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Disturbing photos of supposed unaccompanied children in SWEDEN!

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posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 06:17 AM

Claimed to be 14: Saad Alsaud is reported to have been the fastest 14-year-old in Sweden, dwarfing boys and girls in a running event.

I literally laughed out loud at this pic... it's like something you would expect to see in a Will Ferrell movie.
edit on 29-1-2016 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
a reply to: anxiouswens
You really need to cease allowing the Daily Mail to control your thought process.

Saudi Arabia football team that defeated Scotland in the final of the under 16 world cup in 1989.

May I just add to this. Did you live in Germany at the time? Well my parents did. There was a crisis at the time, just as today. Germans were starving in the gutters whilst Jewish shops had signs in their windows saying: "No Germans need apply". The Jews at the time were taking over, mainly with money.

Now do I agree with the 'solution' to this problem?

ABSOLUTELY not. It was crazy and unnecessary to kill people. We have learned that the hard way. But to say that all the hatred was for absolutely no reason whatsoever is also dangerous. It is the mentality that non native people can do no wrong which is getting us now into trouble.

I don't care if the Daily Mail scare mongered, they just wrote what was happening. IN the same way they are doing this now. Does it mean we want to kill all of the migrant intruders?

Hell no. But we need to be less naive and check these invaders because a not so small percentage will be ISIS sympathisers and want us dead or alternatively turn muslim.
Plus they are so obviously taking the pi22 out of our friendliness that it is frankly embarrassing. They must think we are the stupidest people on earth. [And unfortunately, those in charge seem to be].

In the really far past, when someone from a different tribe was posing a danger to your own tribe, they were thrown out or if they refused, then they got attacked. This kept the original tribes free from danger.

Nowadays, some do gooders are actually actively inviting trouble to our tribes and we are helpless and have to live through the consequences. It doesn't feel nice when you have no safe place you can call your own, it is seriously distressing when you see what is happening to your home and you are called a criminal just for wanting safety.

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Its called sarcasm....

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: eletheia
a reply to: anxiouswens

I'm sure there must be some sort of medical test that can be done

to confirm the age of a person?

They can do a blood test's to see if a woman is menopausal, they

can date the age of bones found, when some on is pubescent etc.

So how come they cant test the age of an adult claiming to be a


There are tests to be done but it says in the article that they are not allowed to perform any because of their human rights. Apparently you can even measure their wrists, which is also not allowed. It seems they get all the human rights and the natives get none. Strange because Swedes are human too.

Norway have used a dental exam apparently to check some applicants. I don't know the ins and outs and accuracy but I have no qualms with that in theory if it means the kids who really need the help get it.

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 07:14 AM
Must be a consequence of not eating pork due to being Muslims, they must be eating too much chicken and all the hormones in the chicken has a toll on those poor kids...

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
There are tests to be done but it says in the article that they are not allowed to perform any because of their human rights. Apparently you can even measure their wrists, which is also not allowed. It seems they get all the human rights and the natives get none. Strange because Swedes are human too.

I love the way one person's *human rights* is allowed to supersede that

of another's!!

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

"May I just add to this. Did you live in Germany at the time? Well my parents did. There was a crisis at the time, just as today. Germans were starving in the gutters whilst Jewish shops had signs in their windows saying: "No Germans need apply". The Jews at the time were taking over, mainly with money."

Oh for heaven's sake. Now okay I'm sorry your parents had a hard time in Germany in the 30s. But the German financial collapse had nothing to do with evil Jews taking over with money. The German financial collapse happened because of the First World War which utterly wrecked the economy.

And then was further wrecked by punitive war reparations that mostly the French, but also the British and Russians insisted the German state must pay. And further wrecked by the knock-on effect from the American Great Depression.

The improvements in the German economy throughout the 30s had nothing to do with Hitler 'solving the Jewish problem', they were the result of a complicated collection of things, but mostly just that the economy started to pick up again because economies do.

To conflate the collapse of the German economy to 'those Jews at the time' is I'm afraid simply not historically accurate. Now perhaps the Jewish community was better placed to survive the turbulent times, maybe they had more money saved away so they were able to prosper better than the other communities. You'd have to research that.

But the Jews most certainly were not responsible for Germans starving in the streets. Hitler simply said they were so that he could surf the wave of populist hatred he stirred up into power.

The exact same wave of hatred the Daily Mail and their ilk are stirring up now.

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666

May I just add to this. Did you live in Germany at the time? Well my parents did. There was a crisis at the time, just as today. Germans were starving in the gutters whilst Jewish shops had signs in their windows saying: "No Germans need apply". The Jews at the time were taking over, mainly with money.

Do you have any idea how ludicrous that sounds...No Germans need apply?...In Germany..? Who the hell were they supposed to employ..Australians? 95% of Jews killed during WW2 were ordinary working class.

And so what if a small percentage of people who so happened to be of the jewish religion made it up the social ladder...They were as entitled to get an education and work their way to the top just as much as the next guy...

What happened to the jews in Germany in the 30's and 40's was driven by pure jealousy. Some people in Germany were looking for someone to blame after the first world war...They couldn't Blame themselves for not winning or the horrendous Treaty of Versailles, so they chose the the easy way out..Blame a minority. it was the Jew what done it..
edit on 29-1-2016 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: anxiouswens
Without going to off track with regards to Gadaffi how right he was. He said if they got rid of him it would open the floodgates to terrorists. I find it really worrying that whilst all attention is on Syria a ticking timebomb is happening in Libya as ISIS are taking more land daily. Why are we not intervening in Libya and stopping it before they get a real foothold? Its as though the powers that be want it this way!a reply to: SaturnFX

Removing the former US puppets in places like iraq is the actual problem, the reason the west installed these people were specifically to crack down on fanatic wahhabism. Tyrannical dictators? sure..but in that region, it always has been and possibly will be one dictator or another until they change their culture and/or abandon their religion (neither coming soon), gotta keep a iron fisted ally in charge over there..democracy can be used for localized representatives..get them used to that, but the top needs to be a hard ruler.
We in the west simply dont accept that..but thats because the western civilization is the best.

Spot on man and I said as much Here in this thread. We are being strangled with PC and blind compassion in the times we live in. It is a big part of why Trump is getting away with his shenanigans is that he is breaking that mold of PC and appealing to a mass of angry Americans.

The over sensitive types don't think it is true or right when people say the middle east does in fact need a dictator that cooperates with American interests in the region (as nefarious as they may be). Most of these people have also never been over there and easily buy into the propaganda put before them of how they are all suffering or whatever. We have to remember they choose to live like this. Now before some of you start saying that they are victims of centuries of war and that it is all Americas fault you have to consider that even without the west in their backyard they are still going to war with one another. Remember it is was the US that protected Saudi Arabia in as much of sense as one may be protected as a prison wife. Sure we will protect you from the savages in exchange for your cooperation on oil services now bend over or die. They made the deal remember? That was a mutual agreement, they asked for our help and presence there. Now their tired of it so I say leave the whole damned area to its own devices. Their backyard their dog poop to clean up.
edit on 29-1-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

The quickest way to stop men from such behavior is the quick beheading of any of the "accused" of rape and herolding the victims as heroes.
This would be a message which the rest of them could not help but understand. That is our laws hold the perpetrator as guilty and the victim as blameless; the reverse of what they think.
It would also be the right and proper administration of the laws against such behavior.

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 08:04 AM
This is not how their religion works to the fanatical types, they believe women are inferior and to be treated as property your not just going to erase thousands of years of brain washing and religious beliefs over night. I like where your head is at though, that is exactly the kind of thing that keeps them in line - extreme violence.

a reply to: tinymind

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 08:07 AM
This is nothing like Jewish people in Germany. The only people acting like Hitler are ISIS and their followers.

Jewish 9eople were German citizens not refugees. These people murdering and raping people in their host countries are nothing llike innocent Jewish people.a reply to: Painterz

edit on 29-1-2016 by anxiouswens because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Why not just prosecute the criminals/rapists as adults, regardless of their age?

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Cause that wouldn't be considered PC.

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: Scouse100

I'm open minded and welcome my views to be challenged (hell, I seek to do it myself every day) but when presented with sensationalist one sided hate mongering I will call it out.

Open minded? Where? When? You are 'shaming' the OP with your own opinions trying to silence her, or make yourself look good. If you think these 25 year old men are 15 than you are a fool.

Have some more Kool-Aid with that kool aid.

Newflash: Fifteen year old boys are in puberty. They are lanky, often clumsy. They sleep 12 hours a day when they can. Their voices are changing and the tone fluctuates at random. Many of them get pimples due to the rush of hormones. The muscular and skeletal structures are in a state of rapid growth and they are clumsy. They lack confidence with girls. Have you never seen a boy in puberty? Do you think Arabs are a different species and they automatically look like grown mature men on their 15th birthday?

edit on 1/29/2016 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: anxiouswens

Why not just prosecute the criminals/rapists as adults, regardless of their age?

DB, you're a guy. Remember puberty and how weird your body looked? Most teens in puberty have that same look.
You don't have to be a genius to identify a teen and a mature man. I run into a friend at the mall and haven't seen her in a while. Haven't seen her son. One glance and I know he's in puberty. So does everybody else. They have 'the look'.

(I'm just playing off your post.... nothing snaky directed towards you)

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: tinymind
a reply to: anxiouswens

The quickest way to stop men from such behavior is the quick beheading of any of the "accused" of rape and herolding the victims as heroes.
This would be a message which the rest of them could not help but understand. That is our laws hold the perpetrator as guilty and the victim as blameless; the reverse of what they think.
It would also be the right and proper administration of the laws against such behavior.

Uh, let's not kill them or we become them. Let's just send them back where they came from.

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Scouse100

I'm open minded and welcome my views to be challenged (hell, I seek to do it myself every day) but when presented with sensationalist one sided hate mongering I will call it out.

Open minded? Where? When? You are 'shaming' the OP with your own opinions trying to silence her, or make yourself look good. If you think these 25 year old men are 15 than you are a fool.

Have some more Kool-Aid with that kool aid.

Newflash: Fifteen year old boys are in puberty. They are lanky, often clumsy. They sleep 12 hours a day when they can. Their voices are changing and the tone fluctuates at random. Many of them get pimples due to the rush of hormones. The muscular and skeletal structures are in a state of rapid growth and they are clumsy. They lack confidence with girls. Have you never seen a boy in puberty? Do you think Arabs are a different species and they automatically look like grown mature men on their 15th birthday?

You didn't read my whole post did you?

I did not say I thought the guys pictured in the report were 15, I said the DM are implying that the majority or all of the kids are lying. This will turn into hate for a whole group of people and those who need help won't get it. There are undoubtedly kids who need help who will now have the door slammed in their face because of irresponsible, unbalanced reporting like this.

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Instead of taking a helpless position towards the invasion of refugees, they should do what Norway is doing.

From OP (emphasis mine)

The spate of disturbing incidents has forced Swedish politicians to think again about age testing, although no decision is expected for six months.

Over in neighbouring Norway, a more robust system of checking migrants’ ages is now in place.

Dental examinations — which are reliable indicators of the biological maturity of growing children — revealed nine out of ten ‘underage’ migrants were lying, and turned out to be older than 18.

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 11:47 AM
The only unbalanced reporting in my mind has been the reports coming out last year in the newspapers anď on the TV. The BBC being the worst. Interviewing young children and women at the Hungarian border and using the death of a small child on a Turkish beach to tug at the heartstrings of Europe and it worked. Meanwhile some of us were looking into things a little more after seeing thousands of young, fit men crammed on to boats. There were reports of rapes etc last August coming out of Sweden, there were reports of terrorists being seen in asylum centres, reports of false Syrian passports and of aggressive behaviour from migrants.

Then there was reports of desperate Syrian refugees and anyone who questioned this were right wing. There were concrete figures coming outfrom Eurostat saying only 20% were froom Syria and all the rest were coming from countries such as Pakistan, Eritrea etc.

The media in Europe were told to cover up crimes carried out by refugees and in some casss Police were toning it down. This was the case after the shootings in Paris when some started to realise that some of the stuff being reported wasnt right wing but the truth and then there was the cover up of NYE and since the floodgates have been opened as more and more news comes to light.

So if you want to blame unbalanced reporting I suggest you look no further than left wing propaganda that peolle like you are still, even now, trying to push and if the tide is turning and genuine refugees are being turned away that doesnt lie with Daily Mail one of the few paperś that was reporting the truth last year but with the likes of BBC and their left wing agenda!a reply to: Scouse100

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