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Why did Noah Curse his Son Ham's Son Canaan?

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posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 02:44 PM
First of all, if I understand correctly:

Ham is Noah's youngest son ( or grandson?)

Canaan is Ham's son.

Noah (in Genesis 9:20) cursed Canaan for Ham seeing his father (Noah) naked and telling his brothers Shem and Japhet who then walked in backward and covered his nakedness and told Noah what Ham did.

Why Curse Ham's son (Canaan) for Ham's wrongdoing?

And what was Ham's wrongdoing anyway?

Seeing his father naked and telling his brothers instead of just covering him up and forgetting about it?

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet

Lol, he was a mean old Noah. When I read about that I always though it was a mean thing to do. They were all only trying to preserve his honour. It was Noah's fault for getting drunk anyhow.

I think it is to do with the sins of the father's being visited on their children possibly. Perhaps the tale is highlighting that aspect of Torah?

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet

To understand the aspect understand the society he had fled in the ark, the society which was destroyed utterly in the flood.

Homosexuality and same sex marriage was practiced normally, open sexual relationship's, violence and crime, rape, even bestiality and of course they were guided by spirits rather than by god.

In those day's it shall be as it was in the day's of Noah before the flood.

Why he cursed the boy, well only he knows but one version has it that he uncovered his father's nakedness rather than found him naked, the old man had gotten rotten drunk so the curse was with a hangover, now how many of you have cursed with a hangover though it has to be said that that curse has probably served to cause more sorrow over the ages and anyway anyone that came back via Christ has that ancient generational curse removed from them and there children so it is kind of a moot point from the pre salvation past that is no longer relevant except in the structure of the past.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet

I remember having similar sentiments about the story of Isaac and Saul. I vaguely remember Saul getting screwed over/outcasted for something trivial. Always felt for the guy..

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:05 PM
According to the bible Noah was drunk

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:08 PM
So people guided by God, such as Noah guided by God, tend to curse the sons of the person doing the wrong doing?

As for homosexuality i don't see any evidence of less, in fact I see more of it within the Catholic church scandals that scandals any where else.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Plantagenet
To understand the aspect understand the society he had fled in the ark, the society which was destroyed utterly in the flood.

Homosexuality and same sex marriage was practiced normally, open sexual relationship's, violence and crime, rape, even bestiality and of course they were guided by spirits rather than by god.

SOOOO... Just like human society has always been? Gotcha.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet

True, I think it's power was down to the fact that then after the flood at least on earth there were then very few being made in the image of God so all that power was suddenly manifest in them, the curse was probably a bad tempered telling off but it got all that power behind it and of course that is were it went wrong, very wrong.

As for homosexuality, Christ's grace save's even they and far far worse (in fact I don't see them as bad anyway with most of them being actually far nicer people than the run of the mill tom, dick or harry except when they are bad they are extremely wicked and bad but that is just a personal observation) and they are not condemned but by themselves if they refuse to accept his grace but if they have then they are saved and non can then pass judgement upon them except there saviour and not me or you or anyone else.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet

There is no specific answer as not enough information is available on the subject. These are the most popular speculations:

Noah refused to curse his son since God had already blessed Ham in Genesis 9:1.

Noah could see that Canaan also possessed the carnal and materialistic nature of Ham, and he realized it would only get worse in the coming generations. Perhaps this is why the phrase “Ham the father of Canaan” was used in Genesis 9:22, since Canaan was very much his father’s son.

Canaan was not only the father of the Canaanites, but also of the Amorites, Jebusites, Sidonians and the Phoenicians. All of these peoples would at some period in the future wage war against the descendants of Shem and (to a lesser extent) Japheth, and would also become grossly idolatrous. Noah may have been prophetically denouncing this departure from faith in the true and living God.

The Other possible reasons:

While Noah and his sons were 100% human, we are not told the same about the wives of his 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. What is clear is that one or more of these women were carrying the Nephilim gene. This is the source of the post-flood Nephilim.

From the first time Ham is introduced, he is described as “the father of Canaan.” Notice none of his brothers get any similar distinction. It is possible that Canaan carried the Nephilim gene. If Ham were wicked and not a follower of God, the odds of him taking a wife who was a part of the Nephilim hybrid pagan culture was much higher.

edit on 23-12-2015 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:22 PM
Actually this is likely a prophetic allegory

It’s not literally true

No Prophet of God is going to walk around naked drunk and then curse his own son for waking him up

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: infolurker

What is clear is that one or more of these women were carrying the Nephilim gene. This is the source of the post-flood Nephilim.

From the first time Ham is introduced, he is described as “the father of Canaan.” Notice none of his brothers get any similar distinction. It is possible that Canaan carried the Nephilim gene. If Ham were wicked and not a follower of God, the odds of him taking a wife who was a part of the Nephilim hybrid pagan culture was much higher.

I think the carrying of the Nephilim genes is very likely the "curse". I never looked at it like that before. Well done.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:27 PM
Hmm so Noah curses the son of his son to spare his own son the Curse, guided by a Biblical God.

got it

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Ham’s son Mizaraim also contributed to the Nephilim lineage. In verse 14 we have the first mention of the Phillistines (whose forefather was Phillistim), the nation of the giant Goliath. Calshuhim was the father of Phillistim and his family later resided in Capthor in the Promised Land. So we see the direct origins of the Philistines, one of the most heated enemies of the Israelites, who also carried the Nephilim gene.
In fact, as will be shown, the Philistine nation was the final “hideout” for the remnant of the Nephilim giants. And they can be traced back to Casluhim, the son of Mizraim and grandson of the evil Ham.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:33 PM
There's a single Nephilim 'gene'?!

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:40 PM
I always thought Japhet was the youngest son of Noah and the most talented.

Ham was the eldest wasn't he?

Ham, lol. What an ironic name for a Chosen Person.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:49 PM
So Mr pure human Noah starts a standard 2nd Generation Curse and the mess begins all over again.

And i thought 3rd and 4th Generation Curses were sorcery / black majik and so on.

This just proves that sock puppet number 1 Yahweh has some fun with sock puppet number 2 Lucifer at the expense of mankind.

And Christians still pray to the Sun god every Sunday. Lol

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Rapha

Gnosticism, not only is it a trap, it's also a dead end just like all other religions...

Why do people even fall for it?

The Early Church father, Irenaeus, who wrote a five volume book on the subject called “Against Heresies”, believed that all heresies were rooted in Gnosticism, and thus any heretic was deemed a Gnostic. Most Gnostics hold to the belief in two deities, one who is perfectly good and the other who is perfectly evil. They taught that the evil god was the creator of the world and all matter, and was also the god of the Jews. In fact, they viewed the serpent in Eden as a good character who tried to help Adam and Eve find knowledge and escape the created world. These christian gnostics believed in Jesus (Yeshua), but taught that He was the son of the good deity, and he was sent to oppose the evil Creator God of the Old Testament.

originally posted by: adjensen
In a very real way, Gnostic Christianity was the Scientology of the Second Century.

Satanic practices throughout the world can be traced in an unbroken line directly back to Gnosticism...

Curse of Canaan

originally posted by: stupid girl
Most of the Apostlic letters that make up the last half of the New Testament were written with the intent to refute the increasing heresies of Gnosticism. So in essence, Gnostic beliefs are based on the opposite of what Jesus instructed those who follow Him to do. Gnostic beliefs go against the Truths revealed to us by Christ Himself through His Apostles.

Simon Magus was the founder of the Gnostic church and was the direct competitor with Christianity for the hearts and minds of the Greco Roman world. He was so powerful in fact, that he is known by many different names in the Bible.

The circles that Magus worked in were the Illuminati of his time. Magus could, levitate items on command, speak with spirits, summon demons and place them into statues making the statues walk and talk, fly, and even raise the dead.

His religion, the Gnostic religion, was the sect that preceded Christianity in the Diaspora. The current Illuminati religion (freemasonry) is based on Gnosticism and the ancient Babylonian mysticism (Satanism?) that he incorporated into his version of Judaism that he was selling (quite literally) to the masses of the Greco-Roman world.

Simon Magus -- The lluminati's Jesus?

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978
I always thought Japhet was the youngest son of Noah and the most talented.

Ham was the eldest wasn't he?

Ham, lol. What an ironic name for a Chosen Person.

Ham was not chosen. He was the Patriarch of Canaan. Ham does not have the same word origin as the meat word "ham". The meat "ham" comes from the German language "Old English ham, hom (originally denoting the back of the knee), from a Germanic base meaning ‘be crooked’. In the late 15th century the term came to denote the back of the thigh, hence the thigh or hock of an animal."

The Biblical word Ham has a great deal of definitions. See;

It means burnt, black, a poetic term for Egypt, hot, sun burnt, etc.

Ham was the 2nd son apparently. He was not cursed, but Canaan was. Some historians theorise that it was a text to deliberately place Canaan as servants of Shem and Japheth. Shem is the ancestor of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). The Hebrew story tellers and oral tradition poets and singers would have carried the memory of it being divinely ordained that Canaan and descendants should be servile to Israel; a very handy excuse when one wishes to conquer a land like we are told Joshua did.

Before Abraham there was no Hebrew people. Abraham came out of Iraq and these stories also are from ancient Ur (old Sumer, later to be called Babylon). The Hebrew tradition originates from Sumerian civilization. The Flood stories from this region (I believe there are four all together) all have a very similar pattern. This could mean they all go back to the same original source. Some historians believe it may relate to the Black Sea flooding (of which there is substantial archaeological evidence). Turkey occupies the south region of the Black Sea and we know that Ararat is in Turkey, too. Could be some kind of link there.

edit on 23-12-2015 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: Murgatroid
Why do people even fall for it?

So why did the old church order burn down the Library of Alexandra and then hold the Word of God in the Vatican for so many centuries if the Gnostics were the villains ?

Surely the good church would have told to truth to all peasants ?

Oh unless, evil Yahweh and Lucifer enjoy playing their religious Divide and Conquer games with mankind 24/7

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: Rapha

originally posted by: Murgatroid
Why do people even fall for it?

So why did the old church order burn down the Library of Alexandra and then hold the Word of God in the Vatican for so many centuries if the Gnostics were the villains ?

Surely the good church would have told to truth to all peasants ?

Oh unless, evil Yahweh and Lucifer enjoy playing their religious Divide and Conquer games with mankind 24/7

The Library of Alexandria was burned in the BC era / Roman era in the time of Julius Caesar.

Now, it was rebuilt a couple of times but it officially died altogether in 642 AD

Early in the year A. D. 642, Alexandria surrendered to Amrou, the Islamic general leading the armies of Omar, Caliph of Baghdad. Long one of the most important cities of the ancient world and capital of Byzantine Egypt, Alexandria surrendered only after a long siege and attempts to rescue the city by the Byzantines. On the orders of Omar, Caliph of Baghdad, the entire collection of books (except for the works of Aristotle) stored at the Library of Alexandria were removed and used as fuel to heat water for the city's public baths.
edit on 23-12-2015 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

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