I were already a very public figure or my case was already a very public one....I might have a snowballs chance of getting their attention. But only then because of the publicity they would get. Just one more of the things that are wrong with the system.....

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:53 PM
1. just because there is a company named united states of america inc, it doesn't mean it was done by Bush. It could very well be me that owns that corporation. If you'd like, I will incorporate you under nys laws with the same name.

2. please provide some links to the propaganda aimed at teens and the elderly.

3. listing this site and another message board as your references is like telling everyone "this is true because I saw it on the net."

[edit on 12-1-2005 by Crakeur]

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by HarmoniusOne
What about the individuals? Have you ever put to test these these so called checks? I have. Try to get an attorney to listen to anything that has to do with taking on the government! Just try!

Michael Newdow is suing the government to keep the President from having a prayer said on his inauguration and place his hand on the Bible while saying an oath. Of course he will lose because he has no case in law or the constitution, but if you have proof the government is breaking laws and this is affecting you personally, the court will be more than happy to deal with the executive branch harshly.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 05:19 PM
Good post Soficrow

I don't understand why some ppl think we should all blindly support a person just because he is a president.
That sort of attitude is what allowed Hitler to get away with what he did, with no dissent from the German population.
But as has all ready been mentioned Bush is just the public face of the people who really run things. And that position is NOT chosen by us.
And what is happening is not all bush's doing. The agenda for world domination is as old as government itself. We're just experiencing the final push for world domination and bush is lucky enough to be the pres at this time. Bush isn't smart enough to deserve all the credit, if any.
But he is the public face, so he deserves all the bashing IMHO.
An attack on Bush is NOT an attack on America...Your government is not you and you are not your government. If you truly love your country you should be outraged at what is going on.
Why take it so personally? He is only a president!! He's not God, he's not your father. Why do we put that position on such a high pedestal that to some ppl to talk bad of the pres is sacrilege.
And some ppl don't believe that we are mentally conditioned to blindly support the ruling elite

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 05:39 PM
soficrow, I probably did overreact to your post, I think I read several really anti-Bush posts in a row, so I apologize. ANOK, you are correct, we should not blindly trust our leaders and question what we think is wrong, that's what we do in a democratic republic. However, I must reiterate we do have checks and balances in our system and it has held up well over the years. Historically there have been many instances of suspension of rights and power usurpations that vastly exceed anything done by the Bush administration. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus during the civil war. Franklin Roosevelt actually set up concentration camps in the U.S. for Japanese-Americans and also tried to neutralize the Supreme Court's power with his court-packing plan. The Alien and Sedition Acts were much harsher than anything in the Patriot Act. It just seems that so many people so personally hate Bush that it clouds their logical thinking and historical perspective of the facts. We are truly in a war with people who want to destroy our republic and replace it with an Islamofascist regime. I think we should give the government the benefit of the doubt in trying to combat this new enemy since all indications I see is that it is fighting for us, not against us.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 05:59 PM
It is sad that this board is becoming more and more infected by anti-american Liberal BS. The anti-bush hate is becoming tiresome. Liberalism is in fact a sickness for the weakminded. Spend sometime researching the EVIL such hate has done to america and you will end up at 911 all over again. Please get help while you can, 63,000,000 voters will no longer listen to such HATE. Be careful of the coming backlash. Your HATE may be self fulfilling when they riot in the streets and drag all of you off into prison.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Michael Newdow is suing the government to keep the President from having a prayer said on his inauguration and place his hand on the Bible while saying an oath. Of course he will lose because he has no case in law or the constitution, but if you have proof the government is breaking laws and this is affecting you personally, the court will be more than happy to deal with the executive branch harshly.

So then you are saying you do not have personal experience in trying to fight something the government is doing? You say yourself this Newdow doesn't have a chance in winning his case which really seems to be a trivial thing anyway compared to the perceived loss of the freedoms of the American people. If I wanted to appear to have a system of checks and balances, I might also allow cases such as this to get as far as his case has gotten. I do belive our founding fathers intended this system of checks and balances to work, however, they seem to have intended many things which also would not be permitted to function in our system today.

I applaud you for stating that you may have overreacted. These days it seems not many are wiling to question their own actions or statements once it has been done or said. I respect the fact that you were willing to.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I think we should give the government the benefit of the doubt in trying to combat this new enemy since all indications I see is that it is fighting for us, not against us.

Though I see your point in this post, I disagree that the government is fighting for us. I think it is more accurate to say that the government is fighting around us and not only getting some of us killed, but demeaning our international reputation.....So many of our citizens either blindly accept this reality and defend it or have constructed a functional apathy that encourages the perpetuation of non-specific attention to the issues. As long as there is something to be gained, people will be manipulated and our country has come along way in refining techniques to appeal to a comfort seeking populace.

Remember "War is Peace"

[edit on 12-1-2005 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
It is sad that this board is becoming more and more infected by anti-american Liberal BS. The anti-bush hate is becoming tiresome. Liberalism is in fact a sickness for the weakminded. Spend sometime researching the EVIL such hate has done to america and you will end up at 911 all over again. Please get help while you can, 63,000,000 voters will no longer listen to such HATE. Be careful of the coming backlash. Your HATE may be self fulfilling when they riot in the streets and drag all of you off into prison.

You're kidding me, right? Since I am not an advocator of HATE, liberal as I tend to be, I will address this professionally......

Why is anti-bush hate tiresome? Do you have any links to support that liberalism is in fact a sickness for the weak-minded? Where can I research how "EVIL" is caused by HATE and how can you support its relevance to 9/11?Where may I find help - a Republican Convention?

I don't see any support for your extreme alliterations and suggest that your post may in fact be the EVIL/BS that you speak of. I sincerely hope that I am wrong and look forward to the myriad of facts that will prove you right......By the way, All Caps on base, connotative words don't really work to influence my views...I am bummed you think I'm that impressionable.

[edit on 12-1-2005 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
It is sad that this board is becoming more and more infected by anti-american Liberal BS. The anti-bush hate is becoming tiresome. Liberalism is in fact a sickness for the weakminded. Spend sometime researching the EVIL such hate has done to america and you will end up at 911 all over again. Please get help while you can, 63,000,000 voters will no longer listen to such HATE. Be careful of the coming backlash. Your HATE may be self fulfilling when they riot in the streets and drag all of you off into prison.

I hate no one. I have not bashed Mr. Bush. Are you now saying those who question the governments actions in anyway should be locked up? How exactly is that freedom? I have not, nor has anyone else in this thread, threatend anyone with the loss of personal safety, or their freedom as you are. Perhaps you should look at where the HATE is really coming from.....

In truth....It sounds like you are saying that we are free to speak our minds as long as our opinion is the same as that of the majority. And that is why 9/11 happened. If it truly happened the way our government would have us believe, then it happened because the people of the US differ in opinion from those who perpetrated the tragedy. Why is it there can be no difference of opinion without violence on issues such as this? Why can we, the people of the US, not have a civilized conversation about where this country is heading?

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 06:37 PM
What I am talking about is the complete hate so many on this board have for America and the 63,000,000 "idiots" that elected Bush. The entire premise of the thread is complete BS. It is based on FEAR. The neo-cons' as so many want to call anyone who supports Bush are quckly becoming fed-up with all the hollywood and arrogant left "elite". Manipulation of the "media" and the courts for 40 years to gain and keep "control" of the masses is failing. When the 63,000,000 "moron" wake up perhaps they are going to exact revenge on the slavemaster liberal "elite".

This current modern era of Terror will very quickly turn bloody if another attack happens. John Q public will prosecute those whom have helped the "enemy". Target number 1 will be the liberal left nuts.....

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
When the 63,000,000 "moron" wake up perhaps they are going to exact revenge on the slavemaster liberal "elite".

Interesting that the very group you seem to be defending you have relagated as moronic.....

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
soficrow, I probably did overreact to your post, I think I read several really anti-Bush posts in a row, so I apologize. ...I must reiterate we do have checks and balances in our system and it has held up well over the years. Historically there have been many instances of suspension of rights and power usurpations that vastly exceed anything done by the Bush administration. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus during the civil war. Franklin Roosevelt actually set up concentration camps in the U.S. for Japanese-Americans and also tried to neutralize the Supreme Court's power with his court-packing plan. The Alien and Sedition Acts were much harsher than anything in the Patriot Act.

Cool dj - no problem.

RE: Checks and balances. The problem is, these checks and balances are gone in a state of emergency or during war mearures. ...That's why nasty things happen to our constitutional rights in these times - historically and right now.

It is our job as citizens to be vigilant, and protect our democracy - especially under circumstances when the Presidents emergency powers enable him to bypass the checks and balances.


[edit on 12-1-2005 by soficrow]

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