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All Muslims Must Be Assumed To Be Dangerous

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posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978
Should we make them wear a badge, thereby making it easier for citizens to identify the people they must assume are dangerous?

Who suggested this? Not me.

But how would we know who to assume is dangerous?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: kaylaluv
Don't forget about all those illegals from south of the border who are all rapists and murderers. How can you tell a legal from an illegal just from looking at them? For that matter, how do you know when someone is a Muslim or not? In America, they don't all wear burkas and turbans.

I have an idea... if you've got brown skin, you're bad. Got it.

It is disingenuous to try to ascribe your hyperbole to me.

I'm the one speaking in hyperbole??????

Forget it. It's hopeless.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: Forensick
Oh great, another Muslim bashing thread.

What about that Muslim shopkeeper in Glasgow? Would you have run the fella out of town?

I can't believe some here want to "bash" a quasi- religious and political structure which has members chopping of heads, participating in mass rape of both girls and boys, stones people to death, throws gays off rooftops and to top it off, is responsible for dozens upon dozens of bombings and killing across the globe in the last few years alone, never mind their blood-filled history of fighting wars with non-believers.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Oh,I know that muslims have been murdered by other muslims.
I think it is the sunni verses the shia?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Slanter

The thing is I never suggested any new laws.

I simply said I have NO REASON to take the risk to be around these people.

It is a personal decision.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:30 PM
Here is an idea:

Why don't we go about our lives understanding that when our time comes, our time comes. It could be a radical Muslim sets off a bomb, a crazy Right Winger shoots-up an abortion clinic, a whacky Leftists goes on a stabbing spree to bring awareness to the poor baby seals, or it could be a damned heart attack. Perhaps a slow and painful death from diabetes.

Who knows?

We need to accept that we are all going to die and living our lives like a bunch of scared pansies does not make for a fun life.

Chances are that your odds of being killed by a Muslim is small. Very small.

Go outside and have some damned fun.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: MysticPearl
I can't believe some here want to "bash" a quasi- religious and political structure which has members chopping of heads, participating in mass rape of both girls and boys, stones people to death, throws gays off rooftops and to top it off, is responsible for dozens upon dozens of bombings and killing across the globe in the last few years alone, never mind their blood-filled history of fighting wars with non-believers.

Why did you have to bring capitalism and NATO into this?

I'm not entirely certain if I am being facetious or not...

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: Metallicus

Its funny that people ignore what was said in my OP and try to ascribe additional hyperbole in an effort to discredit my statement instead of actually engaging with what I ACTUALLY SAID.

I said, based on the high number of Muslims that are radicalized I will be assuming they are dangerous because I don't have the skills or time to decide which is which. I said I personally will avoid Muslims.

Anything else you are ascribing to me is BS.

Hyperbole? You claim we should assume all Muslims are dangerous, because you don't know what percentage has been radicalised.

And you claim all other suggestions are hyperbole.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Your post is truly sad but understandable. You have every right to be afraid

If you run into a Muslim who is an Admadiya, Sufi, Malaki Muslim, Shafai Muslim even Shia Ismali Muslims and many others these you have nothing to fear for sure.
Of course you won’t know who is who or what school of thought any given Muslim is from….Just like you don’t know which Christian is a presbeterian, Methodist, evangelical or whatever until they tell you or you see something identifiable.

All the above Muslims and many more are victims of Wahhabi sectarian bigotry themselves

Their afraid too

in fact the Wahhabis that fall into this jihadi insanity of murder are the ONLY ones you have to fear

Because as I’ve said numerous times ALL THE TERRORISTS ARE WAHHABI “MUSLIMS” ALL OF THEM

Now, not all Wahhabis are terrorists but you won’t fine jihadis coming from any other Islamic school of thought but Wahhabi.

That version of Islam. is like a portal to hell Why

Because they teach the basic poison of super sectarianism: my way is the ONLY chosen way of God even within Islam

This poison has spread because of Saudi oil money. The Saudis are Wahhabis


Sectarianism is the poison that creates jihadi murderers

edit on 29-3-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

It's common sense in the animal kingdom. Previous threat dictates future threat until proven otherwise.

Lions are ferocious creatures, known to kill. If you walked across an area with lions, you best have your bearings about you due to that threat. And I'm sure someone would say "well not all lions will eat a human", and that would be true.

It'd also entirely miss the point.

Not all black people will hold you up at gunpoint and rob you. Doesn't mean I'm going to use an ATM at 1 AM in East Oakland. Common sense.

Now how to identify the extremists in the Muslim community is a tough question. The first step however is recognizing the threat which too many want to brush off.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
I don't dispute that there are many peaceful Muslims who would never hurt anyone. I believe there are kind and loving Muslim people in the world. The problem is I can't tell the difference and there really are 10-20% of Muslims who will kill you or worse because of their ideology. How am I supposed to tell the difference? Sociopaths are inherently difficult to identify and I don't have the tools or the inclination to determine which of these people is 'good' and which are 'bad'.

The main problem I have is I don't NEED to have Muslim people in my life so why should I risk having them around me? I don't have the tools or time to make a decision about every Muslim person I meet. This doesn't mean I don't treat them with respect when I run into them, but it does mean I am not going to intentionally have a relationship with one either.

Now you could say that anyone could be dangerous and this is true, but the fact is the percentage of 'radical' Muslims is much higher than in the general population and it is easier to assume they are dangerous than to try to figure out their intent.

I am not calling for discrimination or telling others what to do, but I am saying for ME it is easier to avoid these people than take a risk that 1 in 5 or so of these people would like to kill me, rape me or enslave me for not believing in their Allah.

I am not trained to decide who is dangerous or who is not nor do I possess ESP. Mathematically speaking it is easier to assume they are dangerous than take a 20% risk.

Need someone rich to take Islam to court and have it declared an non religion. It is a law and framework for life like US Constitution . We need to make it illegal to teach hate and murder and opposition to US constitution and laws.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: peck420

Which other segment of the world's population is going around beheading people and blowing themselves up because of capitalism and NATO?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus

It is a personal decision.

And yet you felt compelled to start a thread on it, making a personal decision very public. I wonder what the point was in that? What were you expecting? That everyone would just go hoo rah? You knew very well that you were making some controversial statements. It was the point of your thread.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: MysticPearl
Which other segment of the world's population is going around beheading people and blowing themselves up because of capitalism and NATO?

I doubt the method of killing matters much to the deceased.

We kill them in far greater numbers than they kill us. We do it with toys and gadgetry from a distance, they do it old school. They are the animals. Got it!

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

yes, I'm saying distrusting people by leaving them alone is probably the most logical way to deal with discomfort of a group of people.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:40 PM
I have found that recent events and not so recent events over the last 10-15 years has almost allowed the more radical muslim to gain ground to the point of it being almost socially acceptable that radical views are tolerated. By that I mean open hate speech and preaching in parts of London (East) along with those outrageous Sharia patrols that where going on. By allowing this crap we have allowed people that may have had a underlying view to become far more vocal and they may even act on these views.

I work in a Pan London role and the hate towards the local native populas is very real esp from young Muslim men in their late teens to mid 30's, I also notice far more people in that age range having a "chip on their shoulder" but I very much doubt they could tell you why they have to have one?.

I was actually dating a girl who had muslim heritage and I would get death threats from her family about the relationship and it got to the point for her safety I called a end to it, I later found out she upped and left the country one night never to be seen again. She hated the culture and how restrictive and contradictory it all was.

I think the view pointed out does have some merit due to simply not seeing the non radical muslim saying or doing anything to combat the radical idiots that making their religion look "evil".. It is on these grounds you have to question the real motive of the average joe on the street.


posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: peck420

They kill their own in far greater numbers than we kill them.

The number one victim of extremists are Muslims.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:44 PM
The guy is afraid. So we fall into stereo types...understandable

If you were in Senegal, Africa, a total Muslim NON WAHHABI country

Very peaceful and kind people though very very poor

They were colonized by the French

Their Muslim Teacher of old, a Sufi saint taught them to NEVR be bitter, just seek the love of God and to work hard.

Wahhabism so far can’t get into Senegal and hasn’t

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: slider1982

People are going to discount this account as acedotal and "just one story". The same people who if playing connect the dots, would draw a unicorn.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Hi ! Muslim here ..for many years now..

Been around many Muslim community's in the USA all over the place . This means i have most likely been around more Muslims than you .

Never once have i met a Terrorist/Extremist.

I have met Muslims who share some differing ideology but never to the point that would be alarming.

Fear your MSM who groups us all together as on evil aparatus.

That's all .

Salam Alikume.

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