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FREE THE HAMMONDS: We, the People, Upholding the U.S. Constitution vs. the BLM/USGOV

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+6 more 
posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 07:04 PM


[Live 24/7 Feed] Constitutional Crisis In Burns Oregon - Malheur National Wildlife Refuge - YouTube

For those who may not be aware of the current standoff between American Patriots and the over reaching Bureau of Land Management, here is a good overview from Oathkeepers.

A Harsh Toll: How Tough Mandatory Sentences Inspired Harney County Occupation | Oath Keepers

Armed militia continues to occupy forest reserve in Oregon - YouTube

The biggest question of all is: Why were the Hammonds charged as terrorists?
Is it because the BLM wants their land? I think it is obvious that is the case.
The Hammonds are not terrorists. If anyone is a terrorist, it is the BLM and the prosecutors.
– Shorty Dawkins

From commenter Fractured Splinter:

The federal government gave you a gift I believe you should take advantage of. By convicting the Hammonds of terrorism they have set a court precedent (stare decisis) that can be used against them.

Using the Hammond case as a precedent (stare decisis) a class action suit and charges should be filed against the BLM for domestic terrorism.

The attention needs to be directed to the BLM’s long history of setting fires that have burned out of control consuming thousands of acres of private and public property. The millions of dollars in damage to structures, land, burned and maimed livestock, wild animals, and duress placed on families and communities is unacceptable.

"The millions of dollars in damage to structures, land, burned and maimed livestock, wild animals, and duress placed on families and communities is unacceptable."

Charging the Hammond’s as terrorists is hypocritical when you take into account what the BLM has done. The BLM needs to be held accountable for their “terrorist” crimes against the public.

Years after ranchers have been burned out the BLM has made no effort to compensate for the damages.

Watch this video of U.S. Sen. John Thune Challenging the BLM for what they have done in his state.

Thune Discusses Importance of Prescribed Burn Approval Act - YouTube

KOIN 6 News in Portland, Oregon reports federal officials flew into the state on Sunday “to take control of the situation in Burns where around 20 armed militants seized control of a building at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.”

The FBI is reportedly now working with local law enforcement to end the occupation. The FBI will be “the lead agency in dealing with the armed militants.”

“These men came to Harney County claiming to be part of militia groups supporting local ranchers, when in reality these men had alternative motives to attempt to over throw the county and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States,” said the Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward in a statement released on Sunday.
“We are currently working jointly with several organizations to make sure the citizens of Harney County are safe and this issue is resolved as quickly and peaceful as possible. At this time we do not have any information that any other areas in Harney County are in immediate danger.

“We ask that people stay away from the refuge for their safety. We also ask that if anyone sees any of these individuals in the area to please contact law enforcement and do not confront the individuals themselves…”


Oregon Standoff , Constitution for Americans to Live Free - YouTube

Published on Jan 23, 2016
Constitution is all Our Rights to Live Under The lord as Free Men and Women not under Slavery of any Man's Power


Published on Jan 20, 2016


As I suggested to the Bundys ....these should be blessed by the Creator, and offered to the Paiute Nation as a Peace offering.

Just my opinion......My respect to the Honorable Paiute Nation....this is my offering to you in and for peace and love between us. We are not your enemy.

Native American artifacts found at refuge buried in filth and rodent droppings.

With a heavy heart we bring you this report of horrible conditions for objects of native cultural heritage being treated with disrespect. Contrary to reports by main stream media who have accused the Refuge protesters of allegedly desecrating Native American objects, this report should prove once and for all that it is the US Federal Government bureaucracy that is responsible for that and far worse. These objects are dated stored and tagged for 35 years or more.

Report broken by Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart
and Blaine Cooper of Third Watch

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edit on Sat Jan 23 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: added sources and tags to material not attributed

edit on Sat Jan 23 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

+15 more 
posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 07:32 PM
Nah. They're doing their time and the Bundy's are clowns. I support neither.

+20 more 
posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

The definition of a terrorist is the US government.

On the domestic front, they have spied on their own citizens (and lied about it), enabled a massive propaganda program, attacked the constitution, molested citizens travelling between states and militarized the police force. They have also rolled out the Patriot Act which gives them carte-blanche powers to not only call anyone a terrorist (even those citizens who are seemingly anti-government) but to harass and even torture them with legal impunity.

On the foreign front, they have invaded sovereign countries and murdered millions of innocent civilians within those countries - claiming it is done to enhance freedom and democracy and kill all the terrorists - terrorists that the US government created. They also use veto power when making security council decisions that are not in keeping with Zionist ideologies.

The US government is the very definition of a terrorist cell.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 07:56 PM
The government has your best interests at hand.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

Wether igmos (ignorant morons)exist in the militia and protestors, wether or not the hammonds themselves are igmos, there is without a doubt abuse of power that occurs and is perpetrated en masse by the government, and this reaches across political, racial, and religious lines, and is something we all should rally against whenever it rears its ugly head.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 08:21 PM
I thought the Hammonds were convicted of arson. Where is the document proving they were convicted of terrorism?

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

I'm not sure the tactic is working, but i see a whole lot of coded propaganda by the liberal media. It seems these occupiers are supposed to be shot by FBI SWAT, while the Wall Street occupy movement was a wonderful thing. I would say the Government is being careful because these are not kooks at all and they have numbers. You really don't want to piss off a bunch of patriotic white guys, especially since our Government has been "leveling up" lots of them in wars for the last 15 years. White people are some of the most aggressive of the human species. They tend to take things very personally and hold lasting grudges. Least that's my humble opinion.


posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 08:38 PM
Having paid attention to this with some interest the following can be stated:

This was bound to fail from the get go and both sides are in a bad way. On one side you have the Bundy’s doing what they feel is correct. But they have made a mess of it all and unlike Nevada; this is not going to go well for them or the militia up there.

They show up on a wind, with the pretense of supporting one set of ranchers, who they believe have been wrong. They show up ill prepared, and are using women and children as human shields, to protect themselves. They bring very little in the way of supplies and are flaunting the law every step of the way.

The second player in this little drama is the Federal government and the judicial system. The judge made a mistake and the prosecuting attorney appealed and sought for a tougher sentence. The prosecuting attorney won the appeal as part of that and the Hammonds were resentenced.

The third player in this would be the Federal and local law enforcement who have done nothing to resolve this situation and setting a very bad precedent on all sides. And the question has been asked, and the foregone conclusion is that if the group was not white or Christian, that the authorities would be in there with guns drawn and shooting.

The fourth player in this is the locals in the area, the people who live in Burns and the Native Americans all of whom have an interest in what goes on in the area, a delicate balance between them exists.

Now comes the unfolding events, the Bundy’s hear of this and then proceed to go up and take over something that has been protected since the time of Teddy Roosevelt, as it was set aside at that time frame. The Hammonds were found guilty in a court of law, the Judge chose to ignore the mandatory sentence and sentenced them to far less than the law stated. The prosecuting attorney appealed and they were resentenced to a longer time frame. The Bundy’s hear this and then show up and take over a federal building and use it as a base of operations.

Now as I stated this is doomed to fail for the following reasons: 1) The local population, the threshold of them supporting this group is small, more and more of them are starting to object, nor do they want them there. The Native American’s do not want them there either. Most support is coming from outside of the area and they were not prepared for a long or lengthy engagement. 2) This group is already showing fractures from within, bad choices, judgements and even disagreements are starting to come to the surface. Apparently they also tend to tell tall tales about each other. 3) Even the Hammond’s want nothing to do with this group, nor do any high profile politicians.

If this continues on, and the authorities do nothing, the question is how long till the local residents decide to take matters into their own hand or even the federal government decides to do something and start to move against this group, where it starts to become another Ruby Ridge or Waco? Or will the public decide that the response is correct and support the federal government?

+9 more 
posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

If this continues on, and the authorities do nothing, the question is how long till the local residents decide to take matters into their own hand or even the federal government decides to do something and start to move against this group, where it starts to become another Ruby Ridge or Waco? Or will the public decide that the response is correct and support the federal government?

If the local residents took matters into their own hands they would be doing the same thing the Bundites (tm) are doing. Acting illegally. They have shown no tendency to do so. They know better.

There is little similarity between Ruby Ridge or Waco.

The public seems to have supported both the local and federal government on the matter. As to the larger issues, the actions of the Bundites (tm) are not relevant. They are using the Hammonds, and the residents of the county to promote their own agenda. Neither the Hammonds or the residents appreciate their presence. They recognize that they are being used.

edit on 1/23/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 09:00 PM
Objection, your honor....the last sentence of the above post is hearsay....

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: Phage

I am honestly curious...

How does one "act legally" within a system to reform it when the system itself has created laws to steal from the people it is supposed to serve? Obviously civil war = bad times.

But when the system goes cannibal on it's people and has created "legal" rights to do so.. how do you act "legally" to fix it?

Vote?? lol does anyone really believe that is not something that can be influenced if not out right faked?

they obviously went in unprepared, they obviously didn't think it over too well once the Hammond's refused to support them.

So WHAT DO WE DO?? Just sit back and debate if the direction of our country is what it is? we are going to debate reality endlessly while the same thing that has happened to countless people/countries in history happens to us?

Either way it is the end of the "Great American Experiment" if we don't come together.

History is written by the victor.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: akira131

How does one "act legally" within a system to reform it when the system itself has created laws to steal from the people it is supposed to serve?
That is a loaded question. Rephrase and you may get a response.

Either way it is the end of the "Great American Experiment" if we don't come together.
We have not been "together" for more than 200 years, the experiment continues. Bundy is not bringing rational people together.

edit on 1/23/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: Phage

I think it was a pretty straight forward question. Perhaps too complicated?

at one time it would have been legal for me to throw out people of color from my business and call the cops on them if they refused. That was "law"

Together MLK and many others helped to change that.
He died for that dream

The experiment was a country of free and equal men guiding their own future free of an oppressive centralized government/religion. That has now changed and it took longer then most of us have been alive to get to where we are. It's not over, but the sun has begun to set.

The one thing everyone can agree on is the "system" is broke so again, how do you work within a corrupt broken system to fix it?

The answer is to start over, together. To learn from our mistakes so how do we do that when we have sat back fat and happy to the point our government is no longer representative of the people and is now stealing from them regularly?

The system protects itself and it's own so long as it does not adversely effect the whole. It is a cancer. They went back and threw the book at the guys after they had served their time instead of going after the judge they claim made the mistake.

They both have already served time(hammon jr/sr). Now serving it again. I don't even really agree with what the Bundy's are doing in Oregon because they don't have the local support they need to have the moral high ground.

Arguing about it and having people call for their death doesn't fix our problems.

Who wants to play poker at a table when they know the dealer is stacking the cards?

case in point:
LEO's get their cut

but it's ok to steal land because most of us don't own land right? We are not ranchers so who cares...

My grandfather had land, I grew up running around in endless pasture and helping with cows. He had nothing when he died by his own hand.

Thanks Big Brother.

Card board signs wont fix what we have allowed to develop. So what-do-we-do?

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: akira131

I think it was a pretty straight forward question. Perhaps too complicated?
Perhaps you do not understand the meaning of "loaded question." It does not mean a complicated question, it means a question which which makes assumptions.

"Are you still beating your wife." is a loaded question.

edit on 1/23/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: Phage

ok @_@

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: akira131

Arguing about it and having people call for their death doesn't fix our problems.

Hyperbole much?

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: Phage

There is little similarity between Ruby Ridge or Waco.

I'm glad you said that. Not because I wish to make it a point of contention, but in that there is really no comparison.

Even though it is off-topic, I'd like to know your opinion on Waco and Ruby Ridge.
edit on 23-1-2016 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:47 PM
I really like what KrisAnne Hall has been saying...

If this woman ran for POTUS, I would SO vote for her in a New York second...

There is no legal authority for the feds to own or maintain any land therefore there is no legal authority for anyone to contract with them to do so. All subsequent contracts are illegal and therefore null & void. It is about complete federal control.

The framers did NOT give SCOTUS the ultimate authority to be the ultimate arbiters of the Constitution & federal power. That is a modern abhorrent interpretation of the Constitution and judicial power. James Madison and John Jay and the rest of the framers wrote that the States were the ultimate authority of the application of the Constitution and the people the ultimate power. We need to put down the SCOTUS opinions, the government's desires, and the mainstream ignorance and get the wisdom of the writers of the Constitution.

So glad that KrisAnne Hall stepped up to the plate and put this video together. If you want to try to get down to the brass tacks jurisdictional issue, and want to have any kind of solid understanding of the core principle(s), this is a good place to start. A week later, it has over 260,000 views. KrisAnne Hall nails it!

What is the REAL Issue in Oregon? — Taking Back the Narrative

edit on 23-1-2016 by Murgatroid because: felt like it...

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

I really like what KrisAnne Hall has been saying...

Yeah, I suppose you do. But she's wrong.

The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.[

edit on 1/23/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Phage

Phage, you have swallowed WAY too much of that MSM koolaid...

The BLM is the one whose wrong here and they are in FACT the real terrorists.

The fact that they are stealing our land is all the proof one needs of this.

And what about James Madison, was he ALSO wrong as well?

The framers did NOT give SCOTUS the ultimate authority to be the ultimate arbiters of the Constitution & federal power. That is a modern abhorrent interpretation of the Constitution and judicial power. James Madison and John Jay and the rest of the framers wrote that the States were the ultimate authority of the application of the Constitution and the people the ultimate power.

edit on 23-1-2016 by Murgatroid because: felt like it...

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