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More disappearances, more theory, Finding Bigfoot and a 411 ?

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posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: Nickn3

Well ATS, what do you think?

What I think doesn't matter.
What I know just deepens the mystery.
Here's what I know.
Paulides says nobody who is armed ever disappears.
And if that sounds good to you? Let me mess that up for
you by saying this. That only suggests the intelligence involved
with this, W/E the hell it is, again as I described above, with my question
about the crew of Finding Bigfoot. It knows us intimately. And that just
sends shivers right down my spine.

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 08:40 PM
Love this mysterious stuff! I'll be back on that reddit site when I have more time. I had never been there before...some intriguing stories there!

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: Vasteel

I won't be sleeping tonight, and will never be going into the woods ever again.
They HAVE to be making those stories up for the sake of telling a good scary campfire tale...right?

Yes of course they are Vas. Now go to sleep.

Just want to say how much I appreciate everyone of your posts people.

One thing that caught my attention, and many other peoples was the "mysterious staircases".

In summary:
- Flights of stairs to nowhere found as far 30-40 miles into the forest.
- No buildings attached to the stairs, they seem ridiculously out of place.
- People are warned not to go near them, but never told why.
- People who have approached them report the environment gets dark and silent.
- The stairs can disappear and move around.

However, some Googling reveals no corroborating reports of the stairs other than links to the Reddit thread with all the other spooky stories in. It's a good story though, they all are.

EDIT - I'm not trying to # on the thread (which I haven't properly researched yet), I'm not even saying these stairs definitely don't exist.
edit on 12-1-2016 by Vasteel because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-1-2016 by Vasteel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: Vasteel

EDIT - I'm not trying to # on the thread (which I haven't properly researched yet), I'm not even saying these stairs definitely don't exist.

No worries Vas. Now go to sleep.

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Nickn3
I lived in Jamestown for three formative years in my adolescent time.... And now live not too far from there. I made a thread about a rather creepy place I was shown during a visit there, about 11 years ago. Maybe you are familiar with the place I visited?

You speak of traveling TN, I have a dear friend, whom I believe is keen on the "spirit" of things. He says that Monterey and Wilder have the eeriest, indeed most unholy feel of any places he has visited. Has your exploring taken you to those parts?

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: Vasteel

However, some Googling reveals no corroborating reports of the stairs other than links to the Reddit thread with all the other spooky stories in. It's a good story though, they all are.

Yeah that section of redditt is for fictional stories only and the commentators aren't allowed to suggest either-wise.

However, it was a great story.

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 09:33 PM
For some reason I think a lot of these disappearances are attributed to malicious humans. We are incredibly calculating,swift on foot, strong when trained and incredibly resilient with the proper training. I see no reason why lots of these cases can't be caused by highly intelligent,skilled,evil/malicious people.

I also believe Cougars could be the culprits in a few cases swell. Many of the younger disappeared could be pretty much instantly killed and draged up a tree a few KM away and consumed all the left overs would remain in the tree or fall down to the lower limbs to be carted away by scavengers.

Perhaps I just don't wanna admit the high strangeness in some of the 411 cases there are a few strange coincidences such as missing shoes that leave me head scratching.

a reply to: randyvs

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Vasteel

However, some Googling reveals no corroborating reports of the stairs other than links to the Reddit thread with all the other spooky stories in. It's a good story though, they all are.

Yeah that section of redditt is for fictional stories only and the commentators aren't allowed to suggest either-wise.

However, it was a great story.

Thx, didn't know that. Great stories though as you say.

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: Athetos

Perhaps I just don't wanna admit the high strangeness in some of the 411 cases there are a few strange coincidences such as missing shoes that leave me head scratching

Please don't take offense to this, because I don't blame you at all.
But I would have to say you, are seriously in denial. Debatebly?
Absolutely, but again no offense.

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 01:13 AM
I'm reposting this just for the sheer weirdness of it: "Scariest story I have is camping in northern Michigan with my dad. My grandma lived on lake in a house near Gaylord, MI which my parents and I would frequent every Friday through Sunday for well over a decade until my grandma sold the place. Our routine would be to pack up all necessary equipment for a 3 day camping trip and fit it into our rucks. Grab the mountain bikes and head off to one of the state forests. We then would find a random two track leading into the woods, particularly we always aimed for those that looked like they haven't been driven on in years due to overgrowth. Find a place to park, offload bikes and leave. General made our own trail when we couldS Goal was to find a stream or river and set up camp in any clearing we could find.

Usually ended up just in a clearing as we never went more than 10-15 miles from the truck. One time we actually came across an old foundation of in assuming was once a home. No trail or road remotely near for miles. Right on a stream. Made of rocks about the size of a brick. There was a small wooden shack idk maybe 10 feet or so from the foundation, maybe 4 or 4 1/2 feet tall. I remember my dad had to bend over and I just hunched (I was just a kid!) to get inside. Inside were rusted out gun barrels galore. Fishing poles, snow shoes, bedding, old pots and pans, etc. Clearly the area hadn't been used in a very long time. Just cool stuff for for a 12 year old kid. We setup camp about 20 feet away. Caught a few bullfrogs and cooked them up for dinner along with some pan fried nachos on the small Coleman we had with those old school mini propane tanks. No light pollution. The night sky was amazing. Could see so many stars. To this day my favorite part of camping is after dark. That night shortly before we went to bed, we tied up all of our food and hung it up about 15 feet or so in the air over a branch like you see in movies. Keep bear and other animals out of it essentially. Our normal nightly routine. Shortly after we zipper the tent up to get some sleep we started hearing grunting and huffing sounds coming from across the stream. Dad being a avid hunter says it's likely a deer or elk, maybe a bear. Which, we have seen all of these and more on our trips. Sound carries pretty far so dad wasn't too concerned. We hear it throughout the night but the sounds started getting almost baby like. The only way I can describe it is imagine a baby whining softly. Add this with very deep huffs and grunting. Periodically we would bear a high pitched, sharp but very short cry. Sounded to me like a baby screaming. Just creepy.

Throughout the night these sounds come and go. Dad loaded the Remington and I had my little 20 gauge small game ready to go just in case. (My first gun and my first time taking it with us on one of our trips) We eventually fell asleep. We wake up to nothing too out of the ordinary except a stench of rotting meet, like a dead animal. We figured an animal died and we just could smell it on the wind. We would come across coyote kills sometimes or some other animals so we didn't think anything of it. We go outside to a beautiful sunrise and the sound of flies. Dad just figure we lost the food and the flies are on it now. Dad walks around back by the food bag and stops abruptly and just says, I still remember it, very slowly a "what....the....#..." Behind our tent are three deer strung up, skinned and gutted. The deer were hung on three different branches on the same tree our bag was on, which was untouched. Each head was cut off and set on top of the guts. Each head was pointed directly at our tent. No one around. No foot prints, no blood trail, nothing. Just three deer, hanging by vine. Not twine or rope, vines. Dad grabbed the gun and went to try and spot tracks or blood. He is a phenomenal tracker and has been a guide on a few occasions for "experience" hunts in the U.P.. He found nothing. We heard nothing in the night either. Creepy as #. I was incredibly spooked. Dad was too as we packed up that Saturday and headed back the the truck. No incidents on the way back. Just a normal half day trip back the truck.

Drove to DNR station and Reported it. I just remember the guy looking at me, then my dad, shaking his head slowly and picking up the phone to call whoever and all he said was something like "another skinned animal sighting near the whatever steam." Clearly it happened before but what the hell. Dad never did find out if it was someone or something. The fact that my dad couldn't find any blood spotting or trails where those deer would have been dragged or hoof prints where they perhaps walked is what to this day said baffles him the most. We still talk about it over a beer every now and then. He also doesn't know where the vines came from because he looked all around the area and there were no trees with any vines anywhere around.
edit on 13-1-2016 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 07:56 AM
I could think of why people would be found without their shoes and it's because another human who has been living in the bush wanted em. But again there is the factor that not every shoe would fit or be of the right type for the assailant.

The cases in which children are mere steps behind the parent are vanish without a sound or even a footprint are also very strange. The children often in very bright clothing as well.

I believe it to be something that's flesh and blood or even human but yet the high strangeness factor is always my stumbling block.

No offence taken at all. As a child I spent a lot of time running around in the wilderness with my friends so I felt comfortable in the bush and still do. I guess I don't want to give up the comfort of the forest to fear of the unknown. Nature is as beautiful as it is unkind and merciless.

a reply to: randyvs

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: Athetos

Nature is as beautiful as it is unkind and merciless.

You just may have something even there.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
The odds seem pretty good to me that this could easily happen to YOU.

I'm thinking that you've miscalculated the odds. This is akin to saying that the odds are pretty good that I could easily win a million dollars playing the lottery, because it happens relatively frequently.

No, the odds are not good at either one happening.

That said, I do find these cases to be interesting, although lacking detail that could lend itself to other, more probably causes of disappearance. But, they're still interesting nonetheless.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

Alright Slap I'll admit the odds aren't worthy when your sitting
behind your computer. But even you would have to admit to
a rise in the in the odds depending on where you go and what
you do. And I would remind you that the main purpose of this
thread is to raise awareness. In the hopes that people watch
their two yr olds far closer in the woods. I think I can understand
the denial some may have. But I don't understand a hard head.
It's obvious by the numbers alone people going out should be a
lot more aware. So figure that in with the odds. If not correct,
I'm still righteous.

edit on Ram11316v53201600000017 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

Is this a true acount by you flesh. If so it certainly adds to
eerie high strangeness going on. I swear up and down by all
these accounts I have to accept the folk lore of the NAIs.
In bigfoot the devil walks among us. And he brings the
stinch of hell with him. The NAs it seems new well to ask
for safe passage from the " Great Spirit". They took it very
seriously. The modernized american scoffs and this is
what we get.

Move ahead to 1:30 to see and hear the NI bigfoot dance.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 11:57 AM

The reddit thread was posted in /nosleep, which is a sub for horror fiction writers. That series is a great read, but I wouldn't take it as literal truth.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 04:33 PM
Although interesting and more interesting to me is the park service does not want to release specific info of these cases to the public, the fact is a large number of people go missing every day in America. I think there are 90k missing at any one time across the USA.
edit on 13-1-2016 by fishy6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Ok. This thread gives me shivers down the spine.

randy, check out this BFRO report.

And here is an interesting story. The Ballarat Bandit He probably made many people shake their head over what could be happening.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: randyvs

I have always wondered about the USA's federal system of national parks and forests. It seems that perhaps Theodore Roosevelt was fully aware of extremely dangerous areas and decided to limit development in these areas. His decisions certainly look "green" on the surface, but with so many going missing in these parks and national monument lands I wonder deeply if he was simply trying to protect the general public from a threat to which he had no other means of responding.

But it seems just as many go missing in urban areas, and the sheer numbers are extraordinary. It is impossible not to jump to the thought of something terribly nefarious afoot, but perhaps it simply that these areas are temporally "thin" with regard to other dimensions. I do not know, but I wonder about this having had two friends go missing in national park in the USA some years ago.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 07:24 PM


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