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Where's the All Encompassing Conspiracy Theory ?

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posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 07:17 PM
For 15 years the conspiracy crowd has been saying things like:
Nano Thermite
Space Beam
Executed Passengers
Stand down Orders

But never once has anyone ever put forth an A to Z explanation that covers ALL the events seen that day.
You can't say space beams for WTC 1 & 2 and skip building 7.
You can't say it was a missile in Washington, never mind the pictures of plane parts.
You can't say only a few people were in on it when thousands cleaned up the mess.

Even the Lord of the Lies Richard Gage makes no attempt to explain how it all was done.
He only dangles an apple in front of the donkey cart enough to keep things rolling.

Give us one comprehensive theory that covers it all.

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: samkent


Govt wants to control people and surveil everything
Consent is required to avoid consequence
Consent is manufactured through feeling of emergency, dependence on public service, and fear
A feeling engraved in the public mind through three characters
Mixed military techniques are used to justify expansion of invading war paradigm, two popes with one ball (I suppose they say two birds with one stone)

Either that or jews, that's always a good one

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: samkent

Lack of evidence of a conspiracy is not proof the OS is 100% correct.

You know this right?

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: wisvol

You just totally destroyed the Op's entire premise and goal with your factual and true reply. I bet it won't curb his infatuation with supporting a denialist position on the subject though.

Good job however

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 07:50 PM
the archons?

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: samkent

Collateral Damage: Black Eagle Trust

When you've finished reading it, let's discuss.

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 08:14 PM
When the OP is created with such accusatory undertones and then demands such comprehensive and expansive explanations by the responder, why the hell should anybody give a damn?

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: eisegesis
When the OP is created with such accusatory undertones and then demands such comprehensive and expansive explanations by the responder, why the hell should anybody give a damn?

This is the type of deflection that the conspiracists have used all along because the answer is that there is no theory; there are many theories, often contradictory and no one theory explains everything except that proposed by the Federally funded study. All else goes round and round hopping from one claim to another in a never ending cycle of blatant ignorance and delusion. Many of the claims [space rays, shaped charge nukes, hologram planes, missiles disguised as aircraft, substitute planes taking the place of the actual aircraft, passengers assassinated at remote airbases] have fallen by the wayside and are only put forth by trolls and the most gullible.
At one time, and maybe still, demands were being made for a reinvestigation. When asked "who would be the investigators" the conspiracists were promoting people like David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage, Steven Jones and others with vested interest in the desired conclusion. When asked if the result of the investigation said that the OS was correct, what would they do, the general consensus was that the OS couldn't be correct and if that was the conclusion, the investigators were bought off or part of the conspiracy.
What the conspiracists completely missed were conspiracies to let the planes hit and not force the results, conspiracies to hide the evidence of shoddy construction [Skeptic Overlord post], and conspiracies to cover up the criminal incompetence of the Bush administration in selection of unqualified cronies to run the organizations that were to prevent the attacks. These have no videos to erroneously dissect, no imaginary thermite to claim, and no physical evidence to use as fodder to convince those who really, really, really want a conspiracy.

1. Who did it?
2. How did they do it? How many were involved? What exactly was used to bring down the buildings? If explosive or thermite, how much was used and where was it placed? How long did the preparation take? How was the demolition material placed at the key structural components?

Come up with a theory and defend it. Of course, no one has yet done this in any detail because conspiracists are not good at details that require actual knowledge of demolitions or structural engineering, but I'm sure you will give it a try.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: samkent
For 15 years the conspiracy crowd has been saying things like:
Nano Thermite
Space Beam
Executed Passengers
Stand down Orders

Just NO.....

For 15 years, most "conspiracy crowd" have been nothing but DEBUNKERS of the Official Narrative. Finding holes in the official narrative and wanting a new independent investigation.

US Military Officers for 9/11 Truth ---
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth ---
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth ---
Lawyer for 9/11 Truth ---
Medical Proffesional for 9/11 Truth ---
Pilots for 9/11 Truth ----
Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth ----
Scholars for 9/11 Truth ---
Veterans for 9/11 Truth ----

You forgot the worst "conspiracy theory of all" though......

"19 hijackers (not even 5 per plane) were able to hijack 4 commercial airplanes using plastic knives and boxcutters and who couldn't even fly, managed to hit 75% of their targets (when even proffesional pilots said they couldn't do it themselves) and defeating a military whose budget dwarfs the rest of the worlds military budget combined. And who also managed to take down a 47 steel structured skyscraper down without even hitting it with a plane, yet it fell at free-fall-speed for nearly 3 seconds. So much into it's own footprint that firefighters managed to establish a collapse zone, so they could go to a safe place and watch it collapse, some firefighters waiting 4 hours after being told it would definetely collapse, a building that should have been the emergency headquarters for the New York Mayor on 9/11 but was already entirely abandoned before two planes had hit any towers" ........ yeah....... right........

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

Veterans for 9/11 Truth ----

Did you even visit this site?
I'm guessing not.
It's the most blank site I've seen.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

Firefighters for 9/11 Truth ---

This one is particularly interesting.
I cannot find one fire fighters name on here.

But I do find volunteers like this lady.

Cheryl Aspenleiter

MerMaid Lady , Whale Watcher, Property Manager of the Promenade Mall in Pacific Beach, S.D. CA., Working to Restore access to to Children's Pool, La Jolla

She'll be able to convince a lot of skeptics.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 02:36 PM
I'm confused Samkent, are you curious about the giant conspiracy of interconnected conspiracies that is the world we live in? Or just about 9-11? Because it's just a teeny tiny part of the multi generational conspiracy that has enveloped our short & pointless day to day lives. If you only care about 9-11 then I guess take solace knowing that you won't have to think about it on a deeper level that goes beyond your own limited lifespan & worldview.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: samkent

Collateral Damage: Black Eagle Trust

When you've finished reading it, let's discuss.

I'm assuming you haven't read this.

You have no interest in the answer to your question.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: samkent
a reply to: Debunkology

Firefighters for 9/11 Truth ---

This one is particularly interesting.
I cannot find one fire fighters name on here.

But I do find volunteers like this lady.

Cheryl Aspenleiter

MerMaid Lady , Whale Watcher, Property Manager of the Promenade Mall in Pacific Beach, S.D. CA., Working to Restore access to to Children's Pool, La Jolla

She'll be able to convince a lot of skeptics.

Interesting. So what is your opinion of....

Col. George Nelson, MBA, Air Force
Commander of Aircraft Maintenance and Logistics. Aircraft Accident Investigator. Graduate US, Air Force War College. 34 year Air Force Career.

Capt. Gregory M. Zeigler, PhD, U.S Army (Former U.S Army Intelligence Officer)

Major General Albert Stubblebine, US Army
Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career

Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on the American Battle Monuments Commission (1990 - 1994), and on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1994.

Capt. Edgar Mitchell, U.S. Navy (ret), BS Industrial Management, BS Aeronautical Engineering, Doctor of Science, Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT
Pilot and Astronaut. Sixth man to walk on the moon (Apollo 14 mission). Patrol bomber and attack plane pilot, U.S. Navy. Test Pilot, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 5 (VX-5). Chief of Project Management Division, Navy Field Office for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory Project. Graduated first in his class from the Aerospace Research Pilot School, and served as an instructor there. Recipient of many awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the USN Distinguished Medal and three NASA Group Achievement Awards. Inducted to the Space Hall of Fame in 1979 and the Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1998. Recipient of honorary doctorates in engineering from New Mexico State University, the University of Akron, Carnegie Mellon University, and a ScD from Embry-Riddle University. Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Don't you find them particulary interesting? Or do you decide to ignore this?

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:05 PM
I find this one particulary interesting.......

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.

"A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible. … There’s a second group of facts having to do with the cover up. … Taken together these things prove that high levels of our government don’t want us to know what happened and who’s responsible.…

Who gained from 9/11? Who covered up crucial information about 9/11? And who put out the patently false stories about 9/11 in the first place? When you take those three things together, I think the case is pretty clear that it’s highly placed individuals in the administration with all roads passing through Dick Cheney.

I think the very kindest thing that we can say about George W. Bush and all the people in the U.S. Government that have been involved in this massive cover-up, the very kindest thing we can say is that they were aware of impending attacks and let them happen. Now some people will say that’s much too kind, however even that is high treason and conspiracy to commit murder

That ones a good un. just one of several hundred mind.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: samkent
a reply to: Debunkology

Veterans for 9/11 Truth ----

Did you even visit this site?
I'm guessing not.
It's the most blank site I've seen.

I didn't realize that, that website was obsolete. it never used to be. But from looking at it, it looks like they have all gone here.....

Tell me your opinion of that website?

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: samkent

Give us one comprehensive theory that covers it all.

What's the point?

Theories are not facts. Just like the official narratives of 911.

There is nothing to discus here, everything has been debunked including the official narratives of 911.

So my question to you, what is your point?

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 12:12 PM
The only all encompassing theory of what happened is the official story sure its not exactly with out its holes (28 missing pages) but if you rationally look at it along side some of the leading conspiracies and compare point by point it is the theory that best fits with events.

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

Interesting. So what is your opinion of....

Col. George Nelson, MBA, Air Force

I was referring to the fire fighters.
One of the first ones listed was called Mermaid lady, whale watcher.

Don't you get it ?
Most of the people on these websites are crack pots.

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: samkent
a reply to: Debunkology

Interesting. So what is your opinion of....

Col. George Nelson, MBA, Air Force

I was referring to the fire fighters.
One of the first ones listed was called Mermaid lady, whale watcher.

Don't you get it ?
Most of the people on these websites are crack pots.

Interesting. So what is your opinion of....

Col. George Nelson, MBA, Air Force
Commander of Aircraft Maintenance and Logistics. Aircraft Accident Investigator. Graduate US, Air Force War College. 34 year Air Force Career.

Capt. Gregory M. Zeigler, PhD, U.S Army (Former U.S Army Intelligence Officer)

Major General Albert Stubblebine, US Army
Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career

Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on the American Battle Monuments Commission (1990 - 1994), and on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1994.

Capt. Edgar Mitchell, U.S. Navy (ret), BS Industrial Management, BS Aeronautical Engineering, Doctor of Science, Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT
Pilot and Astronaut. Sixth man to walk on the moon (Apollo 14 mission). Patrol bomber and attack plane pilot, U.S. Navy. Test Pilot, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 5 (VX-5). Chief of Project Management Division, Navy Field Office for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory Project. Graduated first in his class from the Aerospace Research Pilot School, and served as an instructor there. Recipient of many awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the USN Distinguished Medal and three NASA Group Achievement Awards. Inducted to the Space Hall of Fame in 1979 and the Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1998. Recipient of honorary doctorates in engineering from New Mexico State University, the University of Akron, Carnegie Mellon University, and a ScD from Embry-Riddle University. Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Don't you find them particulary interesting? Or do you decide to ignore this?

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