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Some thoughts on the Alien Abduction Phenomena.

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posted on Dec, 17 2015 @ 02:42 PM
I watched a UFO documentary the other day, not a bad one as these things go which i'll post below, this was with a view to suggesting an overall paradigm for any genuine UFO phenomena relating to the extra-terrestrial and with particular regards to the alien abduction phenomena.

Of course i can only frame an overall paradigm in terms and ideas that make sense to myself, others may find it difficult to relate to these or disagree entirely.

The phenomena needs to be looked at in terms of two distinct factors, the trigger event generally aerial and light phenomena, and the derivative internal experience, so i shall consider the trigger phenomena firstly.

From my own perspective when considering aerial and light phenomena i will first simply consider which Deity would be associated with such, what archetypes are involved, utilizing the Sumerian Pantheon due to it's sophistication and reliability the immediate answer to who would be running such a light show is Ninurta, that spiritual side of the Pantheon concerned with regulation and management, order and systems of control, which isn't to say a manifestation of that Deity as such, just the relevant associations.

The phenomena of Celestial enforcement through aerial power was represented by the cult of the Anzu bird in Sumeria, which Ninurta mastered, so if we look at representations of the Anzu bird in terms of lapis beads, it's that aerial power we see represented.

Of course this is a very Masculine archetype, the cult of Hero Ninurta, we can also consider from the religious perspective that when the Hebrews conjectured their notion of the Son of Man and the coming in great Heavenly power and glory in apocalyptic works such as the Book of Daniel and Revelations those archetypes were certainly 'borrowed' from the cult of Ninurta.

I think it can be easily enough established then that the aerial phenomena will relate to the cult of Ninurta, given that he is also the Deity of the military you could pretty much throw all airborne weapons systems into that mix, he had his own in terms of the Šar-ur;

In his heart he beamed at his lion-headed weapon, as it flew up like a bird, trampling the mountains for him. It raised itself on its wings to take away prisoner the disobedient, it spun around the horizon of heaven to find out what was happening. Someone from afar came to meet it, brought news for the tireless one, the one who never rests, whose wings bear the deluge, the Šar-ur. What did it gather there …… for Lord Ninurta?

So in the broadest terms i will simply ascribe all the aerial phenomena to Ninurta, whether spiritual, metaphysical or technological, as it's more the internal response to such a trigger i want to consider here, for more on Ninurta see;

The Sumerian Flying Wing

The Cosmic Super-weapon

Ninurta and the Apocalypse

As far as the internal response goes then it is the case that the Masculine Heavenly powers signal and Mother Earth responds at the deepest subconscious level within her creatures, she responds through the projection of related archetypes from both the distant past and present, makes it clear that her own fate is bound up in these events, sometimes even through full screen and surround sound projection.

The narrative she presents is that of medical procedure through extra-terrestrial visitation, the enhancement of humanity the creation of the Heavenly-Earthly hybrid, seeds sown toward empowerment that if not properly understood and regulated do indeed threaten the entire planet itself, not surprisingly she would rather avoid this, the crux of the message is toward understanding, the basis for the archetypes in our distant past.

Ancient Aliens the best evidence

The Place of Origin

What interested me the most here though was the degree of fear and trauma to be naturally associated with the deepest levels from which she communicates with individuals, more commonly associated with related sleep paralysis and indeed death, this is related to the cult of the earth Goddess and head-hunting i looked at in Great Dragon Mother, in her aspect of reclaiming life.

There was always understood to be a balance between life and death, that in some sense it was understood the Earth Goddess head hunted and eventually always claimed her prize, that if you offered her a generous supply of your enemies heads then life within your own community would be generated, the aerial trigger then seems to bring out this aspect of the Earth Goddess in terms of final warning, so you have the principle of cosmic enforcement from above triggering this response at ground level, a fascinating scenario in my opinion.

Of course there are other aspects of control which generally prevent a Goddess of death and head hunting from claiming everyone's head, but if those are lifted to any extent that's exactly what she'll do, abduct on the permanent basis, and if the planets at stake rightly so

posted on Dec, 17 2015 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
The narrative she presents is that of medical procedure through extra-terrestrial visitation, the enhancement of humanity the creation of the Heavenly-Earthly hybrid, seeds sown toward empowerment that if not properly understood and regulated do indeed threaten the entire planet itself, not surprisingly she would rather avoid this, the crux of the message is toward understanding, the basis for the archetypes in our distant past.

Ancient Aliens the best evidence

The Place of Origin

What interested me the most here though was the degree of fear and trauma to be naturally associated with the deepest levels from which she communicates with individuals, more commonly associated with related sleep paralysis and indeed death, this is related to the cult of the earth Goddess and head-hunting i looked at in Great Dragon Mother, in her aspect of reclaiming life.

There was always understood to be a balance between life and death, that in some sense it was understood the Earth Goddess head hunted and eventually always claimed her prize, that if you offered her a generous supply of your enemies heads then life within your own community would be generated, the aerial trigger then seems to bring out this aspect of the Earth Goddess in terms of final warning, so you have the principle of cosmic enforcement from above triggering this response at ground level, a fascinating scenario in my opinion.

Of course there are other aspects of control which generally prevent a Goddess of death and head hunting from claiming everyone's head, but if those are lifted to any extent that's exactly what she'll do, abduct on the permanent basis, and if the planets at stake rightly so

Ok I need some clarification here. When you talk about the planet being at stake...
Are you saying that hybrids are a threat to the planet or that the "procedures" are meant to create a hybrid to protect the planet?

Sort of like an automated security system either purging invaders or hybridizing the sentient inhabitants with DNA from the invaders?

Just curious of the purpose from your point of view.

posted on Dec, 17 2015 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: abeverage

To clarify, enhancements to humanity in the past were to facilitate our development as an advanced species capable of taking our place in the greater order of things, to achieve parity, this was an entirely benevolent undertaking and toward our greater good.

Problems arose when the greater context of what was expected in terms of the responsibilities that come with power were lost, it is the case that reactionary resentment to perceived privilege arose in Israel, were the original undertaking became seen as the fallen angels and such forth, that this is a local planet for local people...

It is the case then that nobody wants to look at any benevolent advancement of our species in the past as that would be directly contrary to the dominant religions and dogma, the prevailing worldview, any consideration is only in terms of misinformation and ridicule, yet they all reap the benefits of advancement outside of the correct conceptual framework.

The present situation then is that we are pretty much were we need to be in terms of technology but that is in the hands of the reactionaries opposed to the original mission undertaking and that use it only towards their own exploitative ends, a curious state of affairs and one that needs reversing.

It's a case then of planet Earth taking her place in the greater scheme of things, it's in her interest to be rid of all the idiots that are actively destroying her, that ensure this is a planet in quarantine, the current situation was factored in though and it's simply a case of underworld exchange and transition.

edit on Kpm1231350vAmerica/ChicagoThursday1731 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2015 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

Target expolitation has proved to be a bit bit challenging.

posted on Dec, 17 2015 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Not really, it has been allowed to run rampant as it hastens progress, incentive through personal gain and greed, every religious, political, financial institution on this planet can be ended in a single day and it becomes increasingly necessary and inevitable to do so by the day

posted on Dec, 17 2015 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

The everyman has no direction to gain advantage so what would be the target?

posted on Dec, 17 2015 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
There was always understood to be a balance between life and death, that in some sense it was understood the Earth Goddess head hunted and eventually always claimed her prize, that if you offered her a generous supply of your enemies heads then life within your own community would be generated, the aerial trigger then seems to bring out this aspect of the Earth Goddess in terms of final warning, so you have the principle of cosmic enforcement from above triggering this response at ground level, a fascinating scenario in my opinion.

Of course there are other aspects of control which generally prevent a Goddess of death and head hunting from claiming everyone's head, but if those are lifted to any extent that's exactly what she'll do, abduct on the permanent basis, and if the planets at stake rightly so

Why does that remind me of Kali? ? Also this Goddess of Earth sounds somewhat, not exactly similar to the "Valley Spirit" in taoism, except for theTrophy Hunter.And a lion headed weapon?
edit on 17-12-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: Specimen

The archetype can of course be found in pretty much all cultures, the Sumerian equivalent is Eres-Kigal who is not entirely unreasonable, Nin-shubur established the principle on behalf of Inanna of exchanging the living for the dead, Inanna was known to threaten to raise the dead at the expense of the living, which is quite similar in principle to the head hunting Scythian Goddess.

a reply to: cavtrooper7

That question is a little vague, anyone can adapt to a situation to their best advantage provided they understand it.

edit on Kam1231351vAmerica/ChicagoFriday1831 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt Its intriguing, but as an observer of genuine ufos which can have no other explanation than the unknown, I think that alien abductions are real, the Universe is more mysterious than we can even imagine.

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

Sumerian Necromancy, sounds great. With a booty like that, I don't doubt that Ianna could raise many spirits. I'm not to keen with Sumerian mythology especially with jumbled up history with being used Hebrew mythology.

Other then the character Anzu, due to me trying to attempt look at it as a Cherubim from Hebrew lor, due to Anzu ether having the head of an Eagle, or a lion.

As fierce as a lion, mad as an ox, and as high as a eagle. As for the human part, no idea.

And I thought this 1995 demon pic was a good example. Yea right...
edit on 18-12-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Specimen

The Anzu mythology is interesting with regards to the political situation of our times, enforcement of will through aerial power, the Anzu decided it could do pretty much what it wanted and take the very tablets of Destiny for itself, Ninurta prevented this then he too got carried away, aerial power and weapons of mass destruction curious things for the Sumerians to have considered, but they were certainly right.

With Inanna and Dumuzid that's of course the basis for the resurrection tradition, it involves doing deals with the Goddess of the Underworld and no cheating, pretty much the core basis of Black Magic.

a reply to: MDT20

I would never deny the reality of peoples experiences, i give what they say great consideration or at least the seemingly genuine and sincere, i think the overall paradigm can be understood, that we can and should get the message.

edit on Kpm1231351vAmerica/ChicagoFriday1831 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 10:34 PM
Okay, I'm feeling a bit stupid here, especially considering my interest in various theologies, but... what are you talking about?

The phenomena needs to be looked at in terms of two distinct factors, the trigger event generally aerial and light phenomena, and the derivative internal experience, so i shall consider the trigger phenomena firstly.

I take this to mean the experience beginning with seeing as UFO and the subsequent emotional response?

I don't see what this has to do with the Cult of Ninurta. That's just one religion of many. Here, here is a list of deities associated with war and military:

List of war deities

I think the alien abduction phenomena has more to do with psychology than Sumerian religion. I get sleep paralysis fairly often, like at least a couple of times a month, and because I get it so often I now able to just snap out of it quite easily, but that wasn't always the case. When I was about 18 or 19, I got sleep paralysis, and "saw" a 5 ft tall grey alien standing over me, looking down, and I was overcome with terror. If I hadn't known about sleep paralysis, I totally would have thought that was real. Lots of people who claim to have been visited or abducted by aliens mention being paralysed in their beds. Once, it was associated with demons, but in modern times demons have mostly been replaced by aliens.

You've got an interesting theory there, but it seems to require belief in ancient deities and ancient aliens etc. Why the Cult of Ninurta in particular?

English isn't my first language, are you able to maybe simplify your words a bit? Sorry, bear with me, I am interested, but also a bit confused. Are you saying that the phenomenon of alien visitation has been around since ancient times and that our reaction to it is based upon our current cultural norms?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: DeepThoughtCriminal

Yes like i said i generally consider paradigms in terms of the Sumerian Pantheon because not only is it the oldest recorded but also extensively preserved and in my opinion the most sophisticated, it avoids a great deal of comparative mythology and confusion.

So the archetype i have considered here could be considered the tradition of Dur-An-Ki of Nippur, of the cult of Enlil and Ninurta, of fate and destiny, the bond between the Heavens and the Earth, the one calls the other responds.

The reason that Ninurta should be the definitive archetype as far as signs in the Heavens go is that indirectly, through Hebrew adaptation, he forms the basis of all Apocalyptic expectation, as the work Ninurta and the Son of Man makes clear.

Ninurta as a God of war is only one aspect of his cult, in essence he farms and manages, regulates and controls, war is only the protection and furthering of one's interests, he also heals through the eradication of malaise, so the greater concern is with the determination of destiny and manifestation of the will, these are non-existential spiritual associations, related to the Doctrine of the Triumph of the Will.

Psychology doesn't really have much to do with anything, it's just for people who feel a false sense of security through sticking labels on things, you identify though the general concern with sleep paralysis which is absence of control and the futility of the will in such a situation, there are those who think they can exert will in such situations but they're just dreaming, it isn't their own will, it's the broadcast of Ninurta.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:08 AM
Hey Kantz. Merry Christmas.
I find this filter for UFO experiences quite fascinating, though I would expect it from you, considering your historical perspective, given what you write about here.

However, I need some time to process the whole phenomena through your particular Sumerian culture filter……bc when one has experienced this phenomena, I think it quite difficult to assess it and have it make some kinda real sense in your day to day life, through Ninurta, for example. That's just kinda mind blowing.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: tetra50

It's true Ninurta is mind blowing, those who try to emulate him though boorish and tiresome, it's the Doctrine of absolute control, carrying out the instructions on the Tablets of Destiny.

At a certain point the question of Free Will arises, that was provided for in terms of the cult of Inanna and her general willfulness, and the indulgence of her, it is Inanna of course that thinks she can simply venture into the Underworld and return through the power of her will, but that doesn't end well and negotiation is required to extrapolate her, but of course it is the case that our own individuality should never accept death, should state well i'm just not putting up with that, as would Inanna.

Works such as the Exaltation of Inanna considered that she through the good grace of Anu, be proclaimed the Queen of the Heavens and given absolute authority upon Earth, which is to say the triumph of the free will with Inanna as it's champion.

Of course her cult was suppressed and long forgotten...

Lady, you be the brightest of them, so may they call you Ištar of the Stars!

May your high position (relative to them) alternate between the two sides(east and west) triumphantly!

May your splendor be as abundant as that of the moon and sun in (their) watches.

May the flaring glow of your torch shine high in the sky!

May the people marvel at you as one for whom among the gods there is none to check up on her.

edit on Kam1231352vAmerica/ChicagoSaturday1931 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

edit on Kam1231352vAmerica/ChicagoSaturday1931 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt
Kantz: what I meant is not that any particular Sumarian diety is mind blowing, but that putting our present day, modern time experiences through the "filter" of Sumarian deities, for explanations, rather, is what is mind blowing…and I'll have to think about that some more, before I reply to that "default stance," because I sense a lot missing between that particular "here" and "there" for me…..
Nevertheless, I find it a riveting and interesting concept….

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Ah right, well like i said that's the only way i tend to relate, maybe it's a case of what goes around comes around, a lot of this is sort of well covered in something i listened to the other day, which is a good listen for anyone with the time.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 10:33 PM
This is my first post on ATS & sadly it was this thread that made me comment. I am not here today criticize your beliefs or to try & make you think my way, this is strictly my opinion.

I like your free thought process Kantzveldt, somewhat refreshing tbh, very attractive & completely left field but still somewhat one dimensional. Let me start by mentioning one thing... In Dr. David Jacobs studies in all the years he has been studying the Alien Abduction phenomenon, has mentioned that there is one thing that stands out above all else & that's, he noticed a pattern with the information that he accumulated & that was that the abductees were basically lead to a certain end... I.e. They were used to help facilitate "Hubrids" into earths communities. (Take it with a pinch of salt... I know I did! But don't throw away the fact that these events are happening)

The reason I bring this up is because I think it has more to do with abductees than what it is you were trying to bring up in your OP & later posts... The more I read your posts, the more I feel this is closer to religion than it is "abductions". It reads more like religious propaganda. With you posting links to even more of your religious insight & connection to deities.

I am no expert on anything on ATS, I'm here simply looking for answers like so many others, for the events that happened in my life but to me this is misdirection. I am a person that loves free thought, but the phrase cannot be put into the same sentence as religion & what's worse, it's an ancient religion/cult. For me through my readings on the different types of religion, there's only one that truly advocates self & furthering of ones self & that's satanism (not the "kill a baby & drink it's blood" type that everyone misinterprets to be satanism but true satanism). Most, if not all other religions are build on the foundation of spreading fear & control through fear. To compare light phenomenon with a deity, in my opinion is taking 2 steps back & not moving forward in regards to free thought & investigatory thinking. You are simply falling into the inherent comfort zone that we were all brought up in, which is religion. The key is to look past the smoke & mirrors... Which most can't because of the way our society has been structured... Which in so many ways is also built on fear as a means to control.

Let me try & end by saying this... From what I understand & have come to believe, is that, we as humans have been here for many hundreds of thousands of years, the flood we read in the bible actually did happen, as well as many other "extinction level events" but for some reason our governments are trying to hide our true history. What our arrogance has brought forward is that we are/were the pinnacle of intelligence & that there can be no greater unless it's some "God" figure. Which in & of itself should show how intelligent we as a human race are, to be able to control others of our own species with trivial propaganda. The point I am trying to make through all this text is that Gods are a human fabrication, a misunderstood perception of EBE's... To use a cult/religion to describe the abduction phenomenon is like me using apocrypha books to explain StarWars... There are similarities yes, but overall, there are too many differences for it to even make sense.


posted on Dec, 20 2015 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: ThewhiteonE

I agree that the creation of the hybrid is an important aspect of the abduction projection message, here's the thing, the religious paradigm i have framed these considerations in was written by Sumerian scribes that considered themselves hybrids, way on down the line descendants of the Apkallu sages that were considered to have brought instruction to humanity.

It's the case then that i think it more important to consider the message and the achievements of the civilization that saw itself as derivative of actual other worldly contact rather than say a Jewish humanist such as your Anton Le Vay.

The flood narratives may relate to the Younger Dryas, from c. 12,900 to c. 11,700, folk memory seemed to connect the arrival of the Apkallu some time just before that and thereafter, that the two were in some way connected, it's also the case that if hybrids originated around that period then those were not the same as general humanity dating back a couple of hundred thousand years.

posted on Dec, 20 2015 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
a reply to: Specimen

The Anzu mythology is interesting with regards to the political situation of our times, enforcement of will through aerial power, the Anzu decided it could do pretty much what it wanted and take the very tablets of Destiny for itself, Ninurta prevented this then he too got carried away, aerial power and weapons of mass destruction curious things for the Sumerians to have considered, but they were certainly right.

With Inanna and Dumuzid that's of course the basis for the resurrection tradition, it involves doing deals with the Goddess of the Underworld and no cheating, pretty much the core basis of Black Magic.

Nothing like air superiority...

Making a deal with the Devil of the Underworld...Wonder if such believes systems were the earlier inspiration of shrunken heads for voodoo witch doctors, and such. Much similar to the supposeded Cult of Kali, only difference is would it be like the Night Mother from the Elder Scrolls game, where she puts up hits and has a Dark Brotherhood, something like that movie Wanted.
edit on 20-12-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

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