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FT Bombshell: EU Unveils Standing Border Force That Will Act "Even If A Government Objects"

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posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 07:40 AM

"the masks have fallen. Hand in hand, the European Union and the Frontex want to cancel national sovereignty and take over border controls in the pretext of “safeguarding the Schengen borders”. With controversial claims, they use the case of Greece to create an example that could soon happen “in the border area near you.” And the plan is all German."

It was not paranoia, because according to blockbuster FT report released moments ago, "Brussels is to propose the creation of a standing European border force that could take control of the bloc’s external frontiers — even if a government objected."

As even the otherwise pro-EU FT cautiously notes, "The move would arguably represent the biggest transfer of sovereignty since the creation euro

FT Bombshell: EU Unveils Standing Border Force That Will Act "Even If A Government Objects"

... the European Commission will unveil plans next week to replace the Frontex border agency with a permanent border force and coastguard — deployed with the final say of the commission, according to EU officials and documents seen by the Financial Times.

The blueprint represents a last-ditch attempt to save the Schengen passport-free travel zone, by introducing the kind of common border policing repeatedly demanded by Paris and Berlin. Britain and Ireland have opt-outs from EU migration policy, and would not be obliged to take part in the scheme.

This is why I hate the EU project, unelected officials doing the work of the 4th Reich. I cannot wait for the UK to have our referendum to get us out of this ludicrous project that does nothing for the citizens of the EU and the countries that are being dictated to by "UNELECTED" bureaucratic officials in Brussels. Our forefathers in both the EU and US fought the Germans in WWI and WWII to defeat Germany from taking over Europe and yet its been relabeled the "EU Zone" and we hand over our sovereignty on a platter to Brussels.

Our forefathers would be rolling in their graves if they saw what was happening to Europe today. Might as well let the Germans win the war and saved millions of men's lives fighting against the German occupation.

It seems that the EU are full of cowardice politicians who seem more interested in lining their own pockets than dealing with the unelected officials in Brussels.

Here is the orginal FT source, however it's paid subscription only ;(

edit on 11.12.2015 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

From your linked source (I'm not paying a pound to FT for a month

If the plan is approved by EU states, Frontex’s replacement will have a slew of new powers, including the ability to hire and control its own border guards and buy its own equipment. It will also be allowed to operate in non-EU countries — such as Serbia and Macedonia, which have become transit countries for people trying to reach northern Europe — if requested.
One doesn't have to even be a member of the EU any more to become a vassal state of Brussels.
But the scariest aspect is the following: The new agency will be able to deport people who do not have the right to remain in Europe — a power Frontex lacked. And just like that, the decision of who can and who can't stay in any one European country will be delegated to some faceless bureaucrat in Brussels, circumventing all sovereign laws.

Woah, I bet Greece is panicking right now. I can't see too many countries agreeing to this though so hopefully it won't get voted in. I also don't understand how the new Frontex would be able to operate outwith the EU? Under what authority?

Thanks for posting this

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

As usual, zerohedge is taking something that is merely being discussed as a fait accompli, so that it can mislead people. The gateway nations cannot afford to hire private contractors to guard their frontiers. Most likely, Schengen will be altered somehow.

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Zerohedge got the story from the linked source "Financial Times"

the European Commission will unveil plans next week to replace the Frontex border agency with a permanent border force and coastguard — deployed with the final say of the commission, according to EU officials and documents seen by the Financial Times.

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

But I'm sure it is not quoting it properly. They never do. "Unveiling plans" does not mean that the plans will be put into effect. Zerohedge ignores that and editorializes so heavily that people naïve enough to read them will be completely misled. Zerohedge is an arm of the Kremlin propaganda machine.

ETA: Note how zerohedge quotes both its own, earlier statements as well as the Financial Times' article, creating thge impression that FT said what zerohedge actually said. Here are the most important parts of the FT article, my emphasis:

"Brussells is to propose... If the plan is approved by EU states...


Do you honestly think any European countries other than France and Germany would allow the measure to go into effect?
edit on 11-12-2015 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-12-2015 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

1. Brussels is not Germany.

2. "Britain and Ireland have opt-outs from EU migration policy, and would not be obliged to take part in the scheme."

3. Plans for a EU bordercontrol have been around for a while, heavily pushed by various globalist lobbyists (not even close to "all German") ...and will not pass anyways.

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

I am not liking your source very much. It is just an individual's interpretation on a forum and very messy, too much assumption.

Not able to read the FT article as you have to be a subscriber.

I am glad the EU is creating this new border force. It is very necessary. There needs to be an EU wide response. Individual nations can not hope to tackle this on their own as has been proven to date. In terms of security and maintaining European standards of civilization it is absolutely vital that migration into the EU be addressed. We have so clearly witnessed what has happened in Greece, Italy and the Eastern European countries. It is not fair to Europeans and we will not have a Europe worth living in if this trend and tide of migrants were allowed to continue.

Something had to be done. This is good news. I'll have to wait for the details to be reported by the Guardian or BBC. I am not willing to accept your source which is just an opinionated forum post by someone who is a subscriber to FT.

Once I can see with my own eyes then I will analyse it according to my own high standards of comprehension, evaluation and criticism, then I will be equipped to discuss it and not just look like a big mouth pretending to know what is good for us all in the EU.

It is about time the EU started acting as a community to tackle common issues rather than a lot of squabbling nursery kids.

edit on 11-12-2015 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: DJW001

I think the countries that Brussells, the ECB and IMF have over a barrel, won't have much of an option but to allow this, such as Greece, Portugal and Spain to name but a few. As the article states, it will be started as a "Project" for these few countries and will eventually become the "norm" for other countries to accept!

Do you know what the end game is for the EU Project is?

I am happy as many of my countrymen are, that the British only had a vote in the 1970's and that was for a "Common Market" and I personally think that is all we should have today as well.

common market
a group of countries imposing few or no duties on trade with one another and a common tariff on trade with other countries.
a name for the European Economic Community or European Union, used especially in the 1960s and 1970s.

At no point did the British vote to hand over any "Political, Legal or Financial" powers to the EU and thus IMHO, every British MP that has been responsible for handing over our sovereign powers should be prosecuted for Treason!!

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Is it against ATS Terms and Conditions of Use to link to a paywall circumvention?


@Revolution9 there is a copy on Pastebin. You should find it if you search for "EU plans border force to police external frontiers".
edit on 11-12-2015 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

The whole point of the article is to frighten Europeans into joining "Euroskeptic," ie; nationalist parties. This is part of the Kremlin's scheme to destroy the EU:

Vladimir Putin's Not So Secret War on Europe

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

It seems that the EU are full of cowardice politicians who seem more interested in lining their own pockets than dealing with the unelected officials

Welcome to the Earth, friend. That's how it's done everywhere on this planet - and we're the victims. We were raised in an environment of greed and separation and virtually everyone acts in accordance with that meme. We're "sheeple" to a very powerful (maybe Draco?) system.

edit on 10 27 2013 by donktheclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: ColCurious

1. Brussels is not Germany.

My Bad, but Germany still hold the purse strings and has more than an overall say what happens to the EU along with France!

2. "Britain and Ireland have opt-outs from EU migration policy, and would not be obliged to take part in the scheme."

Means nothing, I lived in Ireland when the "Nice Treaty" referendum was called, the Irish voted no, the EU said "Have another go" and the Irish voted yes in the second referendum. Just goes to show that the EU will get what it wants even if calling for another vote when the first one does not go their way!

3. Plans for a EU bordercontrol have been around for a while, heavily pushed by various globalist lobbyists (not even close to "all German") ...and will not pass anyways.

I hope you are correct, however.... Countries joining the EU had to pass many economical and political tests before being allowed to join the club. This all went out the window as Brussels tried to make the zone bigger before it was ready and thus we have the Greeks, Spanish and Portuguese bailouts to the tune of Billions as their economy was NOT ready to join the Euro zone.

What we say today will never happen, will happen, just as in the same way the Brits voted for a Common Market and ended up handing over so much of our sovereign power that it would probably be cheaper for the tax payer to get rid of Parliament and just have Brussells dictate to us (cut out the middle man). I am sure that their were people in the UK during the 70's referendum saying "They will end up ruling over us" and other folk saying "That will never Happen". And now look where we are today!!

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: ColCurious
a reply to: Revolution9

Is it against ATS Terms and Conditions of Use to link to a paywall circumvention?


@Revolution9 there is a copy on Pastebin. You should find it if you search for "EU plans border force to police external frontiers".

I am not sure. I know ATS mods don't like some forums. The OP is welcome to their source. It is just me being picky. I am not very trusting these days as there is so much opinion around so few FACTS.

Thank you for that. I got caught out the other day with RT propaganda about the 100, 000 troops. Still no mention of that from Western media sources. I am trying to keep my mouth shut a bit more until there are proper sources. FT is a proper source of course, but they are making people pay to see their "goodies".

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

I am not liking your source very much. It is just an individual's interpretation on a forum and very messy, too much assumption.

I agree and I wish there was another source or even if I could get the article from the FT. Will update the thread as soon as something else turns up.

I am glad the EU is creating this new border force. It is very necessary. There needs to be an EU wide response.

If Europe never had the silly "Free Movement" policy, then we would not be in this mess in the first place. Even better, had Merkel kept her trap shut and not invited every Tom, Dick or Harry to Germany, then we would not have the flood of refugees risking their lives in the first place to get to Germany!

Individual nations can not hope to tackle this on their own as has been proven to date.

Due to EU policy!

I agree with your post, and yes something has to be done, but as aforementioned had the German leader kept her trap shut in the first place, then we wouldn't see this massive issue we have. Merkel saying "Germany welcomes all Refugees" was the worst sentence that has ever left her mouth and she's now responsible IMO for all those poor people drowning to death trying to get to Germany!

I personally do not want an EU Border force here in the UK, I want my government to have its own sovereign power to make a decision on its own borders, not some elected nincompoop in Brussels

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: Revolution9

The whole point of the article is to frighten Europeans into joining "Euroskeptic," ie; nationalist parties. This is part of the Kremlin's scheme to destroy the EU:

Vladimir Putin's Not So Secret War on Europe

Yes, I think that, too.

I am glad Europe is acting together. The way the world is panning out I think there is much we can do together for the mutual benefit of the member states. Europe together is very powerful indeed. The resources that can be generated to tackle issues is well worth some compromise by each state.

It is very obvious we need border surveillance and protection now. Those migrants have been used by enemies like pawns in a game. That is how cynical and nasty those nations can be. They have used their own poor to flood us and create instability. Turkey is very guilty in this, too; they have blackmailed the EU. Poor Greece and Italy I say. They have been treated very badly being on the front line and it is about time the other EU nations came to their rescue as it is a common problem that has come to haunt the whole of Europe just about.

edit on 11-12-2015 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 09:05 AM
edit on 11-12-2015 by TheConstruKctionofLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

dont forget Bushs grandfather funded Hitlers rise to power; I'm to sorry to break it to you but our grandparent fought not for freedom but for the same reasons as today; to keep the military industrial complex churning out death for profit.

The enemy is not some country, peoples or ideology: The Enemy comes from with-in knowing no blood ties except that of profit over humanity. They use the excuse of religion or culture to unite against other human beings that bleed and hurt like us. They push the rhetoric that we are defending a way of life! What way of life? You work for 40 years paying taxes and interest to attempt to pay off the national debt - a debt that will live on in perpetuity.

If you dont see the illusion that we live under I cant really offer amything else:

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

Hey, you did your best. You got the scoop, too, so it is worth while.

We will have to agree to disagree. Merkel had no choice really. It was either take them in or there would have been a huge humanitarian crisis.

All it means is that if ever Britain needs help they will get it. Honestly, this is only a common sense response. I don't think we could have held out much longer without action being taken. It is having a huge effect on the EU. It is pushing nations to the far right and into thinking like Nazis (nationalists); a destabilising symptom politically on member states, European attitudes and the union itself. The whole of Europe can rest more peacefully in their beds if there is an appropriate security infrastructure that really does have the clout to tackle any future incursion.

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Very eloquently put

* If the EU was a little more transparent!

* If the ECB bankers did not hold "Diplomatic Passports"

* If the EU accounts had just for one year had their accounts finalised (as far as I know, they have never been signed off due to missing money)

* If I and my countrymen even had been allowed to vote on what powers the EU have stripped from my country.

Then perhaps, I would feel differently about the whole debate. I have nothing against any European country, I have travelled extensively across many countries in Europe and loved every country and their people.

What I can't stand is the fact the UK has been "Dragged" into the project without a second glance to the populace on what we feel about it and it's because of this reason (and I blame the UK politicians more than anyone), I want nothing to do with it. The UK has just been taken along for the ride and we are being dictated to by officials we don't even know the names off.

The EU is undemocratic and as you said its all about the money!!

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Merkel had no choice really. It was either take them in or there would have been a huge humanitarian crisis.

And now because of this, Germany will end up with a Fascist Right Wing Government along with other countries in the EU. We are now going backwards due to the way this whole debatical has been dealt with.

IMO - I think the best thing would have been Refugee Camps in Northern Africa where the whole world's community sent money and overseen by the UN. We could have set up schools, kept the single refugee men away from refugee families and provided education and medical assistance. We could have then taken families into Europe in a more organised and fairer way. Once Merkel said what she did, "Pandora's Box Opened"

Whilst I agree with you that something has to be done, do you not think that perhaps this could have been an "End Game" scenario that "Some" in Brussels wanted? For countries to loose their sovereign powers over their own boarders?

If what the headline states is true that "Even If A Government Objects then this is what disgusts me, the EU becoming a dictatorship and run by "UNELECTED" bureaucrats in Brussels, there is nothing democratic about imposing a border force in a country where a government does not want them!
edit on 11.12.2015 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

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