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Aurora Based On alien tech ?

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posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 02:58 AM
This is an exctract of an interview of a french researcger at the CNRS, Jean Pierre PETIT. He is a specialist of UFOS and UMMOS. He went to out a book about UFO and secret US weapons :

...And the UFOs ?

I wrote a book entitled, OVNIS et Armes Secr�tes Am�ricaines (UFOs and classified American weapons) where I show how the Americans, having recuperated a hypersonic shuttle in Roswell in 1947, laboriously rebuilt it. One of the results of this military research is the American hypersonic vessel Aurora, which can reach a speed of 10,000 Km/h at an altitude of 60 Kms.

What is the Aurora ?

It's the successor to the spy plane Blackbird SR-71. The Aurora is actually low orbit (80Kms) satellite, which can take off and land anywhere by its own means. The engine uses extensively MHD technology, which I introduced in 1977. In the book I will give all of the technical details. I'm not actually sure that my editor will accept publishing the book "in its current state", with the direct link between American hyper-technology and UFOs. I have the impression that "he's had enough". Nonetheless, all of this information comes from first-hand sources.

The whole interview translated avaible on the prism-escape (european SF freezine) page : PRISM-ESCAPE

What do you think of it ?
Os ot possible that the Aurora is in fact based on discovery made by the american with the roswell spaceship ?

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 05:40 AM
Get over Roswell. I have a relative who was the commanding officer there in the '50's. It is all bunk. The Aurora plane is outstanding. I don't know the specs., and if I did I would deny the project exists. I hear from a credible source (someone who maintains it) that it does between mach 8 and 10. What puzzles me is how a human can take that much stress. Of course Aurora exists. Do you think America would retire the SR-71 without a replacement? Satellites are too slow and are dependant on a non-cloudy day. SCRAM jets, nice.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Freddie
Get over Roswell. I have a relative who was the commanding officer there in the '50's. It is all bunk. The Aurora plane is outstanding. I don't know the specs., and if I did I would deny the project exists. I hear from a credible source (someone who maintains it) that it does between mach 8 and 10. What puzzles me is how a human can take that much stress. Of course Aurora exists. Do you think America would retire the SR-71 without a replacement? Satellites are too slow and are dependant on a non-cloudy day. SCRAM jets, nice.

What information there is floating around about Aurora is likely allowed to be leaked. Aurora, being based on scramjet technology, is actually old technology, and is far inferior to the propulsion systems in the X Craft, TR-3B, ect. Therefore, in the interest of public sentiment, Aurora became the "sacrificial lamb" in terms of secrecy, in order to maintain security of the X Craft.

posted on Jun, 15 2003 @ 01:16 AM
So Freddie,
An air force officer tells you that Roswell is bunk and you believe him?

The thing that sets Roswell apart from other UFO cases is that Roswell Army Air Force base, in a press briefing, openly stated that it had recovered a crashed flying disc of unknown origin. Now, beyond the whole fact that a branch of the government said this, what type of thinking do you think preceded this announcement? Would they have made such an announcement if they were, even slightly, unsure about what they had found? Keep in mind that the release wasn't just the work of one man... the base commander approved it. Would your uncle have approved the release of a story in which the air force says that they had found a flying saucer if they really weren't sure what they had found? Inorder for Roswell to be bunk, an ENTIRE command staff, at the world's most important air base, would have to be incapable of telling the difference between a weather (or project mogul) balloon and a spaceship. My guess is that your uncle was not told the truth, or that he simply didn't want to scare you.

As much as I do believe that Roswell happened, I also believe that Aurora is just a very advanced, fully human aircraft -- that, lie dragon suggested, is being used to direct eyes away from more exotic designs.

Nans, thanks for the interesting link. I appreciate the fact that we have a french speaker on the board, because it gives us access to so many things we would ordinarily not hear.

[Edited on 15-6-2003 by onlyinmydreams]

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 01:25 PM
If you still believe in Roswell, then I'll debunk it AGAIN right now. Don't feel like a complete moron, but it's apparent that common sense has eluded you.

If there are aliens technologically capable of travelling at many times light speed over billions of miles, you'd figure that they would know how to land the craft, and I doubt they'd want to land right next to a known TOP SECRET US MILITARY INSTALLATION!!! Besides, to have crashed and been able to be recovered, the craft would have to be flying pretty slowly. You saw what high speed aircraft crashes did in the Columbia accident. Notice that it spread over many states, not just a farmer's field.

The Aurora is a human designed aircraft. The human body can handle very high speeds. The SR-71 flew at Mach 3.5 the crew had to wear pressure suits like those used in the Shuttle, but they can handle it no problem.

The X-33 idea theoretically goes much faster than the Aurora, but is rocket powered, and generally single use before having to do major work to it. The aurora is the idea to replace the SR-71. Since we had technology in the late 1950's to fly at over 2,000MPH, then it's common sense to state that we can go much faster now, we even fly regularly into space. Scramjet technology easily puts us at high Mach capabilities. Gov't projects regarding high technology systems are kept secret for National Security. We want to remain the world superpower, and by making top secret designs public, they are open to information stealing, etc. The basic design of the Aurora idea has been leaked, but that doesn't matter because there are so many thousands of other variables in building high performance aircraft that even if the public has an idea of what the US is building, it doesn't mean that the public knows HOW they are building it.

When building an aircraft capable of hypersonic speeds, they have to upgrade previous technologies. We have a grasp on physics, human reaction to hypersonic speeds, wind friction temperatures, fuel consumptions and types, etc. Little by little we advance those technologies, and end up with something better than before. It's how it works...period.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 05:28 PM
Jean Pierre PETIT and his so-called " Ummites " from the so-called " Ummo " planet. What a joke ! Even the KGB has admitted that it was an hoax done by themselves !
I don't understand why he still referring to the Ummites.

OTH, he's a great scientific who did a very good job.I don't understand why this man is not the France Science Minister. He desserves it, even if he's looking a little bit weird. But all the great and reals scientifics are looking a little bit weird.Look Einstein.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 06:25 PM
Video games were invented by constellation Gates B. Computer games was an co-operative work between Gates B and Gates A.

The keyboard was invented by constellation Kyarah, the mouse invented by the infamous constellation AI. And finally the monitor by the cute beings from constellation Ijti.

I know everything. Yep I do. I'm superior even though I haven't contributed with anything to the world. I know absolutely everything. I read stuffs. I really do. Fantasy books are actually reliable. They are not some made up story. The contactee was obviously memory-erased and hypnothized but striked with fear of being taken by the MIB.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 10:06 PM
and your point is?

When one 'debunks' something, does it mean that you don't believe or that there is no so-called reliable evidence's that you would obviously find as false, or is it both?

The 'Aurora' is quite a awesome engineering feat...whether it be from reverse-engineering of an 'alien' craft or human ingenuity alone. I do find it a bit odd that the government 'sources' would say the 'vehicle' can do such and such speed.....being the government rarely fully reveals or discloses the full capabilities of military 'vehicles'.

As to the one who posted that an alien race traveling millions of miles; you'd figure they would at least know how to land.........
Thats a pretty 'intelligent' response. We might not travel millions and billions of miles but we sure as hell are having problem landing 'stuff' too......
Ever heard of the term: Crap happens?!


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