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I need a hero...

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posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:44 AM


I get The Donald. I'd rather have Donald Duck, he at least would make me at least smile once in a while... All the Donald will do is make me sick to my stomach, and try to register some of my freinds as possible dangers to his version of America. Which, most assuredly, isn't mine.


I get Hillary "I think voter are idiots" Rodham-Clinton. Most of you are aware of my opinions concerning this walking, talking canker I won't repeat 'em here.


I get Bernie "Let's spend more money we don't have." Sanders. Clueless where international relations are concerned. 'course, that'd only make it more of the same, wouldn't it?

Ah, me...

Where is my generations Kennedy? Lincoln? Adams? Jefferson? Hell, at this point I'd settle for this generations Nixon... Sad, huh??

Are these three nitwits really the best the U.S. has to offer the world? Or even us? Really?

I think the consensus is we're in a deep squishy brown stuff brook without a wooden propulsion devise for canoes. Yet these are the best we can come up with?????

Yep. We're in deep kimshee...actually, I like kimchee, and this stuff they're shoveling ain't that good.

I'm kinda looking forward to the conventions... It'll be entertaining watching them attempt to put the good spin on whomever gets inflicted on us.

The inaugural? Oh, won't that just be fun to listen to?

Vote Trump--For a new America. No, Donald, your vision of America ain't mine. My friends don't need to wear armbands proclaiming them Muslims. So, to coin a phrase? Go To Hell, Richboy. I wouldn't vote for you for dog catcher, 'cause I like dogs.

Vote Clinton-- Nope. You're an evil trull who I wouldn't trust with my cats litter box, much less the future of my country. Billary part two? God Forbid.

Vote Sanders-- Of the three? The least that's a saving grace? Clueless. Naive. Socialistic. Nope, sorry Bernie, not feelin' the Bern.


I thought four and eight years ago was bad...

*sigh* (I seem to be doing that a lot...*sigh*)

Where's our Kennedy? Our Roosevelt (Teddy, not Franky...)? A leader who can, by sheer magnetism, and force of will, lead a nation out of it's dark times. Our Lincoln? Even FD Roosevelt would be an improvement over our current crop of "leaders"...

I've always thought, or believed, that in our nations dark times someone would step up to be a leader. Some one who can see the course to lay...

Someone that even the opposition can respect, and when the times are worst, can work together with, to solve the problem manifesting. I suppose I still, deep down in my heart of hearts, at least want to believe that. But it's getting harder, and harder, to believe that, to look around and see if there is someone out there that I can believe in. Trust,

far as any one in positions of power can be trusted, to do the job in a fashion that a majority can at least try to support.

So often now, our so-called leaders kow tow to their money, rather than the wishes of the majority of their constituency... ...and we, in our seemingly blind stupidity allow them to continue to abuse our trust year after year after year...

Please, sir, may I have another??

I need a hero.

A Hercules capable of completing a series of impossible tasks. Of surmounting an impenetrable barrier where a demon lives. To do battle for me, and mine, not interests that care nothing for the lives being cast away, nations ruined, generations inculcated in hate, and avarice. Generations being split between the haves, and the I wants...with nothing in the middle seemingly.

A hero. Is it too much to ask for? To seek for?

Apparently, because many of us have stopped looking for a hero. Instead we've begun to settle. Settle for mediocrity. For less than stellar. ...and this is our reward.

Trump. Clinton. Sanders, and some other nitwits who barely rate a mention.

I need a hero. We need a hero. But no pressure...

Is that too much to ask for?
edit on 3/19/2016 by seagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:51 AM
Joe Biden needs to run

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:57 AM
The only thing wrong with everything you said ? We havent given any one of them a chance , yet. How do we know what kind of job they will do ? The short-quick answer , we dont. We spend all our time knocking down every single candidate , but we gotta have one to be the next President. Choose whoever you wish , thats your choice. To choose none and sit this one out , that is your choice as well.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: muse7

Remember the "other nitwits" I mentioned?? I think he qualifies...

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

You're correct, let's just say I'm not horribly sanguine about the choices available...

Oh, I'm not going to sit this one out. Never have, never will. There are many other issues aside from President that need/require my voice...state and local.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: seagull

I think the era for "centrists" is over though. People don't understand politics and both parties are so polarized against each other that compromise is simply not acceptable.

Politics is a dirty business. We have a lot of people in this country that are ideologues. It's their way or the highway. But that's not how it works.

In politics, if you ask for a mile, be thankful if you receive an inch.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 05:04 AM

A Hercules capable of completing a series of impossible tasks. Of surmounting an impenetrable barrier where a demon lives. To do battle for me, and mine, not interests that care nothing for the lives being cast away, nations ruined, generations inculcated in hate, and avarice. Generations being split between the haves, and the I wants...with nothing in the middle seemingly.


Is that too much to ask for?

Yes it is a lot to ask for. However, not impossible.

edit on 19-3-2016 by OneGoal because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 05:08 AM
Only "nitwits" will be allowed to run for office nowadays. Anyone actually capable of making a difference is marginalized from the outset.

Differences have been 'locked out'.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: seagull

In your signature it says let justice be done, though the heavens may fall.

There is only one candidate of the three main contenders, who gives the impression and has a voting record that says, that they would exemplify that position if it came to it.

They might not be the hero you want, but without wishing to paraphrase a comic book movie, they might just be the hero America deserves, a big stinking left hook, from a small man with big ideas.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Should Sanders win the Presidency, I will give him every chance to succeed before I go all anti- on him. Though, I suppose, my opening thread would indicate otherwise...

Not for the first time, I tend towards hyperbolic excess when frustrated/annoyed. You should hear me when caught in traffic...

The premise of my thread does, however, remain intact. If this is the best our major parties have to offer...? I fear for, not only my country, but for the world...

As I said, Sanders is the least unpalatable of the three major party offerings...but that's not exactly a sterling endorsement.

I fear we are going to get exactly what we deserve come this November. I hope to be proven wrong in a resounding fashion. If I am, I will publicly dine on metaphorical crow for the viewing pleasure of you all.

It's 3 am here in the lovely, and very dark, Pacific Northwest, and my thought process isn't the finest at the moment...if it ever is all that I'm going to call it a night/morning.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: seagull

The current elite are trained to be rich 'nitwits' so that when the ordinary guy (anti-christ) rises out of the ashes like a phoenix, every one will love him.

Everyone has their place on the world stage. Your emotions are proving to the elite that their plan is working to perfection.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: seagull

Thanks for this, i was in highschool when this Video came out on much music. I was at a friends house attempting to pot raid a green house at 13 at the time, lol.

Something weird just happened. Some guy claiming to be new and a black sheep in his family etc just posted, i replied and said hey blah blah etc. and then when i refreshed he disappeared and nothing i posted was left, it's like it all just Vanished.

Has this happened to anyone else?

And no, asking for a Hero isn't too much to ask for, i've been waiting for one all my life...
edit on 3/19/2016 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/19/2016 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 06:57 AM
edit on 3/19/2016 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:45 AM
o.O We don't need a hero, we need a revolution. This country is run by victims of the public school system. The short bus to the capitol makes stops at McDonalds for kids meals for crying out loud. We have been dumbed down to accept these little niches that chip away at our freedom, our living comfort, and most of all our intelligence.

Its like waiting in a line to the sole Porto potty at a new Mexico chili cook off. We are willing to wait in line in great agony for the eventual payoff which is a toilet that has been blasted with the green apple splatters from the previous 20 people ahead of us. Instead of rolling off to find a bush with a good housekeeping in hand to claim our own private Idaho. ( I say Idaho because the whole state resembles a toilet and does not have much use other than Delaware)

But do you understand what I'm saying? It used to be wrong to sleep with your sister, now people don't mind so much. Its confusing I know, but the moral compass of this corporation that is America is flipping spins in all directions. We have lost focus as a people, thus we have lost focus through our leaders. Its time to reset the whole damn system.

Its enough to make Journey stop believing....We need this line up

Chuck Norris for Pres
Ted Nuggent for VP
Jesse Ventura for Sec of State
Rand Paul for Sec of Treasury
Palin for Sec of the Interior
Sam Jackson for press Sec.
Henry Rollins for Sec Defense

A winning line up if I ever saw one. Now thats progress!

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: BooCrackers

I'd rather see Bon Jovi for President
Richie Sambora for Vice

The rest are debatable.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: seagull

Where is my generations Kennedy? Lincoln? Adams? Jefferson? Hell, at this point I'd settle for this generations Nixon... Sad, huh??

If they were alive today they would get 'Trumped'.

The parties today would eat them alive.

The media would eat them alive.

American politics is all about 'make believe'.

Ie. Perception.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 09:00 AM
Well here is a suggestion...

Here is a Hero...

something to consider.

Something to enjoy while you enjoy a


posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 09:02 AM
Good people don't run for president because it costs too much. The masses have been conditioned to judge presidential candidates based on appearance, "feel good" rhetoric and exposure. The establishment has also made running this country similar to flying a 747 without training. You're the pilot, but have to hire one hundred idiots to pull each lever.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 09:17 AM
Vote for Me, i would make it work, i may get shot in the process though from foreign and internal investors...

Whoops, i guess just not anyone can Run for Prez eh?

Luckily not all Billionaires are A'HOLES and this year could be the blessing of the world, cause i can't see it happening if the same Pricks get voted in again for the 6th decade in a row. YAWN.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 09:22 AM
All you're gonna get with the same establishment is anger. And these guys are pretty f'ing angry at current establishment, why do you think they're not allowed to Vote but Illegals are?

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