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The life of ADAM documentary just in ADAM LANZA......some very interesting info....

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posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Simple, Because as in countless other proven Government/Corporate provocations - This was an elaborate scheme to create a "Grass roots" movement to lobby for the restriction and eventual ban of a specific class of item commonly known as "Freedom Keepers" or Firearms.

Why else would the police and authorities lie so blatantly about the details?

Why would there be a coordinated and synchronised effort to introduce firearms legislation at the exact same time otherwise?

Because the attack inspired the reaction they will say, and normally I would have agreed.

But we all saw the "long" Weapon being pulled out of the car boot, the one that supposedly done the killings, we all know about the bloke sneaking about in the woods, who was sat in the front of the police car, who said to parents he didn't do it, although he shouldn't have known what was going on.

Who could forget Robbie Parker's inspirational performance? The round about marathon of the "bystanders/parents/first respomders" for hours around the firehouse.

The destruction of the school, the lack of identifiable victims, in any of the images from the scene.

And we know full well our governments and NATO put millions if not billions into psychological warfare -that cash doesn't just disappear, these are the public face of those awful projects, of that I am certain.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

The problem I primarily have with this issue, is the fact that somebody has yet to produce a summary of the event which is not over 90mins long....

everything about this is hours long and it really isnt something im gonna see, lets face it..... you dont need 2 hours to say it was a 'false flag'..... 9/11 was encompassed on a 3 minute vid entitled '9/11: a conspiracy theory'! really no need for any complication when trying to summarize wtf went down! but i have yet to hear a summary of events without a hours long analysis by a paranoid youtuber on what (he thinks) happened!

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 09:21 PM
Just finished the documentary. This combined with the thread posted here back when the official forensics were released proves for certain one thing: if this is NOT some kind of corruption conspiracy the officials in Connecticut are not qualified to investigate the contents of my refrigerator let alone any kind of murder.

As a previous poster mentioned I am not sure what the information in the documentary regarding Nancy Lanza's geneaology has to do with anything. It wasn't very clear on that issue. If I was understanding correctly it seems as if Nancy's family history is hard to pin down, but after the fact that could definitely be them wanting to prevent outsiders from knowing they are related to Nancy and Adam. But if anyone else has insight into that issue I would love to hear it because I was quite confused by it.

This entire event has smelled to me from day one and I've read and watched literally everything I could get my hands on about it. The fact that even wanting to know the details of the event, or questioning any facet of the OS, or trying to even pin down what the OS actually entails leads to one being labelled a "paranoid conspiracy theorist" or nutter is telling. As if our media is somehow the bastion of truth and honor and questioning their narrative makes one "Paranoid".

The information about Peter Lanza is extremely interesting. Mostly the fact that there is so little of it. They wrote books and made documentaries about Nancy Lanza's parenting and she's dead. The father is still alive but is somehow almost completely shielded from any sort of questioning. Except off-camera by some kind of pharmaceutical company executive? What in the actual # ?

originally posted by: combatmaster
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

The problem I primarily have with this issue, is the fact that somebody has yet to produce a summary of the event which is not over 90mins long....

everything about this is hours long and it really isnt something im gonna see, lets face it..... you dont need 2 hours to say it was a 'false flag'..... 9/11 was encompassed on a 3 minute vid entitled '9/11: a conspiracy theory'! really no need for any complication when trying to summarize wtf went down! but i have yet to hear a summary of events without a hours long analysis by a paranoid youtuber on what (he thinks) happened!

Your primary problem with "this issue" is the fact that nobody has broken it down into a 90 second sound-byte for you? Here's the cliff notes:

1. There are many and varied "official" documents which report very differing stories about Adam's Life.
2. There are many and varied "official" explanations of what happened the day of the event.
3. State and City officials in Connecticut are not at all interested in providing basic documentation to agencies and individuals investigating the event.
4. Investigators have been harassed and threatened.

So to recap, you have no interest in viewing the evidence (which is what these "hours long videos" show) from "paranoid youtubers" but you'd like the evidence somehow condensed into a format which is more compatible with your short attention span and lack of interest? Duly noted. If I find something like that I'll be sure to pass it along.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 09:28 PM
Erased my post.

Decided to preserve my membership here instead.

edit on pTue, 29 Dec 2015 21:33:46 -06002015 046Tue, 29 Dec 2015 21:33:46 -0600pmAmerica/ChicagoTuesday by MALBOSIA because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

I don't know what the quality of this video is like, I only submit it in response to your request for a shorter overview of the anomalies of that fateful day.

Youtube link

I will point out that although I kind of understand what you are saying, it's nice to have a concisely constructed informational presentation, that can be viewed without dedicating multiple hours of time, I must point out that some of the best information available relevant to government conspiracy and ruthlessness is to be found in written articles, never forget that Google (Skynet!) owns YouTube and they are known to remove videos for the slightest infringement of their terms and conditions - many of the good film makers are rightfully wary of dedicating countless hours producing a documentary just to have it pulled from the most popular video hosting platform.

I know James Corbett of the Corbett has done one of the short 9/11 videos you referred to, I think he covered Sandy Hook but not sure if he made a short overview or not.

I would conclude by pointing out a couple things, first, we need to be very reactionary with these strange events, there is always an initial shockwave that the media and government creates and rides whenever they plan to use the event to (as Rahm Emanuel put it ) to do something you thought you otherwise couldn't have done - absent the catalyzing event they are manipulating (See what I did there -Little sly nod if you get it).

So if we don't take advantage of that initial media buzz, then we risk the questions being neglected by the masses because the next event comes along and snatches away their attention.

And secondly if we don't put together something fast, and come to an understanding within our communities on how to proceed, we will end up with the same situation as 9/11. - many splinter groups, all with different theories and mostly arguing amongst themselves while the world keeps turning.

I do believe 9/11 was the most important event of this nature, and a key to unlocking the plan of these people, but it happened long ago, the ramifications are already solidified, and now they are committing fresh atrocities to further their plans, we cannot keep getting stuck on one event and try to see the whole game as it is, set up for one ultimate goal -World governance and population reduction.

But we have been individually trying to fumble through this mess, I think it's time we pooled our resources.
edit on 29-12-2015 by Soapusmaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 11:28 PM
Oh, another thing this documentary alerted me to that I didn't know about before was the book by Sabrina Phillips on the subject called "Making a Killing". I just bought it on Amazon and am going to read it right away. I hope she goes into more detail about the genealogy thing in the book (she was the person giving the information on it in the doc). If she does and I can make sense of it I'll post it in this thread.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 12:16 AM
So, for someone who believes the official story of Sandy Hook, and really has a hard time believing this is some sort of government operation/false flag/any kind of conspiracy whatsoever.

Who did this?
Why did they do it?
How did it benefit them or their cause in any way?
Cui Bono? Cui Bono?

Not ridiculing this thread in any way, just hard to see how this could be anything other than what it appears to be.
edit on 30-12-2015 by hammanderr because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: hammanderr

So did you watch the doc?

It isn't the responsibility of the investigators turning up discrepancies in the official story to prove what actually happened. Which would also be impossible since so much information is being withheld. Or redacted. Or was bulldozed under with the rest of the crime scene.

Not having the answers to your questions in no way removes legitimacy from this line of inquiry.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: Malynn

Discrepancies are one thing...but honestly, I don't see any real EVIDENCE to support anything other than the OS....just a lot of conjecture concerning discrepancies....which in all actuality, happen more frequently than one might think.


posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: Agree2Disagree

Nobody has seen much evidence of anything. Which is why I would assume most of the investigators are investigating.

However there was a lot that was interesting in the official forensics information which you can conveniently find on this very site by searching. There is a big thread on it.
edit on 12/30/15 by Malynn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: Malynn

Oddly enough...the evidence has been examined by professionals...professionals that know more about what they are examining than you or let's leave it to them to do their jobs with integrity yeah? Or are you one of those backseat drivers that like to tell fisherman how to properly fish?


posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 04:29 AM
I also believe this kid was on the feds radar and they F ed up bad( as with the Boston Bombers) or he was groomed and programmed and aided by those who wanted an incident like to happen. These incidents share some disturbing similarities. The feds swoop in and sanitize the crime scenes and the media is either shut out or they just stay away.
Some will say its no conspiracy its just that they're trying to spin things a certain way for political reasons, others will say its just them being incompetent and covering their own tracks and giving rise to suspicions. I don't follow the "it never happened theory" but maybe some crisis actors got air time and maybe some of the victims were "helped " to express certain views. Its a war on for our minds, at least they're not waging it very well. Yet.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 05:32 AM
I watched it and honestly didn't think it was that good. It seemed like a rehash of all the SH stuff that is already out there and completely unorganized, at the least.

Guess my documentary standards have been raised after watching Making a Muderer on Netflix.

Has nothing to do with my views on SH, just didn't think it was that great.

edit on 30-12-2015 by lovebeck because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: Agree2Disagree

Evidence can speak for itself. And it has been examined by experts and not all of them agree with the OS. Furthermore your previous reply is a classic case of "Argument from authority" which leads to logical fallacy and is almost always used to try and shut down a conversation, being "Joe is an expert. Joe says NO! Therefore no. "

Argument from authority does not take into account that experts can be dishonest or biased. And what I "do" is irrelevant as I'm not under discussion. The discussion is the doc and its information.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: lovebeck

Oh I agree there. It's poorly organised and some things are difficult to understand. However it wasn't riddled with super loud annoying music which so many are. Also it brought to my attention things I didn't know which I appreciated.

However I'm a different kind of duck. Production value means very little to me. If its information I'm interested in Ill watch just about anything.
edit on 12/30/15 by Malynn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Malynn

So to recap, you have no interest in viewing the evidence (which is what these "hours long videos" show) from "paranoid youtubers" but you'd like the evidence somehow condensed into a format which is more compatible with your short attention span and lack of interest? Duly noted. If I find something like that I'll be sure to pass it along.

If there was lack of interest i wouldnt be posting here. I dont have a short attention span, quite the opposite actually. I simply am weary of what i devote my attention and time and energy to. Weary of others who despite having devoted much time to a subject, still cannot summarize it.

Your primary problem with "this issue" is the fact that nobody has broken it down into a 90 second sound-byte for you?

Correct. it is not the bible! It is a conspiracy 'theory' based on an event... why not be able to summarize it in a sentence or two? I really do not like when people make things more complicated than they are.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Malynn

There's a reason authorities on certain matters are called into court to testify....and to think that there is a conspiracy being hidden by the multiple forensic data analysts as well as multiple police agencies is just not logical to any sane mind...


posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: NoFearsEqualsFreeMan

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
I should not have to say this but I will, for all those crazies who can't resist the temptation to come in this thread and claim it was all fake you will be dealt with I am certain by any number of mods.

Thanks for sharing

And thanks for letting us know what to or not to believe, and for telling us who is crazy or not, who knew you where Doctor?
And thanks for letting us know what is true or not, so we dont have to think about it ourself and make up our own minds about it
And free speech? What civilized country needs that anyway..

Gonna watch the video now, and dont worry, seing you dont like others opinion, i will not comment anymore on this in your thread


You completely misunderstood his statement and I will repeat this AS A STAFF MEMBER :
Posts alluding to or intimating that nobody died or that the parents were "crisis actors" will be deleted and your account may be up for scrutiny if this is not new to you.
Yes, it is ATS policy.
He was not trying to be insulting, just repeating the general public opinion of such assertions.

Yes, I too have many, many questions about Sandy Hook and don't think for a minute we've been told the real story about what happened. I watched this video last night and it is extremely well done and has a good deal of new information that few if any of you have seen before. Definitely worth a watch.

Caveat: If you are not intimately familiar with who some of the people involved in SH and later attempts by group like Able Child to FOIA information from the state of Connecticut you will get confused. Don't sweat it, just bear with it and keep watching. You may want to stop and write down a thing or 2 to lookup later for a fuller understanding.

Above all the legal gymnastics pulled off by the State of Corrupticut to keep information out of the public sphere were at a level not seen since 9/11.
edit on 30-12-2015 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Agree2Disagree

So a group of people with technical jobs should always be considered correct, and we should take their word for it regardless of what the evidence shows? Also it should be considered impossible that any of them would lie? And anyone who doesn't hold that opinion is not "sane"? So you're an "authority" or "expert" in mental health then?

I would strongly suggest doing some research on cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

The thing is though this event is not some neat and tidy situation that CAN be summarised. There is the official story and there is the evidence that contradicts it. There is also evidence that contradicts itself! There is no one master conspiracy theory which can be gifted to you. Also since so much is being withheld or redacted its making it extraordinarily difficult. Experts have been studying killers and murderers for years. Yet for some reason facts and details about Adam Lanza is being withheld by the state. It is beyond bizarre.

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