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Donald Trump said he would get rid of gangs in America

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posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 08:45 PM
why is Trump the only presidential candidate in memory who has put elimination of gangs near the top of his to-do list or even mentioned them at all? Much, much easier said than done.

What Would a Real Campaign Against Gun Violence Look Like?
Such a campaign does not depend on whether you believe there should be more guns, fewer guns, or no guns.
Why is Trump touching the never-touched electric wire called gangs?

No one has ever suggested a solution for a problem based on where the problem is located.
But there’s a first time for everything.
The NationalGangCenter (.gov) offers some other interesting (chilling?) numbers about gangs

The most recent estimate of more than 30,000 gangs [in the US] represents a 15 percent increase from 2006 and is the highest annual estimate since 1996…Larger cities and suburban counties remain the primary locations of gangs, accounting for roughly two-thirds nationwide

30 thousand gangs in the US. People dedicated to crime, quite dedicated.
They have guns. Perhaps, just perhaps they can buy many of these guns from illegal sources, which would allow them to bypass the tightest registration laws. And, don’t forget, they shoot those guns. At people.

Has Barack Obama, who professes to make all Americans equal, ever seriously mentioned gangs?
Has he ever mentioned that the fate of so many Americans in city slums are deeply affected by gang crime and gang control?
How many times has he said, explicitly and in detail, what he is going to do about that?
Has he ever discussed, in public, the murder and maiming numbers—the human numbers racked up by gangs?

Basically, the US feds permit Sinaloa clean drugs routes all the way up to Chicago, where lesser gangs handle distribution to other American cities, via still other gangs.

In return, Sinaloa provides the feds actionable intelligence on its rival Mexican

And of course, when you talk about the drug business, you talk about banks laundering billions and billions and billions.

Trump might want to think about all this. It explains a great deal. It explains why more heavily scripted politicians avoid the subject of gangs altogether.

You would think that any campaign to diminish gun violence in America would include, and focus on, gangs—unless the more important agenda is maintaining the multi-billion or trillion-dollar drug business, with its associated payoffs to “helpmates.”

You see, the gun-violence problem…is part of the gang problem…and gangs are a necessary…part of the drug business…and the drug business…must never be interrupted…because it makes a lot of money…for a lot of people…important people....

...Important people....Bill and Mena, Arkansas; an airport, wasn’t it? Cocaine deliveries? And then there was a CIA project to build munitions factories in Arkansas, which Bill green lighted.
The Agency thought it would be easier to make their own guns rather than trade coc aine for them....But that’s old history. in the 90s

Back to Trump. He just can’t keep his big trap shut. First, it was putting back tariffs on US imports, thus creating huge numbers of jobs again for Americans.

Now it’s gangs. He obviously needs a week or two in a psych ward. One of those powerful anti-psychotic drugs will slow him down.

Then we can return to a reasonable and dignified presidential campaign. Sanitized debates, puffball rhetoric, generalities, Jeb versus Hillary. Familiar ground. The liars we know.
The thieves and killers. Dynasty, the series running on all channels.

I believe that, no matter what gun laws are passed in America, gangs will continue to get
edit on 13-12-2015 by madenusa because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 08:48 PM
He won't do Jack.
Anyone that believes his rhetoric is naive to say the least.
He is pitching to the lowest-loudest-largest common dominator to get the GOP vote, as soon as that happens, he will tone down ...mark my words.
He knows marketing.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 08:49 PM

edit on 13-12-2015 by madenusa because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: madenusa

And of course, when you talk about the drug business, you talk about banks laundering billions and billions and billions.

Thats why. The gangs fight each other for control of the drug turf where they operate with impunity.

Send lawyers, guns and money…

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 08:50 PM
War On Gangs!

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: IridiumFlareMadness
War On Gangs!
the gangs in the US have there own government
Chicago the police wont even go into parts of the city until it daylight

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
He won't do Jack.
Anyone that believes his rhetoric is naive to say the least.
He is pitching to the lowest-loudest-largest common dominator to get the GOP vote, as soon as that happens, he will tone down ...mark my words.
He knows marketing.

If that's true, he didn't really even need to bring up gangs at all. The OP has a good point.

Trump has a very open style. He sees the problem. He verbalizes that problem to the American People in terms easily understood but not very pc, then he formulates a solution.

Chicago is a hub for gang activity.....lots of bad people ferment in Chicago.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: madenusa

As if Trump can magically get rid of gangs. As if state and federal authorities haven't been in war against them for DECADES.

Ever stop to think Trump just talks out his ass? It's not like all presidential candidates make grandiose promises while on the campaign trail only to not fulfill them when in office.

edit on 13-12-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:09 PM
On the flip side, let Daesh pull something on heavy gang turf, and they may be dead before the authorities get to the scene.
Gangs may be criminal, but they are also known to be very patriotic in that regard. We should just leave them be until ISIS is not a threat to big metropolitan areas just yet.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:09 PM
I'm beginning to think Trump has a God complex.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Lets talk if he gets nominated and IF his rhetoric stays the same.
He is on a campaign trail.....

Its so simple, I don't know what people can't see it.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

This just in.

Trump says if elected he will destroy evil. Crowd goes wild.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: madenusa

As if Trump can magically get rid of gangs. As if state and federal authorities haven't been in war against them for DECADES.

Ever stop to think Trump just talks out his ass? It's not like all presidential candidates make grandiose promises while on the campaign trail only to not fulfill them when in office.

I think Hillary is going to win by electoral votes just like our commander chief.....while all of the sheep will say it was a close race.....All election results have to be is "believable." Clinton's Stirring 1993 Gun Speech Will Make You Disappointed In How Little Has Changed

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

He is pitching to the lowest-loudest-largest common dominator

He's pitching to white males of low income. That's what you meant, lowest, right?

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: madenusa

God I hope she doesn't. Everyone expects if it's Trump v Hilary that she'll win. Either way, America loses because they're both god awful. But isn't that how it goes every election cycle? Terrible v Terrible?

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:28 PM
And how's he going to accomplish that, by obnoxiously decreeing that any number of people can't congregate together anywhere anymore?

Common sense says gangs will never go away entirely. They will, however, either move around if run off their turf, or merge with others if it means survival.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: zazzafrazz

He is pitching to the lowest-loudest-largest common dominator

He's pitching to white males of low income. That's what you meant, lowest, right?

Pretty sure she means stupid people.
edit on 12/13/2015 by Nyiah because: got the posters backwards here, meant she. sorry Zazz

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: zazzafrazz

He is pitching to the lowest-loudest-largest common dominator

He's pitching to white males of low income. That's what you meant, lowest, right?

It can also mean below average intelligence.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:33 PM
All Trump has to do is legalize drugs and the gang problem will end.

Another thing Trump can do is pass a law that any government agency including the Banking cartels caught moving drugs will do 25 years to life.

The government is not above the laws of our land and that message needs to made clear.

The corruption and greed in this country is at a mass epidemic and needs to be rained in.

Most gangs rely on drug, guns, and stolen goods to survive. However, I know the Black Markets will be impossible to stop, but then again with enough informers working with police many parts of the Black Markets can be shut down.

All I can say if Trump wins the election which I highly doubt, it will be interesting to see what he will do.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: madenusa

And of course, when you talk about the drug business, you talk about banks laundering billions and billions and billions.

& a good portion of those billions goes right back into the Black-Op budgets of those that facilitate the drug trade.
Then just to add insult to injury uncle Sam takes your tax dollars to fight the "War on Drugs", meanwhile he encourages you to get blind & stupid on alcohol.


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