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Am I being paranoid about this creepy circling helicopter?

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posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:26 AM
For the last few days, I've had this really annoying helicopter flying in low tight circles over my house. It's doing it right now, for the last fifteen minutes.

I can't see what type of helicopter it is, all I can see is its two flashing red lights. Every bloody evening at around 8pm. It's so loud I can't hear my music even with my headphones in and the volume up.

I don't live near any major highway or road network, so I doubt it's doing traffic reports.

Maybe I'm being really paranoid, but it's coincided with my recent decision to start talking openly about the illegal arms trade. Humour me here, are helicopters ever used for non-visual surveillance? In Australia, in Queensland where the police don't even have their own helicopter. I'm not usually a paranoid person, it's just the way this noisy damn thing keeps circling right above me, around the time I usually go outside to walk my dog. There is a small maybe chance I might possibly have had ties to some maybe suspicious things in the past, and I'm not talking about smoking pot or stealing somebody's wallet, mostly just that I know some things which a lot of people don't concerning the arms trade and government involvement in illegal traffic, not that I have ever been an arms dealer, nothing like that, just happen to know some people is all. Would that be enough to warrant surveillance, if they somehow knew about that? I would have thought not, but then I'm a foreign citizen so who knows.

Oh ffs it went way and now it's back this is driving me up the wall. Every damn night. Up until a few days ago helicopters occasionally went by, but not often, like once every couple of months, and always just going straight by, never flying so low or sticking around for so long.

Should I build a surface to air missile? It really is noisy.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:05 AM
Yes. Paranoid.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:16 AM

originally posted by: DeepThoughtCriminal
Maybe I'm being really paranoid, but it's coincided with my recent decision to start talking openly about the illegal arms trade.

Yes, that would be complete paranoia. Unless you have some terrorist plot, or have been actively, and visually preparing for some sort of violent outbreak, there's no reason to track you down. No offense, but your discussions on the illegal arms trade are probably not that important.

Helicopters are used for a variety of things, least of which is spying on citizens. It could simply be out there to evaluate future zoning for projects that include new buildings, electrical towers, or whatever else.

Unless you're neck deep in illegal arms trade itself (and not just voicing your opinion on it), then you are far, FAR from anyone's radar.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: DeepThoughtCriminal

In the UK, the going rate for sending a police heli up is over £900 an hour. The costs means they have to have a good reason for sending one up. Random associations, ifs and maybes wouldn't be enough to launch one over here.

It might be different in Oz. Hard to see what would be gained by hanging out over your gaff. Not being a tool here, just questioning what they could learn at great expense that they couldn't learn by driving past. Likewise, if you were being gas-lighted, it'd be just as easy to do by parking outside your property.

I've had a similar thing happen a few times in the last three years. I put it down to thieves on foot or a stolen vehicle being searched for. Coincidence in other words.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: DeepThoughtCriminal

First of all, the last thing you want to be doing, if concerned about your liberty and the presence of this chopper, is issue forth about the possibility of putting a SAM site on your roof. Think about it for a second? Its a bad plan.

Now, onto the matter at hand. Are you seriously telling me that Queensland, which is a HUGE area, has no police chopper support? If you are, then it must surely be the case that they have access to a private chopper, or a support chopper from a neighbouring region? The idea of any area of Australia, which is famed for its massive expanses of land, huge space between dwellings, and masses and masses of rugged terrain, lacking chopper support for its law enforcement agencies is laughable.

Assuming the Occam's razor approach, which would be to think about horses, rather than zebras upon hearing hoof beats, you have to think about what might be happening in your locality. Are there any serious crimes being investigated locally, would you know if there were, are there any escaped convicts floating around, or even biker gangs roaming the territory at the moment.

Think about probability first, and improbability last. Only when you have expended the probable, does the improbable become a viable explanation.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:32 AM

You see, the thing is that they,them know you are on ATS
and sharing your ideas which to these reptoids is a serious bloody no no.

If you are not with us, you are against us....wait...

If you are not with are a terrorist.

Now stop being paranoid like me.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:53 AM
They could be using an IR camera to search for contraband. As the temperature drops in the afternoon, metal objects retain some of the heat of the day and show up like a neon sign. Note an IR camera can see through walls or a roof.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: DeepThoughtCriminal
For the last few days, I've had this really annoying helicopter flying in low tight circles over my house. It's doing it right now, for the last fifteen minutes.

I can't see what type of helicopter it is, all I can see is its two flashing red lights. Every bloody evening at around 8pm. It's so loud I can't hear my music even with my headphones in and the volume up.

I don't live near any major highway or road network, so I doubt it's doing traffic reports.

Maybe I'm being really paranoid, but it's coincided with my recent decision to start talking openly about the illegal arms trade. Humour me here, are helicopters ever used for non-visual surveillance?

HAHAHAHAHAHA... I'm sorry, I got to right there^ and just started dying laughing.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Now, onto the matter at hand. Are you seriously telling me that Queensland, which is a HUGE area, has no police chopper support?

I looked it up, turns out they did actually get one last year. They have one. I meant in Brisbane though, there is another helicopter at the Gold Coast. Every now and then military helicopters will be seen flying around, but they're not cops, they're just Air Force dudes doing Air Force things. As for surface to air missile, I was joking. I'm not actually going to get one. Is it tempting though. If you ignore the whole killing innocent people thing, shooting down aircraft is probably lots of fun.

You guys are totally right, I am being paranoid. A while back I got a Sunday afternoon visit from some govvie chaps, so if they wanted me again they'd just show up at my house.

It is a bit weird that the helicopter keeps circling around though, my area is not known for its crime level, it's a boring middle class suburb with neat lawns and big houses. The worst crime that's happened around here is when someone ran a red light the other day. If they were doing some sort of mapping thing, surely they wouldn't need several nights to do it, and to do it at night at all.

Paranoia over, I want it to piss off, it's really annoying. Maybe I should paint a big sign for it on my roof, does glow in the dark paint exist?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: DeepThoughtCriminal
Paranoia over, I want it to piss off, it's really annoying. Maybe I should paint a big sign for it on my roof, does glow in the dark paint exist?


I suggest painting concentric and alternatingly smaller red and white circles on your roof.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:14 AM
What did the guys from the Government ask you about?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: DeepThoughtCriminal
Paranoia over, I want it to piss off, it's really annoying. Maybe I should paint a big sign for it on my roof, does glow in the dark paint exist?


I suggest painting concentric and alternatingly smaller red and white circles on your roof.

Or something like this on his roof, but looking more like a gun turret or missile launcher...

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: DeepThoughtCriminal

Sounds interesting...

a few questions..

1- do you live near any military bases?
2- was there any reports on news in your area about why this helicopter would be around, car chase? missing person etc
3- do you ever hear any other noises in the area?


posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:36 AM
The helicopter could be studying gecko farts.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:51 AM
It's normal.
You're supposed to be intimidated, not paranoid.
Get your act live in a western world so let yourself be controled.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Some days ya just have to, right?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: DeepThoughtCriminal

Agree with others.... Paranoid. Real question is why are you? Most times, things like this are just nothing.....

Why are you worried? Guilty of something? We are a conspiracy site... but don't get to thinking everything must be one.

Wait a week... They say over 1,000,000 drones were sold as Christmas gifts... So.... Honestly? When we start seeing them everywhere... it won't imply an invasion of the new world order!!!!

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: DeepThoughtCriminal


It sounds annoying. Maybe they're looking for an escaped criminal! lol dun dun dun!

I wouldn't worry though. Whatever they're after. it's obvious that it isn't you.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:18 PM
Police did that around our village in France. They were looking for drivers/passengers who had ran away from their vehicles after a crash (that way, they can stay low until the alcohol clears from their systems, and then claim the vehicle back).

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:51 PM
With it being there so consistently and close enough to drown out your music you must have some good pics right?

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