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Fear and Loathing 2016, End of GOP, and that pesky Sanders

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posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 08:40 AM
I have been calling for this 3 way split in the GOP since last summer. It is a lot like when Lebron left Miami, the old establishment just seemed like it could not pull its weight around anymore. Trump is Lebron, and he is splitting the GOP just like Lebron split the fan base in Miami. Ok, enough of the sports metaphors, for now, cause even the GOP establishment is sweating. The National Review Online, a republican publication, had this to say in an article entitled Armaegddon for the GOP Establishment:

And remember that since the current primary calendar was inaugurated in 1976, no GOP nominee has ever emerged without winning Iowa or New Hampshire. In case you haven’t been paying attention, that means that, if history is a guide, the GOP is likely going to be choosing between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz as a nominee, which is enough to have Beltway insiders waking up in cold sweats.
Read more at Link

The exceptionally liberal huff. post had this to say:

Donald Trump won New Hampshire with 35 percent of the vote on Tuesday, solidifying his place as the front-runner for the Republican 2016 presidential nomination when the party meets for its national convention in Ohio this summer.

But Cleveland, we have a problem. Hitting 35 percent is terrific, in baseball. In politics, it’a still 16 points shy of a victory, and neither Trump nor any other Republican has shown any signs of doing any better than 40 percent in any individual contest.

Trump needs to get that batting average up if he wants to win the batting crown... or better than a baseball metaphor is a horse racing metaphor. Trying to predict who will win the primaries is like trying to bet on who will win the triple crown. It is fun to place little bets on each race, see who did what where. But as each race ends, and we head towards the last race of the season, who will come out on top becomes clearer.

Unfortunately, like horse racing, there is a chance for scandal. People can fix a race in a lot of ways; extra secret money, last second calls saying a candidate has dropped out, changing the voter registry, and all the other crooked things that Papa Slick Willy and his team are willing to do to make sure that Ms. Clinton is our first lady president.

Sanders victory seems unthinkable to a Clinton camp so sure of victory in the primary it's been campaigning against Donald Trump since November. Her actions had the GOP so scared that she was the only candidate anyone talked about on the Republican side for a long while, cause all of that is part of big daddy Bill's plan. Then this Sanders socialist shows up and starts to promise socialism as a populist movement and college age kids are eating this up. I fear for Sanders life, not cause he is old, but cause the Clinton's will not be stopped in their unholy quest for power.

Last, I want to note that Trump is a political puppet built by Bill Clinton to split the GOP so that he can hand the election over to his wife. Why would he do all this? Cause Hilda the bore is not electable in a modern sense. She has good qualifications, but no personality. She does not even have 1/1000th the charm of her husband. This is why the way had to be cleared.

Politics in America has come to an end, now we are left with a primetime HBO drama about politics starring some of the worst people in the world.

America, we got a lot of work to do.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 08:52 AM
As bad as I would feel holding my nose and voting for Clinton if it came down to her or Cruz, I'd do it.

I really can't see Ted Cruz being the President of The United States of America.

I mean really… Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Seattle, etc. There's just no way he could ever win the general election.

Not everywhere is like Texas.

I'm not going to loose any sleep worrying about that cretin even getting close to the parking lot of the White House.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

Unless Hillary is taken out of the race because of criminal charges, which is very unlikely at the moment, she will become president. The numbers simply do not favor the republicans in any way.

Even if she is out of the race, Sanders seems to have the support to take the White House as well.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: introvert

Good, good and good.

The only Republican that I would accept is Trump because he is actually a super liberal narcissist, and I'm totally fine with that sort of behavior.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 09:49 AM
Notice how Jeb is still in the race. As others that polled above Bush; have folded and are gone.

This doesn't seem strange? The neocons don't need to strut about like Trump; they know they have

the power. This is the strangest, most conspiratorial election I have ever witnessed and I have seen
a lot of them.

Trump adds a whole new dimension to the race; I convinced he isn't what he appears to be.

edit on 11-2-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: olaru12

Well if you want to go down that road…

Bush vs Clinton?

Bush. At least he's not as psychotic. He's also fairly progressive for a Republican.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
a reply to: olaru12

Well if you want to go down that road…

Bush vs Clinton?

Bush. At least he's not as psychotic. He's also fairly progressive for a Republican.

This is truly an election that HST would have enjoyed. I miss him and his gonzo approach to politics.
edit on 11-2-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:08 AM
It really would be incredibly healthy for American politics if this happened. And have 4 parties, Rep/Dem/Trump/Sanders.

Might finally start to give the American people some meaningful choice.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: hubrisinxs

Yes the GOP is imploding and it's their own fault.

And I'll tell you what else is imploding that you forgot to mention, establishment politics!

Thanks to Bernie Sanders, the democrats are finally addressing those influences that are hampering our ability to make real change for the better.

IMO, Hillary's message of "No We Can't," currently has her ship taking on water and sinking fast.

I'm predicting a Trump vs Sanders, (Tea Party vs Occupy) election and IMO, this needs to happen.

I'm also predicting a Bernie Sanders win come November.

There's "change" in the air and it's not the kind of "change" that Donald can stuff in his pocket.

Feel The Bern!

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:18 AM
It's nothing new for the Conservative base to split their support among multiple candidates. It really is their downfall. The only thing I admire about Liberals is they all throw their support at one person. No matter how many times they've been lied to or pissed on and are wrong on just about every issue, they have solidarity. Conservatives look for who best suits them. Look at the '92 election results for God sakes. If Perot doesn't run Bush Sr wins in a land slide.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:18 AM
And to make matters more interesting next week, every GOP winner in SC since 1980, with one exception, has gone on to win the GOP nomination. It will be a blood bath.

"As goes South Carolina, so goes the rest of the South. And, with one exception, the winner of the South Carolina Republican primary has gone on to win the South and the GOP nomination".

The one exception was 2012, with Newt Gingrich.
"Notice a pattern? Since 1980, when Lee Atwater help establish our state’s “First in the South” Primary, our state has almost always selected the eventual nominee. South Carolina Presidential Preference Primaries have unique characteristics and demographics which are more reflective of the national electorate at large – and therefore a much stronger indicator than any of the other earlier primaries or caucuses. We take our primaries very seriously – We pick presidents!"

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
a reply to: introvert

Good, good and good.

The only Republican that I would accept is Trump because he is actually a super liberal narcissist, and I'm totally fine with that sort of behavior.

Not only a narcissist, he is also a magnificent bigot and advocates for torture. Enjoy the return to the political Dark Ages.

Perhaps I am naive in thinking we ever left the Dark Ages?

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Flatfish

There's "change" in the air and it's not the kind of "change" that Donald can stuff in his pocket.

I can agree with that! But I'm undecided in the direction this election will take us. It could either be tyranny or freedom and I'm not convinced that the electorate has any power at all.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: Flatfish

There's "change" in the air and it's not the kind of "change" that Donald can stuff in his pocket.

I can agree with that! But I'm undecided in the direction this election will take us. It could either be tyranny or freedom and I'm not convinced that the electorate has any power at all.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:33 AM
You typed- "Unfortunately, like horse racing, there is a chance for scandal. People can fix a race in a lot of ways; extra secret money, last second calls saying a candidate has dropped out, changing the voter registry, and all the other crooked things that Papa Slick Willy and his team are willing to do to make sure that Ms. Clinton is our first lady president. "

This "extra secret $$" You typed about- Didn't the PACS and Super PACS do away w/any record-keeping? Isn't that one of the reasons Mr. Sanders and Mr. Trump are actually "winning"? (Maybe We can get Chuck Sheen as Prez, another "Winner"?)

Now back to the "secret stash of ¢a$h" You mean the $6B that went missing when Mrs. Clinton was the head of The State Dept'.? Well, $2B showed up in The Clinton Fraudation™ supposedly coming from Her Saudi puppetmasters. I'd opine that $2B was Her cut of the pie. Anybody connected with 'Billary' that has seen an untimely death?

Here is another sports analogy : Mrs. Clinton couldn't hold Mr. Sanders' jockstrap...

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: Flatfish

There's "change" in the air and it's not the kind of "change" that Donald can stuff in his pocket.

I can agree with that! But I'm undecided in the direction this election will take us. It could either be tyranny or freedom and I'm not convinced that the electorate has any power at all.

I agree and that's why it's going to take the political revolution that Bernie's promoting in order for the electorate to ever regain our power.

The real power lies with the people, not with corporate special interests.

Bernie's fundraising alone tells us that these special interests are no match for the power of the masses once we decide to make a stand.

That's why I'll be standing with Bernie.

Removing corporate special interest influence from our political system has to be "step one" of the process to take our government back.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: UnBreakable


But I still always vote in hope that my cynicism is just a BS response to my interpretation of the evidence. GO BERNIE
edit on 11-2-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: UnBreakable


But I still always vote in hope that my cynicism is just a BS response to my interpretation of the evidence. GO BERNIE

That's a good one, I never saw that Twain-ism before. I know, I still vote in the hope that it actually means something, even if that one thing is civic duty.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Flatfish

Thanks for the response, agreed establishment politics is folding fast. For me, the face of establishment politics is B. Clinton and the lifetime politician approach.

Berny is a wolf in sheep's clothing, he is a lifetime politician who is just mimicking the Trump extremism by promising socialist populism.

If Sanders does what he says he will do I will more than gladly feel the Bern, but if he does nothing and we get burnt, then I will be upset.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: JimNasium

This "extra secret $$" You typed about- Didn't the PACS and Super PACS do away w/any record-keeping? Isn't that one of the reasons Mr. Sanders and Mr. Trump are actually "winning"? (Maybe We can get Chuck Sheen as Prez, another "Winner"?)

Now back to the "secret stash of ¢a$h" You mean the $6B that went missing when Mrs. Clinton was the head of The State Dept'.? Well, $2B showed up in The Clinton Fraudation™ supposedly coming from Her Saudi puppetmasters. I'd opine that $2B was Her cut of the pie. Anybody connected with 'Billary' that has seen an untimely death?

Here is another sports analogy : Mrs. Clinton couldn't hold Mr. Sanders' jockstrap...

The Clinton's are willing to do anything to win... thanks for the reply.

Yeah, I meant all that and more by a 'secret stash of cash!'

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