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Government Says It Has Lost More UFO X-Files

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posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 06:24 AM
Seems the contents of yet more government UFO files have now gone missing and after last year´s claims by the National Security Agency that they ´lost´ hundreds of their redacted UFO documents (link) it now looks like it´s the turn of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency).

Government Says It Has Lost More UFO X-Files

Government UFO-related documents seem to have a habit of disappearing. This time the files belonged to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)..

In 2014, Greenewald requested an MDR for the DIA documents he had obtained in 1996. In his inquiry, Greenewald included links to download the files he had received from the DIA which he now wanted reviewed.

Months later, in mid-2015, Greenewald received a reply that the links he had provided did not work, so the case would be suspended. The responses by the DIA are actually a bit confusing, but it appears once Greenewald's links could be accessed, the files he requested were not found.

The DIA wrote, "It appears the FOIA case files have been purged from the FOIA database.


As mentioned in this thread it´s thought by some that the Pentagon's DIA could well be the major clearing house for UFO reports within the U.S. Government so it´s a great shame that they now claim the case files have been purged from the database - especially when it comes to cases like the 1980 Peruvian La Joya Military Base incident and the 1976 Tehran case.

Peruvian Air Force pilot shoots at UFO.

The 1976 Tehran, F-4 Phantom Chases UFO Case

• Regarding the Tehran case (which the DIA once described it as ´a classic case which meets all the criteria necessary for a valid study of the UFO phenomenon´) also thought it was interesting that at the time they took the case so seriously that recipients of their report included the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Secretary of State, the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, the White House and the Chief of Naval Operations... so it´s a bit of a mystery as to why they are now being so absent minded with their documentation.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 06:39 AM
Really? Government documents dealing with interesting UFO cases "vanishing"?

How shocking.

I'd love to see them get called out on this bullsh*t in a majorly public way. Is it aliens? No idea, it might be some secret weapons project. But they're f*cking around with us, and I don't like them f*cking around with us.
I wonder when the day will come when the citizens just straight up lynch government officials. Because that's where we're heading.
edit on 24/2/2016 by Eilasvaleleyn because: Reasons

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Even blind Freddy knows that information regarding the most secretive, enigmatic and greatest topic concerning mankind does not simply get "lost" - it gets "deliberately deleted" from public databases because the contents thereof have the potential to bring governments and global elite bloodlines to their knees when the citizens of the world finally realize we have been deliberately lied to by psychopathic megalomaniacs controlling the planet whom may have actually made a deal with some of the controllers of the "UFO's" to keep humanity dumbed-down to the reality of our existence on this god forsaken rock.

"And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie." - Dr Carol Rosin, Disclosure Project.

The DIA should ask the FBI if they can get a copy of the lost files from Hillarys "private" server or just have the NSA hack into it like they do to other US citizens private stuff to see if she's got a copy.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 07:17 AM
Right, someone just deleted any old files they ran across off government intelligence servers. I wonder how much Chinese and Russian Intel has been accidentally purged or deleted? It is just getting beyond ridiculous that they come out with the stupid statements they do instead of just reclassifying them.

Although they have deleted my information off government servers for the last 32 years. So there is the fact someone is able to do it. It causes me a lot of grief with financial accounts, employment history, etc. However, I know there are places that hold the same information closely to their vest if they decided they wanted to reproduce it for some reason. Those X-Files are all intact. When you look at the amount of blacked out (redacted) information they are pretty useless anyway.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 08:13 AM
Its on a thumb drive labelled The Lost Files.

It contains the original moon "landing" tapes, Hillary's e-mails and now these U.F.O. files. Anyways, "what difference does it make?"


God forbid we can't produce an important document upon request for Uncle Sam. Also, by saying they're "lost", we can remain uncertain about their fate. What I hope is that they were stolen and put into better hands, not lost, deleted or destroyed.

The only other thing I can think of is if they serve little to no importance to US intelligence agencies. If they were all genuine files alluding to the presence of extraterrestrial activity, I can't see how they aren't held and preserved in the highest, most diligent method possible.

They must be sick of investigating themselves.

edit on 24-2-2016 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 08:44 AM
When the DIA purges UFO files from their system, some which could definitely raise alarms with regards national security and the lack of systems in place to track and identify said UFO's, it makes you wonder.

It's usually quite important if an unidentified flying object is located within national borders. It isn't information you just 'delete'.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Well my source says that (DELETED) talked to (DELETED) and (DELETED) can say with certainty that the (DELETED) was actually an (DELETED) and maybe the (DELETED) was potato and leek soup.

I'm starting to think that (DELETED) knows something we don't. This FOIA nonsense is irritating-either shred the documents or release them unmolested.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Eilasvaleleyn
Really? Government documents dealing with interesting UFO cases "vanishing"?

Is it aliens? No idea, it might be some secret weapons project. But they're f*cking around with us, and I don't like them f*cking around with us.

So what if the government/agencies have good reason to keep the truth from us? The truth might be so horrific that they may be doing us a favour by keeping us in the dark regarding the true nature of ufos. For example the aliens might be preparing us for their next meal, like we are a herd being grown in population ready for millions of us to go to a slaughterhouse when the population is big enough. Maybe they aren't "f*cking around with us" but protecting us from something

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I heard a show somewhere that discussed that the information was extremely detrimental to remaining a civilization in some kind of order. The guy that was being interviewed gave some horrific information about them and said so, I will ask you back would you release it to the public and the host had to honestly say no. To admit to the masses that they are doing and planning things so bad and there is nothing anyone can do would unzip us at the seams. I have to agree that some of the things discussed I would not reveal if I were given all the proof and evidence. The guy was supposedly in the know a bit, but gave a hypothetical scenario. We are part of the farm and we know how awful we treat other animals.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 03:01 PM
They haven't been deleted or lost.

Somebody just forgot which agency it was that came and collected all the good ones.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 03:17 PM
Maybe tthings are going missing because they are afraid of The Donald whose going to open things up wide.....and he IS coming

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 04:06 PM
It would be interesting to do a comparison of how many files of ordinary government records get lost this way.

Is it just the UFO related files this happens to or is it all the way across the board of every government department?

Has anyone ever looked in to that?

UFO related files getting lost is not just a US government phenomenon, I know it's happened here in Oz, and from memory I've come across it in the UK also.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 04:20 PM

To admit to the masses that they are doing and planning things so bad and there is nothing anyone can do would unzip us at the seams. I have to agree that some of the things discussed I would not reveal if I were given all the proof and evidence. The guy was supposedly in the know a bit, but gave a hypothetical scenario. We are part of the farm and we know how awful we treat other animals.

If there is indeed some horrific fate awaiting us, then let us go willingly and in peace before our times. (Suicide, that is.) I remember reading in a story that when fighting American-Indians during the colonial periods, to always keep a single bullet in the gun, to use on yourself. Since it was far better to die than be captured alive.
The only reason I can think of to justify keeping such a thing secret, is if the triggering condition of this terrible event is us discovering extraterrestrial influence. For instance, if we are part of an experiment on the evolution of life, the experiment may be... Terminated, and us destroyed, if we were to discover certain things that would ruin the experiment. Like lab mice.

a reply to: ufoorbhunter

If we're supposed to be being raised as cattle, they have chosen an extremely odd way to do so. Generally, cattle are not allowed to develop nuclear weapons, and even if their technology is vastly superior to ours and we pose no threat to them whatsoever, we are still being "grown" in an extremely inefficient manner.
edit on 24/2/2016 by Eilasvaleleyn because: Reasons

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I wonder if anybody could bring a law suit against the government agencies responsible, something along the lines of wilful mismanagement of public property or something like that?

They could lose absolutely anything, if they really wanted to, and with no accountability, what is to stop them?

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 04:24 PM
The government isn't going to purge or delete anything. That's not the way they do business. What most likely happened is that they got renamed and reclassified and moved somewhere else. My guess would be the Department of Homeland Security database.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
The government isn't going to purge or delete anything. That's not the way they do business. What most likely happened is that they got renamed and reclassified and moved somewhere else. My guess would be the Department of Homeland Security database.

They don't?
Deletion of DHS/CIA Files

There could storage reasons for the above files, but the assertion that that's not the "way they do business" is patently wrong. Those older files are minute in comparison to storage space.

edit on 24-2-2016 by BeefNoMeat because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-2-2016 by BeefNoMeat because: Fixed link

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: BeefNoMeat
They don't?
Deletion of DHS/CIA Files
There could storage reasons for the above files, but the assertion that that's not the "way they do business" is patently wrong. Those older files are minute in comparison to storage space.

So you really believe them when they say they're going to delete stuff?
You're just making their job easier for them.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: BeefNoMeat
They don't?
Deletion of DHS/CIA Files
There could storage reasons for the above files, but the assertion that that's not the "way they do business" is patently wrong. Those older files are minute in comparison to storage space.

So you really believe them when they say they're going to delete stuff?
You're just making their job easier for them.

You're really gonna believe them when they say don't?

What job is that? And inferring something I didn't say doesn't jive.

What about the example provided of deletion/purging of files can you sufficiently say did not happen as disclosed?

Show me some evidence, as opposed to making baseless assertions and putting words in my mouth that this does not happen.

I'm waiting...

edit on 24-2-2016 by BeefNoMeat because: Deletion


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