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Bernardino hosted USA's largest ever Bioterror Drill

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posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 10:34 AM

Huge shipment of 'mock' antibiotics and vaccines!

Could any of that stuff been live? if the drill went live, how long till we might realize it?

and what does CDC have to do with 'gun violence research'?! Bizarre. Well they are saying that the recent Bernardino shooting is the DEADLIEST since Shady Hook. Really? In that case shame it could not be prevented.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: Plantagenet

I saw a lot of similarities between sandy hook and this "event"....

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Plantagenet

The CDC tracks gun violence because, just like diseases, it is preventable.

The National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) provides states and communities with a clearer understanding of violent deaths to guide local decisions about efforts to prevent violence and track progress over time. NVDRS is the only state-based surveillance (reporting) system that pools data on violent deaths from multiple sources into a usable, anonymous database. These sources include state and local medical examiner, coroner, law enforcement, crime lab, and vital statistics records.

NVDRS covers all types of violent deaths—including homicides and suicides—in all settings and for all age groups. NVDRS may include data on mental health problems; recent problems with a job, finances, or relationships; physical health problems; and information about circumstances of death. Such data is far more comprehensive than what is available elsewhere.

National Violent Death Reporting System

I hope that clears up some confusion and it seems less bizarre to you!

Edit to add: A few years ago Congress blocked specific CDC research on gun violence. I believe that ban was extended this year. However, they still are allowed to keep track of the data.
edit on 12/5/2015 by cmdrkeenkid because: Added additional information.

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