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Medical Tyranny Comes to Colorado

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posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 03:43 PM
FULL TITLE: Medical tyranny comes to Colorado: Law would demand names and addresses of unvaccinated children be registered with the state.

Another act of full-blown Totalitarianism in the U.S. Now if you choose not to have your child subjected to mercury injections and other carcinogens and pathogens you will have your child tracked on a state 'black list' thanks to this great idea. I seriously can't believe how far the United States has fallen.

I am not for or against vaccines, but I am against tyranny and Government overreach. We need MORE liberty not less.

On the heels of California's gross violation of human rights, medical ethics and parental choice with SB 277 (the vaccine mandate), Colorado is looking to bring the medical police state to the Rocky Mountains. House Bill 1164 was just passed by committee on its way to a state congressional vote. It would demand that the names and addresses of all unvaccinated children be tracked on secret lists maintained by the state government.

Over the last few years, the for-profit vaccine industry has increasingly turned to state coercion to intimidate and criminalize parents who seek to protect their children from vaccines. Even as vaccines have been proven to cause widespread brain damage in children as openly admitted by the UK government last year -- and now the American College of Pediatricians is warning about the harmful side effects of Gardasil -- some Colorado lawmakers think the state government should force these toxic injections onto children in total defiance of the preferences and beliefs of their parents.


posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Herd stupidity.

+7 more 
posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 03:56 PM
Everyone should be vaccinated. The government should mandate it if it doesn't already.

It is common-f'ing-sense.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 03:57 PM
First, parents shouldn't home school their children. Second, if you send your children to public school, the government nearly owns them. Third, parents lose the right to be informed of medical decisions for sexual choices. Now, parents are losing the right to make full blown medical decisions.

Anyone see the pattern here? There is a full blown war on parental rights being waged by our government.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Wow! I used to think Colorado was a state that respected the Constitution. Meh, maybe they are victims of those Progressives in California who couldn't take living in what their politics created? Hell, look at Austin, TX! Reminds me of locusts..... Eat what's available and move on to destroy another crop.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: 123143
Everyone should be vaccinated. The government should mandate it if it doesn't already.

It is common-f'ing-sense.

Great job promoting tyranny.

(post by 123143 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: 123143

originally posted by: EternalSolace

originally posted by: 123143
Everyone should be vaccinated. The government should mandate it if it doesn't already.

It is common-f'ing-sense.

Great job promoting tyranny.


What's stupid is promoting government mandates on any medical decisions. It's called "the creep" for a reason. It's pathetic people want this type of government control over our lives. Worry yourself over your family and stay the hell out other people's business.
edit on 26-2-2016 by burdman30ott6 because: Removed quote

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: 123143
Everyone should be vaccinated. The government should mandate it if it doesn't already.

It is common-f'ing-sense.

You might call it "common sense", I call it herd mentality!

I don't care what political church doctrine you believe in, but I can assure you MOST people DO NOT TRUST the government!

Why allow them to inject your children with questionable substances? Ever hear of the "Vaccination Court"?

I feel generous, so even though you have fingers to google it, I will give you a start!

Vaccine Claims/Office of Special Masters

I guess I am REALLY feeling generous today! Notice how any settlement by the court is held secret. In other words, if you and your family are special enough to get an award of a cash settlement, you are forbidden to divulge it or risk losing the payment!

If that doesn't make you go hmmmmm? Carry on......

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: 123143
Everyone should be vaccinated. The government should mandate it if it doesn't already. It is common-f'ing-sense.

If common sense were really common, people would be able to figure out that those in power would never spend billions of dollars to SAVE kids via vaccination, while at the same time spending billions of dollars to KILL them via 'Agenda 21' AKA genocide.

Can you spell OXYMORON?

Good grief Charlie Brown, this ain't rocket science.

Even a child could figure out that that makes absolutely no freaking sense whatsoever...

Right from the horses mouth, Bill Gates states that "vaccines reduce population growth." Few can now deny what anti-vaccine advocates have been saying for years, specifically that vaccines directly and negatively impact fertility.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is committing 10 billion dollars over the next ten years to make it the most aggressive decade ever to roll out new vaccines to poor nations around the world. The commitment will also effectively create widespread fertility problems across vaccinated populations.

In the video above, Bill Gates states at 0:11: "Over this decade, we believe unbelievable products can be made both inventing new vaccines and making sure they get to all the children that need them."

At 0:20 he continues: "We could cut the number of children who die every year from about 9 million to half of that if we have success on it."

Now here is the statement straight from the source which should not leave any doubts on the intention of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Listen carefully at 0:28: "The benefits are in terms of reducing sickness, reducing the population growth. It really allows a society to take care of itself once you've made that intervention."

Now why would Bill Gates state that vaccines could cut the number of children who die every year in half and then also state literally a few breaths later in the same segment, that vaccines could reduce population growth. Are those two not contradictory? If vaccines were to cut the number of child deaths in half, then this would only increase population growth since these children would presumably then grow to become fertile adults. you see the problem? The only way they could not become fertile adults is if the vaccines were to make them infertile. Then it wouldn't matter how many children were saved since they could not reproduce, hence the assertion of reducing population growth. See how it all works?

Almost three years ago Bill Gates told a TED conference, an organization which is sponsored by one of the largest toxic waste polluters on the planet, that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures in order to solve global warming and lower CO2 emissions. Stating that the global population was heading towards 9 billion, Gates said, "If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent."
Quite how an improvement in health care and vaccines that supposedly save lives would lead to a lowering in global population is an oxymoron, unless Gates is referring to vaccines that sterilize people, which is precisely the same method advocated in White House science advisor John P. Holdren's 1977 textbook Ecoscience, which calls for a dictatorial "planetary regime" to enforce draconian measures of population reduction via all manner of oppressive techniques, including sterilization.

Can any of us doubt any longer the intentions of vaccines and specifically the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. When it's coming from the horse's mouth, what more evidence do we need?

edit on 2.26.2016 by Murgatroid because: felt like it...

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: 123143
Everyone should be vaccinated. The government should mandate it if it doesn't already.

It is common-f'ing-sense.

Drink a lot of Kool-aid, do you?

What else would you like your government to "mandate" for you?

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have."

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:11 PM
My family benefited from mandatory vaccination, and so did every kid who went to school with them.

Responsible parents vaccinate to protect public health, but recent generations don't understand the concept of civic responsibility.

They are too narcissistic.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: EternalSolace

Just remember orwellian newspeak, bad is good, poisons injected into children is good medicine. Scary isn't it?

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: 123143
My family benefited from mandatory vaccination, and so did every kid who went to school with them.

Responsible parents vaccinate to protect public health, but recent generations don't understand the concept of civic responsibility.

They are too narcissistic.

Not sure how old you are, but I am old enough to remember in grade school to "DUCK AND COVER" under our desks if an evil Russian bombed us!

Funny as hell now that I am older and realize how our government survives on lies........

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:17 PM
Well it says may report, not demands it.

The guy is just parroting the bs claim about the mercury, which all started from Wakefield who has LONG been show to be a quack.
I challange anyone to show me how Wakefield conducted a scientific experiment/tests to prove what he was saying.

Fact: There have been some claims that the mercury-containing preservative, thimerosal, found in some vaccines is harmful. According to the CDC, there is no evidence that the low doses of thimerosal used in vaccines cause any harm. However, if you’re still concerned, you can ask your doctor for a thimerosal-free flu vaccine.

Wonder why this guy that sells all kinds of homeopathy style products wants you to believe what he rights...
Also the linking his own articles from his site is a nice touch to back up his 'claims'.
edit on thFri, 26 Feb 2016 16:25:42 -0600America/Chicago220164280 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

Really clutching straws taking a couple sentences and then twisting and interpreting it in the way they want to make it mean something else. Bill literally never says any of those things that is being said.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Metallicus

Wow! I used to think Colorado was a state that respected the Constitution. Meh, maybe they are victims of those Progressives in California who couldn't take living in what their politics created? Hell, look at Austin, TX! Reminds me of locusts..... Eat what's available and move on to destroy another crop.

Progressive Locust Effect:
(Satire but true .. LOL)

Fleeing Californians Ponder Which State to Ruin Next

(Santa Monica, CA) — It has been 34 years of marriage, three children, two grandchildren, two homes and three jobs, and Mary and Joseph Peterson have had enough. The two Sacramento natives and college sweethearts have lived in California their entire lives. Now their lifelong stay in the Sunshine state is sadly coming to an end.

Mary Peterson, 56, and husband Joseph, 57, lament being only an estimated 250,000 people who are now leaving California annually, in comparison to the hordes more that are storming in (mainly illegally). They also lament not having fully experienced the hippie heyday of the state, being only in their pre-teen years at the time California began officially transforming from a self-sustaining state into the basket case of welfare–driven, tax and regulation-plagued, socialist, Iraq-sized, insane dung pile it is today.

With Joseph being the CEO of a 180-employee shipping company, and Mary, co-founder and vice president of Ancient Attributes, Inc., a 34-employee company that produces catheters for the elderly, the couple has decided it is time to close their businesses and move out of the state they once proudly called home. Two-hundred and four people will be left without jobs in their wake. But in leaving California the duo are now faced with a new dilemma: which state to ruin next?

“It’s like, so trippy,” said Mary Peterson, while packing her favorite 18-inch statue of Buddha she bought in Mexico in 2006 while their U-Haul truck hums in the driveway. “We’ve voted as progressively as possible in every election since our twenties, and yet things are worse than ever. It’s, like, so bizarre.”

The Petersons are not alone.

Dale and Rania Hussein-Scatman, who immigrated to Los Angeles from Iran in 1990, have voted strictly Democrat ever since. Now, like the Petersons, they are looking to move. “With all of the regulations, all of the bans on virtually everything, and the oppressive tax rates, we’re left with no choice,” said Mr. Hussein, while searching on-line for housing prospects in Texas.

Like the Petersons, the Hussein-Scatmans are not just eyeing Texas, but also Alabama, Louisiana, Arizona, Florida, Mississippi, and North Dakota — i.e. any state that has not yet been destroyed by the likes of none other than themselves, as Californians seek to flee the state they helped to ruin, only to relocate to a freer state and/or city they will ruin all over again, given time.

“I hear the tax rates and house prices are low (in North Dakota),” said Dale, Tuesday. “And they also still allow smoking in bars. Now that’s something we certainly have to move there to stop, all while pretending to be simple ’podunk’ residents who want to mind own business … Yes, we have to move there and introduce our values to that state. I think North Dakota may be the perfect fit for us.”

The Hussein-Scatmans, Petersons, and thousands of other residents fleeing California may not agree on everything, such as what amount of fine one should face if they do not recycle their glass, plastic, and paper goods ($200 vs. $300 per infraction), or what state income tax rate is suitable for a “family” of two or more making $60,000 or above (59% vs. 65%).

However they do agree on one thing: the California they helped ruin must be brought to other states, the “redder” the better, and that they must seek refuge from the dystopia they helped create and thus will no doubt leave their decedents clamoring to escape from again.

“We’re thinking Florida,” said Joseph Peterson. “We hear they don’t charge 10-cents per plastic shopping bag there to prevent dolphins from choking to death. How insensitive! We should move there and help completely turn their lives into nightmares, too, like in California.”

Added Peterson, “We have no choice – we must move to other locations and make them ‘blue’ too, so years from now people will have to flee from them as well. That’s what people like us do.”

But bringing about the ruination of one’s own existence from state to state can be quite a quandary, according to Dr. Nicholas Kimos, professor of Political Science and Psychology at Stanford University.

Although not implying that liberalism, and thereby liberal people, are/do suffer from a mental disorder, Dr. Kimos said that “blue state people” who can no longer tolerate living under the laws, and bans, fines, provisions, and ordinances they have imposed upon themselves, commonly feel nothing left to do but spread to the rest of America the very attitudes from which they are essentially fleeing to begin with.

Said Dr. Kimos to Duh Progressive Tuesday, “It’s not exactly like ‘locusts,’ but they’re pretty darn close. People like the Petersons move to a state, breed, and in time vote for people who raise their taxes and enact a litany of regulations and ridiculous bans. And after they come to suffer from the very politicians who enact these choking laws, they decide it’s too much for them, and so move elsewhere.”

Continued Dr. Kimos, “But they carry their values with them, and so, again, vote for the same horrid environments they created. It’s something we in the psychology field call ‘repetitive masochism.’ …They hate themselves for whatever reason and wish to project their self-hatred on others, so other humble unsuspecting people can be just as miserable as they.”

Added Dr. Kimos to Duh Progressive, as he produced a 12-ounce hammer from his office desk, “Oh, and by the way, could you please beat me over the head with this mercilessly? After all, I am from California.”

The preceding piece is satire.

edit on 26-2-2016 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2016 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: 123143
My family benefited from mandatory vaccination, and so did every kid who went to school with them.

Responsible parents vaccinate to protect public health, but recent generations don't understand the concept of civic responsibility.

They are too narcissistic.

Not sure how old you are, but I am old enough to remember in grade school to "DUCK AND COVER" under our desks if an evil Russian bombed us!

Funny as hell now that I am older and realize how our government survives on lies........

I'm not sure why you'd want your child to get polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, rubella.

You clearly don't appreciate the dangers of these diseases.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
Wonder why this guy that sells all kinds of homeopathy style products wants you to believe what he rights...

Have you been boning up on your CIA anti-conspiracy dispatches? | In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative

[...] in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.


Summarizing the tactics which the CIA dispatch recommended:

- Claim that it would be impossible for so many people would keep quiet about such a big conspiracy

- Have people friendly to the CIA attack the claims, and point back to “official” reports

- Claim that eyewitness testimony is unreliable

- Claim that this is all old news, as “no significant new evidence has emerged”

- Ignore conspiracy claims unless discussion about them is already too active

- Claim that it’s irresponsible to speculate

- Accuse theorists of being wedded to and infatuated with their theories

- Accuse theorists of being politically motivated

- Accuse theorists of having financial interests in promoting conspiracy theories

Of course, Natural News is only trying to get their hands on the almighty dollar, nothing else...

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: EternalSolace

Amen! Whomever 123143 is, he or she certainly doesn't have a grasp on the topic, nor the concept of liberty.

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