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No Charges for Cops Who ‘Accidentally’ Fired 107 Bullets at an Innocent Mom and Daughter

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posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Some one should fire over a hundred bullets at them

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse wow they let them off with the oops defense . i am sorry but if i fired 107 rounds into an occupied veichle i would be thrown under the jail these turds only risk losing their jobs wth!

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 08:36 PM
dead women tell no tales. now these scared pigs can spin whatever story they want and get away with it. sad times ahead if they can get away with executions like this!

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse>>>The officers involved in the shooting( those who fired shots) should be removed from the force and all pension and benefits eliminated. The District Attorney in charge of the case should also be fired and disbarred for gross incompetence and probable criminal conspiracy. Then the financial settlement for the two women should be taken directly from the police departments pension fund. When current retired officers see their benefits reduced to pay for this stupidity or recklessness and current active duty officers see that their future benefits will be reduced to cover the settlement, they'll start cleaning up their ranks and remove the problem officers themselves.

I'll also add that those wanting a police state, an all powerful government that controls the peoples every aspect of life, this is what they'd better expect. Urban citizens will be on the receiving end first and the most.
edit on 2-2-2016 by Dutchowl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

It's not only the police that are out of control but also the system which allows them to get away with this stuff. It rally is no wonder why people hate cops.

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: JourneymanWelder

The missed 105 of 107 rounds. One was hit twice in the back but they both survived the incident. No warning, no blue light, no siren, just opened up on them. They got a new truck and $4.2 million from the city. Not bad for a couple of rounds you survive from. Just make sure it is these idiots. BTW, this one one of 2 shootings that night, neither matching the description of the man nor his vehicle. So if you visit LA be careful.

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: Dutchowl
a reply to: spirit_horse>>>The officers involved in the shooting( those who fired shots) should be removed from the force and all pension and benefits eliminated. The District Attorney in charge of the case should also be fired and disbarred for gross incompetence and probable criminal conspiracy. Then the financial settlement for the two women should be taken directly from the police departments pension fund. When current retired officers see their benefits reduced to pay for this stupidity or recklessness and current active duty officers see that their future benefits will be reduced to cover the settlement, they'll start cleaning up their ranks and remove the problem officers themselves.

I'll also add that those wanting a police state, an all powerful government that controls the peoples every aspect of life, this is what they'd better expect. Urban citizens will be on the receiving end first and the most.

Great idea with the pension fund. Something has to change or things are just going to escalate. Citizens have a legitimate concern with these kind of things happening.

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: skoalman88
a reply to: spirit_horse

It's not only the police that are out of control but also the system which allows them to get away with this stuff. It rally is no wonder why people hate cops.

The DA dismissing the charges and saying they were incompetent and afraid really takes the situation to a whole new level imo.

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Wow OK maybe they don't deserve jail but at the very least need to lose their jobs. I expect more of this however. I mean who really wants to become an officer anymore?? They don't have people beating down their door to become police officers. Meaning more often then not they are down to hiring from the people who shouldn't be armed in the first place.

Think about it police are underpaid living in most cases in poverty. They get little or no respect from the public. They have to put there lives in danger to try to arrest someone only to have a lawyer get them off and put them back on the street. Used to be they had respect and kids even wanted to grow up to be police. Now well were down to two types morons and people with an overly developed sense of justice. Both can be dangerous.

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: spirit_horse
a reply to: intrptr
WOW, not only did they miss 105 of the 107 rounds on the first vehicle, the other cops missed their target as well. These poor folks are going to have serious psychological issues even driving down the street. I say this because I have been in a few high speed crashes and I still get the feeling at times of the impact, dirt and glass sensations. They will have times they feel they are going to be opened up on when seeing a parked police car. Sad. And I am not surprised they let them go without charges. Retraining maybe? There is no excuse and any attempt by the Sheriff or DA to minimize it and not prosecute is an affront to all citizens.

8 cops shooting at 2 targets and all those misses? Is that why they were considered incompetent?

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: spirit_horseVery much agree when tshtf even though mashal law may be called but many of these leos etc are going to lose their lives. The problem is that many innocent and non violent people are going to die. What will be left will be those with a brutal survival mentality and many of these groups will not be just using small arms fire. Whole police stations will be completely blowen away with any surviving leos etc mopped up with the armed drones etc that the rebels have obtained. When areas get completely out of control i would not be surprised if tptb just nuke the area or use some other weapon of mass destruction.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: jitombe
8 cops shooting at 2 targets and all those misses? Is that why they were considered incompetent?

That is above average shooting for most LEOs. Probably one reason they weren't prosecuted. They're the top of the heap.
edit on 3-2-2016 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 05:45 AM

Eventually this will have to reach critical mass and protesting in the streets en mass if you want to quell these incidents.

It already has and there are still people, even here, that defend them and constantly make excuses for them. Stop protecting them like they can do no wrong, punish the ones who lie and cover their buddy's ass and start handing out prison sentences and we may see a change. We will never see a mass uprising of the public.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 06:00 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
Stop protecting them like they can do no wrong, punish the ones who lie and cover their buddy's ass and start handing out prison sentences and we may see a change.

Too many old people still alive who used to watch The FBI, Dragnet, ChIPS, Highway Patrol et al.

You get the geezers out of the loop and educate the kids, it's going to be a new day. Not today, but soon. The prosecutors are going to start having to watch their asses more with the electorate than with the unions. Lots of work to go, though.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: jitombe

cops are some of the worst shots out there. I used to go to this one range to shoot but after getting hit by shrapnel by a stupid cop shooting his 1911 at a steel target 8 feet away intended for 22 and 380, I stoped going there or anywhere where lots of cops are shooting. they're arrogant imbeciles most of the time.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
...they're arrogant imbeciles most of the time.

And a better reason I never knew to not bother teaching point-shoot techniques to cops.

Innocence to experience, mijo.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

I wouldn't waste the effort, since they probably "know it all" anyways.

You know cops go ape sh. about cell phones even when off duty, at a gun range, and it's not even filming them but your buddy facing the opposite direction and attempt to confiscate your property. it apparently makes them feel threatened. kinda like 2 pound Chihuahuas require 15 rounds of frangible to deal with since they are so compromising to their safety.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: spirit_horse

107 bullets? Websters dictionary needs to redefine the definition of overkill.

What is the standard size magazine for a police issue pistol? if eight officers had a 10 round mag that equates to 80 shots fired, if it was 12 round mag that would equate to 96 shots. 15 rounds per mag is 130. I remember the Sydney Siege when half a dozen men stormed a cafe that had one man with a shotgun. They piled up against a wall and a crude bomb could've taken them all out with one fell swoop yet but they rushed in guns blazing...

This gung ho approach to law enforcement will hurt the best and protect the worst. No good cops should have to adhere to ridiculous measures and no civilian should have to fear for their lives. But then again there is the elephant with a smoking gun in the room..

edit on 3-2-2016 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

educate the kids

I taught my kids starting from about 10 years old, "Do Not Trust A Cop". Especially now that they are driving. My instructions are, "Pull over, keep your hands on the wheel and don't move till they tell you to. If it's at night turn on the interior light and then put your hands on the wheel" It's tragic that I even have to give them that advice, for fear of some pissed off/paranoid cop taking his bad day out on them. People keep saying "It's only a few bad apples", but my kids pay attention to the news and are aware of the corruption in every department from small town to Chicago and they know it's not just a few they have to fear.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: Bedlam

I wouldn't waste the effort, since they probably "know it all" anyways.

I tried it a couple of years a decade or two ago. It's like herding cats. You do have a few that care, the rest want to have peener measurements and who can make who do what when contests.

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