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Has Germany officialy lost its mind?

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posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: everyone
In germany they are avoiding mentioning these things in news outlets, police do not arrest these people because in court they will be deemed racist for the arrest, Pay attention, Not arresting and prosecuting a rapist because he is a migrant is very much in line with the talk you see in the OP.

^^^^ The underlined

That is exactly what happened in the UK Asian men were raping school

girls and prostituting them in a place called Rotherham for something like

ten/twelve years. Even though it was reported to police and various agencies

NOTHING was done by any one for fear of being thought of as racist.

So the west bends over backwards to accommodate foreigners and lets them

get away with anything and everything for fear of being called racist.

The world has gone crazy!!

posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 08:34 PM
On Perilous Migrant Trail, Women Often Become Prey to Sexual Abuse

One Syrian woman who joined the stream of migrants to Germany was forced to pay down her husband’s debt to smugglers by making herself available for sex along the way. Another was beaten unconscious by a Hungarian prison guard after refusing his advances.

A third, a former makeup artist, dressed as a boy and stopped washing to ward off the men in her group of refugees. Now in an emergency shelter in Berlin, she still sleeps in her clothes and, like several women here, pushes a cupboard in front of her door at night.

“There is no lock or key or anything,” said Esraa al-Horani, the makeup artist and one of the few women here not afraid to give her name. She has been lucky, Ms. Horani said: “I’ve only been beaten and robbed.”

Migrants were escorted by Slovenian riot police officers to a registration camp outside Dobova, Slovenia, in October.How a Record Number of Migrants Made Their Way to EuropeDEC. 22, 2015
War and violence at home, exploitative smugglers and perilous seas along the way, an uncertain welcome and future on a foreign continent — these are some of the risks faced by tens of thousands of migrants who continue to make their way to Europe from the Middle East and beyond. But at each step of the way, the dangers are amplified for women

I have also read of women, children, and Christians being thrown overboard, by these lovely migrant men.

Interviews with dozens of migrants, social workers and psychologists caring for traumatized new arrivals across Germany suggest that the current mass migration has been accompanied by a surge of violence against women. From forced marriages and sex trafficking to domestic abuse, women report violence from fellow refugees, smugglers, male family members and even European police officers. There are no reliable statistics for sexual and other abuse of female refugees.

posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 10:56 PM
This is an internationalist orchestrated foreign invasion of Germany by lunatic traitors within like Merkel who are old and will be dead in 20 years, and who care absolutely nothing about German citizens or their childrens future.

This is sick. When will the people rise up and defend Germany and themselves against these traitors? Time is running out. ~$heopleNation

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

This is the same reaction you get everywhere in (Western) Europe, and I guess all over the planet. There is a strong feeling in the left-oriented wing that there is no such thing as drawbacks of mass-immigration. Combine that with a fear of being called a racist (a term that is now also abused for people that criticize Islam...) and presto, you have now created a group of people that can do nothing bad, no matter if witnessed, filmed, confessed.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: pavil

originally posted by: pavil

originally posted by: ColCurious
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

We can't afford to stop thinking.

Great caution must be exercised now, and populist rhetoric from the right, or trivialisation from the left are not helping. Germany needs it's pragmatism now.

I don't want to over-dramatise the situation, but there is a aggression potential right now that is seriously worrying.

Wow, you're going to just gloss over all this and go after the "right" for the abysmal failing of most of the German government over the whole immigrant wave? It's only going to get worse but you keep blaming the right for this fiasco. Germany will rue the day they just opened their borders to every vagrant around.

You misunderstood.

I'm not glossing over anything, and I'm not blaming the political right.
If I had to associate myself with a political wing in Germany, being traditional conservative I would have to place myself on the right.

I was warning about extremism from the far-right, AND the far-left... and the extremely volatile atmosphere on the streets.

Everyone who knows a bit about this people, their mentality and their history is worried about this.

Also I know very well who and what caused this crisis, and what made it even worse when it came to our doorstep.

And YOU, coming from the U.S., should be careful with pointing fingers...
edit on 9-1-2016 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: ColCurious
a reply to: pavil

originally posted by: pavil

originally posted by: ColCurious
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

We can't afford to stop thinking.

Great caution must be exercised now, and populist rhetoric from the right, or trivialisation from the left are not helping. Germany needs it's pragmatism now.

I don't want to over-dramatise the situation, but there is a aggression potential right now that is seriously worrying.

Wow, you're going to just gloss over all this and go after the "right" for the abysmal failing of most of the German government over the whole immigrant wave? It's only going to get worse but you keep blaming the right for this fiasco. Germany will rue the day they just opened their borders to every vagrant around.

Everyone who knows a bit about this people, their mentality and their history is worried about this.

I just have to point out the hypocrisy here.
The supporters of these forego criminals never fail to jump down people's throats for comments regarding their cultural backwardness re. Criminality and misogyny.

Yet it's ok to say there may be something genetically wrong with Germans because of the war...

I think that shows a level of prejudice (possibly subconscious rather than purposeful) that perhaps begins to explain a few things.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Could you elaborate on your point? How am I hypocrite?
I'm not sure what you're saying (I'm just back from work...)

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 05:05 AM
It was the assertion that Germans may somehow be especially prone to extremist views because of WW2.

I find that ridiculous and, frankly, turning these threads on their heads to discuss the dangers of reacting to all the stuff being done by certain groups is a bit disingenuous, as it obscures the real issues, happening now.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Ah I see.

I wasn't even talking about WWII. The Germanic mentality I'm talking about is older than that. Ever heard the term "magdeburgen"? The soil this nation is build upon was saturated with blood long before WWII, but I understand German history seen from your angle is all about that.

I didn't mean to turn the thread or the topic on it's head though. I just wanted to add context to the stupidity of Jäger's statement, and why populist rhetoric from either side is not helping right now... because it only leads to madness, and THAT is obscuring the real issues.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: ColCurious

And you can't see the irony, really?

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: ColCurious
a reply to: SprocketUK

Ah I see.

I wasn't even talking about WWII. The Germanic mentality I'm talking about is older than that. Ever heard the term "magdeburgen"? The soil this nation is build upon was saturated with blood long before WWII, but I understand German history seen from your angle is all about that.

I didn't mean to turn the thread or the topic on it's head though. I just wanted to add context to the stupidity of Jäger's statement, and why populist rhetoric from either side is not helping right now... because it only leads to madness, and THAT is obscuring the real issues.

As a German, I'd like to add that I am now offended [nah, just kidding]. However may I remind you that all nations are build on blood? USA springs to mind instantly. [They were also the only guys in the world who have dropped two atomic bombs on innocent people]. Then Russia, with their Gulags and so on.
Don't make this out to be a 'German' thing.

You are basically saying that Germans should roll over and accept the islamic nation of germany, let our women be treated like they are in 'some' countries and if we don't we are NAZIS or EVIL or Xenophobic or racist or bigots or whatever else is the newest one-word up-shutter the left is using at the moment.

On a very basic level, what we are seeing when one nation stands its ground is just nature doing what it is doing. Every living being has a sense of boundaries. Especially when your own kind is in danger.

To let someone with an opposing way of life just walk all over you and harm your own is called insanity.
We might as well kill ourselves or wrap up in burkas already and get it over with and give Germany to the immigrants. Whilst that is completely against nature, the leftist would love it.

You know why the Germans are almost castrated in their actions? Because of people like you who hold the past against us. Other countries get away with genocide and mass murder [USA] and nobody ever holds it against them. Why? Because they were on the winners side of the war.

It's only Germans that have to shut up and take it all, as punishment. That's why we are now in a pickle.

Sometimes it is NECESSARY to use force to PROTECT what is dear to you. That doesn't make you anything but human. See how those trying to protect the women are called 'Vigilante' rather than 'Heroes'?

Humans fight, civil wars happen for a reason. Sometimes the good guys have to become violent to protect. If I was a young man in Germany right now, I'd be on the forefront of protecting our free way of life.

Governments are not always right and revolting people are not always wrong.

I remember walking home through the inner city at night, back in the 80s. The same place was a danger zone when we received our first immigrants from Africa. When you walked there they would sell drugs like a market and if you were a girl you had to avoid that area completely.
Now we have an influx of millions with the same mind set and women are in danger. I really hope our men find their fighting spirit and spines pretty quickly, despite people like you trying to suppress this at all costs and despite our history.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

originally posted by: Hecate666
You are basically saying that Germans should roll over and accept the islamic nation of germany, let our women be treated like they are in 'some' countries and if we don't we are NAZIS or EVIL or Xenophobic or racist or bigots or whatever else is the newest one-word up-shutter the left is using at the moment.

Absolutely not.

Personally I was for a strict line without compromise in the refugee-issue from the start.
(which includes to finally address the core reasons WHY the entire Mideast lies in ruins)
You have a point that even that is seen as "racist" by the far-left in Germany.

Doesn't change the fact that vigilance against the far-right is every true patriots obligation in Germany.

originally posted by: Hecate666
If I was a young man in Germany right now, I'd be on the forefront of protecting our free way of life.

And that is exactly what I'm trying to do.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: everyone

I am sorry, I could not see your location.
Are you in Germany right now?

Because otherwise I doubt that you could get an untainted view of Germanys media right now.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 07:29 AM
This makes my stomach sink. Muslim mothers,wives,sisters,are the only ones who can fix this. They need to stop being afraid of death and save their people. Put your gods on the shelf and worship life and happiness. Go back to your home and stand for humanity. I am a American liberal. This made my mind up about refuges here. Hell no,even if I have to vote Trump.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Hecate, most all the Nazi's from that horrible time are dead, just like all those who kidnapped Africans for slavery are dead. I think most of us have moved on. Of course the history for both our countries (and all the other country's who did equally horrendous things but who don't get the attention ours do) will always be there, but I can't take it personally anymore. I did for a long while.

As for the other, I truly think women are being sacrificed, and the PTB knew it would happen. They figure it had to be done to accomplish the goal they want of a one world utopia, and consider it an unpleasant yet temporary side effect. Women's rights have been put on the back burner to accommodate for this new world they are building.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: Sheesh
This is the same reaction you get everywhere in (Western) Europe, and I guess all over the planet. There is a strong feeling in the left-oriented wing that there is no such thing as drawbacks of mass-immigration. Combine that with a fear of being called a racist (a term that is now also abused for people that criticize Islam...) and presto, you have now created a group of people that can do nothing bad, no matter if witnessed, filmed, confessed.

How I agree with you, and as I have repeatedly stated this continuous

spouting of political correctness is insanity!!!!

I like to call it as it is .... a spade is a spade which ever way you look at it!

I simply DONT CARE if I am called a racist, my views are as important as

the next persons.

Lately it has been puzzling me .... How is it that only a white person can be

racist? I have known some black people ( you could insert eastern/Muslim )

who are every bit and more racist than any white person!

edit on 9-1-2016 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
This makes my stomach sink. Muslim mothers,wives,sisters,are the only ones who can fix this. They need to stop being afraid of death and save their people. Put your gods on the shelf and worship life and happiness. Go back to your home and stand for humanity. I am a American liberal. This made my mind up about refuges here. Hell no,even if I have to vote Trump.

You're right but then those women have been subjugated for so long they

are left with little or no self esteem. I cant imagine myself spending my life

caged in a burkka and my views being of little or no consequence simply

because I am female.

There was a saying a long time ago about *children should be seen and not

heard* I think that is now applied to the women ...but ... they are not even

allowed to be seen! They are simply devoid of any power ....

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: eletheia

I think people with that mindset would find it very difficult to get American women to "behave". At least, I hope I'm correct.

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 09:44 AM
guess the syrian refugees are unfamiliar with what Germany does when they dislke a race..

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: Quiturbitchin
guess the syrian refugees are unfamiliar with what Germany does when they dislke a race..

If you want to make comments like that, then perhaps you should go to the history forum. This is about current events.

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