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Domestic Violence Article in Australian Media

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posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

The only problem I have ever dealt with, using violence, is when I was faced with violence, and had to seek to dissuade my attackers.

If a persons ego is so damaged, if they are incapable of standing up for themselves against non-physical abuse, without resorting to physical abuse, then they are not persons, people, but animals. And, when a heavier, generally more physically powerful male, has to assert his dominance with his body, over a smaller, generally less physically powerful woman, that is the best evidence for animal status.

Folks who take up near apologist positions for all this nonsense, or suggest that abused women have any role in their abuse, other than to suffer it, which IS what is being suggested here, folks like that can take a long dive into an empty pool for all I care. I have no time for that nonsense what so ever.

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:22 AM
Do people actually believe women are always innocent and do nothing that adds to the violence done to them ?

Forget the violence itself, imagine living with a partner that empty's your bank account on you after you've worked your butt off all week ? goes out with her friends, gets plastered and spends your money on smokes and booze leaving you nothing. Provides absolutely zero affection in any way shape or form and just snipes with rude remarks directed at you constantly. Gambles your pay away in one Friday night casino binge ? and sparks up saying you don't earn enough for her.

Then when she has a win its all hers and pretends it was her money she wasted to win it ? well I have a friend who went through this and he handled it like a gentleman 100% and didn't use violence. Then she cheated on him with another guy and expected him to hang around if it didn't work.

If any Man had a even the slightest hint of having the desire to lash out in frustration would snap and want to hurt her in a physical way. Expect it actually, the system has turned so far from being equal with how the guy gets treated by the Courts that if you are female and you don't want to get hurt then be professional and courteous, don't use the preferential treatment you have been given by the system to deny your man some access to his children .

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:22 AM
So would you use this same argument to explain why men and women beat children?

Is that also a "coping mechanism"?

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

OPINION: Mark Latham is a dangerous man and it’s time to take him off air. Really? ?

Freedom of speech in Australia going the same way it has in the US a? - I can see that coming from a mile away.

What happened to the "I do not agree with what your saying but I will defend your right to say what you think to the death.'

is that suspicious activity too is it?

or is it "unAustralian" Funny how we stopped hearing that phrase when being 'UnAmerican' stopped being used in the US.

Funny, how some people are easy to train up to have certain views of things arn't they?

Wonder how long it will be before insisting on the right to free speech is " terrorist activity.' ............. and all the sheep will be repeating after me ....... free speech is ..

Funny how the very thread immediately above this one in the list of New Thread is "Carolina wants to ban free press"
edit on 22-1-2016 by Azureblue because: z

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: abe froman
So would you use this same argument to explain why men and women beat children?

Is that also a "coping mechanism"?

ETA: Comparing violence done by one ADULT to another ADULT is not comparable to an ADULT committing violence on a CHILD. Apples and oranges really.

edit on 22/1/2016 by Dark Ghost because: misread your post, fixed now

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I think you may have confused "coping mechanism" with "sadism" and "control issues".

Release found through unleashing violence is not a "coping mechanism" it's psychosis.
edit on 22-1-2016 by abe froman because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-1-2016 by abe froman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: abe froman

I think you may have confused emotional reasoning with conventional logic.

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:39 AM
I have a mate who although not violent towards his wives - he's had several, undermines them and seems to consider them as little women. He's heavily into the church and an 'elder'. We were drinking on e night and he opened up telling me he had had a miserable childhood because his step mother had completely broken him. His spirit was defeated by her and it seemed he had never got over it, in fact attaching that hatred to the women he had chosen to marry.

I do wonder if the relationship between mother and son (or whoever fulfils the role of mother to a boy) isn't vital in how when grown that man perceives women, how he trusts them and treats them?

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

Maybe a lack of positive female role-models growing up? Oh wait but that's sexist...what I meant to say is probably a lack of positive male role-models. That's better.

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

So why does he beat his wife, she his sparing partner

Women are not innocent, neither are the men

I thought the msm were biased, now this
Latham is probably right, hitting women, anyone for that matter is wrong

Yes Latham is a tossa, no questions

Doesn't mean everything he says is wrong

Can you offer a reSonable explanation why men beat women?

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Do you have a woman in your life?

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: abe froman

Are you an adherent of the Jewish religion?

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 06:08 AM
Before I say anything about this let me be VERY clear that beating up your romantic partner for any other reason than an extreme case in which they are actually trying to kill you as extremely unacceptable. You don`t hit your lover because you are having a deep personal struggle. Your lover is the person who helps you to defeat that personal struggle and ward off those demons.

Now, this talking head, Mark Latham, does have a point but not in the manner he intended it to be. There is a serious problem within western culture of men and how they are expected to be `as men` in order to be accepted in society as a `real man.` This is mostly the fault of bourgeoisie culture being forced on the masses. A `real man` brings home the bacon, provides 100% the needs and wants of his family, is a `tough guy` who `protects` the family and is an overall superman who can do anything and achieve any task required of him. Any man who grew up in a western or westernized society knows these are the things which men were told are expected of us. Yet, what happens when reality smacks one in the face? What happens when all we are told about `being a man` collapses in front of us and the material truth of being an adult male become real and actual? Men deal with it differently. Some man accept it and evolve, learn and adjust to a world they were not prepared for by a culture which has little interest in material reality. Others freak out big time and just cannot handle having their understanding of the world totally destroyed. So, what happens is some men still seek that `Superman` status they were promised. They have a bad day at work? Well, the social alienation of Capitalism prevents them from changing their work situation and stress so who they take it out on? Well, that gentle lover at home who cannot, and often will not, fight back due to the fact the lover loves them so much that they are too in love with the man to strike him down.

It`s a sad tragic world we live in these days.

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost


Why do people keep asking me that?

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: abe froman

You mean others have asked you that exact question as well?

Anyway, I was merely trying to demonstrate that my question was as off-topic as your previous question you asked. But since you gave me the courtesy of answering mine, I will return the favour.

As for your question, I have women in my life - female friends and relatives, my mother who is still living and even a baby niece. As for a significant other, no I do not currently have a partner. I love all the women in my life that are close to me and I wouldn't wish harm on them in any capacity.

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: freedomwva reply to: freedomwv
It is indeed all about perception. Trying to live up to a lie is a very hard thing to do. It is like trying to build a brick house when you have no bricks.

I agree with #abe froman, beating another person because you feel angry, disappointed, cheated, and or frustrated is the antethesis of coping.

If this behavior is a coping mechanism, then kicking the dog, or abusing the children, is a coping mechanism. It is obvious, and easy to see in those examples, that it would be a lack of one's ability to cope, that sinks someone to the level of harming someone, or something, because of your personal disappointments, or inadequacies.

It is very telling that it is even considered as a natural or normal response, when taking out these feelings on women. More people would be ready to hang the man from the nearest yardarm for kicking a dog then for beating his girlfriend or wife.

Says a lot about our superior, intelligent, and enlighten, Western society.

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 07:51 AM
After being dispatched to 100s of Domestic Violence cases while I was a cop, the ONLY reason I'm happy to have been retired early is not having to go to more Domestic Violence calls and instead of dealing with the original combatants, dealing with the children of abuse who have learned that this is the way to handle things. After separating the abuser from the abused, it was always in the back of My mind that the kids will repeat the offense(s) when it was their time.
I got this after interviewing the offenders, the majority who were male, were raised in households where violence was present. In many of the cases, the male mentioned that they were "abused" as children or were present when their parents tangled.. This in My "expert opinion" is a learned behavior.

It should also be noted that in some cases the female did indeed antagonize the male and then after working to provide Protection Orders, the female would hold this over the males head i.e. "I've got an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) so if You don't do what I say I'm calling the police..." These were isolated cases but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention them.

If the female is the "Primary Aggressor" then the male should do "the MANLY thing" and take a walk around the block..


posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

What is rarely talked about is emotional abuse - while men tend to dominate in the physical sense, women tend to dominate in the emotional sense.

Domestic violence is a very sad part of our society. In the context of Lathams response I found the following b8c8685b4fe786fbd6

“I’m worried that the domestic violence debate is being used as a Trojan horse to push the left wing feminist position, saying that we’re a patriarchy, there’s a demonisation of men here, if you listen to Rosie Batty. Every man is a potential wife basher. Every woman is potentially at risk.”
Yes Mark, Rosie Batty is using the horrific, violent and tragic death of her beloved son at the hands of a man who systematically abused her over many years, to push the left wing feminist man-hating agenda. I mean, that makes total sense, and by total sense I mean none at all.
His obsession with attacking Batty every time someone gives him an opening needs to stop. His use of mainstream media to publicly bully her needs to end, yesterday. 198b8e7eff2f720470ee20

Rosie Batty’s campaign to weed out the domestic violence that lurks in “every nook and cranny” of Australia now has a national platform.

So the woman was instrumental in a Royal Commission being set up. She won the Australian OF The Year award in 2015;
I note also that she now has a platform to go over and above speaking on just domestic violence. She appears to have become an expert in illegal immigration

In September 2015 she called on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to close Australian immigration detention facilities due to the incidence of rape and sexual assault

In the 20-minute clip posted to the Triple M website, Latham alleged a group of self-appointed, unelected elites were trying to re-engineer Australian society.

He also accused Australian of the Year Rosie Batty of being part of a feminist group using domestic violence for political gain and a campaign "against all Australian men".

Maybe Latham is onto something
Your words

rarely talked about is emotional abuse

That subject is never discussed, woman are physically weaker ergo men are always at fault.

I find this interesting, "they dont want to leave". "why a woman stays is not the main point"
Sorry but I think that's a rationalization and deflection of feelings of guilt that she probably may have been able to prevent the murder of her son. And nothing like staying busy going around telling the world how bad men are - keeps your mind off uncomfortable questions. 0a9a9ed

When faced with the oft-asked question, “Why didn’t she just leave?”, Ms Batty reiterated what all domestic violence services say: that the question of why a woman stays is not the main point.
“They don’t want to leave — they just want ... the violence to stop,” Ms Batty said.
“Why would you want to leave your home, your family, the dreams that you’ve built? Nobody wants to leave something [like that].

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

If you "get over" the problems in life by beating the women in it, you're a complete f#ing tard.

Wow did you even read the whole thing?

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