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Let's see who really spreads the hate

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posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 11:07 AM
So I was thinking lately about how everyone else's supporters in this election are spreading more hate than their own supporters, so what if we try a little unofficial ATS experiment?

I propose that we gather a group of members spread across America to see for ourselves whose supporters bring on and receive more hate. What if we were to as a group, wear an article of clothing supporting one candidate or another for one whole day. The people participating would then share their experiences regarding the reactions of the general public to their "supported" candidate on a thread here. It would be very unofficial and depending on the spread of participation across the country not necessarily tell us much, although I believe we might be able to come to a few conclusions or conjectures in this regard. What would make it more interesting, in my opinion, would be to have the members participating "support" their opposite candidate. So Bernie supporters sport Trump/Cruz gear and vice versa. Even if we couldn't come to any general conclusions, I believe this would go a long way in showing individuals exactly how the general public reacts to certain candidates.

Please let me know what you think. I myself might attempt to try this with a cousin of mine who lives in California, where he (a huge Bernie supporter) would wear a Trump shirt/gear, while I (in Wisconsin) sport the Bernie paraphernalia.

Again, this might not show any national trends, but I do think it would allow people to witness the reactions and allow a more rounded view of the election.

Thanks all, and have a good day!

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: KingKelson

Would be an interesting anecdotal experiment, but, of course, wouldn't really tell us anything about the big picture. If people actually do it though, I'd be interested to see what people's experiences are nonetheless. That said, you'll never find an article of clothing, pin, bumper sticker or yard sign for a politician anywhere near me or my property. Even if one day I liked and trusted a politician (LOL), IMO there's no sense in making yourself a target for extremists and idiots from either side.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: KingKelson

I've thought of my spouse and I doing this before but, if we did decide to don some Trump gear, people here would just assume we were just trying to be ironic and they would buy us drinks.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: KingKelson

I'll submit a bit of personal disclosure here. Baited, bitten and so on.

I didn't don any garb mind you, only spoke my mind.

This morning, I was accused by a coworker of being a racist and hating Mexicans. Now I was hurt by this accusation. I was. I am. Please allow me to explain.

I work in a peanut processing facility. I live in Texas. 75-85% of my coworkers are Mexican immigrants. The majority of these immigrants have gone the long route to achieve citizenship. I love them. I have worked with many of them for the last decade, and I absolutely love them. They are hard working, mindful, fantastic people who came here in search of a better life for themselves and their families.

I am a manager at this facility. I worked myself up from a menial position to being one of the top three people in command, then digressed and went back down to a position where I actually made a difference. I am now a shift supervisor. In this position, I have a "hands on" influence which I utilize to make sure nobody puts themselves in danger to fulfill the required duties of operations.

I have learned spanglish to facilitate not only myself, but to communicate the concerns and inquiries of my crew and open the so called "barriers of communication, ie the language barrier". I will defend my crew to the point of my own termination from the company because I believe in the principles of honest work and hard earned achievement.

Enough background.

This morning, I said goodbye to the crew with a hearty Sieg Heil to express my disdain for some policy changes that increase the already unbearable discomfort in which we work. (We are now required to wear a company uniform which is long sleeved thick cotton-poly blend year round in a plant which has been measured to reach 125 degrees.) Rules are rules right? I'm not sure that the risk of somebody finding a human body hair in a 44000 pound lot of raw peanuts outweighs the risk of one of my people dying of a heat stroke, but I digress only to make my point.

I use the company tool-box meetings to convey the FACT that these people are being conditioned to following a fascist regime.

I am honest to a fault.

So, when I left the meeting with Sieg Heil, one of my coworkers said "Vote for Trump.", to which I replied, "I did". Immediately, she said I was a racist and I hate Mexicans. I am married to a Mexican. I have defended this very employee, and have fought to see that she gets a more influential position in our plant. I have defended her spouse. I have defended all of them, but because of one little "informed decision" I made, I am now a racist, Mexican-hating, moron.

The media is culpable in all of this. I am only writing this now, because of the hurt I felt.

People seem to be inherently stupid. I am stupid in many respects. I have an IQ of around 140, but I don't believe in IQ tests. I am far more knowledgeable of politics than the employee who accused me of being racist. She is also smart in her own respects.. She can make a spreadsheet and I could give two f**ks...

There is my contribution. Take from it what you will.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Bobaganoosh

The propaganda machine is running full throttle. The sheer amount of negativity and lies spewing from every angle against Trump is astounding. Almost every channel you turn to, almost every station on the radio you will hear negative crap about Trump. Even pro republican spots.

It's working on a lot of the uninformed voters too, including lots of progressives and liberals who are blind to the fact they have become a tool for the elite. Hillary is going to win the Democratic nomination for christs sake!

Atleast the republicans fired their establishment candidates!
edit on 3/23/2016 by Alien Abduct because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 12:12 PM
So the left is currently the most attractive to the youthful least it used to be. As the right fractures into 2 parties, giving opportunity to have nuanced views (such as civil libertarianism over conservatism) it is starting to shift some demographics
but for now, things are still as they were.
the youth will always be the ones with the least perspective, and therefore the most isn't a discussion, its a war, it isn't a view, its the only correct view, etc..

So, when a person has a different view, they see it as an attack against them and have a higher degree of likelyhood to lash out emotionally and perhaps even physically.
This doesn't mean the right isn't filled with hateful jackasses. This is a interesting dynamic actually, because the rights more brutal element tends to be far more aggressive.
So, you will be insulted, drinks and other things thrown at you at the drop of a hat by the left no doubt..
the right, while far more respectful of your personal space, will occasionally house someone who will explode in rage and see this in the news with people running and punching protesters, etc.

When its all said and done, I prefer less rage, but more pointed if you have to choose one over the least you can discuss subjects largely unabated. when groups try to shut down events, block roads to speeches, etc..that in my opinion is worse than a sucker punch once in awhile. at least the puncher is few and far between, doesn't stop discussions, nor is seen as something noble..he gets his rage out and goes to jail

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Trump created this! With his own words! It's our ignorance to blame it on the media when he's the one saying these things!

The ignorance surrounding Trump is next level!

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Swills

Are you serious?

Where is your sarcasm flag?

You can't be serious.

Trump did not cause this... Years of blind allegiance to the "Party of Fairy-tale Utopia" caused this. Utopia is a fraud.

I will agree with "The ignorance surrounding Trump is next level" comment.

The ignorance has nothing to do with Trump support, and everything to do with the media position on said support.

We are not racist, inbred, uninformed voters. We pay more attention than the majority of the opposition. The opposition are the ones who utilize the ignorant.

Honestly, it doesn't matter who wins, we lose.

I don't really care, I can be eloquent in my speech or accurate in my aim.. The choice is yours.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Trump created this! With his own words!

What words were those?

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: KingKelson

I think it is quite obvious who is really spreading the hate, that no experiment is necessary. People don't protest a candidate because they love them.

hate |hāt|

verb [ with obj. ]

feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone): the boys hate each other | he was particularly hated by the extreme right.

• have a strong aversion to (something): he hates flying | [ with infinitive ] : I'd hate to live there.
• [ with infinitive ] used politely to express one's regret or embarrassment at doing something: I hate to bother you.
• [ no obj. ] (hate on) informal express strong dislike for; criticize or abuse: I can't hate on them for trying something new.


intense or passionate dislike: feelings of hate and revenge.

• [ as modifier ] denoting hostile actions motivated by intense dislike or prejudice: a hate campaign.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: Swills

Alright show me a quote where Trump made racist remarks, that's the most widespread one that I hear everywhere, how Trump is this big racist. I have even heard some black people tell me that Trump said he wants to send all black people back to Africa. HAA!

We can start with that one and work from there
edit on 3/23/2016 by Alien Abduct because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
Trump did not cause this... Years of blind allegiance to the "Party of Fairy-tale Utopia" caused this. Utopia is a fraud.

"Party of Fairy-tale Utopia"? The democratic party in the USA is just republican-lite. Corporatist lovers of the capitalist sham & war-mongers, just like their slightly more extreme republican counterparts. Gimme a break. By any measure, we have one party that is right-wing, and one party that is center right. Turn off the propaganda.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: Bobaganoosh

The propaganda machine is running full throttle. The sheer amount of negativity and lies spewing from every angle against Trump is astounding. Almost every channel you turn to, almost every station on the radio you will hear negative crap about Trump. Even pro republican spots.

It's working on a lot of the uninformed voters too, including lots of progressives and liberals who are blind to the fact they have become a tool for the elite. Hillary is going to win the Democratic nomination for christs sake!

Atleast the republicans fired their establishment candidates!

You can't blame the media. Either for Trump hate or for the idiocracy that spends so much time defending Trump.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: KingKelson

I am absolutely certain I could go about my entire day with a Bernie Sanders shirt with either no comment or positive comments. I am also certain that if I were to wear a Trump shirt I would receive some odd looks and any comment would be negative.

In regard to a Trump shirt, friends and family would think something had broken in my mind.

edit on 23-3-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: reldra

You can't blame the media. Either for Trump hate or for the idiocracy that spends so much time defending Trump.

Your false dilemma is also a loaded question, which arrogantly presumes "Trump hate" (a phrase without meaning), and that only idiots defend Trump, which is ironic given the fallaciousness of your statements.

edit on 23-3-2016 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: KingKelson

I am absolutely certain I could go about my entire day with a Bernie Sanders shirt with either no comment or positive comments. I am also certain that if I were to wear a Trump shirt I would receive some odd looks and any comment would be negative.

I agree.

Because most people see political preference as a personal choice and many respect the individuals right to choose as they see fit.

Unless it's support for Trump. Then there will be those on the left that see Trump support as an automatic abdication of individual rights and/or respect.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: reldra

You can't blame the media. Either for Trump hate or for the idiocracy that spends so much time defending Trump.

Your false dilemma is also a loaded question, which arrogantly presumes "Trump hate" (a phrase without meaning), and that only idiots defend Trump, which is ironic given the fallaciousness of your statements.

It is not a question. It is a statement of fact.

Many people hate Trump. It was postulated that it was the media's fault.
Many people defend Trump, stating their and his 'voting rights' and such have been infringed upon.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: reldra

It is not a question. It is a statement of fact.

Many people hate Trump. It was postulated that it was the media's fault.
Many people defend Trump, stating their and his 'voting rights' and such have been infringed upon.

My mistake. I mistook "Trump hate" to mean Trump's hate.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: KingKelson

I never buy campaign swag. It would mean actually contributing money to a campaign, something I just don't do no matter how much I may or may not like a candidate.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Bobaganoosh

Trump supporters. The blind leading the blind.

I'm dead serious. Trump created this and that's exactly what he wanted. What amazes me is people like yourself not understanding and somehow paint Trump as the victim. Ignorance at its best!

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