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This Anti-PC war has got to stop

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+14 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:22 PM
Ok quick intro for you guys. I am A 21 yr old university student going to a community college for solar engineering in north jersey. I was born and raised here. I was raised in a Christian upbringing and still to this day am very faithful. I am also Hispanic. I'm going to shed some light on a very weird pattern that has been showing up in my life. It just recently started around 2 years ago. I would say around the same time this blacklivesmatter stuff started happening. What I am speaking of is older folks testing me and many young people I know in a way. What I speak of is generally what you would call non pc rhetoric. What I mean to say is that they would say the most cruel/offensive thing they can but would excuse it as a "joke". My friends have noticed this as well. I don't mean to generalize but the people that did this tended to be conservative because they branded themselves as such. They purposely said these offensive things and waited for you to brand them as either sexist/racist etc. I first noticed this when I went on a camping trip with my friend's 2 summers ago. He is half native Hawaiian and Italian. We were visiting his family on the Italian side which happen to be his father's side. Curiously his mother who is Hawaiian didn't want to go. I later would find out why.

The first thing my friend did was warn me. He explained that I had to have a thick skin for this trip. He flat out said that some of his family members were 'kinda racist'. I wouldn't label them as racist per se. I don't think they believed they were superior to anybody. They just really have no filter and have a very crude humor. We arrived and I was introduced. The first thing his uncle said " you brought a spic instead of the Oreo this time huh?"(this was in reference to our half black half white friend he brought the year before). He started laughing and was waiting for my reaction. I gave a hearty laugh and he smiled. I was in I had been accepted as one of their own. There was a generational divide going on because I didn't even get the brunt of the insults. The younger members of the family had it worst. The kids in college were labeled as commies and hippies as well as 'traitors'. They were more left leaning but also very intelligent. Overall it was a great time and they were very good people. They would be better if they weren't such assholes. I remember drinking a whole ton of whiskey and hearing the older folks lament of how they wish they could trade 'that Kenyan Obama' for good ol Ronald Wilson Reagan. The genius behind trickle down economics. This was the first time I really experienced such a prolonged period with conservatives. It was almost like a culture shock.

This was the first incident where I met these 'anti PC republicans'. I would meet several the next 2 yrs. The worst one I would meet and the one that sent me over the edge. I work as a gas attendant for my local Wawa. In New Jersey it is illegal for you to pump your own gas so I do it. It was my first week on the job. A man came in a pick up truck and decided he was going to pump his own gas. I went up to him and told him he couldn't do that because it was illegal and we were liable to get a fine. He ignored me and I repeated myself. That's when he went ballistic. He proceeded to call me a f#ggot hippie college kid and vividly describing very disgusting things. I tried to stay calm and informed him if he could please refrain from such language. I also told him what he was saying was offensive to my faith. You wanna know what he said? "What are you a Muslim?"" I don't care I'm tired of you politically correct people telling me what to do, I can say what I want as long as free speech is a right in this country". I was shocked it was like something taken straight from this very forum.

I am a very sensitive person and I also have social anxiety. I just felt really hurt when this man said these things to me. Ever since this blacklivesmatter and all these things going on in the world. There seems to be a hatred for younger folks from a certain segment of the older population. They hate that we use our phones so much. The divide is just so great. Greater than any other generation I believe. I think it's because of the technological revolution we are going through. We just don't think like you older folks. You shouldn't hate us. I just got back on to this website recently and it's just so different from before. There is just so much hate on here. There is especially a lot of hate towards the youth. We are seen as spoiled and entitled. Which is not the case at all. I'm busting my ass off going to school and working and for some reason I'm seen as entitled? Why? I'm not much into politics but this is one of the many reasons Republicans don't do very well with the younger segment of the population. We meet these hateful people and see these hateful things said by people who label themselves as republicans, and we just can't be apart of that. The worse part is there is some conservative policies that I agree with like the right to bear arms and others. The whole party needs a makeover. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

+3 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:30 PM
The greatest thing about every last generation is that they will soon fade from existence and we can move on.

Of course, they instill this type of behavior in successive generations, but I think the brute force that's being received is kind of a way to throw a tantrum at changing events that were seriously undermined previously.

It's a very primitive, ignorant, and ridiculous response (the people whom you've referenced), but I think it's just a matter of fearing change and having no control over the change from happening.

'Going out with a fight', type of thing.

Equality from every gender and race has always been an issue throughout the history of humanity, and it isn't something easily taught, but is something difficult to step in to.

Unfortunately, the PC crowd has it's bad apples and traits.

I think it's just a matter of sitting back and letting it run it's course (the racism/sexism that is), in hopes that in a few years, or generations, it will be less of a prevalence in our populations.

+3 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:31 PM
I completely agree. This new rabid crowd who complain just for the sake of complaining are FAR more annoying than any PC'ness that might be happening.

+49 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:36 PM
ok, first off, you aren't describing anti-pc are discussing bigoted trash talk, racism, etc.

let me outline the difference

Normal person: a black person
overly PC: you mean a african american person of color
bigot: naa, its a n-word

the normal guy is normal..a soft descriptive term only the most hysterical become offended at (you can ignore them, they will always be offended)
the overly PC person is..the hysterical person..mock them..they are pointless
the bigot of course is the bottom sludge..and if you correct him, he will scream he isn't PC....
incorrect, the normal person isn't PC. the bigot is..a bigot..a total jerk, and a waste of life.

You aren't having issues with anti-pc crowd. hell, I am anti-pc in how it is seen today (with microaggression nonsense, safe space wimps, otherkin idiots, etc)..but I do strive to respect other people as how I want to be respected.

I am a white guy, that guy is a black guy, there are asian people, latino people, etc....none of which can be considered derogatory.

As far as the hate between young and old...naa...there has always been a bit of a grump between the generation, your generation, my dads, etc..the young think they are wiser than the older, the older think the younger have lost their minds and have no respect (forgetting they were the same trendy oversensetive hypster rebels at that age).

and then we all turn into our moms and dads in time...and you will have some kid then telling you of how the term people is offensive to non-biologically identified people, rock-kins, and all sorts..

+90 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: christophoros

Lol, so other assholes hurt your feelings, so the rest of us need to not have our first amendment rights?

Well that isn't going to fly, the problem isn't antipc, it is the push to be PC.

Sry snowflake, but nobody cares about your pathetic little feelings getting hurt. Get over it, people do it every day.

What is it with you kids and thinking that getting your feelings hurt is the same or worse than physical harm?

Next time a tornado happens, tell it to stop, it's hurting your feelings, bunch of crybabies!

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:41 PM
Fight the good fight. Be the person you want to be

I support PC. Sad and ridiculous that people need to be forced to be nice to each other and accepting of each other.

However, need to draw the line when its used to the extreme in politics.

If either your PC or Anti-PC is to gain power over others - - - you lack understanding.

+26 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:41 PM
So you want to stop free speech? You want to restrict what someone says because of how YOU react to those sound vibrations?

Why should someone else be censored for how you interpret the sound vibrations coming out of their mouths. What if birds upset me when they chirp. My precious ego needs to be defended because I don't have enough self control to simply ignore it.

Man, maybe you should look at how you react to these sound vibrations instead of blaming the source. I didn't think we had control over anyone else except for ourselves. Slippery slop indeed.

+23 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: Sargeras
a reply to: christophoros

Lol, so other assholes hurt your feelings, so the rest of us need to not have our first amendment rights?

I cannot recall a single part of the OP's post where he said he wanted to take away your right to free speech and I read that whole thing. Though in reality you are proving the OP's point here by getting all defensive first without thinking and talking about encroaching rights. It's a wonder that asking people to just be nice and respectful to each other gets met with such backlash and hostility.
edit on 18-3-2016 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

+15 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: christophoros

Fellow "Hispanic" here. Well dude, I really dont know what to say. All of our life experiences are different. My "Hispanic" family is a crude one just like the Italian family. Are they old Catholics? My own family is racist within itself. My uncle whos last name was Mora, would call himself a "'n-word'". He believed he was a decedent of the Moors. He was a dark complected guy. But he said it with a wit and in a self loathing way. So it was ok? lol??

Also, We have a black guy that is married into the family and his nickname is "Token". And he's cool with it. I guess you have to be there.

The whiter you are in my family you are either loved or loathed. It depends on what side you are with at the moment.

I call my kids "Honkeys" and I say it in the most loving way...

In my family we are F-ing Jews, Greek Bastards, Mexican Spic Spanish Buttholes.... . And we love it.

So when I hear racist stuff aimed towards me coming from strangers (which is rare) ....It doesnt faze me at all. Im like " Is that all you got"?

I guess it might be where you are raised.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
So you want to stop free speech? You want to restrict what someone says because of how YOU react to those sound vibrations?

I do. I am so sick of the Free Speech crap.

Expressing yourself and your opinions is one thing.

Being rude, offensive, disgusting, bigoted, etc -- is another - - and using Free Speech in that context is just an excuse.

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:45 PM
Alight that's enough.

Before someone gets hurt, take this trophy for participation and go to your equal corners....

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, then it's the oil futures exchange floor.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:46 PM
I see PC as a limits to someone else's rights to express themselves. True freedom also means tolerance of others' views, even to those that you may not agree to. To be PC, a society would have to put limits on what people think or say, and that is a dangerous road indeed. I do not agree with what people think or say all the time but I will defend their rights to say it. If i do not like what they say, I would either discuss with them my views or just walk away. It is okay to have a thick skin, to me it is a compliment.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t
Yes yes exactly I don't want people to lose their right to free speech. I just wish people weren't asshole towards me for no particularly reason and when I take offense to it I'm labeled as being politically correct. It's not that I'm just Christian and would rather not have vulgar insults thrown at me.

+15 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:48 PM
You have the right to free speech. You can say racist and hateful things.

I, however, also have a right to call you out on those racist and hateful things.

If that offends you, then maybe you ought to think about what you are saying and why you are saying it. If racist things and mean things make people not like you and turn you into a social pariah, then perhaps that means you are in the wrong.

It's OK to be wrong, but please accept and admit it.

So, instead we see a lot of dog-whistle racism and anti-PC bitching because people are being called out for their racist, hate-filled, xenophobic rantings.

They want to be able to say racist/hateful things without consequences.

Say whatever you want -- but words come with consequences; no speech is consequence-free. If you aren't prepared to be ridiculed for your words, shut up and sit down. I have as much of a right to ridicule you as you do to spew hate and intolerance, Mr. Bigot.
edit on 18-3-2016 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

+24 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: Sargeras
a reply to: christophoros

Lol, so other assholes hurt your feelings, so the rest of us need to not have our first amendment rights?

I cannot recall a single part of the OP's post where he said he wanted to take away your right to free speech and I read that whole thing. Though in reality you are proving the OP's point here by getting all defensive first without thinking and talking about encroaching rights. It's a wonder that asking people to just be nice and respectful to each other gets met with such backlash and disdain.

Lol, then what is the PC movement about if not restricting speech, and thereby thought?

Because that is what it is all about, and i'm not down for it!

It is much more important that everyone gets to say what they think, and think what they want.

There is no other way around it.

Speech control is thought control = PC

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ClovenSky
So you want to stop free speech? You want to restrict what someone says because of how YOU react to those sound vibrations?

I do. I am so sick of the Free Speech crap.

Expressing yourself and your opinions is one thing.

Being rude, offensive, disgusting, bigoted, etc -- is another - - and using Free Speech in that context is just an excuse.

Wow, so where do you draw the line? I guess this could be a troll reply but I didn't see the /sarc tag.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: galaga

Trust me man I know how bigoted Hispanics are the dude in the truck who accused me of being a Muslim was Hispanic

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:50 PM
Also keep in mind, if you and your friends are just reaching the age where you're over 21, your elders are starting to see you as young adults and not kids, and that alone will remove the kid-filter from what they say.

I catch myself doing it when talking to people entering the workforce- If I can't tell, I'll file them as children in my mind until they show themselves to be otherwise. Once they're adults, in my mind, I'll talk to them as such.

Maybe these people have always been that way, and it's just now impacting you and your friends

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: christophoros

I gotcha OP. I am 100% in your corner on this one. I've walked down this path on this website before. I know what you are in for. I don't want to remove people's first amendment rights either, but as soon as I start talking about political correctness or some race related issue, suddenly I'm accused of wanting to deny people's first amendment rights. It's literally the goto deflection of assholes who don't like being called out for their asshole behavior.

What's doubly ironic is that THEY are angry and upset and thus trying to shout your opinion down so they could be accused of denying a first amendment right as well. Though in reality, the way the first amendment works is only the government isn't allowed to suppress free speech. Many don't understand that either.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: christophoros

Some of the racism is part of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If someone comes around me and has a chip on their shoulder I won't treat them well and they might assume I don't like them because of racism when it is actually that I don't like them because they are an a-hole.

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